Theplaza mayorr together with his two brothers __ going to be indicted for accepting bribes. 空白处该填?

Devvy -- Illegal aliens: declaring war on the enablers -- 04/29/10
aliens: declaring war on the enablers
April 30, 2010
Illegal alien
1. a foreigner who has entered or resides in a
country unlawfully or without the country's authorization.
2. a foreigner who
enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who
crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period
of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.
cable news network anchors over Arizona's new immigration law is
shameful. The temper tantrums by mayors and race baiters like Al
Sharpton demanding the State of Arizona ignore the lawlessness in their
state caused by the illegals invasion is putrid.
for the Department of Fatherland Security
under Jan (the man) Napolitano to ignore any requests from law
enforcement in the State of Arizona to determine citizenship status is
beyond words.
&It's going to change our lives,& said Emilio Almodovar, a
13-year-old American citizen from Phoenix. &We can't walk to school any
more. We can't be in the streets anymore without the pigs thinking
we're illegal immigrants.&
All to protect criminals. When was the last time you saw massive
demonstrations and mayors come out in support of bank robbers?
Thieves steal what doesn't belong to them. The same applies to the 22
million illegal aliens who have invaded our country openly and in our
face, stealing jobs, natural resources and bankrupting the states in
welfare, food stamps and medical care. Not to mention the massive
amount of drugs coming across the border as well as gangs and
terrorists. Arizona should just roll over and do nothing while their
citizens suffer such madness.
There is no difference. A thief is a thief.
Oh, make no mistake about it, illegals are in an uproar and things are
likely to get very ugly. Back on March 27, 2006, I wrote a column
titled When Illegals Go Berserk, Will Your State be Prepared? Well, the
situation is moving into a dangerous direction. , &We
not stop! We will take up our shovels and pickaxes and we...we
will use them against you! Believe that!&
The mobs are planning protests in 70 cities May 1, 2010.
We saw the hordes back in 2006 brazenly walk the streets shouting for non existent rights.
Regardless of what activist judges who should have been removed from
the bench by Congress say, since an individual has no right to be on
U.S. soil, they don't have constitutional rights. It doesn't matter how
loud they scream or how many media mouthpieces in print and cable
support these criminals, it doesn't change legal facts. Humane
treatment during detention and then deportation.
When President Hoover deported a million illegal aliens and President
Eisenhower deported 1.3 MILLION illegals, we did not see this blatant
shove it you know where from mobs or the media. Hoover and Eisenhower
had the guts to stand up to special interests to support the law and
American workers. Jobs here in
America belong to legal and naturalized citizens, not illegal aliens
regardless of country of origin.
Today, the &progressive& media and their mouthpieces, politicians,
advocacy groups and extremists like Al Sharpton have absolutely NO
regard for American workers or the carnage heaped upon our country,
destroying thousands of families and the victims of illegal aliens.
It's all about getting votes after rewarding criminals with amnesty and
registered as Democrats.
We Spend about $397 Billion dollars in Welfare and Other Social
Services for Illegals since 1996
There are about 5 million children of Illegals in the Public Schools
There are& 420,137 Illegals in the State of Arizona
There are Currently 22,753,048 illegal immigrants in this country in
our jails and 740,000 fugitives
They hold 11,570,070 Skilled jobs in this country.
The cost in human suffering from murders, rapes, slaughter by drunk
Mexicans on our roads and highways, illegals driving with no insurance
can't even be calculated.
We have 26 million unemployed Americans. Those 11.5 MILLION jobs belong
to Americans NOT illegals from Ireland, the Republic of Georgia,
Philippines, commie China, Mexico or South America.
Dozens of states are on financial life support because of the financial
meltdown which is going to get much worse. States cannot continue to
fund unemployment for their citizens that are running into a year or
more. States cannot continue shelling out millions for welfare because
their legal citizens can't find work because the jobs are held by
illegal aliens.
America's public school system has been run into the ground with the
massive numbers of illegal students. And, once again, .
America's children are being cheated as resources are stretched thin
because you have 5 MILLION illegal alien children in class rooms. Have
you seen the militant college students who are here illegally demanding
tuition breaks while you can't even help your son or daughter pay for a
community college because you're being taxed to death to support
Illegals in Arizona now know they can be thrown into a federal
holding/detention center if caught under this new law and then deported
to country of origin. That means they can't go back to their dwelling.
