什么是拉曼放大器价格的饱和区saturated-pump regime

Hydrolysis Lignin as a Sorbent and Basis for Solid Composite Biofuel
1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4
New powdered sorbent Lignosorb based on the hydrophobized hydrolysis lignin has been developed at the Belarusian State University. Hydrolysis lignin is a commercial waste product of biomass processing in the hydrolysis production of ethanol. In spite of the various proposals for hydrolysis lignin usage, the wide application has not found yet. Special area of hydrophobized hydrolysis lignin usage as a sorbent for oil spills removal and oil products waste recovery is discussed. Lignosorb, thanks to the rather high bulk density, can be applied manually or mechanically by conventional sprayers. It does not sink after oil adsorption and transforms liquid oil film on the water surface into the solid mass. The solid product is a complete mass and is easily collected from the surface of water. Lignosorb when blended with oil products waste in the volume forms the granular free-running product. The rheological properties of the Lignosorb suspensions in oil products at different sorbent to oil product ratio have been estimated. Saturated by different oil products Lignosorb one can granulate or pellet and utilize as a composite solid fuel including the co-firing regime of combustion. It has the higher heating value of 32.1 - 38.8 MJ/kg while the coal has 20.9 - 30.1 MJ/kg. It has been shown that composite fuel burning has less longstanding inflammation stage, more long stable burning stage and less longstanding phase of smoldering in the comparison to wood and Lignosorb burning.
Cite this paper
Po, H. , Tatsiana, S. , Ivan, R. , Dzmitry, H. , Nadejda, T. , Galina, T.
and Alexandr, A.
(2016) Hydrolysis Lignin as a Sorbent and Basis for Solid Composite Biofuel. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 7, 501-530. doi: .
Murygina, V. (2007) Microbes against Oil Spots. Chemistry and Life, 6, 10-15.
Dave, D. and Ghaly, A.E. (2011) Remediation Technologies for Marine Oil Spills: A Critical Review and Comparative Analysis. American Journal of Environmental Science, 7, 423-440.
Galimov, E.M., Sevast’yanov, V.S., Karpov, G.A., Kamaleeva, A.I., Kuznetsova, O.V., Konopleva, I.V. and Vlasova, L.N. (2015) Hydrocarbons from a Volcanic Area. Oil Seeps in the Uzon Caldera, Kamchatka. Geochemistry International, 53, .
Katz, C. and Gauthie, R. (2007) Oil Spill Response Technology Initiation Decision Report to the Pollution Abatement Ashore Program Technical Document, 33 p.
Nguyen, S.T., Feng, J.D., Le, N.T., Le, A.T.T., Hoang, N., Tan, V.B.C. and Duong, H.M. (2013) Cellulose Aerogel from Paper Waste for Crude Oil Spill Cleaning. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, . https://doi.org/10.1021/ie4032567
Wang, B., Karthikeyan, R., Lu, X.-Y., Xuan, J. and Leung, M.K.H. (2013) Hollow Carbon Fibers Derived from Natural Cotton as Effective Sorbents for Oil Spill Cleanup. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, . https://doi.org/10.1021/ie402371n
Spotkina, E. and Novoselova, L. (2005) Materials for Adsorptions Purification of Water from Petroleum and Oil Products. Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 13, 359-375.
Rabinovich, M.L. (2014) Lignin By-Products of Soviet Hydrolysis Industry: Resources, Characteristics, and Utilization as a Fuel. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 48, 613-631.
Nenkova, S., Herzog, M., Gancheva, V. and Garvanska, L. (2008) Study of the Sorption Properties of Technical Hydrolysis Lignin and Wood Shoddy towards Oil Pollutions. Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 43, 217-222.
Sarkanen, K. and Ludwig, C. (1971) Lignin: Occurrence, Formation, Structure and Reactions. Wiley-Interscience, New York, 916 p.
Kovalev, I. (2014) Biogeochemistry of Lignin in Soils. Dostor’s Thesis, Moscow, 410 p.
