closure drawings关闭图纸是closure什么意思思

岗位职责:1. 运用精益工具对现场进行持续改善,控制浪费;2. 与上级一起评估分析工厂价值流状况,协同各部门制定年度改善计划;3. 组织精益生产讨论小组,参与各精益管理方案的研讨,参与精益管理实施工作;4. 基于年度改善计划,运用公司标准的跟踪和汇报系统,推动项目的进程,确保项目及时关闭;5. 提出优化生产工艺流程、提高生产效率、降低库存的实施方案;6. 负责月度精益改善的推动、汇总以及汇报工作。岗位要求:1. 工业工程或机械设计及其自动化专业(在校生);2. 英语良好;3. 具备逻辑思维与创造性解决问题的能力;4. 工作积极主动,能吃苦耐劳,善于沟通;5. 熟练使用office办公软件、CAD 软件。
工作要求Job Requirements:1. 熟练使用CATIA软件Skilled in using CATIA 2. 具备汽车行业塑料产品的结构设计经验,对注塑模具和冲压模具结构有一定了解Experienced in mechanical design for plastic products automotive industry, familiar with plastic injection tooling and stamping tooling structure.3. 有较强的创新设计能力Possess innovative ability for mechanical design4. 具有一定的GD&T知识Solid GD&T knowledge岗位职责 Job Responsibility1. 负责产品造型设计,概念设计,设计计算,3D设计和2D工程图绘制。Be responsible for surface design, conceptual design, design calculation, 3D modeling and 2D drawing2. 编制报价D-BOMCarry out quotation D-BOM 3. 负责快速样件的检查和验证Be responsible for check and verify rapid prototype4. 负责零件的材料比较和选择Be responsible for raw material evaluation and selection5. 负责本地3D/2D设计及发布Be responsible for design release for local design 3D/2D6. 全球设计产品3D/2D检查及本地化 Global design 3D/2D checking and localization7. 负责工程设计变更相关数据/图纸的更改,检查和发布 ECN relevant 3D/2D checking and release 8. 负责新设计产品的专利申请Be responsible for patent application in the new product design
ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS & REQUIREMENTS:基本要求? To repair all tooling needs to run production.? 维修,维护生产模具? To run all tool room equipment.? 操作模具车间设备? To communicate well with all people in the organization.? 良好的沟通能力? To follow all instructions when given to them by designated supervisor.? 服从主管安排的工作任务? To follow all tool room and company guidelines.? 遵守模具车间和公司的规定? Good understanding of progressive die? 良好的级进模具经验? Be safety conscious.? 工作细心,注意安全? The employee understands that they are empowered to affect change in the company by making suggestions in writing or verbally to their supervisor (i.e. Bright Ideas, Safety Team, Departmental Meetings, and WERS).? 能够适时针对工作内容提供合理化建议和意见? Perform any tasks necessary to meet company goals and requirements.? 努力完成工作目标? Must wear personal protective equipment as required.? 根据工作内容穿戴个人防护用品? Follow plant safety rules and guidelines.? 遵守安全规章制度? Required training in TS16949 and ISO14001.? 参加TS16949和ISO14001培训QUALIFICATIONS:资质要求:? High School Diploma or equivalent? 高中及同等以上学历? Over 3 years progressive tool & die maker experiences? 3年以上级进模工作经验? Automobile stamping company working experiences? 汽车行业工作经验? Ability to operate forklift and carne? 可以操作叉车和行车? Basic tool & die English working language preferred? 基础模具工英语工作语言掌握者优先
1、本科大学毕业;2、机械专业、设计专业或自动化相关专业;3、做事积极努力,配合度高,不怕苦,愿意为工作去拼搏。4、晋升渠道:储备干部――初级管理人员――中级管理人员――高级管理人员 公司福利:
公司介绍magna closure是一家给全球汽车行业供应闭锁系统和模块的世界领先公司。它具备多样化的生产能力,在闭锁模块和机械机构的开发、工程、测试和和验证方面有20多年的经验。其产品主要有门系统、侧门模块、滑门模块和摇窗系统、闭锁系统、电动滑门系统和电动后门锁。magna closure在全球11个国家有14个生产工厂,大约拥有6351名员工,另外还建有10个研发中心,为全球提供一流的设计、工程、项目和测试服务。昆山麦格纳汽车系统有限公司,作为magna closure在华投资的第一家子公司,成立于2003年,并在最近几年里取得了飞速的发展。工作介绍岗位要求 1) 机械,电气或相关专业大学毕业 2) 5年以上制造工厂的维护工作经验,偏机械 3) 具备PLC应用工作经验优先 4) 熟悉TPM相关内容并有较强的实战经验 5) 良好的动手能力 6) 熟悉维护队伍的管理,有较强的沟通能力与协调能力 7) 具备良好的问题分析能力,针对设备相关问题能够快速作出反应并制订有效措施 8) 能够克服困难完成任务,具有较强的抗压能力 9) 掌握设备异常情况下对环境因素影响的识别和控制方法 岗位职责 1. 熟练掌握生产设备的运作模式,并能带领维护团队推行TPM相关内容 2. 制定设备预防性维护计划,并督促相关人员执行计划内容,根据设备运行情况定期评估内容的合理性 3. 主导对设备故障停线、设备产生的不良原因调查、分析、及相关措施的制订。 4. 指导维护队伍诊断并修理常见的设备的电气机械故障,在工程师不能解决的问题应参与问题的分析与外界资源的协调 5. 配合ME实施对设备进行持续性改造;协同ME完成设备工装、夹具的设计;安装、调试; 6. 协同相关部门负责对新生产线设备的安装、调试、验收;有需要完成相关WI的制作 7. 负责管理监督维护技术员的维护工作,保证维护工作的顺利实施 8. 负责备品备件的安全库存制定、备件的采购申请、及维护费用的预算及降低改善 9. 负责制定维护队伍人员的培训及绩效考核等;协助其它部门完成TPM内容的培训 10. 执行公司的程序文件及相关规定 11. 完成上级交与其他工作
