zycronian o2o是什么意思思

&&& 虽然发达国家关闭或限制了对环境污染和气候变暖有很大影响的燃煤电厂的建设,煤炭市场却在其他地方迅速扩大:亚洲,尤其是中国。
&&& 在加拿大,澳大利亚,印度尼西亚,哥伦比亚和南非的港口,船舶正在排队为中国的锅炉装载煤炭,中国几乎在一夜之间从一个煤炭出口国变为世界领先的煤炭进口国。
&&& 现在美国船舶通过加拿大向中国运输煤炭,但煤炭公司正在物色从华盛顿州港口装载。一些新矿已经在落基山脉和西北太平洋地区计划被开采了。但事实上,该地区一些重要新兴环保进步组织对新的煤炭出口贸易正在创造商业活动与环境保护冲突的紧张局势。
&&& 传统上,煤炭燃烧是矿区不远的地方-那就是人们所称的热煤或动力煤,用于发热和发电。但在过去几年里因为中国的经济飞速发展,国际煤炭出口一直飙升,现在中国每年要燃烧世界60亿吨煤炭消耗的一半。
&&& 但结果,不管发达国家试图寻找减少向大气污染物的道路和结果无论如何,但全球各地的船只在运输中途的排放量依然红红火火的上升。
&&& 而由于急于满足已煤炭价格在过去五年翻一番的这种新的亚洲市场,从而导致在世界许多地区开采和勘探的复兴。
&&& &这是一个最糟糕的情况,&DavidGraham-Caso说,他是塞拉俱乐部(SierraClub)的发言代表,其俱乐部的&超越煤(BeyondCoal)&的活动帮助了美国139个燃煤电厂在过去数年中改善了污染排放情况。&我们不想煤在这里烧,我们也不希望它烧在其他地方。这一切正在破坏我们过去的所有成就。&
&&& 在澳大利亚,今年秋天环保团体曾多次阻挠并导致纽卡斯尔港码头的出口煤船舶的装卸效率一再推迟。
&&& 澳大利亚新当选总理JuliaGillard,她在竞选过程中曾承诺要&为碳排放买单&-换句话说,使有关公司支付一定的因过量二氧化碳排放量的治理产生的费用的方法。但环保人士认为,如果该国继续它的新生煤矿项目和&向全球出口温暖&,这些法律将是毫无意义的。
&&& 今年夏天,一家澳大利亚公司和一个中国国有企业(中国电力国际发展)签署了总价600亿美元的合作协议,将从2013年开始大量向中国供应煤炭以供发电厂消耗,项目名称被称为&中国第一&,将在澳大利亚内陆地区建造。该公司表示这是澳大利亚有史以来最大的出口合同。
&&& 合同交易的指出了一个许多国家的对煤又恨又爱的要点:虽然环境法律已使建立新的燃煤电厂变得越来遇难,但却不限制煤炭开采的相应程度。
&&& 总理政策只看到了一部分,因为排放计算准则侧重于燃料燃烧的时候产生的污染地方,而不是在于它被挖出来,因为煤炭行业是一个利润丰厚的业务,并且由于劳动密集采矿业创造了大量的就业机会。
&&& 这样的好处让人难以放弃,特别在经济衰退之中。在过去的两年,&矿业开发以一种可怕的速度在增长,其中很大一部分是建立在对这些有巨大潜力的新市场的供应为基础。&David说,他是全球能源咨询公司(IHS-Cera)煤炭咨询服务部门的总监。
&&& VicSvec,是全球最大的私营煤炭公司皮博迪能源(PeabodyEnergy)的高级副总裁,他说这是&计划送更多煤&到中国。
&&& &煤炭现在是世界上增长最快的燃料,并且将继续由亚洲对能源的巨大胃口推动&他说。
&&& 在美国和加拿大以及澳大利亚的环境与贸易之间的冲突将越来越受到关注。
&&& 据美国能源情报署的数据,去年美国向中国出口煤炭仅2714吨。然而,这一数字在今年猛增至290万吨,而这个数字仅仅是今年上半年-虽然是巨量的增长,但仍然是中国的煤炭进口量极小的一部分。