If they have a mortgage, unless someone pays the loan, it will go into
foreclosure. Their auto will be impounded, so that is gone. They won't
be able to run home and get the boyfriend, clothes, make up or anything
else. Which is as it should be: Smuggle yourself across the border and
you pay the price. It doesn't matter if you've been here one day or 15
years. It doesn't matter if you're six or sixty, you have no right to
be here. This isn't a popularity contest about who is nice. Nice people
don't break the law. Do we excuse bank robbers just because they &want
a better life& by stealing what doesn't belong to them?
SF Mayor Gavin Newsom, as oily and smarmy a politician as they come, is
calling for a boycott against Arizona. Other useful idiot mayors are
joining the politically correct fray to protect illegal aliens and
promote further lawlessness. Here's a news flash for you, Mayor: I
wouldn't step foot in San Francisco if you gave me the keys to the
city. I'm leaving next week to visit my family in California. Instead
of heading up Colorado to 80, then west, I'm going up to Highway 40
which runs through Arizona. I'm spending my money at a hotel in Arizona
as well as food and gas.
I say it's now time to crack down on those who enable illegal aliens to
remain in this country. The enablers have spent
decades &empowering& these
criminals while the U.S. government, specifically the Federal
Department of Justice, has simply refused to prosecute them.
It's time to change the game.
First, is employers. SHAME on any company in this country that
knowingly hires illegals. I know a man in California who owns a
construction business. He told me he hires illegals because they are
cheap labor and with all the regulations and laws, he just couldn't
make his business stay afloat. After that conversation, I've never
spoken with him again. Whose fault is that? Here's the answer:
1. Why do employers so severely impacted keep voting the same job
destroyers into your legislatures? If you state rep and/or senator
continues to pass so many laws and regulations that make it impossible
to run a profitable business, why do you keep voting them back into
2.& Why do employers across this country continue to vote the same
incumbents back to Congress, like Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) who voted
for treaties like NAFTA, GATT and CAFTA that have destroyed MILLIONS of
good paying jobs and sent them off shore?
3.& Why do employers across this country continue to vote the same
incumbents back to Congress who continue to allow agencies like the
EPA, USDA and Dept of Labor to run amok issuing more and more
regulations that make it impossible to run a profitable business?
4.& Why do employers across this country continue to vote the same
incumbents back to Congress who refuse to get rid of the withholding
tax and stop the unnecessary federal income tax? That would free up
mountains of money so people can buy your products and services.
Illegals are responsible for stagnant wages and higher taxes.
The solutions are there, but no one seems to want to implement them.
Congressman Ron Paul has twice introduced bills to stop the bogus
withholding tax which would pump millions of dollars into the economy
tomorrow. There was no support from Republicans or those so caring
Democrats. Yet, on March 2, 2010, here in Texas, every single incumbent
running for reelection to Congress won their primary. That is a fact.
For some reason, all those voters decided that sending the same crooks
and whores back to Congress is going to change something.
&The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is encouraging banks to sign
up illegal aliens in the banking system, calling the growth of the
market &a compelling incentive for U.S. banks to enter this largely
untapped market.& And the FDIC program demonstrates that unbanked Latin
American immigrants can be brought into the financial mainstream.
&But there are clear laws on the books for the integrity of the
immigration system. United States criminal code, &It is a crime
punishable by 10 years in jail for aiding and abetting someone in this
country illegally for commercial gain.& And the Bank Secrecy Act of
1972 makes it clear banks must know their customer, and any illegal
activity must be reported to the government.&
&But, what about state legislators who have voted to give these
criminals driver's licenses so they can work? Remember what the usurper
in the White House, Obama/Soetoro said, &When I was a state senator in
Illinois, I voted to require that illegal aliens get trained, get a
license, get insurance to protect public safety. That was my intention.
The problem we have here is not driver's licenses. Undocumented workers
do not come here to drive. They're here to work.&
&They're here to work? They have no right to even be in this country,
much less help themselves to jobs that belong to Americans. Comrade
Obama wants to reward them by stealing the fruits of your labor to
train them, give them driver's licenses and steal American jobs. This
is the morally bankrupt individual people voted for to bring &change&
and &hope.& Marxist Obama brought more of the same and worse. Juan
McCain stands right next to him on this issue.