ResponsibilitiesTo know products measurements requirements and detail operational method of electrical itemsTo support on line electrical process problem solvingTo do optimization and improvement for electrical processTo train line engineer , setters and operators regarding electrical process knowledgeRequirementsBachelor or master of science, majors of electrical motor, electric drive module and control, automatic control etc.More than 2 to 3 years working experience in related fieldFamiliar with integrated motor assembly process, have experience in electric drive module is preferredGood communication in English (writing & speaking)
熟悉西门子S7-300 PLC,能根据程序查询常见故障。5
对数控机床(西门子840D系统)有一定的了解。6、了解机器人尤佳。7、必须具备较强的自主学习能力。8 有较强的责任心;良好团队协作能力和问题分析能力;动手能力强。备注:此岗位工作地点位于昆山千灯西班牙工业园&&&&&&&&&&&&此岗位要求能够适应12小时倒班工作&&&&&&&&&&&以上两条不能适应者请勿投.
职位要求1、 机械或汽车类专业中专以上学历/同等职位2、 两年以上机械加工调机、管理工作经验。3、 熟悉生产运作流程,熟练掌握品质管理的基本工具;4、 有较强的现场管理能力,熟练使用各种生产管理工具;5、 有良好的沟通协调能力;责任心强,具有良好的勇于创新精神。6、 良好的压力承受能力和持续改善能力;7、 办事沉稳,具有良好的团队合作意识;优秀的品行、职业素质和敬业精神8、 具备车辆制造经验、英语水平良好者优先职位职责:1、 根据生产计划合理安排人力并开展人员的多技能培训;2、 据生产流程要求监督指导员工正确填写相关表单;3、 根据生产绩效考核制度指导员工日常行为,对员工的工作表现进行客观评价;4、 即时追踪产线的产能及品质状况,发现问题及时处理;5、 分析异常产生的原因并提出和执行相关改善措施,及时反馈与跟踪改善结果;6、 基于实践结果,对生产部相关流程、制度、表单提出合理化改善建议。
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时任是什么意思 时任在线翻译 时任什么意思 时任的意思 时任的翻译 时任的解释 时任的发音 时任的同义词 时任的反义词 时任的例句
时任 基本解释时任的意思时任网络网络时任 双语例句1. 9月13日,时任中新社福建分社社长兼总社港澳台部主任的陈佐洱,被王士谷叫到了办公室。&&&&On September 13, then president of CNS Fujian Branch and director of CNS Hong Kong and Taiwan Affairs Department Chen Zuo'er was called by Wang Shigu to his office.2. 2. 关于耶稣一生和教义的主要原始资料是来自圣经·新约的四部规整的福音书,其中将耶稣描写成一位加利利的犹太大学者、医师和神迹制造者,经常与犹太宗教界的权威发生争执,被时任罗马长官本丟·彼拉多下命钉死于耶路撒冷城外的十字架上。&&&&The main sources concerning the life and teachings of Jesus are the four canonical gospels from the New Testament, which depict Jesus as a Galilean rabbi, healer, and performer of other miracles, who was often at odds with Jewish religious authorities, and was crucified outside of Jerusalem during the rule of the Roman prefect Pontius Pilate.3. 1970年代,时任西洛锡安选区的工党议员戴利埃尔首次提出的一个有关苏格兰权力下放的问题。&&&&Z Shorthand term coined to describe a question posed by Tam Dalyell, once Labour MP for West Lothian.4. 根据翁诗杰在去年12月公布的第一份调查报告,首封志期日发给MIMB公司及太平洋托管公司的支持信是由林良实签署;其余3封则是由时任交长陈广才签署。&&&&According to the first report release d by Ong Tee Keat, the first letter dated 28 May 2003 was issued by Ling Liong Sik to MIMB and Pacific Trustee, while the rest were issued by Chan Kong Choy.5. 日,时任中共中央政治局委员、省委书记李长春带领省五套班子领导为工程奠基仪式剪彩;同年9月28日工程正式开工并进行大江截流,克服了截流落差大、龙口流速高、抛投量强和工期紧的困难,在深厚软基础上截流成功,综合技术难度在全国水利行业为不多见,创造了广东水利建设史的奇迹。