
---选择---HEATHER GREY(麻灰色)
--- 选择---
- 面料:92%棉,8%氨纶
- 冷水机洗
- 模特信息:身高173cm试穿S码
- 透明度 :
- 厚度感 :
- 弹力性 :
- 洗涤方法 :
裤脚围( 裤脚单面x2)(Cm)
外长(腰-下摆): (Cm)
{ 'Variants' : [ {
'VariantID' : '011' ,'Color' : 'HEATHER GREY(麻灰色)' ,'ColorCode' : '01' ,'Size' : '1' ,'ProductColor' : 'HEATHER GREY(麻灰色)' ,'ProductSize' : 'X-Small' },
'VariantID' : '012' ,'Color' : 'HEATHER GREY(麻灰色)' ,'ColorCode' : '01' ,'Size' : '2' ,'ProductColor' : 'HEATHER GREY(麻灰色)' ,'ProductSize' : 'Small' },
'VariantID' : '013' ,'Color' : 'HEATHER GREY(麻灰色)' ,'ColorCode' : '01' ,'Size' : '3' ,'ProductColor' : 'HEATHER GREY(麻灰色)' ,'ProductSize' : 'Medium' },
'VariantID' : '014' ,'Color' : 'HEATHER GREY(麻灰色)' ,'ColorCode' : '01' ,'Size' : '4' ,'ProductColor' : 'HEATHER GREY(麻灰色)' ,'ProductSize' : 'Large' }]}
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赣ICP备 邮箱:,edit@ganzhou.gov.cnInternational Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs in Manufacturing, 2012 :
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
International Labor Comparisons
International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs in Manufacturing, 2012
REPORT () Technical Notes () Country Notes and Data Sources ()
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Elimination of ILC
BLS has eliminated the International Labor Comparisons (ILC) program. This is the last BLS release of international comparisons of hourly compensation costs.
BLS is aware of other organizations that have obtained the methodology and intend to produce ILC indicators similar to those done previously by BLS. Please see the announcement at .
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In comparison with 33 foreign countries covered, U.S. manufacturing hourly compensation costs in 2012 ranked approximately in the middle at $35.67 (see ). In addition to Australia and Canada, countries with higher hourly compensation costs were primarily in northern and western Europe. Countries with lower hourly compensation costs were primarily in southern and eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
Between 1997 and 2012, compensation costs in manufacturing as a percent of U.S. costs (see ) increased or remained the same in all economies compared except Taiwan, improving U.S. cost competitiveness.
Changes in a country's compensation costs in U.S. dollars are roughly equivalent to the change in compensation costs in a country's national currency plus the change in the value of the country's currency relative to the U.S. dollar. This relationship is illustrated in , where the bars in the right panel for each country can be summed to equal the bars in the left panel. In 2012, nearly all countries had at least moderate increases in hourly compensation costs in national currency, but the currencies of most countries depreciated against the U.S. dollar, resulting in U.S. dollar-denominated hourly compensation costs declining in most countries.
shows the benefit components of manufacturing employers' compensation costs as a percent of total costs. (See
for data in U.S. dollars.) Countries are ordered based on social insurance expenditures as a percent of total compensation. In countries with the highest ratio of social insurance costs, such as Sweden, Brazil, and Belgium, social insurance makes up approximately one-third of total compensation costs. In the United States, social insurance costs account for about 24 percent of total compensation, while in the Asian countries, with the exception of the Republic of Korea, social insurance is less than 20 percent.
Directly-paid benefits primarily comprise pay for leave time, bonuses, and pay in kind. The percentage of compensation that is directly-paid benefits tends to be higher in many European countries (due in large part to leave pay) and in Japan (where seasonal bonuses are a large portion of costs). Directly-paid benefits are a relatively smaller portion of costs in countries such as the United States, Australia, and Canada.
The total benefits portion of compensation costs can be seen by combining social insurance with directly-paid benefits. Total benefits surpass 40 percent in 14 countries. In contrast, the ratio of benefit costs in the United States is about 33 percent.
China and India
BLS has developed estimates of hourly compensation costs for employees in the Chinese and Indian manufacturing sectors. Due to various data gaps and methodological issues, compensation costs for China and India are not directly comparable to each other or with the data for other countries found in this report, and therefore are presented separately. Data are available for China through 2009 and for India through 2010.
