
英文翻译:What do you mean例句:我不明白你说的话,告诉我你是什么意思。I'm not with you. Tell me what you mean.你是什么意思,我的钱还富余吗?我已和你一样分文不剩了。What do you mean, I've got enough money? I'm as broke as you are.我忘了是什么意思了。I forget what it means.你这是什么意思?What do you mean by that?你到底是什么意思?Whatever can you mean?你觉得他那么说是什么意思呢?What do you think he means by that?我根本不知道他是什么意思。I did not have the foggiest idea what he meant.你到底什么意思?What exactly do you mean?如果没有美食可以让人期待和享受,那人生还有什么意思!Life is not worth living without food you can look forward to and enjoy!你是什么意思?你是不喜欢我做的饭?What do you mean, you don't like my cooking?“你什么意思啊?”我问,替利迪感到愤愤不平。What do you mean?' I asked, offended on Liddie's behalf.这含有什么意思?What does this import?“你真是太幸运了。”&“你这话是什么意思?”You're unbelievably lucky.'&'What do you mean by that? '由于不确定这句话究竟是什么意思,赖尔选择了保持沉默。Unsure of the meaning of this remark, Ryle chose to remain silent.她的话是什么意思,我听不出来。i couldn't make out what she meant。I couldn't make out what she meant.我说,你是什么意思?I said, What do you mean?你说她消失了是什么意思?What do you mean she's gone?措辞十分模糊,谁也不知道究竟是什么意思。The wording is so vague that no one actually knows what it means.你说我告诉他是什么意思?What do you mean I told him?你当然能,你到底是什么意思?Of course you can, what do you mean?你是什么意思?那本书说什么了?What do you mean? What was the book saying?你的这些问题是什么意思?What's with all your questions?你意识到这是什么意思。You realize what this means.斯特拉知道他说“重来”是什么意思。Stella knew what he meant by 'start again'.比利:你说他们成动物了是什么意思?Billy: What do you mean they became animals?你是什么意思,他没上保险?What do you mean, he's not insured?我会向你演示我说的到底是什么意思。I'll show you what I mean.所有的这一切是什么意思?What's the meaning of all this?你问这一个问题,是什么意思?What do you mean by asking such a question?这个词是什么意思?What does this word mean?
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foggy是什么意思 foggy在线翻译 foggy什么意思 foggy的意思 foggy的翻译 foggy的解释 foggy的发音 foggy的同义词 foggy的反义词 foggy的例句
foggy英 ['f?gi] 美 ['f?:gi] foggy比较级:最高级:foggy 基本解释形容词有雾的; 雾气朦胧的; 模糊的; 混乱的foggy 相关例句形容词1. 1. That was a foggy morning.&&&&那是个有雾的早晨。2. I haven't the foggiest idea of how to solve this problem.&&&&我一点都不知道该怎样解决这一难题。3. Foggy weather has made driving conditions very dangerous.&&&&雾天开车很危险。foggy 网络解释1. 雾:天有阴(cloudy)晴(sunny),也有刮风(windy)下雨(rainy),少不了冰天(icy)雪地(snowy),一年之中总有许几次大雾(foggy)天气. 暖(warm)热(hot)冷(cold)凉(cool)四季交替,总觉空气时常干(dry)湿(wet)不透气.2. 大霧:天有阴(cloudy)晴(sunny),也有刮风(windy)下雨(rainy),少不了冰天(icy)雪地(snowy),一年之中总有许几次大雾(foggy)天气. 暖(warm)热(hot)冷(cold)凉(cool)四季交替,总觉空气时常干(dry)湿(wet)不透气.3. 有雾的:Fog 浓雾 | Foggy 有雾的 | Mist 雾4. 雾深的:fogger 信号手 | foggy 雾深的 | foghorn 雾号foggy 双语例句1. Get off in the light foggy morning The mountain is like a shy girl who hides her pretty face.&&&&10《在清晨曼妙的薄雾中出发》远山犹如害羞的少女,遮掩了它俊秀的脸庞。2. 2. There is a rule of Canberra's weather that if it is foggy in the morning, then it is certainly to be a sunny day.&&&&堪培拉的天气很奇怪,如果早上一早就有雾,那么之后一定是个好天。3. Jane: Do you think tomorrow morning will be a foggy morning?&&&&简:你认为明天早晨会有雾吗?4. He asked how it was riding over the pass and I told him it had been rainy and foggy.&&&&他问它是怎么骑的传球,我告诉他已经雨雾。5. I need a love of simple and pure, but why am I tangled by so foggy love affairs?&&&&我渴望的爱情简单纯真,而不喜欢雾里看花,令人疲惫。6. Sub-acute glaucoma may cause a dull, aching pain, foggy vision and rainbow coloured rings around lights.&&&&亚急性青光眼可能导致呆板,aching疼痛,有雾的远见和彩虹颜色的戒指周围的灯。7. foggy的反义词7. As you can see from the photos, it is foggy everywhere...&&&&你可以从照片里看到,到处都雾茫茫的。。。8. foggy8. She walked around the foggy street.&&&&她在雾茫茫的街道上走来走去。9. I know what it's like to wake up here when it's COLD, when it's FOGGY, when it's searingly HOT.&&&&我知道这就像当头棒喝,在这里,当它的寒冷,当它的雾,当它的searingly热点。10. 