folk tales是什么意思这个单词有贬义的意思吗

He reflected hopefully and inconsistently, &Alexandra isn't much like other womenfolks.&
&but it was simply an informal gathering of the womenfolk of both houses for a family feast, with nothing of special interest to record.&
The dead soldiers were mourned by their womenfolk.
All the rooms are full and the womenfolk are content
Womenfolks in this country are good at weaving rugs.
&Because it was the first month when the schools were on holiday and needlework was taboo for the womenfolk, everyone was free. &
n. 妇女,女性
[ snick ]的过去式
[ plutocracy ]的相关副词;[ plutocrat ]的相关副词;[ plutocratic ]的相关副词;[ plutocratical ]的相关副词
four thousand one hundred and forty two
seven thousand one hundred and forty two
[ mallard ]的复数形式
two thousand and one
[ rewire ]的第三人称单数;[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数其它账号登陆:
<div id="correct" title="在法汉-汉法词典中发现10个解释错误,并通过审核,将获赠《法语助手》授权一个">有奖纠错
有关堕落天使的说法是源于现时称之为“伪经”(或叫作“参考经”)、“以诺书”(Book of Enoch)。故事提及上帝造“亚当”后要求众天使敬拜,但部分天使认为“亚当”(人类)只是受造者,地位上没有理由比衪们高,因而引起不满,由撒但为首发动叛变。
:原为和所使用的魔鬼名称,时代仍用此名。原为反对者,敌对之意,希腊文之英译为 。有说称原为侍奉神的天使,但受想超越神的野心而堕落变成魔鬼。
古蛇(古 ):原为希腊文,英译为Ophis,原意是。圣经以蛇来表征魔鬼。
法语爱好者的家园 留学与考试的助手 提供各种法语相关的信息与服务全总结!A开头的106个世界英语俚语
1.action replay 即时重放 (英国)
A television sports term whose U. S. counterpart is instant replay.
电视体育用语, 相当于美国英语instant replay。
2.adrift 系得不牢 (美国新英格兰地区各州)
A seafaring term used on land in Maine and other New England states, adrift can mean to be tied improperly, to become untied. “That p you don't know your knots.”
原为航海用语, 在缅因州和新英格兰地区其他几个州(包括新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州、马萨诸塞州和康涅狄格州和罗德岛), 此词义为系得不紧,松开。 如:“那个包裹全松开了, 你这个人真是不会打结。”
3.advert 广告 (英国)
An abbreviat ad in America.
advertisement 一词的缩略语, 美国英语中该词的缩略语是ad。
4.adzoons! 哎呀!哇! (苏格兰)
An exclamation of great surprise used by older Scottish speakers. The term's origins are unknown.
表示极度惊讶的感叹语, 在苏格兰老一辈人中使用。出处不详。
5.aeroplane 飞机 (澳大利亚,英国)
Airplane. The British aerodome means an airfield or airport.
6.African time迟到,不准时 (南非)
A humorous term used by both whites and blacks that refers to being late, not on time.
幽默用语, 意思是“迟到, 不准时”, 白人和黑人都用。
7.afters 餐后甜点 (英国)
Dessert, the last course of lunch or dinner. 午饭或晚饭最后上的一道甜点心。 哦! 啊!呀! (南非)
A common exclamation, meaning oh or ah. “Ag, man, all I want is another chance——I know I can do it.” From the Dutch ach.
一个常用的感叹词, 相当于oh 或 ah。如:“哎哟, 老兄!只要再给我一次机会。我知道我能行。” 源自荷兰语ach。
9.aggravoke 煽动,鼓动 (美国南部)
Combination of aggravate and provoke. William Faulkner himself used this Southern slang, which means “to incite or provoke.”
此词为aggravate和provoke两词合并而成。威廉·福克纳本人就使用过这个南方俚语, 意为“煽动, 鼓动”。
10.agley 歪,斜,错 (苏格兰)
Awry, off to one side, wrong. American mountain folk used this word in the same sense, as in “Jake's gone agley since he got in with those boys, ”or “That shed is all agley.”
意为“倾斜, 倒向一边”, 此词也有“错”的意思。美国山民也用此词, 意义相同。如:“自从杰克和那些孩子混上之后就走上了邪路, ”或“那间棚屋倾斜得很厉害。”
11.Agony Aunt小报求友、求婚专栏并回答读者来信专栏的主持人 (英国)
A tabloid lonely hearts columnist who answers questions from readers.
小报上往往有求友、求婚的专栏, 主持这个专栏并负责回答读者来信的人。
12.agricultural show 地区或乡村集市,农产品交贸会 (英国)
A state or county fair——that is, an exhibition of farm goods accompanied by competitions and entertainment.
