Natural Unemploymentnatural是什么意思思?

real wage unemployment什么意思
real wage unemployment什么意思
09-05-20 &匿名提问 发布
She and the world's first underground railway, the first telephone line to live in the same city! The American War of Independence has been a pioneer in the revolution almost all come from the subglottic her, she called the U.S. government think-tank. The United States has the birth of the eight presidents, 40 Nobel laureates and 30 Pulitzer Prize winners. Determine their every move the United States and economic and social development trends, business school case study notorious reputation. Microsoft training, IBM a founder of the miracle business. His co-Yenching Institute in the Sino-US cultural exchanges, communication relations between China and the United States Henry Kissinger, the cornerstone of modern China and the humanities and natural sciences Lin, Zhu, Liang, Liang, a famous name, and this is the world's most famous institutions of higher learning are closely related. One of the earliest private universities. To train graduate students and engaged in scientific research-based comprehensive university. Headquartered in Boston, Cambridge City, the total address is Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge, for the 02138 Zip Code. Medical School and Boston Business School is located in the urban areas. In Cambridge City, and Harvard University is adjacent to a par with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It is interesting to note between the two university campuses and no clear boundaries. Harvard University, formerly known as Harvard College. October 28, 1636, Massachusetts Bay Colony Council adopted a resolution establishing the University of Cambridge as an institution of higher learning as the allocation of £ 4,000,000. As the founder of many people born in the United Kingdom, University of Cambridge, Harvard University, where they had named the new town of Cambridge. Officially opened in 1638, the first a total of nine students. September 14, 1638, pastor and president of J. Emmanuel College Harvard died, half of his £ 720 savings and more than 400 books donated to the school. March 13, 1639, Massachusetts Bay Colony Council passed a resolution naming this school for Harvard College. In school the first one and a half centuries, the school system modeled on the major European universities. Formally established in 1721 a professor of theological positions, set up in 1727 professor of mathematics and natural sciences jobs, set up in 1780 a professor of medicine at the post. Expansion into H in 1816 the establishment of seminaries, the establishment of the Faculty of Law in 1817, after the College have been established in the 19th century. Institute of Education was established in 1990; was established in 1936 and Political Science (1966 named J.F. Kennedy School). Since 1966, a total of 10 Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences that is, business management, design, dental medicine, theology, education, law, medicine, public health and the Kennedy S two undergraduate students enrolled in college, that is, Harvard College and Radcliffe C and established the Office of Continuing Education, specializing in summer school, with courses and life-long learning centers. Dental medicine, medicine, public health, such as the establishment of three Graduate School in Boston, the remainder are concentrated in the Cambridge School. The College had established a relative independence, former president of Harvard 3A insist the principle that academic freedom, academic autonomy and academic neutrality (the principle of the three first letter of the word in English is A). Today, Harvard has developed into a Graduate School of ten, more than 40 department, more than 100 large-scale professional institutions. There are 18,000 officially registered graduate candidates, mainly to graduate students, including undergraduates. There are also 13,000 non-degree students in its expansion of a school or more courses. Work at Harvard University's faculty of more than 14,000 people, including more than 2,000 professors and lecturers. There are more than 7,000 teachers in their various teaching hospitals. Over the years, the Harvard University in addition to cultivating a large number of American students, but also from all over the world have accepted large numbers of students and visiting scholars. Harvard University, the institutions, schools, departments of the address is Faculty of Arts and Sciences (College of Arts and Science) University Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 Graduate School of Design (Design Institute) 48 Quincy Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Graduate School of Education (HKIEd) 13 Appian Way Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard Business School (Business School) Soldiers Field Boston, MA 02163 Harvard College (University) University Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard Divinity School (Theological Seminary) 45 Francis Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard Law School (Law School) 1563 Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard Medical School (Medical School) 25 Shattuck St. Boston, MA
Harvard School of Dental Medicine (Dental School) 188 Longwood Ave. Boston, MA
Harvard School of Public Health (School of Public Health) 677 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 John F. Kennedy School of Government (Political Science) 79 JFK Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Division of Continuing Education (School of Continuing Education) 51 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA
Historically, graduates of Harvard University, a total of eight have been elected as President of the United States. They are John Adams (second President of the United States), John Quincy Adams, Rutherford Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt (re-elected four times), John F. Kennedy and Barak ? ? Hussein Obama. Harvard professors have had a total of 34 Nobel laureates. Schools in the early years courses in British universities based on the model, but in terms of ideology and the colonial pioneering the Puritans to the prevalence of consistent philosophy. Although many of its early graduates became the New England region of the Puritan colony of priests, the school had never formally joined a particular sect. Published in a 1643 booklet of the early existence of Harvard University stated: &the promotion of knowledge and make it last forever and future generations.& In 2008, Harvard Business School, MBA (MBA-wide known as the Master of Business Administration, or MBA) education was named the world's first Institute of Education MBA! [Edit this paragraph] prestige and academic contributions to Harvard University Major newspapers and periodicals in the world, as well as the top research institutions, the Harvard University is often ranked first in the world. Brand of the university laboratory in the world (World Brand Lab) prepared by the year 2008 &the world's top 500 brands& ranked first in the list. For example, in the famous &Newsweek& ranking, Harvard ranked first in all the year round. World Wide Web in 2007 world university rankings, the Harvard University ranked second in the world (second only to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Princeton Review in the United States at Harvard University in the United States 2006 &the most difficult to apply for the University& in the fourth. Today, Harvard University, both in the United States have a major influence in the world, but also the most competitive universities. However, a latest report in 2007 pointed out that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the modern science &revolution& of the contribution to the current lead in the 21st century the most cultured University of Nobel P the same report points out that the contribution of scientific research at Harvard University have In recent years a number of weak, and the Harvard method of traditional teaching in this century can not catch up with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has leading-edge high-tech teaching. [Edit this paragraph] especially with the advantages of Harvard HBS school in 1908, its 101 anniversary this year, the Daqing. Schools as a hundred years, HBS has been to cultivate the leaders of their duty to change the world (We educate leaders who make a difference in the world), have distinctive features. HBS in its official website summed up the seven characteristics: Case study (The Case Method) HBS case study is a sign, but also its largest teaching characteristics. Since 1925 has been to create a case study, HBS has been the case the world's largest provider, now, business schools around the world for nearly 80% of all cases are provided by HBS, HBS can be seen in this area is the undisputed leader. Top School with other co-exist a variety of different teaching methods, case teaching has been the most important teaching methods HBS. Closely the actual (Closeness to Practice) HBS case itself is actually the real business situation again, and HBS research directions and issues is not confined to academic subjects, but the actual choice of the problems faced by enterprises, large corporations, and non-profit organizations. In addition to HBS faculty have a deep academic attainments, the large proportion of the population there is a wealth of practical experience, they are management consultants, entrepreneurs, investors, consultants, directors, and executives and so on. All of these, so that teaching HBS closely linked to the actual Independent communities (A Vital Residential Community) HBS is the only one the United States have an independent business school campus. All of the Teaching and Learning Project, MBA, Ph.D., executive training, etc. start at the same campus, so that networking has become very easy. Although the HBS is the world's largest one MBA project, the entire class will be divided into 80-90's section, and each section will have many opportunities to students studying and living together. In addition, all must comply with the HBS values, including honesty, respect for others, personal responsibility, such as the pursuit of excellence. Unparalleled resources (Exceptional Resources) HBS all the resources are unmatched by the Business School. Throughout the campus covers an area of 40 acres (about 162,000 square meters), there were 33 buildings, including the first-class classrooms, conference rooms, Baker Library. The entire campus has a very advanced IT systems, and continues to introduce the latest technology. Finally, HBS is that all the financial business school in the most abundant for the HBS to provide continued funding of innovation Harvard University Library Harvard University Library more than 15,000,000 copies and is the world's fourth largest 'million the library (mega-libraries)' (the former three are the Library of Congress, British Library, the French Bibliothèque Nationale, the New York Public Library ranked fifth); Harvard in all research institutions to accept the donation is the largest, in 0,000 (which is second only to Bill Gates. Melinda Foundation, the largest endowment fund) [Edit this paragraph] Harvard School Motto Harvard's early motto was &post-mortem inspections of truth& (Veritas [1643 years]), &Glory of Christ& (In Christ Gloriam [1650]), and &for the Church of Christ ?