emerge as的意思

emerge是什么意思,emerge的解释 - 英汉词典 - 词典网词&典 汉语词典 &英汉词典 &中英例句 &&& && &&emerge的意思 emerge 音标[i'm?:d?] 真人读音中文翻译:vi. 浮现, 形成, 出现, (事实)显露详细解释:e.mergev.intr.(不及物动词)e.merged,e.merg.ing,e.merg.es To rise from or as if from immersion:浮现:从或好象是从潜水下面升起:例句:Sea mammals must emerge periodically to breathe.海生哺乳动物必须不断地浮现出海面呼吸To come forth from obscurity:出现:从阴暗处显露:例句:new leaders who may emerge.可能出现的新领导者们To become evident:显露:变得明显:例句:The truth emerged at the inquest.真相在询问中显露To come into existence.See Synonyms at appear 发生:使出现(存在)参见 appear来源:Latin &mergere 拉丁语 &mergere &-, ex- [ex-] &-, ex- [前缀,表.从前的.] mergere [to immerse] mergere [浸入] 词意辨析:appear, emerge, show, loom这些动词均有“出现”之意。appear: 强调公开露面,被看见。emerge: 侧重缓缓出现的过程。show: 语气较强,强调“露出来”。loom: 指朦胧出现,好像从雾中浮现出来一样。emerge, immerge这是两个形近单词。emerge: 意思是“露出”、“出现(to come out or come into view),一般用以指从某物之后(下)露出;它亦可用作比喻意,指困难、问题、事实等显现出来。emerge的名词是emergence.After a spell of wet days,the sun emerges from behind the clouds today.一连下了几天雨,今天太阳从云后出现了。The diver emerged from the water at last.潜水员终于浮出了水面。In the history of the Chinese nation,many national heroes have emerged.在中华民族的历史中,出现了很多的民族英雄。During the past two years,a lot of social problems have emerged.在过去两年中,出现了一大堆社会问题。A significant feature of Hong Kong's football teams is the constant emergence of promising newcomers.香港足球队的重要特色是有前途有望的新手经常出现。immerge: 很多时写作immerse,其意为“浸入”、“沉入”(to plunge into or dip into),它的名词是 immersion.The diver immerged in the icy sea for several minutes.潜水员潜入冰冷的海里数分钟。He has immerged the dress in the boiling dye for two hours.他已把衣服浸入滚烫的染料中两个小时了。&词型变化:动词过去式:emerged&过去分词:emerged&现在分词:&第三人称单数:emerges&&英语解释:动词 emerge:come out into view, as from concealmentcome out of同义词:issue, come out, come forth, go forth, egressbecome known or apparentcome up to the surface of or risehappen or occur as a result of something同义词:come forth 中英例句:Large scale industry emerged only gradually as technology evolved.大工业只是随着技术发展而逐渐开始存在的。The sun emerged from behind the clouds.太阳从云层后面露出来了。It has emerged that he stole the money.现在终于发现,是他偷了那笔钱。关注词典网微信公众号:词典网,回复如:emerge英语,可方便查询:相关翻译: *[eriθrəunəu'læktəun]\n【化】 赤酮酸内酯 【机】 机具铸件 *[entərɔp'təusis]\n【医】 肠肾的 【化】 涡电流加热器 【医】 渗出性盘状苔癣样皮炎 *[ik'stri:mli]\nad. 极端地, 非常地 【经】 无追索权背书 【化】 遍历假说 【医】 露髓 *[i:'kɔsteit]\n【医】 无肋骨的 【化】 增强因子\n【医】 增强因子 *[i'kwiv?l?ns]\nn. 同等, 等价, 等值\n【计】 等价\n【医】 等值, 等量, 等价(化学) 【医】 湿疹样皮脂溢 【医】 对切Ж 【电】 电磁轫 快速导航词条推荐 【电】 相序电压电驿 【医】 米宁氏灯(一种治疗用灯) *[,laetinai'zei??n]\nn. 译成拉丁语, 使成拉丁语文风, 罗马天主教化 *[,ju:θ?'neizj?]\nn. 安乐死\n【医】 安死术 【计】 中断请求 【医】 髂腰动脉 【法】 侵犯领空 *['pəust'mɔ:tem]\n【计】 算后检查, 事后剖析\n【医】 死后 *['rezid?nt]\nn. 居民, 常驻程序, 居住者, 留鸟\na. 居留的, 定居的\n【医】 住院医师\n【 【机】 面料英语: emerge 
[i'mə:dʒ]vi.浮现, (由某种状态)脱出, (事实)显现出来
Large scale industry emerged only gradually as technology evolved.