某一地区或乡村的集市, 会上有农产品展览, 还有比赛和文娱演出等。
13.agricultural worker 农业工人 (英国)
A farmhand or farm worker.
14.aided school 由宗教组织出资办的学校 (新西兰)
A school founded and funded by a religious organization.
15.air hostess 空姐 (英国)
A female flight attendant on a commercial airliner. The term stewardess is used in America.
客机上的女服务员, 在美国用 stewardess。
16.airish 通风良好的;装腔作势的人 (美国南部)
(1) Drafty. “It's plenty airish in here.”
通风良好的, 有缝隙风吹入的, 如:“这儿通风很好。”
(2) One who puts on airs or acts superior to others. “He's real airish, ain't he?”
装腔作势的人, 摆架子的人。如:“他架子好大, 不是吗?”
17.airy-fairy 知识分子 (英国)
An intellectual. “He counted himself among the airy-fairies.” As an adjective this derogatory word means completely visionary, without substance.
意为“知识分子”, 如:“他把自己看作知识分子。”此词有贬义, 做形容词用时, 意为“完全凭空想象的, 不切实际的。”
18.aisle tooth 臼齿 (苏格兰)
Any of the molar teeth, so named because of their broad biting surface.
任何一个臼齿, 因其咀嚼面大而得名。
19.Aladdin's cave 阿拉廷的洞穴;匿藏处 (英国)
A hiding place, such as a warehouse, for stolen goods that criminals are waiting to sell or distribute.
指罪犯匿藏赃物的地方, 例如像仓库之类的地方, 以便以后出手或分赃。
20.alcool 麦酒 (加拿大)
An alcoholic drink made from grain that is popular in Canada.
在加拿大用谷类酿成的含酒精的酒, 在加拿大很受欢迎。
21.alight and look at your saddle 请进来坐一会儿 (美国西部)
An invitation to a rider to get off his horse and visit a while, come inside for a drink or a meal. “It's a hot day. 'Light and look at your saddle, pardner.”
这是发出邀请的用语, 请骑马的人下马进屋小坐一会儿, 或请人进屋喝一杯, 吃顿饭等。如:“今天天气很热, 进来坐一下吧, 朋友!”
22.all and all 一切的,所有的 (牙买加)
Often used instead of “all, ” as in, “She tell all and all her friends.”
常用来代替all, 如:“她告诉了所有的朋友。”
23.all arms and legs beer (俚) 蹩脚啤酒 (英国)
Slang for a very weak beer with “no body”to it, an inferior beer.
英国俚语, 一种酒精浓度很低、味道很淡的蹩脚啤酒。
24.all bally-which-way 全都搞乱了,完全糊涂了 (美国西部)
Twisted in every direction, highly confused. “Just when you think you know that country, somehow it's twisted all bally-which-way.”
意为“全给歪曲了, 十分困惑不解”。如:“你以为了解那个国家, 然而正当这个时候, 一切都给搞糊涂了。”
25.all fingers and thumbs 手指不灵巧,笨手笨脚,笨拙 (澳大利亚,英国)
Americans would shorten this expression, meaning lacking coordination and skill, to all thumbs.
美国英语缩略为 all thumbs, 意思是缺乏技巧和协调性。
26.all hat and no cattle 装阔,装作大好佬 (美国西部)
Someone who acts rich or important but has no substance, such as a person who pretends to be a cattle baron, even dressing the part.
装作富人或重要人物, 实际上并不富有或者只是个普通人而已。如有人把自己装作是养牛业的大业主, 连穿着打扮也像个大业主。
27.all his bullet holes is in the front of him 勇敢的人 (美国西部)
He's brave, not a coward. “I ain't ashamed of him. All his bullet holes is in the front of him.”
他很勇敢, 不是个懦夫。如:“我并不为他感到羞愧;他是个勇敢的人。”
28.all-in insurance policy 综合保险契约,综合保险单 (英国)
A policy protecting against all types of risk. An “all-risk”policy in American English.
一种承保各种风险的保单, 美国英语是all-risk policy。
29.all-in wrestling 不受任何限制的摔跤 (英国)
A wrestling match in which there almost everything is permitted as long as no weapons are used.
在这种摔跤比赛中, 除了不能使用武器, 可以使用其他一切手段, 抓住对方任何部位。
30.all my eye and Betty Martin 胡扯;废话等 (英国)
Baloney, bull, etc. This old saying may have originated when a British sailor, looking into a church in an Italian port, heard a beggar praying, “An mihi, beate Martine” (Ah, grant me, Blessed Martin) and later told his shipmates that this was nonsense that sounded to him like “All my eye and Betty Martin.” Most authorities dismiss this theory, but St. Martin is the patron saint of beggars.