& (Christo et Ecclesiae [1692 years]). Harvard Early seal three open display of books, for the last two, one for under the symbol of the rational (reason) and the revelation (revelation) of the dynamic relationship between. A Harvard literature of the earliest - 1642 School Year legislation - so wrote: &Let every student have to give serious consideration to the understanding of God and Jesus Christ as the source of eternal life (about 17:3), as part of his life and The main objective of the study, which to all orthodox Christians as the only knowledge and learning foundation. all thanks to not only see the master of wisdom, lunch seriously by the Agency in secret prayer to seek his wisdom. & [Edit this paragraph] first Harvard, then there is the United States 15 end of the century, from Europe to the Americas by Christopher Columbus opened up the Atlantic waterway after the Europeans came to the Americas have远涉重洋. The beginning of the 17th century, the first British immigrants arrived in North America, where they develop their own &Garden of Eden& - New England. More than 100 immigrants in the Puritans, who in Oxford and Cambridge University, an antique-style higher education, in order to allow future generations to their homes in the new can also be subject to this kind of education, they in 1636, Massachusetts established the Charles River history of the United States the first university - Harvard College. In 1780, that is the fourth year after the founding of the United States, has been 140 years of history at Harvard University Harvard College to upgrade. Was the founder of Harvard College to the University of Cambridge transplant model, the College was originally named as the &Cambridge College (Cambridge College)&. In 1639, to commemorate the founder of the Institute and school of the major donor John Harvard (John Harvard), Massachusetts Council passed a resolution to institute renamed &Harvard.& From Harvard College at Harvard University which has the times above the school badge, VERITAS written by the Latin word meaning &truth.& The original motto of Harvard University and is also written in Latin, Amicus Plato, Amicus Aristotle, sed Amicus VERITAS, which means &to make friends with Plato to Aristotle for the Friends, but also to make friends with the truth.& The school badge and motto of the text, all of Harvard University shows that inter alia the purpose of the school legislation - Tsung Tsin Qiushi. As long as 20 years of Harvard University (1933 ~ 1953) of the United States as long as a well-known educator Conant once said: &University of honor, not the number of its school buildings and, while it is the quality of people from generation to generation.& It is optional on the division and educating people adhere to high standards, high quality, Harvard University, was able to become a renowned Qunying, a well-known talent of first-class institutions of American society's economic, political, cultural, scientific and higher education have had a major impact on the knowledge from the world of great appeal. [Edit this paragraph] first to the competition In 1693, universities in North America by William and Mary II (now the University of Virginia School of the first) was born. 1701, Yale College (now Yale University School of the first) to set up. The emergence of these two institutions, so that Harvard College has partners and competitors. The second half of the 18th century, North America have set up nine colleges, the new Institute, while generally still follow the British model of an ancient institution, after all, the world has changed, by the European Enlightenment and the impact of industrial revolution, one after another into the mathematics and natural sciences These areas of college teaching. Under British influence deep tradition of the ancient University of Harvard University, faced with strong challenges. 1727, Harvard College was established in mathematics and natural philosophy professor lectures, this is the response to move the current situation changes. At this point, the momentum of rise of the Industrial Revolution in North America, the emerging industrial and commercial needs of the application of science to make Harvard faces an important choice: either follow the beaten track, which will lose its institutions of higher learning in North Ameri or innovation in order to continue to head North America become the leader of the institution. Harvard chose the road after. Professor of mathematics and natural philosophy after the talks opened, the Harvard College also maintain a number of scientific instruments and equipment, a professor of experimental methods used to teach students in astronomy, physics and chemistry knowledge. Areas in mathematics, the establishment of a measurement technique, such as surgery and navigation technology subjects. In 1780, a professor of medicine at the establishment of lectures to promote the study of botany and chemistry. Professors to carry out a wide range of scientific research, and research in North America and British academic journals published in the
请登录后再发表评论!NAIRU(即nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment)的详细解释求详细解释,不要单纯的字面解释,我想搞明白它到底指的是什么,要能举个例子就更好了~_百度作业帮
NAIRU(即nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment)的详细解释求详细解释,不要单纯的字面解释,我想搞明白它到底指的是什么,要能举个例子就更好了~
NAIRU(即nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment)的详细解释求详细解释,不要单纯的字面解释,我想搞明白它到底指的是什么,要能举个例子就更好了~
自然失业率(natural rate of unemployment):指充分就业下的失业率.自然失业率即是一个不会造成通胀的失业率(Nonaccelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment,NAIRU ) 自然失业率为摩擦性失业率及结构性失业率加总之和.由於人口结构的变化、技术的进步、人们的消费偏好改变等等因素,社会上总会存在著摩擦性失业和结构性失业.就长期而言,景气回暖带来的失业情形常会消弭无踪,社会上只留下自然失业现象,"自然"的定义并不明确,没有人能明确的指出一个社会的自然失业率是多少,它会随著人口结构的变化、技术进步、产业升级而变化简单的说 就是经济景气时的失业率(无失业状态不存在) 从理论上来说这时由于整个经济整体来说处于供求均衡的良好状态 没有通货膨胀任何大国(比如美国七八十年代)经济景气时候的平均失业率都基本可以视为NAIRU已有天涯账号?
