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Sax Now, Surf Later
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关注虾米:A couple of years ago, Cowan’s Auctions put up a lot of 282 Vietnam War-era Zippo lighters featuring personalized and anonymous engravings chosen by U.S. soldiers, sailors, and airmen during deployment. The collection sold for $35,250 on June 21, 2012.
These lighters truly give an unique insight into life under fire and the soulscape of the young soldiers that fought the war. Some show the fear of death and regret of leaving loved ones behind to fight on foreign soil, others hint at the hatred for both the enemy and the government that put them in harm’s way. Others still show a remarkable sense of humor.
The lot was the culmination of years of painstaking research by American artist Bradford Edwards, who picked up many of the distinctive lighters on site in the former war zone during the Nineties.
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Browse Archives
August 2015
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November 2014
October 2014
September 2014
August 2014
April 2014
March 2014
February 2014114网址导航In the pantheon of cool, surfers always rank highly. Their laid back insouciance a lesson to all of us not to take life so god damn seriously.So, when it comes to a raging, hell-hath-no fury-like-a-fire-and-brimstone-apocalypse & basically, the end of the world, you would half expect those beach boys to shrug their shoulders with admirable indifference and utter the immortal words, &apocalypse later, surf now&.
And that&s exactly what clever clogs digital whizz kid
has done. He has stitched together a blistering montage of surfers going about their watery business as planes fall out of the sky, rockets cascade to earth and rockets explode above them.
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