For China, BLS approximates average hourly compensation costs in manufacturing by filling important data gaps for hours worked per year and for benefit components of labor compensation. Further, the concepts and coverage of Chinese statistics on manufacturing employment and wages often do not follow international standards and can be difficult to understand. Largely because of these data gaps and challenges, BLS estimates for China cannot be considered as robust as the manufacturing statistics for the other countries in this report.
For India, BLS estimates of compensation costs refer to formal manufacturing only, rather than to total manufacturing in the country. Unorganized sector manufacturing workers account for approximately 80 percent of total manufacturing employment in India and earn substantially less than their formal sector counterparts. For this reason, employers' average compensation costs in formal manufacturing overstate average compensation costs for Indian manufacturing as a whole.
Report Tables
Table 1. Hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, U.S. dollars, and as a percent of costs in the United States
Hourly Compensation Costs
in U.S. dollars
Note: 'NA' means data not available. (1) With the exception of Estonia, 1997 is the first year data for all countries are available to BLS. For additional information, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 2. Average annual percent change in hourly compensation costs in manufacturing and exchange rates
National currency change
Exchange rate change (1)
U.S. dollar change (2)
National currency change
Exchange rate change (1)
U.S. dollar change (2)
Note: 'NA' means data not available. (1) Exchange rates are value of foreign currency relative to the U.S. dollar. (2) U.S. dollar changes are approximately equal to national currency changes plus exchange rate changes for each country. For additional information, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 3. Components of hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, U.S. dollars, 2012
Hourly Compensation Costs
Social Insurance(1)
Direct Pay
Directly-Paid Benefits(2)
Pay for Time Worked(3)
Note: 'NA' means data not available. (1) Social insurance expenditures are legally required, private, and contractual social benefit costs, and labor-related taxes minus subsidies. (2) Directly-paid benefits are primarily pay for leave time, bonuses, and pay in kind. (3) Pay for time worked is primarily base wages and salaries, overtime pay, regular bonuses and premiums (paid each pay period), and cost of living adjustments. For additional information, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 1.1 Indexes of hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, U.S. dollar basis (U.S. = 100),
Trade-Weighted Measures
Note: Compensation costs include direct pay, social insurance expenditures, and labor-related taxes. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions, industrial classifications, and trade-weighted measures, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. (1)
data exclude Estonia Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 1.2 Hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, U.S. dollars,
Trade-Weighted Measures
Note: Compensation costs include direct pay, social insurance expenditures, and labor-related taxes. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions, industrial classifications, and trade-weighted measures, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. (1)
data exclude Estonia Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 1.3 Indexes of hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, U.S. dollar basis (2000 = 100),
Note: Compensation costs include direct pay, social insurance expenditures, and labor-related taxes. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 1.4 Hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, national currency,
Note: Compensation costs include direct pay, social insurance expenditures, and labor-related taxes. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. See note in Table 7.1. for national currency units. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 1.5 Indexes of hourly compensation costs in manufacturing, national currency basis (2000 = 100),
Note: Compensation costs include direct pay, social insurance expenditures, and labor-related taxes. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 2.1 Indexes of hourly direct pay in manufacturing, U.S. dollar basis (U.S. = 100),
Trade-Weighted Measures
Note: Direct pay includes pay for time worked (wages and salaries) and directly-paid benefits. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions, industrial classifications, and trade-weighted measures, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. (1)
data exclude Estonia Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 2.2 Hourly direct pay in manufacturing, U.S. dollars,
Trade-Weighted Measures
Note: Direct pay includes pay for time worked (wages and salaries) and directly-paid benefits. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions, industrial classifications, and trade-weighted measures, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. (1)
data exclude Estonia Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 2.3 Hourly direct pay in manufacturing, national currency,
Note: Direct pay includes pay for time worked (wages and salaries) and directly-paid benefits. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. See note in Table 7.1. for national currency units. (1)
data exclude Estonia Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 3.1 Indexes of hourly pay for time worked in manufacturing, U.S. dollar basis (U.S. = 100),