real wage unemployment什么意思
real wage unemployment什么意思
09-05-20 &匿名提问 发布
She and the world's first underground railway, the first telephone line to live in the same city! The American War of Independence has been a pioneer in the revolution almost all come from the subglottic her, she called the U.S. government think-tank. The United States has the birth of the eight presidents, 40 Nobel laureates and 30 Pulitzer Prize winners. Determine their every move the United States and economic and social development trends, business school case study notorious reputation. Microsoft training, IBM a founder of the miracle business. His co-Yenching Institute in the Sino-US cultural exchanges, communication relations between China and the United States Henry Kissinger, the cornerstone of modern China and the humanities and natural sciences Lin, Zhu, Liang, Liang, a famous name, and this is the world's most famous institutions of higher learning are closely related. One of the earliest private universities. To train graduate students and engaged in scientific research-based comprehensive university. Headquartered in Boston, Cambridge City, the total address is Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge, for the 02138 Zip Code. Medical School and Boston Business School is located in the urban areas. In Cambridge City, and Harvard University is adjacent to a par with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It is interesting to note between the two university campuses and no clear boundaries. Harvard University, formerly known as Harvard College. October 28, 1636, Massachusetts Bay Colony Council adopted a resolution establishing the University of Cambridge as an institution of higher learning as the allocation of £ 4,000,000. As the founder of many people born in the United Kingdom, University of Cambridge, Harvard University, where they had named the new town of Cambridge. Officially opened in 1638, the first a total of nine students. September 14, 1638, pastor and president of J. Emmanuel College Harvard died, half of his £ 720 savings and more than 400 books donated to the school. March 13, 1639, Massachusetts Bay Colony Council passed a resolution naming this school for Harvard College. In school the first one and a half centuries, the school system modeled on the major European universities. Formally established in 1721 a professor of theological positions, set up in 1727 professor of mathematics and natural sciences jobs, set up in 1780 a professor of medicine at the post. Expansion into H in 1816 the establishment of seminaries, the establishment of the Faculty of Law in 1817, after the College have been established in the 19th century. Institute of Education was established in 1990; was established in 1936 and Political Science (1966 named J.F. Kennedy School). Since 1966, a total of 10 Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences that is, business management, design, dental medicine, theology, education, law, medicine, public health and the Kennedy S two undergraduate students enrolled in college, that is, Harvard College and Radcliffe C and established the Office of Continuing Education, specializing in summer school, with courses and life-long learning centers. Dental medicine, medicine, public health, such as the establishment of three Graduate School in Boston, the remainder are concentrated in the Cambridge School. The College had established a relative independence, former president of Harvard 3A insist the principle that academic freedom, academic autonomy and academic neutrality (the principle of the three first letter of the word in English is A). Today, Harvard has developed into a Graduate School of ten, more than 40 department, more than 100 large-scale professional institutions. There are 18,000 officially registered graduate candidates, mainly to graduate students, including undergraduates. There are also 13,000 non-degree students in its expansion of a school or more courses. Work at Harvard University's faculty of more than 14,000 people, including more than 2,000 professors and lecturers. There are more than 7,000 teachers in their various teaching hospitals. Over the years, the Harvard University in addition to cultivating a large number of American students, but also from all over the world have accepted large numbers of students and visiting scholars. Harvard University, the institutions, schools, departments of the address is Faculty of Arts and Sciences (College of Arts and Science) University Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 Graduate School of Design (Design Institute) 48 Quincy Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Graduate School of Education (HKIEd) 13 Appian Way Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard Business School (Business School) Soldiers Field Boston, MA 02163 Harvard College (University) University Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard Divinity School (Theological Seminary) 45 Francis Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard Law School (Law School) 1563 Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard Medical School (Medical School) 25 Shattuck St. Boston, MA
Harvard School of Dental Medicine (Dental School) 188 Longwood Ave. Boston, MA
Harvard School of Public Health (School of Public Health) 677 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 John F. Kennedy School of Government (Political Science) 79 JFK Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Division of Continuing Education (School of Continuing Education) 51 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA
Historically, graduates of Harvard University, a total of eight have been elected as President of the United States. They are John Adams (second President of the United States), John Quincy Adams, Rutherford Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt (re-elected four times), John F. Kennedy and Barak ? ? Hussein Obama. Harvard professors have had a total of 34 Nobel laureates. Schools in the early years courses in British universities based on the model, but in terms of ideology and the colonial pioneering the Puritans to the prevalence of consistent philosophy. Although many of its early graduates became the New England region of the Puritan colony of priests, the school had never formally joined a particular sect. Published in a 1643 booklet of the early existence of Harvard University stated: &the promotion of knowledge and make it last forever and future generations.& In 2008, Harvard Business School, MBA (MBA-wide known as the Master of Business Administration, or MBA) education was named the world's first Institute of Education MBA! [Edit this paragraph] prestige and academic contributions to Harvard University Major newspapers and periodicals in the world, as well as the top research institutions, the Harvard University is often ranked first in the world. Brand of the university laboratory in the world (World Brand Lab) prepared by the year 2008 &the world's top 500 brands& ranked first in the list. For example, in the famous &Newsweek& ranking, Harvard ranked first in all the year round. World Wide Web in 2007 world university rankings, the Harvard University ranked second in the world (second only to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Princeton Review in the United States at Harvard University in the United States 2006 &the most difficult to apply for the University& in the fourth. Today, Harvard University, both in the United States have a major influence in the world, but also the most competitive universities. However, a latest report in 2007 pointed out that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the modern science &revolution& of the contribution to the current lead in the 21st century the most cultured University of Nobel P the same report points out that the contribution of scientific research at Harvard University have In recent years a number of weak, and the Harvard method of traditional teaching in this century can not catch up with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has leading-edge high-tech teaching. [Edit this paragraph] especially with the advantages of Harvard HBS school in 1908, its 101 anniversary this year, the Daqing. Schools as a hundred years, HBS has been to cultivate the leaders of their duty to change the world (We educate leaders who make a difference in the world), have distinctive features. HBS in its official website summed up the seven characteristics: Case study (The Case Method) HBS case study is a sign, but also its largest teaching characteristics. Since 1925 has been to create a case study, HBS has been the case the world's largest provider, now, business schools around the world for nearly 80% of all cases are provided by HBS, HBS can be seen in this area is the undisputed leader. Top School with other co-exist a variety of different teaching methods, case teaching has been the most important teaching methods HBS. Closely the actual (Closeness to Practice) HBS case itself is actually the real business situation again, and HBS research directions and issues is not confined to academic subjects, but the actual choice of the problems faced by enterprises, large corporations, and non-profit organizations. In addition to HBS faculty have a deep academic attainments, the large proportion of the population there is a wealth of practical experience, they are management consultants, entrepreneurs, investors, consultants, directors, and executives and so on. All of these, so that teaching HBS closely linked to the actual Independent communities (A Vital Residential Community) HBS is the only one the United States have an independent business school campus. All of the Teaching and Learning Project, MBA, Ph.D., executive training, etc. start at the same campus, so that networking has become very easy. Although the HBS is the world's largest one MBA project, the entire class will be divided into 80-90's section, and each section will have many opportunities to students studying and living together. In addition, all must comply with the HBS values, including honesty, respect for others, personal responsibility, such as the pursuit of excellence. Unparalleled resources (Exceptional Resources) HBS all the resources are unmatched by the Business School. Throughout the campus covers an area of 40 acres (about 162,000 square meters), there were 33 buildings, including the first-class classrooms, conference rooms, Baker Library. The entire campus has a very advanced IT systems, and continues to introduce the latest technology. Finally, HBS is that all the financial business school in the most abundant for the HBS to provide continued funding of innovation Harvard University Library Harvard University Library more than 15,000,000 copies and is the world's fourth largest 'million the library (mega-libraries)' (the former three are the Library of Congress, British Library, the French Bibliothèque Nationale, the New York Public Library ranked fifth); Harvard in all research institutions to accept the donation is the largest, in 0,000 (which is second only to Bill Gates. Melinda Foundation, the largest endowment fund) [Edit this paragraph] Harvard School Motto Harvard's early motto was &post-mortem inspections of truth& (Veritas [1643 years]), &Glory of Christ& (In Christ Gloriam [1650]), and &for the Church of Christ ?