Karmanov, A., Beliaev, V. and Kocheva, L. (2010) Research of the Lignins Molecules Structure. Chemistry of Plant Raw Material, 1, 27-34.
Nimz, H. (1974) Beech Lignin—Proposal of a Constitutional Scheme. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 13, 313-321. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.
Kvasnikov, E. and Klushnikova, T. (1981) Microorganisms Is a Destructors of Oil in Water Basins. Kiiv, Naukovadumka, 132 p.
Gosselink, R., Guran, B. and Abeherli, A. (2004) Co-Ordination Network for Lignin— Standardisation, Production and Applications Adapted to Market Requirements (EURO- LIGNIN). Industrial Crops and Products, 20, 121-129.
Levin, B. Influence of Drying Conditions on Lignin Structure. Wood Journal, 4, 24-29.
Zygarlicke, C., Pavlish, J., Gunderson, J. and McCollor, D. (2000) Ash Behavior and Combustion Performance during the Cofiring of Rice Straw Lignin and Coal. Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Bioenergy Conference: Moving Technology into the Marketplace, Buffalo, 15-19 October 2000, 12 p.
Qin, C.D. and Phil, D. (2009) Lignin as Alternative Renewable Fuel. The Alternative Energy e Magazine, 6.
Brebu, M. and Vasile, C. (2010) Termal Degradation of Lignin—Review. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 44, 353-363.
Friedl, A., Padouvas, E., Rotter, H. and Varmuza, K. (2005) Prediction of Heating Values of Biomass Fuel from Elemental Composition. Analytica Chimica Acta, 544, 191-198.
Savitskaya, T., Reznikov, I., Scheglov, V., Tsygankova, N., Telysheva, G. and Grinshpan, D. (2011) Rheological Properties of Dispersed Systems on Hydrolysed Lignin and Oil. Journal of Engineering Physics and Tthermophysics, 85, 611-616.
Barnes, H. (1997) Tixotropy—A Review. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 70, 353-363.
Nenkova, S. (2007) Sorption of Oil by the Lignin Fiber Composites. Bioresources, 2, 408- 418.
Qin, C.D. (2009) Lignin as Alternative Renewable Fuel. The Alternative Energy Magazine, 6.
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Article Number - CDA7ED320308
Vol.6(23), pp.
, October 2011
DOI: 10.5897/IJPS10.408
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Full Length Research Paper
Effect of internal heat generation on Marangoni convection in a superposed fluid-porous layer with deformable free surface
N. M. Mokhtar1, N. M. Arifin1*, R. Nazar2, F. Ismail1&and M. Suleiman1
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
2School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
&Accepted: 11 April 2011
&Published: 09 October 2011
Copyright & 2011 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.
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Linear stability analysis is applied to investigate the effect of internal heat generation on Marangoni convection in a two-layer system comprising an incompressible fluid-saturated porous layer over which lies a layer of the same fluid. The upper free surface is deformable and is subject to a general thermal condition, while the lower boundary is rigid and is fixed at a constant temperature (isothermal) or a constant heat flux. The Beavers-Joseph condition is employed at the interface and the Forchheimer-extended-Darcy equation is employed to describe the flow regime in the porous medium. The linear stability theory and the normal mode analysis are applied and the resulting eigenvalue problem is solved exactly. For both the upper and lower boundaries fixed at a constant heat flux, the analytical asymptotic solution of long wavelength is obtained using regular perturbation technique.&It is observed that the critical Marangoni number decreases with an increase in the dimensionless heat source strength. However, an increase of the Bond number and the decrease of the Darcy number will help to slow the process of destabilizing the system.
Key words:&Marangoni convection, heat generation, porous layer.