意为“胡说八道”。这个古老的俚语也许出自下面的故事:一个英国水手在意大利的一个港口向一个教堂里面张望, 听到一个乞丐在祈祷:“An mihi, beate Martine.”意思是“啊, 保佑我吧, 圣马丁!”后来, 这位水手把他听到的祈祷告诉同船的水手, 说他听到的祈祷是“我所有的眼睛和贝蒂·马丁”, 还说这些话毫无意义, 简直是胡扯。大部分权威人士对此说法不以为然, 但是圣马丁也确实是乞丐的保护神。
31.all of that! 行!举双手赞成! (牙买加)
A common phrase expressing complete agreement: “All a dat, man!”
这一常用词组是表示“完全同意”的意思。“行, 老弟!”
32.all right already 闭嘴,够了! 别说了! (美国纽约)
Stop it, that's enough! Stop talking! Enough already is a variation. Both are common expressions influenced by Yiddish speech rhythms.
意为“闭嘴, 够了!别说了!” 另一个表达方式是Enough already。这两个常用短语均受到意第绪语节奏的影响。
33.all-rounder 全能板球运动员 (英国)
A versatile cricket player who is good at all aspects of the game—batting, bowling, and fielding. What Americans would call an all-around player.
板球运动中的多面手, 能当击球手, 又能当投球手, 还能当防守队员。美国英语是an all-round player。
34.all the hours God sends 一直,始终,每时每刻 (英国)
All the time, every hour of the day. “He works all the hours God sends.”
意为“一直, 自始至终“。如:“他一直在工作。”
35.aloha 欢迎!再见! (美国夏威夷)
Probably the best known of Hawaiian words contributed to standard English. Aloha, meaning either “hello”or “good-bye, ” literally means “love” in Hawaiian and can mean “I love you”if mi loa is prefaced to it. It has been called the world's loveliest greeting or farewell. Hawaii is, of course, America's Aloha State, its anthem “Aloha 'Oe” (Farewell to Thee), written by Queen Liliuokalani.
这是夏威夷语进入标准英语中最为人们所熟知的一个词。Aloha可以表示“你好!”, 也可以表示“再见!”此词在夏威夷语中的字面意义是“爱”, 如果前面加上mi loa, 可以表示“我爱你”。这个词被称之为世界上最迷人的问候语和告别语, 而夏威夷则当然可算得上美国各州中“最迷人的一个州”。夏威夷圣歌《向你告别!》是夏威夷女王利留卡拉妮(Queen Liliuokalani, )写的。女王在位时期是1891年至1985年。
36.aloha shirt(花色鲜艳的)夏威夷衬衫 (美国夏威夷)
Colorful shirts in bright prints of hula girls, palm trees, pineapples, and many other Hawaiian subjects. These shirts date back to the 1920s, when small Honolulu tailor shops began making them for the tourist trade. Native Hawaiian Ellery Chun () was the first to mass-produce them. Mr. Chun, a Yale graduate, coined the name aloha shirt in about 1933 when he began turning the shirts out at his Honolulu plant. (See also aloha. )
一种色彩艳丽的夏威夷衬衫, 上面印有跳呼拉舞(或草裙舞)的女子、棕榈树、菠萝和其他各种夏威夷物品的图案。20世纪20年代, 火奴鲁鲁(即“檀香山”, 美国夏威夷州的首府和港市)的小裁缝店开始作为旅游商品制作这种衬衫。夏威夷本地人 Ellery Chun ( )是第一个大规模生产这种衬衫的人。陈先生毕业于耶鲁大学。大约在1933年, 他在火奴鲁鲁建立的工厂中开始批量生产这种衬衫, 并取名为aloha shirt。(参见aloha)
37.alphabet 字母 (美国夏威夷)
A letter of the alphabet, as in “My name begin with the alphabet B.” This follows a Japanese practice taken from the many Japanese settlers in Hawaii, the Japanese word for letter being the same as that for alphabet.
指字母表中的任何一个字母, 如:“我名字的第一个字母是B。” 许多在夏威夷的日本侨民都这么说, 因为日语中表示字母一词的读音与英语的 alphabet 相同。
38.already 还,仍,至今,然而,但是 (美国夏威夷)
Often means “yet”, as in “I called you up, but you weren't there already.” This usage probably stems from a similar practice among Portuguese settlers in Hawaii.