&&& 新矿总是计划进一步扩大市场。一个叫地球正义的非营利性的环境律师事务所,正在OtterCreek,Mont等地区起诉阻挠开采国有土地的组织,以期顺利服务和满足亚洲和其他地区的需求。同样,皮博迪能源和澳大利亚的昂布尔能源分别已经计划扩大煤矿勘探和开采,并寻求在西北太平洋港口装货的可能性。
&&& 华盛顿州塔科马市周五表示,他们不会提议建一个燃煤电厂,理由是&商业和社会的多种因素。&同时,本周CowlitzCounty的官员将决定是否给予许可在与俄勒冈州边界建立新的煤炭港口。
&&& 环保团体届时将在那里举行反对港口建设的活动,虽然在这两个州已有相关政策能有效地阻止新的燃煤电厂建立并有计划关闭少数仍然存在的燃煤电厂。哥伦比亚的环保组织Riverkeeper执行董事BrettVandenHeuvel说:&如果我们允许在本地区煤炭出口,这就相当于前进了一步,却后退了十步&。
&&& 同样,在BritishColumbia地区,两年前在北美地区颁布第一部关于二氧化碳排放量的税法,但温哥华的煤炭港口却继续发展成为了主要的煤炭装载港,这激怒了该地区的环保主义者:&这一切都是虚伪!&加拿大保护组织荒野委员会的发言人BenWest说。
&&& 今年夏天,当时加拿大的环境部长JimPrentice宣布了一项国家逐步取消的燃煤电厂的政策,但是,煤矿却是主要由各省监管;加拿大政府还表示,虽然其目标是到2020年将致力于减少排放量低于2005年水平的17%,但它必须平衡&本国公民环境和经济发展的利益。&
&&& 出口到中国煤碳贸易的增长令人印象深刻,特别是在经济衰退期间独树一帜。今年煤炭海运贸易量已经从2001年的3.85亿吨上升至约6.9亿吨。价格在过去的五年中从每吨40美元上涨到60美元,最高纪录是美元。现在交付给中国南方煤炭目前的售价为114美元一吨。
&&& 中国,这是连续多年的煤炭净出口国,直到2009年才第一次进口了超过它的出口,预计今年将进口多达1.5亿吨。&与中国的有利可图的煤炭贸易与出口有望继续&国际能源署负责人IanCronshaw说。
&&& 虽然中国有着丰富的国内供应,但进口煤炭由于其自身大多是低硫和低杂质含量。比如从粉河盆地的蒙大拿州和怀俄明州的煤往往是更低的硫,这样允许发电厂燃烧排放不超过当地严厉的限制的污染总量。
&&& 此外,中国的煤大多在内陆,而工厂都集中在沿海一带,它往往更容易从北美,澳洲,甚至南美洲海运过来的煤。
&&& 另一个新兴的客户是印度,其煤炭进口量从2008年的3600万吨上涨到2009年的6000万吨。
&&& 而在欧洲和美国,煤炭不再是主要的燃料,由于经济衰退,环境法和更加依赖天然气及可再生能源,煤炭消费在过去的五年里下降。
&&& 对于一些经济体,中国已经成为救星。虽然哥伦比亚的煤炭出口量因为美国和欧洲的需求锐减在2008年倒闭,但今年他们复活了,并给亚洲带来了1000.00万吨高质量的煤炭。
&&& 对于澳大利亚,政府的统计数字显示对中国煤炭出口从2008年的508万美元至2009年至56亿美元。虽然它仍然发送更多的煤给长期客户日本和韩国,数十亿美元进入新的项目可能打破这种平衡以转变为澳大利亚煤炭产业,如&中国第一&等项目。&他们在押注将中国煤炭有很大的市场&Cronshaw说。404 - 未找到文档
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I am thrilled to announce that
and I plan to facilitate a Contemplative Spirituality and Social Action experience in Northern Ireland next August.