The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
It has emerged that he stole the money.
英英解释:动词 emerge:
come out into view, as from concealment
come out of
become known or apparent
come up to the surface of or rise
happen or occur as a result of somethingemerge是什么意思_emerge在线翻译_emerge什么意思_emerge的意思_emerge的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
emerge是什么意思 emerge在线翻译 emerge什么意思 emerge的意思 emerge的翻译 emerge的解释 emerge的发音 emerge的同义词 emerge的反义词 emerge的例句
emerge[i'mə:dʒ]第三人称单数: ; 动词过去式: ; 过去分词: ; 现在分词: ; emerge 基本解释vi. 浮现, 形成, (由某种状态)脱出, (事实)显现出来, 出现, (事实)显露emerge 例句vi.1. Nothing emerged from the bilateral talks.& & 双边会谈没有结果。2. The ship emerged from behind the fog.& & 船从雾里露了出来。3. The moon emerged from behind a cloud.& & 月亮从云层后面钻了出来。4. The sun emerged from behind the clouds.& & 太阳从云层后面露出来。emerge 同义词v.
emerge 反义词vi. emerge 网络解释1. 出现& & 在最近十年中,学者们围绕旅游点的文化表演撰写了大量著作,他们不再以&伪造的事件&来解释旅游点的文化表演,而是转向了对表演互动过程中即时出现(emerge)的多种真实的交流的阐释. 2. 浮现& & 人们从最初浸没于(submerge)该境况中,到从该境况中浮现(emerge)出来,以至参与其中(intervene). 该境况不应被视为命中注定的或是不可改变的,而应视为只是有限的,具有挑战性的. 而知识,以及教育,都是探究(inquiry)的过程. 离开了探究,3. 发生& & 通过&偶然事件(emergentbehavior)&原则,&完全文本&正在试图消解他们的劳动成果,依靠一种&作弊&的方法--你提出一个你希望&突然发生(emerge)&的故事,然后进行分析并试图用反向工程来解析出其中的简单规则,4. 显露& & 即生物在每一层次中如分子层次,细胞层次,组织层次,和器官层次,每一层次中都被一种修剪的计算程序来规范,但当这层次的结构成立之后,它的新获得的机能就显露(emerge)出来,换言之,整体emerge 网络例句1. I don't want to emerge in public & &我不想在公开场合露面。2. We want it to emerge from this period of challenge stronger,& he said.& & &我们希望它从这一时期出现的挑战的强大,&他说。&3. It`s time to emerge. & &现在已经是出来的时候了。4. One by one they began to emerge. & &一个接一个的,他们出现在我的面前。。。5. I won't tell you how he gets out, but he will emerge to a different landscape. & &我可不会告诉你他是如何脱困的,但是他会呈现出不同的性格。6. First, in the form of open, continued to emerge. & &首先,在公开的形式上,不断推陈出新。7. One by one they began to emerge. & &一个接一个,他们出现在我的面前。。。从 emerge 开始单词接龙选择难度小学英语初中英语高中英语大学英语出国英语考试英语emerge是什么意思,emerge在线翻译,emerge什么意思,emerge的意思,emerge的翻译,emerge的解释,emerge的发音,emerge的同义词,emerge的反义词,emerge的例句,emerge的相关词组,emerge意思是什么,emerge怎么翻译,单词emerge是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2016  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 高频词,一定要记得哦!
v. 暴露;浮现;摆脱
The growing corruption has emerged in the past few years.