&This rot has seeped into the state houses as well. Four states of the
Union allow these criminals to have driver's licenses: Hawaii, New
Mexico, Washington and Utah. Those state legislatures are aiding and
abetting criminals who have violated federal laws. Those legislators
and the governors have signaled loud and clear that it's a good thing
to reward those who break the law and rub it in our faces. What happens
when an illegal with a Utah driver's license hits and kills an American
citizen in San Diego and then skips across the border? Are we then
supposed to thank Utah's legislature for the carnage they let loose?&
&Keeping with the Obama
Administration's mission to conduct the most diverse outreach campaign
in history, the director of the U.S. Census Bureau is touring Mexican
border towns with high illegal immigrant populations to personally
assure that those who fill out questionnaires this spring will not be
the president's handpicked census director (Robert Groves) told
residents of a renowned illegal alien &colonia& in south Texas this
week. He visited several dilapidated makeshift homes off of a dirt road
in a Laredo neighborhood called San Carlos to stress that census data
will be kept confidential and not turned over to immigration
&On the heels of a federal crackdown, lawmakers in Nebraska are
scrambling to pass legislation that will allow pregnant illegal
immigrant women to continue receiving free, taxpayer-financed medical
care. The state has for decades offered the costly perk to pregnant
illegal aliens, whose &anchor babies& are automatically United States
citizens. However, the federal government recently notified the state
that it was illegally determining eligibility for publicly-funded
medical care known as Medicaid.&
Nebraskans: How does it feel
to be raped by the enablers in your state legislature?
&In a disgraceful waste of tax
dollars, a community group that assists illegal immigrants in the U.S.
and helps them evade arrest has received $100,000 from a county that
ironically has increased immigration enforcement in the last year.
&The public
funds went to
a nonprofit in Fairfax
Virginia that proudly
helps illegal aliens and aims to empower them and improve the quality
of their lives and communities. The charity also counsels illegal
immigrants who get arrested and offers a handy guide for &undocumented&
residents dealing with federal agents.
Hispano openly advices the areas illegal aliens to refrain from
providing government officials with information about their immigration
status, not to carry papers from another country, not to open the door
if authorities come to their home, not to run and to sway co-workers to
collectively remain silent and ask for an attorney in the event of an
immigration raid.
&The Fairfax
County Supervisors that recently approved the public funds aren't
bothered by Progreso Hispano&s work and predict it won't negatively
affect future allocations, according to the local newspaper that broke
the story this week. One supervisor says she has no problem with
that informs people on how to comply with the law.&
Let the war begin
Jon Christian Ryter is one
of those journalists who writes factual material and his research is
&It was Truman who pushed the Federal Immigration and National Act of
1952 through Congress in the closing days of his administration. Under
Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) any US citizen that knowingly
assists an illegal alien, provides them with employment, food, water or
shelter has committed a felony. City, county or State officials that
declare their jurisdictions to be &Open Cities, Counties or States ar as are law enforcement agencies who chose not to
enforce this law. Police officers who ignore officials who violate
Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) are committing a Section 274
federal felony. Furthermore, according to Federal Immigration and
National Act of 1952, if you live in a city, county or State that
refuses to enforce the law for whatever reason, the officials making those rules are
financially liable for any crime committed within their jurisdiction by
an illegal alien.&
Read those words: if you live in a city,
county or State that refuses to
enforce the law for whatever reason, the officials making those rules
are financially liable for any crime committed within their
jurisdiction by an illegal alien.
Tea Party group in Fairfax County, victim of an illegal
alien: Go after
the county supervisors because through that grant they ARE knowingly
assisting illegals.
It's time to start making elected officials AND police who refuse to
uphold the law accountable and hit their wallets. Victims of illegal
aliens need to get an attorney and go after them. The &best& case
scenario would be individuals who are victims of illegal aliens to get
together, hire a good attorney (share legal costs) and go after state
officials and that includes, as Jon says, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi:
&Although they think they are, the President of the United States
(legitimate or illegitimate), and the members of Congress are not above
the law of the land. If Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid [D-NV]
and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi [D-CA] and any other member of Congress
refuses to enforce Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii), they need
to be impeached for committing a federal felony, tried and removed from
office, and then placed on trial in a US federal court (not of their
choosing), and sentenced to federal prison for harboring illegals.&
Arizona's law was written with federal statutes in it. The whores in
the media have deliberately withheld the actual language of the bill
and are going ahead full steam to use the race card to whip millions of
illegals into a frenzy. I say it's time to declare legal war against
every individual in the covered categories under the Federal
Immigration and National Act of 1952. That law can be OUR non violent
solution to part of the problem.