Ireland is a society birthed in deep spirituality and profound
its stark and beautiful physical landscape parallels the
ruggedness of the Celtic soul.  It has also experienced
civil conflict in the recent past, as the struggle over our identity
and questions of social justice found expression in sectarianism and
Religion has played a role in both the conflict and the process that
has led to enormous change and political stability. 
You're invited to see this amazing place for yourself as part of a unique communal gathering in Summer 2010.
Gareth (a native of Belfast) and I will lead a week of intensive experiences - we'll deconstruct and re-imagine
questions of spirituality and activism, trying to find the fingerprints
of radical spirituality and make connections between an ancient
landscape, a modern conflict, and a better way of being in whatever
world each us will be returning to.
program will include excellent speakers and conversation and enjoying
the land, visiting centers of reconciliation and
meeting participants in the conflict and the negotiations for peace, and enjoying everything the northern Irish culture has
to offer in the evenings (which will of course include live music). 
We'll use film and literature as lenses through which we explore the
fusion of cont and it is our hope that everyone
who joins us will have a life-changing encounter.We’ll
stay in the beautiful character-filled setting of the North C
there will be visits to Belfast, the Giant’s Causeway, Dunluce Castle
and oth there will also be ample free time to
explore on your own.
The retreat will be open only to 15-25 all (home-cooked) meals will be provided.
We’ll be announcing
further details, including confirmed dates and costs soon.  For now, if
you’d like to register your interest (with no obligation), or if you
have any questions, please fill in the form .
I gave a talk this afternoon titled The Contemplative Artist at Willow Creek Church’s Towards Wonder Arts Conference. Here’s a brief excerpt from my talk. I opened with a poem by Wendell Berry, The Wild Geese. The Wild GeeseHorseback on Sunday morning,harvest over, we taste persimmonand wild grape, sharp sweetof summer's end.  In time's mazeover the fall fields, we name namesthat went west from here, namesthat rest on graves.  We opena persimmon seed to find the treethat stands in promise,pale, in the seed's marrow.Geese appear high over us,pass, and the sky closes.  Abandon,as in love or sleep, holdsthem to their way, clear,in the ancient faith: what we needis here.  And we pray, notfor new earth or heaven, but to bequiet in heart, and in eyeclear.  What we need is here.“What we need is here.  It’s hard for us to believe this is really true. Most of us believe that what we need is anywhere else but here. But when St Paul writes, 'For in him we live and move and have our being’ he is not handing us a notional theological abstraction. He is saying that we live in a God drenched universe. He is agreeing with the Psalmist when he says, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” A few hundred years later St Augustine put it this way: “God is closer to us than we are to ourselves.” A few hundred years after Augustine, Pascal wrote, “God is that reality whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.”If all this is true, if God’s loving presence suffuses the whole of creation then we don’t need to maintain this manic, striving life. Everything we need is already here.Sadly we don’t see it. We rarely enjoy the urgent immediacy of God that is in everything our eyes behold and in every human transaction in which we participate. As a result of our narcissism, utilitarianism, and unbridled restlessness (thank you Ronald Rolheiser and Andrew McNamara) there is a tragic gap between what we see and what is available to us to see. So what makes a contemplative different? A contemplative is someone who is being graced with a new perceptive appreciation, a capacity to see God in all things. They are arrested by God’s presence in the wind moving through trees, his majesty in the sight of a cardinal perched on a snow laden bush, by his glory in Gorecki’s 3rd Symphony. The contemplative has a growing capacity to recognize the Vestigia Dei—the footprints of God everywhere she looks. As a result of receiving these new eyes the contemplative moves through life radically amazed, full of awe, graced with a rich awareness that all of life, as poet Elizabeth Barrett Brown wrote, is “crammed with God.” In short they are living lives full of wonder.”Thanks to Willow’s Nancy Beach for inviting me to speak on a topic that probably pushed the envelope for some people. She is a remarkable and thoughtful leader. I am flying back to New York tomorrow morning to sing with
in Manhattan at the Rubin Museum of Art.