此词与“yet”的意义相同, 如:“我给你打电话, 可是你不在。” 这种用法也许来自在夏威夷的葡萄牙侨民。
39.Alsatian 德国牧羊狗,阿尔萨斯狼狗 (英国)
The breed of dog commonly called a German shepherd or a police dog in the United States.
一种狗, 在美国一般称之为 German shepherd dog 或 police dog。
40.alst 全部,所有 (美国新英格兰地区各州)
Common in Maine for all or all that. “That's alst I heard about it.”
缅因州人常用, 意为“全部(的), 所有(的)”, 如:“我听到的就是这些。”
41.ama 业余爱好者,业余艺术家 (日本)
A Japanese borrowing and shortening of amateur.
42.amalaita 街头流氓,恶棍,无赖 (南非)
A ruffian who fights in the streets.“A gang of amalaitas beat him senseless.”From a Zulu word meaning a street desperado. Pronounced ama-lay-ta.
街头斗殴的流氓恶棍, 如:“一群街头流氓把他打得昏死过去。” 源自祖鲁族语, 意为“街头恶棍”, 读音ama-lay-ta。
43.amber fluid 啤酒 (澳大利亚)
Deive Aussie term for beer. See also tinner.
澳大利亚人把啤酒称之为“琥珀色(黄色)的液体”, 参见tinner。
44.amen corner (会议等场合)支持发言者的人的座位 (美国南部)
A group of fervent believers is called an amen corner, after the similarly named place near the pulpit in churches that is occupied by those who lead the responsive “amens” to the preacher's prayers.
会议发言人或演讲人的狂热追随者所坐的座位。源自教堂的讲道坛的右侧前部座位, 坐在那儿的教徒领头随牧师祈祷高呼“阿门”, 故这一角落被叫做“阿门角”。
45.american 美国咖啡 (日本)
American coffee, meaning “weak coffee”, unlike espresso or other strong brews.
美国咖啡, 意为“淡咖啡”, 不同于蒸汽加压煮出的浓咖啡或其他方法泡制的浓咖啡。
46.Americanism 美国(式)英语 (英国)
An American, not an Englishman, coined this expression. In 1781 Dr. John Witherspoon, president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton), wrote a series of essays on “the general state of the language in America.” He listed a number of “chief improprieties, ” such as Americans using “mad” for “angry, ” and coined the word Americanism to define them.
意为“美国用语”。创造这个词的人不是英国人, 而恰恰是美国人自己。1781年, 当时的新泽西大学(现为普林斯顿大学)校长Dr. John Witherspoon写了一系列文章, 论述“在美国使用英语的状况。”他列举了一系列美国人用英语的“主要不当之处”, 例如, 不说angry, 而用mad, 并把此称之为“美国(式)英语”。
47.amn't I? 不是吗? (爱尔兰)
Used in Ireland and Britain but rarely, if ever, in America. As odd as it may sound to some ears, the locution is preferred to “Aren't I? ”by a number of good writers and is widely employed. James Joyce used it in Dubliners, Rumer Godden employed it in An Episode of Sparrows, and Rebecca West used it in one of her novels (“I'm just awful, amn't I?”). Amn't I? is especially popular in Ireland, the expression dating back at least two centuries there.
这一表达方式用于爱尔兰和英国, 但很少在美国使用。尽管这一惯用语在有些人听起来会感到有点别扭, 但不少名作家都喜欢用“amn't I?”而不用“Aren't I?” James Joyce在《都柏林人》中, Rumer Godden在《麻雀的故事》中和Rebecca West 在她的一部长篇小说中, 都使用这一表达方式。(如:“我看起来很糟糕, 不是吗?”) Amn't I? 的这种用法在爱尔兰尤其普遍, 这一表达方式至少已有两百年的历史。
48.anancy rope 蜘蛛网 (牙买加)
A spider web. Anancy derives from Anansi, the name of a cunning spider in an old African folk tale.
一种蜘蛛网。此词源自Anansi, 是古老的非洲民间故事中一只狡猾的蜘蛛的名字。
49.anchor 压阵队员,(一队或比赛中)充当压阵的运动员 (美国)
The strongest member of a track team, the runner who runs the last leg of a relay race, has been called the anchorman since the late nineteenth century, the term possibly having its roots in the anchor man at the end of a tug-of-war rope. By the 1930s anchorman was being used for the strongest member of an American radio broadcasting team. With the rise of women in sports and television news broadcasting, the term is increasingly heard as anchor, not anchorman.