(2011). Effect of internal heat generation on Marangoni convection in a superposed fluid-porous layer with deformable free surface. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 6(23),
N. M. Mokhtar, N. M. Arifin, R. Nazar, F. Ismail&and M. Suleiman
&. "Effect of internal heat generation on Marangoni convection in a superposed fluid-porous layer with deformable free surface." International Journal of Physical Sciences 6, no. 23 (2011):
N. M. Mokhtar, et al. "Effect of internal heat generation on Marangoni convection in a superposed fluid-porous layer with deformable free surface." International Journal of Physical Sciences 6.23 (2011):
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African Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology
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African Journal Of Pharmacy And PharmacologyAn update of the evidence relating to plant‐based diets and...: Ingenta Connect
Volume 41,&Number 4
Authors: Harland, J.;&Garton, L.
Source: , Volume 41,&Number 4, 1 December 2016, pp. 323-338(16)Publisher:
Recent findings from meta‐analyses, European cohorts and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the relationship between plant‐based dietary regimes (i.e. those with an emphasis on plant foods, such as vegetarian, vegan, Mediterranean or combination diets),
and the incidence of, or risk factors for, cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 2 diabetes (T2D) and obesity are considered in this review. Evidence from meta‐analyses of epidemiological studies indicates that those following plant‐based dietary regimes have around 20–25%
lower risk of developing CVD and a similar reduced risk of developing T2D. Evidence from RCTs indicates that those following plant‐based dietary regimes have lower total cholesterol, low‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol and blood pressure, and modest reductions in inflammatory
and endothelial markers. Higher intake of plant foods has been associated with lower incidence of obesity, lower BMI and smaller waist circumference. For weight loss, it seems that following a plant‐based dietary regime results in weight loss comparable to that achieved on conventional
reduced calorie diets, but with better overall weight management. The totality of evidence indicates there are benefits for cardiovascular health, risk of developing T2D and weight management from following a plant‐based dietary regime. From a nutritional perspective, plant‐based
diets tend to be lower in saturated fatty acids, higher in unsaturated fatty acids and fibre, and lower in energy density than typical ‘Western’ diets. These qualities may be at the core of the health benefits reported and/or it may be simply a greater proportion of plant foods
in the diet that is beneficial in its own right.
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1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4
New powdered sorbent Lignosorb based on the hydrophobized hydrolysis lignin has been developed at the Belarusian State University. Hydrolysis lignin is a commercial waste product of biomass processing in the hydrolysis production of ethanol. In spite of the various proposals for hydrolysis lignin usage, the wide application has not found yet. Special area of hydrophobized hydrolysis lignin usage as a sorbent for oil spills removal and oil products waste recovery is discussed. Lignosorb, thanks to the rather high bulk density, can be applied manually or mechanically by conventional sprayers. It does not sink after oil adsorption and transforms liquid oil film on the water surface into the solid mass. The solid product is a complete mass and is easily collected from the surface of water. Lignosorb when blended with oil products waste in the volume forms the granular free-running product. The rheological properties of the Lignosorb suspensions in oil products at different sorbent to oil product ratio have been estimated. Saturated by different oil products Lignosorb one can granulate or pellet and utilize as a composite solid fuel including the co-firing regime of combustion. It has the higher heating value of 32.1 - 38.8 MJ/kg while the coal has 20.9 - 30.1 MJ/kg. It has been shown that composite fuel burning has less longstanding inflammation stage, more long stable burning stage and less longstanding phase of smoldering in the comparison to wood and Lignosorb burning.
Cite this paper
Po, H. , Tatsiana, S. , Ivan, R. , Dzmitry, H. , Nadejda, T. , Galina, T.
and Alexandr, A.
(2016) Hydrolysis Lignin as a Sorbent and Basis for Solid Composite Biofuel. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 7, 501-530. doi: .
Murygina, V. (2007) Microbes against Oil Spots. Chemistry and Life, 6, 10-15.
Dave, D. and Ghaly, A.E. (2011) Remediation Technologies for Marine Oil Spills: A Critical Review and Comparative Analysis. American Journal of Environmental Science, 7, 423-440.
Galimov, E.M., Sevast’yanov, V.S., Karpov, G.A., Kamaleeva, A.I., Kuznetsova, O.V., Konopleva, I.V. and Vlasova, L.N. (2015) Hydrocarbons from a Volcanic Area. Oil Seeps in the Uzon Caldera, Kamchatka. Geochemistry International, 53, .