I have posted this list of resources for those who will attend my breakout session titled The Contemplative Artist this Thursday, June 11 from 1:00-2:30 at Willow Creek's Toward Wonder Art's Conference.Each of these books represent great introductions to what the contemplative life is about and how to get started. All these books are available on Amazon. Pope John Paul's Letter to Artists can be downloaded from the web.Since I have posted these resources two days in advance of the session I am praying that we will have a meaningful time together. Wonder on!Chasing Francis: A Pilgrim's Tale-Ian Morgan CronThe Shattered Lantern: Rediscovering a Felt Presence of God—Fr Ronald RolheiserInto the Silent Land: A Guide to the Christian Practice of Contemplation—Martin LairdLiving in the Presence: Spiritual Exercises to Open Ourselves to the Awareness of God-Tilden EdwardsWord Into Silence: A Manual for Christian Meditation-Fr John MainsEverything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer-Fr Richard RohrThe Attentive Life: Discovering God’s Presence in All Things-Leighton Ford
A Letter to Artists from His Holiness Pope John Paul II
There is a good article about my leaving Trinity Church in today's . The only bummer about the article is it does not speak about the amazing staff that is remaining and about what's next for the church. There is a terrific amount of hopefulness and anticipation in the community about the future of this cool church (as well there should be!). I also disagree that 10 years after we started &as rebels& that we are now &the establishment.&  If you come on a Sunday you will see that's hardly the case! There is much I am going to miss about my faith tribe but it is on a great trajectory.
Folks from my church received a letter two days ago letting them know that after ten years I am leaving Trinity to pursue new adventures. What an amazing ride it has been founding and leading a church in New England. Below is the letter that went out. More details to come on what's next for the Cron clan.Dear Friends,For the past ten years I have had the remarkable privilege of founding and leading Trinity Church. It has been a wonderful adventure watching God take the dream of a small band of crazy pioneers and grow it into a vibrant community of hundreds of people seeking God together. A little over one year ago I let the leadership, staff, and congregation know that in June of 2009 I would either decide to remain at Trinity in a new role or seek a fresh challenge. In the past few months I have sensed the Spirit nudging me to leave Trinity to serve God in new ways. And so it is with that strange mixture of sadness and anticipation that I let you know that June 7th will be my last Sunday with you as a member of the Trinity staff and Council.In the coming year I hope to complete my doctorate, write a new book and develop some ideas that have been kicking around in my head for some time. One project I am particularly excited about is partnering with the Reverend Jim Lemler of Christ Church, Greenwich, to create a center for spiritual formation and leadership. Our hope is that this center will help inspire people of faith to think in new categories about what it means to follow Jesus in the postmodern world. Jim has also kindly offered to help me further explore my interest in Anglican theology, worship and spirituality, which is something my heart has felt drawn to do for many years. You will continue to see the Cron clan around the community and we trust that the many friendships we have developed with so many of you over the years will continue forward.Words cannot capture how grateful I am to each of you for allowing me to be part of your lives for the past decade. I will cherish my years with you and will leave in June with a settled assurance in my heart that the best is yet to come for all of us.With love and gratitude,Ian  
I am sitting in the Phoenix, Arizona airport en route to New York City after a wonderful three days at the Emergent Church Conference hosted by the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque. My friend Don Chaffer (the very talented songwriter and leader of the band Waterdeep) and I led worship along with his pal Greg LaFollette. Phyllis Tickle, Brian McLaren, Shane Claiborne, Richard Rohr and Alexie Fleming Torres spoke and it was a great three days from top to bottom. As with most conferences some of the best stuff happened in the hallways and over meals and beers. I spent a lot of time with my dear friend Gareth Higgins, hung out a little with Karen Sloan, and other miscreants. Its been a long time since I laughed as hard as I have over the last three days.I led a worship service last night where we had the people do a three minute chant of the word 'shalom' followed by a time in silence. It was very stirring to hear 1000 people doing a free form chant of the the word shalom in harmony. Heavenly.I am on the board of new effort to start a Greenbelt-like event in the US and it is really ramping up. Mike King, Karla Yaconelli, Bill Hartnett, Robin Fillmore and I are driving the effort along with Brian Mclaren, Richard Rohr and Jim Wallis. This is going to be a very cool festival focused on issues of justice, the arts and faith. Go to facebook and sign up to be a fan. This thing is going to take off like a rocket so get on board. More on this later.