在接力比赛中, 跑最后一棒的运动员。此词起于19世纪末叶, 称之为anchorman, 也许源自对拔河比赛中位于绳索末端的人的称呼。20世纪30年代后, 美国无线电台的最佳主持人也称anchorman。随着体育运动中和电视新闻中女性的增多, 人们越来越多地用anchor一词, 后面不再加上man。
50.and pigs fly! 无稽之谈,那才怪呢! (英国)
The American counterpart would be a sarcastic yeah or sure, both expressing disbelief. But Americans also use the similar phrase and pigs have wings!
相当于美国人用讽刺的口气说“是吗?” 或“真的吗?”, 都是表示不相信。美国人也有类似的表达方式and pigs have wings!(猪也能飞?), 意为“真是奇谈怪论!”或“那才怪呢!”
51.angel teat 上等威士忌酒 (美国欧扎克山区)
Moonshiners call particularly good, mellow whiskey with a good bouquet angel teat or angel's teat. A synonym is good drinkin' whiskey.
非法酿酒商和酒类走私者把特别好的和甘美的威士忌酒称之为 “芳香的天使奶头”或“天使的奶头”, 意为“上等威士忌酒”。
52.angle with a silver hook 用银钩钓鱼,得不偿失 (英国)
An old British expression without much currency in America. An unlucky fisherman who fails to catch anything doesn't want to go home empty-handed. Thus when he buys fish (with silver coin, in past times) to conceal his abject failure, he is said to angle with a silver hook.
这是英国古老的表达方式, 在美国很少听到。一个不走运的渔夫没捕到鱼, 但又不想空手回家, 为了掩盖其窘相, 去买了一些鱼(在古代得用银角子去买), 故人们说他是“用银钩钓鱼”。
53.angry teeth 残虹 (苏格兰)
Used to describe the sharp, fragmentary remains of a rainbow, which are said to forecast bad weather.
其字面意思是“彩色的牙齿”, 用以描写残留的鲜明而又断断续续的彩虹, 据说这是坏天气的预兆。
54.Annie Oakley 免费入场券,赠票 (美国)
Slang for a complimentary ticket. At first this was just the stage name of Phoebe Annie Oakley Mozee (), star rifle shot with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Her most famous trick was to toss a playing card into the air and shoot holes through all its pips. The riddled card reminded circus performers of their punched meal tickets, which they began to call Annie Oakleys, and the name was soon transferred to free railroad and press passes, both of which were customarily punched with a hole in the center. Today all complimentary passes, punched or not, are called Annie Oakleys.
这个俚语的意思是“免费入场券, 赠票”。原来只是Phoebe Annie Oakley Mozee ()的艺名。她是美国牛仔特技秀中的著名女枪手,其最著名的技艺是把扑克牌抛向空中, 然后开枪击中牌点。这种打穿的纸牌让人联想到马戏团演员使用的打了孔的饭票, 后来他们把这种饭票称之为Annie Oakleys。后来又用于火车和记者招待会的赠票, 因为这种赠票往往都在票子的中间打孔。现在, 所有的免费入场券或赠票都称之为Annie Oakleys。
55.anorak 皮制大衣;保暖防水衣 (加拿大)
A name given to both a parka and a warm waterproof coat made by the Inuit natives from animal skins.
56.answer phone 电话应答机 (英国)
The usual name for what Americans would call a telephone answering machine. The British also use the trademarked name Ansaphone.
美国英语是a telephone answering machine, 英国人也用这种产品的商标名Ansaphone一词。
57.anticlockwise 反时针方向 (英国)
Counterclockwise in American. “To open the medicine bottle, push the top down and twist it anticlockwise.”
美国英语是counterclockwise。如:“开药瓶方法:压下瓶盖, 再反时针方向转动。”
58.Antsie's limit 饮酒量限度 (英国)
A British expression with some American use. The nineteenth-century physician Edward Antsie advised his patients that more than one and a half ounces of pure alcohol a day, consumed day in and day out, will eventually cause physical damage to the body. Stay under this limit, Antsie said, and drinking won't harm you. One and a half ounces of pure alcohol translates roughly into three one-ounce drinks of 100-proof whiskey, or four beers, or half a bottle of wine. Some experts agree with Antsie, but most refuse to generalize.
英国英语, 有的美国人也用。19世纪, 一位名叫Edward Antsie的医生劝他的病人说, 如果每天喝超过一盎司半的白酒, 有害身体健康。他说, 如果饮酒不超过这个限量, 对健康就没有什么妨碍。一盎司半白酒大致相当于一盎司一杯的纯威士忌三杯的量, 也相当于三瓶啤酒或半瓶葡萄酒。有些专家同意他的说法, 但大部分人不愿把此作为一般饮酒量的标准。
59.anybody 大家,每一个人 (美国夏威夷)
Frequently used instead of everybody, as in “Anybody went to the beach today.”