& (Christo et Ecclesiae [1692 years]). Harvard Early seal three open display of books, for the last two, one for under the symbol of the rational (reason) and the revelation (revelation) of the dynamic relationship between. A Harvard literature of the earliest - 1642 School Year legislation - so wrote: &Let every student have to give serious consideration to the understanding of God and Jesus Christ as the source of eternal life (about 17:3), as part of his life and The main objective of the study, which to all orthodox Christians as the only knowledge and learning foundation. all thanks to not only see the master of wisdom, lunch seriously by the Agency in secret prayer to seek his wisdom. & [Edit this paragraph] first Harvard, then there is the United States 15 end of the century, from Europe to the Americas by Christopher Columbus opened up the Atlantic waterway after the Europeans came to the Americas have远涉重洋. The beginning of the 17th century, the first British immigrants arrived in North America, where they develop their own &Garden of Eden& - New England. More than 100 immigrants in the Puritans, who in Oxford and Cambridge University, an antique-style higher education, in order to allow future generations to their homes in the new can also be subject to this kind of education, they in 1636, Massachusetts established the Charles River history of the United States the first university - Harvard College. In 1780, that is the fourth year after the founding of the United States, has been 140 years of history at Harvard University Harvard College to upgrade. Was the founder of Harvard College to the University of Cambridge transplant model, the College was originally named as the &Cambridge College (Cambridge College)&. In 1639, to commemorate the founder of the Institute and school of the major donor John Harvard (John Harvard), Massachusetts Council passed a resolution to institute renamed &Harvard.& From Harvard College at Harvard University which has the times above the school badge, VERITAS written by the Latin word meaning &truth.& The original motto of Harvard University and is also written in Latin, Amicus Plato, Amicus Aristotle, sed Amicus VERITAS, which means &to make friends with Plato to Aristotle for the Friends, but also to make friends with the truth.& The school badge and motto of the text, all of Harvard University shows that inter alia the purpose of the school legislation - Tsung Tsin Qiushi. As long as 20 years of Harvard University (1933 ~ 1953) of the United States as long as a well-known educator Conant once said: &University of honor, not the number of its school buildings and, while it is the quality of people from generation to generation.& It is optional on the division and educating people adhere to high standards, high quality, Harvard University, was able to become a renowned Qunying, a well-known talent of first-class institutions of American society's economic, political, cultural, scientific and higher education have had a major impact on the knowledge from the world of great appeal. [Edit this paragraph] first to the competition In 1693, universities in North America by William and Mary II (now the University of Virginia School of the first) was born. 1701, Yale College (now Yale University School of the first) to set up. The emergence of these two institutions, so that Harvard College has partners and competitors. The second half of the 18th century, North America have set up nine colleges, the new Institute, while generally still follow the British model of an ancient institution, after all, the world has changed, by the European Enlightenment and the impact of industrial revolution, one after another into the mathematics and natural sciences These areas of college teaching. Under British influence deep tradition of the ancient University of Harvard University, faced with strong challenges. 1727, Harvard College was established in mathematics and natural philosophy professor lectures, this is the response to move the current situation changes. At this point, the momentum of rise of the Industrial Revolution in North America, the emerging industrial and commercial needs of the application of science to make Harvard faces an important choice: either follow the beaten track, which will lose its institutions of higher learning in North Ameri or innovation in order to continue to head North America become the leader of the institution. Harvard chose the road after. Professor of mathematics and natural philosophy after the talks opened, the Harvard College also maintain a number of scientific instruments and equipment, a professor of experimental methods used to teach students in astronomy, physics and chemistry knowledge. Areas in mathematics, the establishment of a measurement technique, such as surgery and navigation technology subjects. In 1780, a professor of medicine at the establishment of lectures to promote the study of botany and chemistry. Professors to carry out a wide range of scientific research, and research in North America and British academic journals published in the


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