My pal, Trinity Church's co-founder and esteemed high priest of our worship team
is the musical director for the pre-inaugural concert event at the Lincoln Memorial. I hear its one of the only pre-inaugural events that Obama will be attending.Rob will be performing with Bono, Bruce Springsteen, Garth Brooks, Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Sheryl Crow, Renee Fleming, Josh Groban, John Legend, Usher, Shakira, James Taylor, Stevie Wonder, John Mellencamp, Jennifer Nettles and Heather Headly, among others. Rob is the musical director for the Kennedy Center Honors which is how he got this sweet gig. You can see more of the story on Roger Catlin's blog for the .The concert will be in HBO later that day. Rob will be back at Trinity the Sunday after the inauguration. Couldn't happen to a better guy.
preached at Trinity this morning and it was great. It was a treat for me to get time with him and to have him see what God is up to in our anomalous little faith community...an 'outpost' in New England as he calls it. Check out the
he took with his iphone of our opening worship song.
I just came home after eating a great dinner with my wife and Tony Jones. Afterwards we went to see Rachel Got Married which left me emotionally wrung out. The movie was filmed locally and some of the characters and situations hit a little too close to home. I will have a lot to talk to my spiritual director about next week. Its been great having Tony here leading a retreat on spiritual practices for Trinity. Very memorable few days. Grateful.Ian Ian个人资料 — 中国 | 领英
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Director at Giant UK
Giant UK — Managing Director
Giant UK — Sales and Marketing Manager, Giant Bicycles — Retail support manager
Raunds Manor School, Tresham College Kettering
网易游戏 — 高级公关专员
南加大公共外交研究中心 — 数字&#x53社交媒体分析助理, Participant Media — 品牌传&#x64助理, TriSight Communications — 副主席(节事策划), Illume Public Relations — 实习公关助理, Fashion Nova — 社交媒体助理, Bri Seeley — 数字营销&#x53公关助理, Pivotal Public Relations — 实习公关助理, Levantine Cultural Center — 实习社交媒体运营, 南方传媒集团 - &#x57市画报 — 项&#x76助理, 中山大学广&#x64台 — 副台长(公共关&#x7)
美&#x56南加&#x5大学, 澳大利亚昆&#x58兰大学, 中山大学
- 跨文化&#x80景的公共关&#x7&#x4业者
- 把握新潮流的数字媒体营销家
- 条理性极高的节事活动策划师
Industrial and system engineering/PMP
SF Express — Operations Executive (Process/Training)
Hawker Pacific Asia — Project Manager, Aviosupport — Sales Coordinator, Goodrich aerospace — Fuel nozzle MRO intern technician & trainer
National University of Singapore, Project Management Institute, National University of Singapore / NUS, Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Special Advisor, office of the Director General at National Archives of the United Arab Emirates
National Archives of the United Arab Emirates — Special Advisor, office of the Director General
Stratford Institute for Digital Media — Executive Director, International Council on Archives — President, Library and Archives Canada — Librarian & Archivist of Canada, National Archives of Canada — National Archivist
Queen's University
Dr. Wilson served as National Archivist of Canada, 1999 to 2004, and then as head of the newly amalgamated Library and Archives Canada. He retired in 2009 and received the unusual honour of being named Librarian and Archivist of Canada Emeritus. He has recently worked with the University of Waterloo and Open Text Corporation in establishing the Stratford Institute for Digital Media and served for two years as President of the International Council on Archives (). He has been named as a Senior Distinguished Research Fellow by the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. In January 2014 he initiated and helped organize the Canadian Archives Summit. He is now a Special Advisor to the Director General of the United Arab Emirates and is spending most of the year in Abu Dhabi.