常用来代替everybody, 如:“今天大家都去海滩了。”
60.any joy? 近来运气如何? (英国)
Slang for “Have you had any luck and success?”
这是一个俚语, 意为“你近来运气怎么样?”
61.A-O. K.一切正常,很好,好极了,一切顺利 (美国)
An American expression with worldwide usage. An accidental coinage, A-O. K. was not used by American astronaut Alan Shepard while making the first suborbital space flight, in 1961, as was widely reported. The term is actually the result of a mistake by NASA public relations officer Colonel “Shorty” Powers, who thought he heard Shepard say “A-O. K.” when the astronaut, in fact, uttered a rousing “O. K.” Powers liked the sound of A-O. K. so much that he reported it several times to newsmen before learning of his mistake. By then it was too late, for the term became partof the language practically overnight. See also O. K.
原来是美国英语, 现在已广泛流行于全世界。这是一个意外杜撰的词。美国宇航员 Alan Shepard在1961年进行亚轨道宇宙飞行时, 并没有像后来广泛报道的那样说了“A-O. K.”, 而是美国航空和航天局的军官矮子Powers上校听错了, 以为Shepard说了“A-O. K.”。其实, Shepard说“O. K.”时, 用的是升调, 而Powers好几次对记者说, Shepard说的是“A-O. K.”到后来, 他才知道是自己听错了, 但这时, 已经迟了, “A-O. K.”一夜之间成了英语中一个新的表达方式。参见 O. K. 。
62.apartment 租房 (牙买加)
Used by Jamaicans to mean not a separate residence but a rented room in a house.
牙买加人用此词并非指独立的公寓, 而是指在人家的住宅里租住的一个房间。
63.Apple 红皮白心的印第安人 (美国西部)
A derogatory name given to certain American Indians by other American Indians who believe their values are too much
that is, they are, like an apple, red on the outside and white on the inside. See Oreo.
这是一个贬义词, 有些美国印第安人对另一些美国印第安人的称呼;他们认为, 那些印第安人价值观太倾向于白人的价值观了, 因此, 就像苹果一样, 红皮白心。参见Oreo。
64.apples 很好 (澳大利亚)
O. K. ; under control, everything's in apple-pie order. “Everything's apples, mate.”
意为“很好, 得到控制, 井然有序”等。如:“一切都很好, 伙计。”
65.apricot sickness痢疾,拉肚子 (南非)
The runs or the trots, often caused by eating unripe apricots or too many apricots.
其字面意义是“杏子病”。杏子吃得过多或吃了没有成熟的杏子, 往往会得痢疾或拉肚子, 故名。
67.argy-bargy 大声争吵或争论 (英国)
Loud arguing or squabbling. The word derives from argue. “Did you hear all that argy-bargy next door?”
意为“大声争吵或争论”。此词源自argue。如:“隔壁在大声争吵, 你听到了吗?”
68.Arizona strawberries豆,豆类(美国西部)
American cowboys and lumberjacks used this term as a humorous synonym for beans, also employing the variations Mexican strawberries and prairie strawberries. Some dried beans were pink in color, like strawberries.
美国牛仔和伐木工人使用的幽默语, 意为“豆, 豆类”, 其字面意义是亚利桑那草莓, 因为, 有些晒干的豆是粉红色的, 就像草莓。这一短语还有Mexican strawberries和prairie strawberries 两个变体。
69.armhole腋窝 (巴哈马)
The most common term for an armpit.
70.around the horn!嘿哦! (美国西部)
A cry used by loggers in the Pacific Northwest when a log is swinging through the air to be loaded.
71.arse 屁股 (英国)
Still used by most British for the buttocks. Ame the word arse in this sense is rarely heard in America.
大部分英国人说arse, 指“屁股”。美国人说ass。在美国, 很少听到有人说arse表示“屁股”的。
72.arse licker 马屁精 (澳大利亚,英国)
What Americans would call an ass kisser, a sycophant, or an apple polisher.
美国人把“马屁精”叫做ass kisser (吻人家屁股的人), sycophant(谄媚者, 奉承者), 或apple polisher(拍马屁的人)。
73.arsy-varsy反之亦然;完全错了 (英国)
Ass backward or vice versa, all wrong. “You've got it all arsy-varsy.”
意为“反之亦然”, 或“完全错了”。如:“你完全搞错了。”
74.arterial road 主要公路,干道 (英国,新西兰)
A major highway or trunk road.
75.artic 拖车 (英国,新西兰)
Short for an articulated lorry, which Americans would call a trailer truck or rig.