&&&&February 28, 2002, the then member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Party Secretary Li Changchun five groups led by the provincial leadership of the foundation laying ceremony of the ribbon-cutting cere September 28 the same year the project started and the river closure, to overcome the big gap closure, Longkou high velocity, the volume of dumped strong and tight difficult period, in the deep soft closure based on the success of an integrated technical difficulty in the water industry as a rare nationwide, has created a history of water conservancy construction in Guangdong wonder.6. 我们以发展五味子苗为主成立了北甸子乡第一个苗圃,苗圃发展五味子苗的同时,并被委托种植培育加拿大引进的威代尔冰葡萄苗,时任桓仁县县委书记的史会云随国家领导人出行访问并考查加拿大的时候,加拿大国家元首用其国酒----威代尔冰酒招待江主席和访问团代表。&&&&We mainly on developing schisandra seedlings was established DianZi north village first nursery seedling nursery development, at the same time, and schisandra entrusted by introducing the planting foster Canada, kieron PuTaoMiao ice HuanRenXian county wei secretary of state leaders will travel with clouds and examines the Canadian, Canada with its national head of state, neville dyer icewine entertain President jiang and contingent representing.7. 毕竟,陆克文先生曾在北京做过外交官。2007年的一次招待会上,中国外交官们几乎被开胃点心噎个半死,因为时任反对党领袖的陆先生居然用完美的普通话发表演讲。&&&&After all, Mr Rudd was once posted to Beijing for the foreign service. In 2007 Chinese diplomats at a reception nearly choked on their canapes when Mr Rudd, then leader of the opposition, made a speech in faultless Mandarin.8. 1990年2月,时任省卫生厅厅长的吴坤仪接受了本报记者采访,通过媒体向社会介绍了艾滋病是可以预防的,并向大家介绍了艾滋病的传播途径。&&&&In February 1990, then-director of the Ministry of Health Wu instrument accepted an interview with our reporter, to the community through the media introduced AIDS can be prevented, and we introduced the AIDS transmission.9. 9. 深圳市委书记李鸿忠和时任广东省副省长许德立为第26届世界大学生夏季运动会申办执行委员会揭牌,标志着大运会的申办工作全面启动,深圳开启了紧张的申办之旅。&&&&Li Hongzhong, the Secretary of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPC, and Xu Deli, the Vice Govermor of Fuangdong Province at the time, held an opening ceremony for the 26th Summer Univerdiade Executive Bidding Committee.10. 时任10. 然而用骡马牵引车辆根本不能发挥出铁路应有的效用,1881年唐胥铁路通车时,中国工人凭借时任工程师的英国人金达的几份设计图纸,采用矿场起重锅炉和竖井架的槽铁等旧材料,试制成功了一台0-3-0型的蒸汽机车。&&&&However, with mule traction vehicles can not play due to the effectiveness of the railway, the railway opened in 1881 Tang Xu, the Chinese workers, when he was an engineer with the British gold up to several design drawings, using the mine hoisting boilers and shafts frame slot iron and other old materials, the success of a trial-type 0-3-0 steam locomotive.11. 图为时任国务院副总理吴仪启动中国国际投资贸易洽谈会金钥匙。&&&&&&The picture shows then Vice premier of the State Council Wu Yi launching the golden key to the opening of China International Fair for Investment&Trade.12. danci.911cha.com12. 东方文化的神秘古老深深吸引着欧洲的艺术青年,然而倾心的却是时任江南巡抚张伯仪之女字张名芳语。&&&&&&This European youth was attracted by the mystery and ancientness of the oriental culture, while he was most attracted by Zhang Fangyu who was the daughter of the provincial governor Zhang Boyi in the south of Yangze River.13. 尽管没有来自总统办公室的官方声明,但是时任法国弗朗科斯市第八任市长的勒伯告诉法广播站他在爱丽舍宫一楼的房间主持了这场婚礼。&&&&&&There's no official word from the president's office, but the mayor of the 8th arrondissementFrancois Lebel told the French Radio Station that he conducted the marriage ceremony in a first floor room of the Elysée Palace.14. 寰球电子的发展引起了省委、省政府的高度重视。日和8月14日湖南省委书记、省人大常委会主任张春贤,国家工商总局局长,时任省委副书记、省长周伯华,先后专程考察,要求把寰球电子作为湖南新型工业化的重点项目进行培育,加快发展。