Dr. Wilson began his career as an archivist at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. He subsequently served as Provincial Archivist of Saskatchewan (1976-86) and Provincial Archivist of Ontario (1986-99), with responsibility for the Ontario public library system for four years. In 1999 he was appointed as the 7th National Archivist of Canada. With the then National Librarian, Roch Carrier, he planned and led the amalgamation of the two institutions as Library and Archives Canada. Dr. Wilson was appointed the first head of the new innovative institution, focused on developing the country’s documentary heritage in all media and on providing suitable access to citizens, exploring the extensive use of web-based services.
On the international scene, Dr Wilson was elected President of the CITRA in 2000 as a vice-president of the International Council on Archives and chairing meetings in Iceland (2001), Marseilles (2002) and Cape Town (2003). In 2008 he was elected President of the ICA, representing the international archival community in conferences from Seoul to Tamarasset to Riga, Abu Dhabi, Trondheim, Oslo, Paris, Austin, Melbourne, Canberra, Wellington and Tokyo.
CEO at Pod Global Solutions Limited
Pod Global Solutions Limited — CEO, 3Cap Consulting Limited — Managing Director and owner
POD-Mobile Limited (www.) — VP Sales and Strategy, Medici Partners Limited — Owner / Director, Deloitte — Senior Strategy Manager, VISION Consulting — Senior manager, Applied Micro Electonics — Vice president Professional Services, Moy Park Ltd — Business Change Manager
With extensive manufacturing and service industry experience through working in the UK, Europe and the USA, Ian has a track record of developing leaders and companies to achieve step changes in their business success. With a focus and passion to increase the relevance and value to Pod's customers, Ian is driving the growth of Pod Global Solutions, through developing an innovative range of customer-focused strategies and solutions for SME and large businesses, both locally and globally.
Analista de Marketing Digital na Brasil Brokers
Brasil Brokers — Analista de Marketing Digital
Piloti Mobile & Internet — Analista de Marketing Digital, Solon Consultoria — Analista de Marketing Digital, Ag&#ncia Couple — Owner e Analista de Marketing Digital, Billabong Rio Pro 2014 — Staff Assistant, Revista Surfar — Jornalista Freelancer, Grupo Rico Esporte e Comunicação () — Analista de Marketing Digital, Grupo Rico Esporte e Comunicação () — Jornalista / Editor-chefe, Rw2 comunicação — Redator,
— Fotógrafo e coordenador de parcerias
Senac RJ, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, Universidade Estácio de Sá, GEOS Queensland English Course, CNA curso de Ingl&#s
Digital Analytics, SEO, SEM, Social Media e E-mail Retargeting.
Creative Consultant
Miracleworkstudios — Founder, Miracleworkstudios Inc — Creative Director
Ano Domino Clothing — Board Member
Zimbabwe Institute Of Vigital Arts
I am a passionate creative professional with a proven track record in all aspects of the end-to-end creative process ranging from concept through execution. I am also an excellent team player and collaborator, forward thinker who brings a broad perspective to brand and promotion development. Highly skilled in building client relationships and developing design solutions that bring their vision to life in a fresh, aligned and compelling way.
CSC — Information Security Consultant, CSC — Information Security Architect, JNI Solutions Private Limited — Director, Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific — 信息安全与合规顾&#x95, Hewlett Packard Asia-Pacific — &#x7&#x7/应用工程师, Hewlett-Packard — Systems Administrator, Vision Systems Ltd. — Senior Electronics Technician, Vision Abell Pty. Ltd. — CAD Manger, Television Broadcasters Limited — Senior Electronics Technician
I am an experienced Information Technology Security professional, with over 20 years' experience in all facets of IT consulting, auditing, engineering and solutions architecture. I have worked with customers from the finance, manufacturing and retail sectors in Australia, Asia, Europe and the United States and helped them to achieve their objectives in a timely and cost efficient manner.