这是 articulated lorry 的缩略词。美国人称之为 trailer truck 或 rig, 都是指“拖车”。
76.artsy-fartsy 自命不凡的人 (美国,英国)
Someone who tries to appear more educated or knowing about art than he is, a pretentious person. Also arty-farty.
如果有人装出来受过教育, 比别人更懂得艺术, 那他就是artsy-fartsy, 即是个矫揉造作, 自命不凡, 或故作斯文的人, 也写作arty-farty。
77.arvie 下午 (南非)
Afternoon. “I spent the whole arvie at the movies.”Probably a corruption of afternoon.
此词意义如上所示, 如:“我整个下午都在看电影。” 也许是afternoon一词的讹传。
78.arvo 下午 (澳大利亚)
Slang for afternoon: “It's a sunny Sunday arvo.”
澳大利亚俚语, 意为“下午”。如:“这是一个晴朗的星期日下午。”
79.ary 任一,随便哪一个 (美国新英格兰地区各州)
An old-fashioned word meaning either. “Take ary one or the other.”
意为“任何一个, 两个中的随便哪一个”。这个词是较为守旧的人还在用, 已经过时。如:“你两个中可随便拿一个。” (关系代词)……的人,他/她(们) (爱尔兰)
Commonly substituted for who, as in “There are some of us as don't know.”
经常用来代替关系代词who。如:“我们中间有些人不知道。” cold as charity寒冷刺骨 (英国)
Bitterly cold. The saying alludes to the coldness encountered in the offices of charitable or welfare organizations by people seeking help.
意为“非常寒冷, 十分冷漠”。这一说法也许影射人们在寻求救助时所遇到的慈善机构或福利组织官员的冷漠态度。 different as chalk and cheese完全不同 (英国)
Completely different, like night and day. “They're in love, but they're as different as chalk and cheese.”
就像白天和黑夜一样迥然不同。如:“他俩在恋爱, 但两人完全不一样。”
83.ashamed 谦虚的,害羞的 (美国欧扎克山区)
Among hillfolk the word is used to mean modest, shy, or bashful, as in “He was so ashamed to meet women he sat in a corner a11 night.”
在欧扎克高原的山民中, 此词意为谦虚的, 羞怯的, 害羞的。如:“他很害羞, 不敢和女人接近, 整个晚上他都坐在角落里。”
84.ashet 一盘菜 (苏格兰)
A serving dish, borrowed from the French assiette for same.
一盘菜, 一碟菜, 一盆汤。此词从法语assiette一词借用而来, 与法语词的意义相同。
85.ashore上船 (加拿大纽芬兰)
Used to mean “aboard”a vessel, as in “All hands come ashore, we're set to sail.”
意为“上船”, 如:“全体船员上船, 我们马上要开船了。”
86.ashy 生气的,脾气暴躁的,坏脾气的 (美国南部)
A ill-tempered, ill-humored. “He argued awhile and then got right ashy about it.”
脾气很坏的, 如:“他先是争吵了一会儿, 后来就大发雷霆了。” mad as a two-bob watch 极端疯狂或愚蠢的 (澳大利亚)
Slang for someone extremely mad or silly. See two-bob.
澳大利亚俚语, 意为“极端疯狂的或愚蠢的”。 near as damnit 非常靠近,就在附近 (英国)
Very close, just about. “I'll get there by twelve, as near as damnit.” The phrase was originally “As near as 'damn it' is to swearing.”
意为“很近, 就在附近”。如:“我将在12点左右到那儿。”这个短语原来是As near as 'damn it', 其中的damn 和it是分开写的, 是发誓赌咒用语。
89.assessor 保险理算员 (英国)
A someone who investigates insurance claims.
90.assistant 店员,售货员 (英国,新西兰)
A clerk, a sa short for shop assistant. In the United States an assistant would be a clerk or a salesman.
商店里的店员或售货员, 是shop assistant的缩略形式。在美国称之为clerk或salesman。 all events无论如何(英国)
In any event. “At all events, I'll finish it by Saturday.”
相当于in any event(无论如何)。如:“无论如何, 我星期六一定得完成。” close of play归根结底,(英国)
Originally a cricket expression, this saying means when all is said and done.
原为板球运动术语, 意为“比赛结束”, 后来转义为“说到底, 毕竟, 归根结底”。
93.attend to出席,参加;上学,上教堂(夏威夷)
Often used instead of attend, as in “I attend to Honolulu High School.”
在夏威夷, 常用来替代attend, 意为“出席, 参加; 上(学, 教堂)”等, 如:“我上的是檀香山中学。”
94.attorney律师,(业务或法律事务上的)代理人 (牙买加)
This word can mean any person who manages property fo not necessarily a lawyer.