Katz, C. and Gauthie, R. (2007) Oil Spill Response Technology Initiation Decision Report to the Pollution Abatement Ashore Program Technical Document, 33 p.
Nguyen, S.T., Feng, J.D., Le, N.T., Le, A.T.T., Hoang, N., Tan, V.B.C. and Duong, H.M. (2013) Cellulose Aerogel from Paper Waste for Crude Oil Spill Cleaning. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, . https://doi.org/10.1021/ie4032567
Wang, B., Karthikeyan, R., Lu, X.-Y., Xuan, J. and Leung, M.K.H. (2013) Hollow Carbon Fibers Derived from Natural Cotton as Effective Sorbents for Oil Spill Cleanup. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, . https://doi.org/10.1021/ie402371n
Spotkina, E. and Novoselova, L. (2005) Materials for Adsorptions Purification of Water from Petroleum and Oil Products. Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 13, 359-375.
Rabinovich, M.L. (2014) Lignin By-Products of Soviet Hydrolysis Industry: Resources, Characteristics, and Utilization as a Fuel. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 48, 613-631.
Nenkova, S., Herzog, M., Gancheva, V. and Garvanska, L. (2008) Study of the Sorption Properties of Technical Hydrolysis Lignin and Wood Shoddy towards Oil Pollutions. Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 43, 217-222.
Sarkanen, K. and Ludwig, C. (1971) Lignin: Occurrence, Formation, Structure and Reactions. Wiley-Interscience, New York, 916 p.
Kovalev, I. (2014) Biogeochemistry of Lignin in Soils. Dostor’s Thesis, Moscow, 410 p.
Karmanov, A., Beliaev, V. and Kocheva, L. (2010) Research of the Lignins Molecules Structure. Chemistry of Plant Raw Material, 1, 27-34.
Nimz, H. (1974) Beech Lignin—Proposal of a Constitutional Scheme. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 13, 313-321. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.
Kvasnikov, E. and Klushnikova, T. (1981) Microorganisms Is a Destructors of Oil in Water Basins. Kiiv, Naukovadumka, 132 p.
Gosselink, R., Guran, B. and Abeherli, A. (2004) Co-Ordination Network for Lignin— Standardisation, Production and Applications Adapted to Market Requirements (EURO- LIGNIN). Industrial Crops and Products, 20, 121-129.
Levin, B. Influence of Drying Conditions on Lignin Structure. Wood Journal, 4, 24-29.
Zygarlicke, C., Pavlish, J., Gunderson, J. and McCollor, D. (2000) Ash Behavior and Combustion Performance during the Cofiring of Rice Straw Lignin and Coal. Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Bioenergy Conference: Moving Technology into the Marketplace, Buffalo, 15-19 October 2000, 12 p.
Qin, C.D. and Phil, D. (2009) Lignin as Alternative Renewable Fuel. The Alternative Energy e Magazine, 6.
Brebu, M. and Vasile, C. (2010) Termal Degradation of Lignin—Review. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 44, 353-363.
Friedl, A., Padouvas, E., Rotter, H. and Varmuza, K. (2005) Prediction of Heating Values of Biomass Fuel from Elemental Composition. Analytica Chimica Acta, 544, 191-198.
Savitskaya, T., Reznikov, I., Scheglov, V., Tsygankova, N., Telysheva, G. and Grinshpan, D. (2011) Rheological Properties of Dispersed Systems on Hydrolysed Lignin and Oil. Journal of Engineering Physics and Tthermophysics, 85, 611-616.
Barnes, H. (1997) Tixotropy—A Review. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 70, 353-363.
Nenkova, S. (2007) Sorption of Oil by the Lignin Fiber Composites. Bioresources, 2, 408- 418.
Qin, C.D. (2009) Lignin as Alternative Renewable Fuel. The Alternative Energy Magazine, 6.
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