biotechnologyits world congresss 什么级别

European Federation of Biotechnology
EFB Events &&
EFB thanks the following partners for their support提供垂直市场高阶情报之日商环球讯息有限公司(Global Information)代理日-日 Dubai Men's College, Dubai, UAE举行,由Eureka Science Ltd主办之 ,现已开始接受申请报名。Biotechnology World Congress是生物技术领域的研究人员和企业主管齐聚一堂独特的国际学会,能接触到此领域的最新发现,或学习重要成果。这次的学会,除了全世界有名的许多专家聚集以外,亦有4位诺贝尔奖得奖者将参加。
此学会网罗生物技术研究的部分转译研究(Translational Research)(将基础研究和临床应用串连起来的研究),把重点放在基础研究与在制药业界和学界的应用。这次预定发表最新的研究、事业开发、策略合作、合作的倾向、产品的市场机会、成长的商务模式和策略、授权供给、制药生物科技(疫苗、中枢神经系(CNS)疾病、癌、抗体等)、医学生物技术、工业生物技术、生化工程、蛋白质工学、和植物及环境有关的技术、基因转殖植物和生物、生物修复(净化利用微生物的土壤之污染等)、微生物多样性研究等研究。日商环球讯息有限公司(Global Information)为了各位参加者之便利性,以日语,英语,中文,韩文提供 1st Biotechnology World Congress 2012 相关信息,敬请申请参加。本网站所有注明“来源:丁香园”的文字、图片和音视频资料,版权均属于丁香园所有,非经授权,任何媒体、网站或个人不得转载,授权转载时须注明“来源:丁香园”。本网所有转载文章系出于传递更多信息之目的,且明确注明来源和作者,不希望被转载的媒体或个人可与我们联系,我们将立即进行删除处理。
关注丁香园微信号World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology 2015 in Montreal, Canada - BE-Basic - Keywords, voor, het, nieuwsitem
World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology 2015 in Montreal, Canada
From July 19-22, 2015 the BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing will take place in Montreal, Canada. This conference is the world's largest industrial biotechnology event for business leaders, investors and policy makers in biofuels, biobased products, and renewable chemicals.
The event offers unique networking opportunities, an overview of the latest technological developments, and real world scenarios for bringing technological solutions to market. The Congress features discussions of high profile topics related to climate change, sustainability, new sources of fuel, financing, and policy. The conference also offers business partnering opportunities, utilizing a computer system that assists companies and investors alike in arranging confidential one-on-one meetings with other attendees.
Visit the World Congress
for more information.
Join the Holland Biotech&Pavilion
The Holland Biotech&Pavilion is coordinated by BE-Basic Foundation and will be located at&booth #125! Furthermore, BE-Basic organises the possibility for&Dutch companies&to visit Canadian companies in the fields of biotechnology in Ontario and New Brunswick.
For more information, please contact us at +31 (0)15 278 27 36, or send an e-mail to&.


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