&&&&&&The development of Unimodule Technology has aroused the close attention of the provincial Chinese Communist Party Committee and the provincial government.15. 其中一个很重要的人就是格林斯潘,时任美联储主席,也是对放松金融管制的长期支持者。他之所以拒而不闻人们要求控制次贷的呼声以及要求回应日益膨胀的房地产泡沫的呼声,有很大一部分是因为他相信现代金融经济学已可掌控一切。&&&&&&Not least among these was Alan Greenspan, who was then the Fed chairman and a long-time supporter of financial deregulation whose rejection of calls to rein in subprime lending or address the ever-inflating housing bubble rested in large part on the belief that modern financial economics had everything under control.16. 16. 上海康平路黄园,是由时任真如黄氏畜植场场长的黄德邻于年设计建造的私人庭园,同时兼作真如黄氏畜植场在上海的分场。&&&&&&Huangyuan Garden on Kangping Road of Shanghai was the private garden of Huang Delin, then the director of Zhenru Huang`s Livestock and Plant Farm, designed and built during . The garden was also used as the Shanghai branch of Zhenru Huang`s Livestock and Plant Farm.17. 他谈话时任意糟蹋《茂莱士语法》。&&&&&&His conversation was infree and easy defiance of Murray's Grammar.18. 入职时任新洲国际店财务总监兼集团财务总监助理,负责日常财务经营管理,4月调任国王店财务总监兼总经理,担任该分店重新装修、筹备开业等工作;7月调海湾店财务总监,主要负责餐饮的财务管理及加强细节的监控;11月调天津皇冠维也纳财务总监兼总经理助理,编制财务及物流部架构、建立整体财务及物流运营人员的招配、筹备整个酒店的财务及物流规章制度、及与财务相关的各部门的运营流程;08年4月任襄樊店财务总监,负责该店(业主营运中,4月1日由我集团接管)财务、物流的交接工作;5月回集团财务中心,负责资产及成本控制的工作。&&&&&&When the entry of new international stores Island (4 stars) Financial Group Finance Director and Assistant Director, responsible for day-to-day financial management, and in April was transferred to King stores (3 stars) chief financial officer and general manager, as the stores re-decoration, the Preparatory Business, July for the Gulf shop (4 stars) Chief Financial Officer, is responsible for catering the financial management and strengthen th November-Tianjin crown Vienna financial director and assistant general manager, the preparation of financial And the logistics of the structure, the establishment of the overall financial and logistics operations with the move, the preparations for the hotel's financial and logistics rules and regulations, and financial and related departments operating procedures in April 2008 of the Xiangfan shops Financial Total Supervisor, responsible for the shop (owners operating in the April 1 to take over from Group I) financial, logistics of the transfer of work in May to Group Finance Centre, in charge of assets and cost control efforts.19. 地址和芯片使注册在时钟上升缘时任地址选通处理器或地址选通控制器是活跃。&&&&&&Addresses and chip enables are registered at rising edge of clock when either Address Strobe Processor or Address Strobe Controller are active.20. 日,中国正式加入国际展览局,并积极参与了国际展览局的各项活动。2003年12月,时任中国驻发国大使吴建民被推举为国际展览局主席,并连任两届主席,由亚洲人担任此重要职务在国际展览局历史上还是第一次。&&&&&&China has taken an active part in the work of BIE since it joined the BIE on May 3, 1993. In December 2003, Mr. Wu Jianmin, the Chinese ambassador to France at that time, was elected as the Chairperson of BIE, and succeeded himself to the second consecutive term. It`s the first time in BIE history that an Asian occupied such an important position.时任是什么意思,时任在线翻译,时任什么意思,时任的意思,时任的翻译,时任的解释,时任的发音,时任的同义词,时任的反义词,时任的例句,时任的相关词组,时任意思是什么,时任怎么翻译,单词时任是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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