Accounting Team Manager
Bahá'&# World Centre — IT Business Relationship Manager
The University of Texas at Austin - The Red McCombs School of Business
Currently seeking opportunities in management consulting with a view for social and economic development as early as beginning of July 2015.
Cross-functional team leader, relationship and project manager focused on effective delivery, collective success, and client satisfaction. Possesses knowledge of both corporate finance and information technology. Thrives in fast-paced environments and value-driven cultures. Quick to learn any context or discipline.
Site Quality Manager at Britvic Soft Drinks
Britvic Soft Drinks — Site Quality Manager, Britvic Soft Drinks — Engineering Support Team Leader, Britvic Soft Drinks — Control Systems Specialist
Essex Police — T.special Chief Inspector, Britvic Soft Drinks — Lead Team Technician, Britvic Soft Drinks — Apprentice
Brittons School, Havering College
Leading a Shift team of 6 Lead Team Technicians to deliver and operate effective planned maintenance programmes and provide reactive engineering support to deliver higher levels of operational performance and efficiencies. Also maintaining an effective relationship with operation teams to embed robust systems for communication and the resolution/escalation of issues whilst assisting in developing long term pro-active plans for the maintenance of operational plant and equipment.
Key Responsibilities:
• Contribute to the development of the factories' vision and strategic plan
• Develop engineering skills/knowledge within the factory, promoting a professional team culture.
• Monitor and control engineering budgets with agreed limits to deliver the most cost effective results.
• Effectively control site engineering services to meet the factory requirements and drive improvements to all energy ratios.
• Be proactive in implementing CI with regard to line operating practices and equipment.
• Plan and co-ordinate routine maintenance activities and line overhauls to achieve maximum plant effectiveness/utilisation
• Support the Regional Engineering Manager to develop and regularly review the capacity plan and to propose investment activities to address any shortfalls.
• Plan, allocate, and evaluate work carried out by the team, individuals, and self.
• Effectively monitor downtime information and identify areas for improvement and corrective actions
• Provide RCA on all equipment failures as specified, establish and implement appropriate next steps to prevent recurrence and communicate the results appropriately.
• Develop and embed robust systems for communication of issues between the shift engineering teams, and between the shift teams and operations.
• Ensure that health and safety is a priority for the team, ensuring that RA and safety audits are completed.
• Develop and deliver robust KPI reporting on a weekly basis.
Arboriculturist and Chartered Environmentalist
Hart District Council — Arboriculturist, Rushmoor Borough Council — Arboriculturist, Southern Tree Conservation (non-trading since 1983) — Founder
The Southern Tree Surgery Company — Owner, May Tree Services — Owner
Merrist Wood College, Guildford, Royal Free, Windsor, Holme Grange Prep, Wokingham
If we can't make a difference, why are we here?
Defense and Spacecraft Specialist at Boeing
Boeing — MPRF/GP Management - Military KC-46 Tanker Program
Carrozzeria Carbon — Marketing And Sales Director, WesMar Products — Material Supply Coordinator, Unic USA Corp. — Contract Refurbishment, Best Buy — Sales Associate
Everett Community College, Bothell High School
An important by-product of good Time-Management is a feeling of self-control -- we are managing our responsibilities, not being managed by them.
Sales Manager at iMAAGE LED Lighting
iMAAGE LED Lighting — Sales Manager
Opalescent Signs — Sales Rep, Broadley Signs — Sales Manager
Kurri Kurri NSW, Newcastle TAFE
Asst, Operation Manager at PT. Summarecon Agung, Tbk.
PT. Summarecon Agung, Tbk. — Asst, Operation Manager
PT. Summarecon Agung, Tbk. — Coordinator
Educational Institute Of The American Hotel & Motel Association ( AH&MA), National Hotel Institute Bandung, Pelatihan
Area Manager at Mondi
Mondi — Area Manager
Secretary at Royal West Norfolk Golf Club
Royal West Norfolk Golf Club — Secretary
Notts Golf Club — Secretary, High Post Golf Club — Secretary
Rugby School
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