If you have a group or organization, put your extra pennies together,
hire a good attorney to go after your state legislator if he/she has
voted for benefits of any kind and to give driver's license to
We the people need to take the power back into our hands by using the
law because no one is above the law, period.
If you are part of a tea party organization that is concerned (as we
all should be) about the illegals invasion, talk to them about hiring
good legal counsel and go after state legislators.
State legislators: I don't know how it would work, but any city in your
state that has declared itself to be a sanctuary city - use whatever
legal means necessary to go after the mayor, city council and county
board of stupidvisors under that federal law. . If possible, have
your Attorney General go after mayors and other elected officials of
sanctuary cities.
Send a short hard copy letter to your state legislator - even if they
are out of session. No email. Look up your state legislator, get their
home address if possible or the capitol and let them know about the law
that is on the books. Ask them to take the steps outlined above. It's
also time for the states to challenge the bogus &anchor babies& and the
true meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment, .
Yesterday I called the SF Chamber of Commerce to let them know I will
not visit SF while I'm in California because of Mayor Newsom and his
stupidity. I wrote a letter to Sen. Russell Pearce who got Arizona's
new law written and passed to personally thank him. Sen. Pearce's son, ;& he survived. I'm
printing out this column and sending a copy to Sen. Pearce and to my
state rep and senator with a cover letter: Enforce the law against the
Are we going to get tough on this issue or let useful fools like Keith
Olbermann, Rachael Maddow and other &progressives& push us around using
the race card?
Are we going to buy into the propaganda from Democrats that Republicans
will suffer in November if they support Arizona's new law or push for
the same in their state? Tell that to the families of the victims
murdered by illegals. Tell that to the father or mother who can't get a
job because an illegal has it. Tell that to the parents of a ten year
old little girl raped and murdered by some animal from south of the
Are we going to allow this crap to continue:
&&&In the latest of several lawsuits filed by
immigrants against U.S. law enforcement agencies, a Mexican woman
claims that an Arizona sheriff's department mistreated her during a
workplace raid that led to the arrest of dozens of undocumented
workers. For three years Celia Alvarez used a fake identity to work at
a Phoenix landscaping company that was raided last fall by the Maricopa
County Sheriff's Department. Alvarez, who has four U.S.-born anchor
babies, was among the 60 illegal immigrants arrested in the operation.&
She's got no husband and four kids. She stole a job that belongs to
an American using fake ID. Put her and the kids on a deportation bus
and send them back to Mexico
because as I mentioned in a recent column, a very important lawsuit
germane to the one above was decided by an appeals court . It is these types of lawsuits filed by criminals
that are costing millions of dollars and clogging up the courts.
Tune out noise by LA
Cardinal Roger Mahoney and : &..reverting
to German Nazi and
Russian Communist techniques whereby people are required to turn one
another in to the authorities on any suspicion of documentation.& If
the Catholic Church wants to engage in promoting and rewarding illegal
aliens, perhaps the IRS should look into their tax exempt status. The
same goes for any denomination. Mahoney has clearly taken the position
that our laws mean nothing.
Are we going to allow individuals of Mexican ancestry who have now
gotten themselves elected to Congress and state legislatures push us
around using the race card?
&Because you know what? It's not enough to elect Latino leadership. If
they're supporting legislation that denies the undocumented driver's
license, they don't belong in office friends.& Then Assembly Speaker
(California State Legislature) Antonio Villaraigosa, now Mayor of a
bankrupt Los Angeles:
Up $1 million dollars from last month
Source: Office of Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, 5th District
April 27, 2009&
LOS ANGELES COUNTY - &Figures from the Department of Public Social
Services show that children of illegal aliens in Los Angeles County
collected more than $21 million in welfare and more than $22 million in
food stamps in March 2009 -- an increase of $1 million from the
previous month, according to a news release from Los Angeles County
Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. &Annually the cost of illegal
immigration to Los Angeles County taxpayers exceeds one billion
dollars, which includes $220 million for public safety, $400 million
for healthcare, and $500 million in welfare and food stamps
allocations, according to the news release.