Note: Pay for time worked is primarily base wages and salaries, overtime pay, regular bonuses and premiums (paid each pay period), and cost of living adjustments. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 3.2 Hourly pay for time worked in manufacturing, U.S. dollars,
Note: Pay for time worked is primarily base wages and salaries, overtime pay, regular bonuses and premiums (paid each pay period), and cost of living adjustments. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 3.3 Hourly pay for time worked in manufacturing, national currency,
Note: Pay for time worked is primarily base wages and salaries, overtime pay, regular bonuses and premiums (paid each pay period), and cost of living adjustments. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. See note in Table 7.1. for national currency units. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 4.1 Indexes of hourly direct benefits in manufacturing, U.S. dollar basis (U.S. = 100),
Note: Directly-paid benefits are primarily pay for leave time, bonuses, and pay in kind. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 4.2 Hourly direct benefits in manufacturing, U.S. dollars,
Note: Directly-paid benefits are primarily pay for leave time, bonuses, and pay in kind. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 4.3 Hourly direct benefits in manufacturing, national currency,
Note: Directly-paid benefits are primarily pay for leave time, bonuses, and pay in kind. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. See note in Table 7.1. for national currency units. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 5.1 Indexes of hourly social insurance expenditures and labor-related taxes in manufacturing, U.S. dollar basis (U.S. = 100),
Trade-Weighted Measures
Note: Employer social insurance expenditures are legally required, private, and contractual social benefit costs, and labor-related taxes minus subsidies. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions, industrial classifications, and trade-weighted measures, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. (1)
data exclude Estonia Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 5.2 Hourly social insurance expenditures and labor-related taxes in manufacturing, U.S. dollars,
Trade-Weighted Measures
Note: Employer social insurance expenditures are legally required, private, and contractual social benefit costs, and labor-related taxes minus subsidies. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions, industrial classifications, and trade-weighted measures, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. (1)
data exclude Estonia Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 5.3 Hourly social insurance expenditures and labor-related taxes in manufacturing, national currency,
Note: Employer social insurance expenditures are legally required, private, and contractual social benefit costs, and labor-related taxes minus subsidies. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. (1)
data exclude Estonia Note: See note in Table 7.1. for national currency units. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 6.1 Hourly direct pay as a percent of total hourly compensation costs in manufacturing,
Trade-Weighted Measures
Note: Direct pay includes pay for time worked (wages and salaries) and directly-paid benefits. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions, industrial classifications, and trade-weighted measures, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. (1)
data exclude Estonia Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 6.2 Hourly pay for time worked as a percent of total hourly compensation costs in manufacturing,
Note: Pay for time worked is primarily base wages and salaries, overtime pay, regular bonuses and premiums (paid each pay period), and cost of living adjustments. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 6.3 Hourly direct benefits as a percent of total hourly compensation costs in manufacturing,
Note: Directly-paid benefits are primarily pay for leave time, bonuses, and pay in kind. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions and industrial classifications, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 6.4 Hourly social insurance expenditures and other labor-related taxes as a percent of total hourly compensation costs in manufacturing,
Trade-Weighted Measures
Note: Employer social insurance expenditures are legally required, private, and contractual social benefit costs, and labor-related taxes minus subsidies. Except for Argentina, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan, data relate to manufacturing as defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4. For complete information on definitions, industrial classifications, and trade-weighted measures, see the technical notes at
and country notes at . 'NA' means data not available. # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. (1)
data exclude Estonia Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013
Table 7.1 Exchange rates, National currency units per U.S. dollar,
Note: National currency units are United States, Argentina, Australia, Austria, schilling (), euro (); # Break in series. Data are not comparable with data from the previous year. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Labor Comparisons, August 2013 Belgium, franc (), euro (); Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, kroon (), euro (); Finland, markka (), euro (); France, franc (), euro (); Germany, mark (), euro (); Greece, drachma (), euro (); Hungary, Ireland, pound (), euro (); Israel, Italy, lira (), euro (); Japan, Korea, Republic of, Mexico, Netherlands, guilder (), euro (); New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, escudo (), euro (); Singapore, Slovakia, koruna (), euro (); Spain, peseta (), euro (); Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, pound. 'NA' means data not available.
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