这个词在牙买加不一定是指“律师”, 而可以用来指任何“财产代理人”。
Eggplant. Aubergine is the French word for this vegetable. It is also used as an adjective meaning “black” or “dark purple”.
意为“茄子”。这是一个法文词, 名词作“茄子”, 形容词作“黑色的, 深紫色的”解。
Old, as in the well-known song “Auld Lange Syne”(The Good Old Days).
意为“古老的”, 如在著名的苏格兰民歌《友谊地久天长》中。如果按字面意思直译, 意为“昔日的(或经久的)友谊”。
97.Auld Sooty魔鬼 (苏格兰)
The devil, one of many such names for Satan, including Auld Bobby, Auld Bogie, Auld Clootie, Auld Nick, Auld Roughy, and Auld Waghorn.
撒旦的许多名称之一, 其他名称有:Auld Bobby, Auld Bogie, Auld Clootie, Auld Nick, Auld Roughy 和Auld Waghorn等。
98.Aunt Edna 古板的老奶奶 (英国)
The creation of British playwright Terence Rattigan, Aunt Edna is the equivalent of the American little old lady from Dubuque—nice but provincial, very prudish, and traditional.
这是英国剧作家Terence Rattigan剧中的一个人物, 叫埃德娜奶奶, 在美国, 相当于来自艾奥瓦州东北部城市迪比克的小老太太——和蔼, 但土气, 古板而又传统。
99.auntie 大婶、大妈、大娘、奶奶;贩酒婆 (南非)
(1) A friendly, mostly respectful form of address to any older woman.
对老年妇女的尊称, 根据自己不同的年龄, 汉语中可称对方“阿姨, 大婶, 大妈, 大娘, 奶奶”等;
(2) Among blacks the name for an old woman who sells liquor illegally. See also shebeen queen.
黑人对贩卖私酒的老太婆的称呼,参见shebeen queen。
100.Aunt Sally 替罪羊;容易受骗的人 (英国)
A scapegoat or a patsy, after the Aunt Sally figure used as a target in an old British carnival game.
意为“容易攻击的对象”。萨利大婶原是英国游戏中口含烟斗的女模拟像名, 游戏者用棒或球设法投中烟斗。这是一个古老的英国游戏。Aunt Sally是游戏中被众人攻击的对象。 pair换工住宿的女孩;“互裨” 姑娘 (美国,英国)
A young woman, often foreign, who receives room and board and a small salary in return for housework. The term is becoming more common in the United States, especially to describe one who watches children.
女孩子, 往往是外国女孩子, 帮助做家务等工作换取膳宿和少许工资。这个词在美国用得越来越多了, 尤其是用来指帮助看管孩子的姑娘。
102.Aussie salute澳大利亚式挥手 (澳大利亚)
A humorous term for waving a hand in the air to swat or scare off flies.
幽默用语, 指在空中挥手赶苍蝇的手势
103.away from 除了……之外 (牙买加)
Except for. As in “He always live here away from a year in America.”
相当于except for (除了……之外), 如:“除了有一年在美国, 他一直住在这里。”
104.away to the woods 发疯;发狂 (英国)
Gone crazy. “He's away to the woods, I'm afraid.”
意为“发疯, 发狂”, 如:“我看他可能发疯了。”
105.awful不寻常的,非凡的 (加拿大,纽芬兰)
Instead of having a negative connotation, the word means remarkable or exceptional, as in “He gave her an awful present, beautiful and very expensive.”
这个词没有贬义, 恰恰相反, 意为“不寻常的, 非凡的”。如:“他给了她一件非同寻常的礼物, 又漂亮又昂贵。”
106.ayuh 对,好 (美国新英格兰地区各州)
Yes, though the word has shades of meaning ranging from the affirmative to the sarcastic. Chiefly heard in Maine, ayuh (EYE-uh) is used throughout New England in variations such as eyah, ayeh, eeyuh, ehyuh, aaay-yuh, and even ayup.
相当于yes, 可以表示从肯定到讽刺的各种不同意思。主要用于缅因州, 在新英格兰地区各州该词有各种变异, 如eyah, ayeh, eeyuh, ehyuh, aaay-yuh和ayup。
A touchstone of New England speech, it possibly derives from the nautical aye (yes). Another theory has ayuh coming from the old Scots American aye-yes, meaning the same.
这个词是新英格兰地区口音的试金石, 也许源自海员用语aye, 意为yes。另一种说法是, 此词源于美籍苏格兰老人说的aye-yes, 意思相同。


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