&Twenty-four percent of the county's total allotment of welfare and
food stamp benefits goes directly to the children of illegal aliens
born in the United States, according to Antonovich's statement.
&Illegal immigration continues to have a devastating impact on Los
Angeles County taxpayers,& Antonovich said in the statement. &The total
cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers exceeds $1 billion a
year - not including the millions of dollars for education.&
Art Torres, California Democratic Party chairman, at the Latino Summit
Response to Prop 187 at U.C. Riverside (Jan. 14, 1995): &Power is not
given to you, you have to take it! People say to me when I was on the
Senate floor, when I was in the Senate, why do you fight so hard for
affirmative action programs. And I tell my white colleagues: because
you're gonna need them. Remember, 187 is the last gasp of white
Those are the &undocumented& Villaraigosa protects that has bankrupted
his city. How did he get elected? It's a no brainer with vote fraud and
three MILLION illegals parked in the LA basin.
Fabian Nunez, California assemblyman, at the Latino Summit Response to
Prop 187 at U.C. Riverside (Jan. 14, 1995): &Each of you, get ten
people to go with us on that march in Washington, D.C., and I guarantee
you just as we mobilized 150,000 to the streets of Los Angeles on
October 16, we will mobilize 1 million people and bring Washington to a
standstill, and those rednecks that are out there making decisions for
the betterment of their communities will think twice before they push
forward anti- immigrant legislation against our community.&
for all quotes above:
As for former Mexican President Zedillo's comment on the web site
above: &With all due respect to Uncle Sam, this shows Los Angeles has
never stopped being ours.&
Pure propaganda repeated on signs by vicious mobs of illegals in their
protests. This big lie has been pounded into the heads of illiterate
illegals who don't even know the history of their own country. They
simply parrot what they're told (You stole our land!!!) to justify
sneaking across the border. If illegals from Mexico want to blame
someone, they can blame the government of Mexico back in 1848:
&The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which brought an official end to the
Mexican-American War () was signed on February 2, 1848, at
Guadalupe Hidalgo, a city north of the capital where the Mexican
government had fled with the advance of U.S. forces.
&The United States paid Mexico $15,000,000 &in consideration of the
extension acquired by the boundaries of the United States& (see Article
XII of the treaty) and agreed to pay American citizens debts owed to
them by the Mexican government (see Article XV). Other provisions
included protection of property and civil rights of Mexican nationals
living within the new boundaries of the United States (see Articles
VIII and IX), the promise of the United States to police its boundaries
(see Article XI), and compulsory arbitration of future disputes between
the two countries (see Article XXI).&
Federal immigration law
applies to any individual regardless of country of origin.
This isn't about race, it's
about the law.
We don't need another immigration &reform& bill out of Congress. The
last one signed by Ronald Reagan opened the flood gates. The Department
of Fatherland Security has a $40 BILLION dollar a year budget and our
borders are still wide open. Enforce the laws on the books and support
states who say enough is enough.
Millions of illegals can
march off a few pounds this Saturday, but we the people are going after
the enablers while other states follow Arizona's example of doing what
- Can I help
pack your bags?
From the mentally ill Fascist:
'We are committing national suicide'
&You and I are beneficiaries of
these jobs,& Bloomberg told his co-host, John Gambling. &You and I both
play golf. Who takes care of the greens and the fairways in your golf
course? Nobody wants to deport them, in the end, because people need
them to take these jobs and do the things that nobody else is doing?&
That judge is aiding illegals to stay in this country
Another federal judge who should be booted by Congress:
The legislature enacted the measure () after officials discovered
that a new $63 million courthouse in Cobb County&notorious for being
tough on illegal immigration&was practically built by illegal workers.
Tax and labor laws were violated left and right with public dollars and
lawmakers boldly took action.&
(it's made in New York)
Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why
A Bankrupt America and Blind L 2 million copies distributed. Devvy
appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican
Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't
left, ri she is a constitutionalist who believes
in the supreme law of the land, not some political party.
Visit Devvy's website at:
. You can also sign up for her free email alerts.
Copyright & 2010 Devvy Kidd
All rights reserved.


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