911查询·英语单词10. It got foggy as I started up over the mountains.&&&&它被认为是雾,我开始翻山越岭。11. They have a range of choices. The path to power is foggy.&&&&&&他们面临着多种选择,权力之路仍云雾弥漫。12. Mr Fogg and his servant traveled in many different ways, even on an elephant at one time!&&&&&&Foggy科奇先生和他的仆人尝试了各种各样的办法去游历,甚至,他们还尝试过一回骑大象出发。13. 13. We rubbed our eyes and squinted through the glass, and could see it was foggy out.&&&&&&我们揉了揉眼睛,眯著双眼向玻璃看去,发现外面云雾迷蒙。14. Under the streetlight, within a foggy atmosphere people look like ghosts giving of London a lonely feeling.&&&&&&街灯之下,在雾霭茫茫的夜色之中,蹒跚的人影变成了鬼影曈曈,使伦敦笼罩在深深的孤独感之中。15. Shoot at Look Out Point last night while have my birthday dinner there with Ting, but the view is foggy caused by rain, and also my&&&&&&到了安邦的Look Out Point和老婆享用我的生日晚餐,欣赏着灯火明亮的吉隆坡夜景,还下着绵绵细雨。16. If it is at all foggy, I shall not goout.&&&&&&如果真的有雾,我就不出去。17. foggy的解释17. I`m not used to the foggy weather in this city.&&&&&&我不习惯这座城市多雾的天气。18. 18. It`s cold and foggy in London at this time of year.&&&&&&在每年的这个时候,伦敦寒冷而多雾。19. Its cold and foggy in London at this time of the year.&&&&&&在每年的这个时候,伦敦严寒而多雾。20. 20. It's cold and foggy in London at this time of the year.&&&&&&在每年的这个时候,伦敦寒冷而多雾。foggy 词典解释1. 有雾的&&&&When it is foggy, there is fog.&&&&e.g. It's quite foggy now...&&&&&&&&&&&现在雾很大。&&&&e.g. Conditions were damp and foggy after morning sleet.&&&&&&&&&&&早上的雨夹雪过后天气潮湿多雾。2. 一点儿也不知道;根本没什么概念&&&&If you say that you haven't the foggiest or you haven't the foggiest idea, you are emphasizing that you do not know something.&&&&e.g. I did not have the foggiest idea what he meant...&&&&&&&&&&&我根本不知道他是什么意思。&&&&e.g. 'How often does it need to be changed?' — 'Haven't the foggiest.'&&&&&&&&&&&“大概要多久换一次呢?”——“我一点儿概念也没有。”foggy 单语例句1. Complaints of the foggy weather spread quickly on the Internet, as the mist and subsequent congestion dampened many people's plans for weekend outings.2. It is a place where hot winds rush north and cold ones drift south, creating rainy and foggy weather that lingers for days at a time.3. The HKO said it expects temperatures to climb higher this week and the weather may become damp and foggy over the weekend.4. In this damp and foggy season, the quiet southeast ancient town calms and relaxes the soul.5. With its eerie, foggy moor it's the perfect place for her to hide away.6. The foggy weather has already affected parts of North and East China for days.7. Authorities asked drivers to drive slowly due to the icy roads and foggy conditions, and it also asked farmers to set up vegetable greenhouses to avoid losses.8. Three of the 12 executives scheduled to attend the White House meeting attended by phone after their flight was canceled because of foggy weather.9. The cause of the crash hadn't been determined, but the weather was rainy and foggy and the pilot reported having problems after takeoff.10. China has had a double summer surprise with two pairs of twin pandas born at a remote and foggy mountain reserve.foggy 英英释义adj1. obscured by fog&&&&e.g. he could barely see through the fogged window&&&&Synonym: 2. filled or abounding with fog or mist&&&&e.g. a brumous October morning&&&&Synonym: 3. indistinct or hazy in outline&&&&e.g. a landscape of blurred outlines&&&&&&&&&&&the trees were just blurry shapes&&&&Synonym: 4. stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)&&&&Synonym: foggy是什么意思,foggy在线翻译,foggy什么意思,foggy的意思,foggy的翻译,foggy的解释,foggy的发音,foggy的同义词,foggy的反义词,foggy的例句,foggy的相关词组,foggy意思是什么,foggy怎么翻译,单词foggy是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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