The emerging caution over numbers is perhaps only to be expected.
Soon after, young Chinese modern dancers began to emerge on the world stage with their unique style.
By the weekend, physicians noticed an alarming pattern beginning to emerge.
There is growing evidence that the economy is at last emerging from recession.
I know their plans to emerge from bankruptcy by February of next year.
1.come out into view, as from concealment
Suddenly, the proprietor emerged from his office
2.come out of
Water issued from the hole in the wall
The words seemed to come out by themselves
3.become known or apparent
Some nice results emerged from the study
4.come up to the surface of or rise
He felt new emotions emerge
5.happen or occur as a result of something
1.Cultural differences also emerge in employee attitudes.
2.A multitude of heroic figures emerge.
3.Hotspot issues emerge from time to time.
4.Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics.
5.Even if no more problems emerge, damage has been done.
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emerge in endlessly是什么意思
中文翻译层出不穷:&&&&vi. 1.出现,显露,现出。 2.(自困境等中)摆脱; ...:&&&&In =【化学】 indium (铟).
例句与用法With the forming of penalty system , different theories about it have emerged in endlessly and debates within them have never stopped本文以法社会学中的法社会化理论为视角,探讨了刑罚理论的新的理性观念与态度。 Recently , the special - shaped - column structural system has been developed very rapidly in china . many relative structural systems emerged in endlessly近年来,异形柱结构体系在我国发展迅速,各种相关的结构形式层出不穷。 In recent years , the techniques of using computer to simulate the artistic effects , such as canvas and sculpture , emerged in endlessly为干笔模拟所普遍采用的纹理映射方法,过于依赖纹理样图,无法体现出飞白的灵活多变的特点。 The computer industry is developing rapidly . new techniques are emerging in endlessly ; new methods are being studied for enhancing the efficiency of developing software计算机业是一个飞速发展的行业,各种新技术层出不穷,业界永远都在探索提高软件开发效率的新方法。 When the network scope extends continually , using through mistake mode or for mistake purpose , the network security affaires emerge in endlessly . the loss from the affairs is paid attention by people increasingly在网络规模不断增大的同时,因为以错误的方式或为达到错误的目的而使用,所引起的网络安全事件造成的损失也日益引起人们的重视。 With the rapid development of china ' s economy , a series of environmental problems emerge in endlessly which have become one of the major sources to imperil and restrict the normal and stable development of the socialist market economy随着我国经济的飞速发展,一系列环境问题层出不穷,成为威胁和制约社会主义市场经济正常、稳定发展的主要根源之一。 In recent years , with the increasingly demand of the broad band and multimedia communication , various powerful tools have been emerging in endlessly to increase the capacity of satellite channel and pcma ( paired carrier multiple access ) is just one of them近年来,随着人们对宽带和多媒体信息需求的日益增长,各种卫星信道容量倍增技术层出不穷,成对载波多址( pcma )技术即是其中的一种。 In recent years , incentive system to enterprise operators also becomes the focus of management research . and the tentative methods such as annual salary system , stock equity incentive system and stock options incentive system emerge in endlessly in chinese enterprises公司1999年上市以来经营业绩持续下滑,而经营者的收入水平却呈上升态势,经营者的收入与企业的经营业绩呈现出了负相关的关系。 Recently , with the more development of china reform of economic system and the more development of social economy , the relation of civil and economy become more and more complex . many kinds of dispute on no particular mass ’ interest have emerged in endlessly近年来,随着我国经济体制改革的进一步深入和社会经济的进一步发展,民事、经济关系变得日益复杂,涉及到不特定多数人利益的各种纠纷层出不穷。 In the 21st century , along with the modern society becomes to be information - based more and more , the scope of internet augments continuously , all kinds of network services come forth one bye one , especially advanced multimedia systems emerge in endlessly进入二十一世纪,随着现代社会的信息化程度越来越深入, internet的规模不断增大,各种各样的网络服务争相涌现,尤其是先进的多媒体系统层出不穷。 更多例句:&&1&&
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