七年级上册历史测试题下unit5能力测试题a版作文《my day》

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第1期人教新课标湖北版高一动力版A卷和综合版试题详解 参考答案及解析 1-5 CCCAB
6-10 ABCBC
11-15 ACBAB
16-20 ACBBA 21-25 BADDB
26-30 CACDB
31-35 DABDC
36-40 CCBDA 41-45 CBDAC
46-50 BDACB 51-55 DBABB
56-60 CDCCB 61-65 DAADC
66-70 DCDCA 71. have fully / completely understood the items
72. is nothing to do with
73. she has just arrived in
74. had joined in the discussion
75. he disagreed with me
76. is going through
77. because she can’t learn much
78. swap your seat with me
79. add up all the money
80. whether you had interest in
短文写作 As we all know, friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy. Therefore, it is important for us to know how to get along well with our friends. Last week I had a quarrel about the activity of New Year’s Day with my friend, Ada, so that she was greatly hurt. In order not to affect the friendship between us, I made an apology to her. At last, we joined hands to serve all the classmates and our class. After all, our friendship is too valuable to lose over a silly argument. As far as I’m concerned, to keep friendship all our life, we should not be selfish and should be ready to help our friends whenever they are in trouble, for a friend in need is a friend indeed.
21. B.考查动词辨析.put放settle安排安置place放置set放置.本句意为“Margot说她已经将那条狗安置在了她的新房子里并且从那以后会一直养着它.” 22. A.考查动词辨析.recover痊愈retire退休return归还remain保持.本句意为“我祖父的重感冒已经痊愈了而且已经出院了.” 23. D.考查短语动词辨析.turn up开大turn down关小set up建立set down记下放下.本句意为“William被要求根据记忆写下所有的事实.” 24. D.考查短语动词辨析.be tired of对„„感到厌烦be angry with对„„感到生气be terrified of对„„感到害怕be concerned about关心挂念.本句意为“Jim很关心他的伙伴因为他长期遭受重病折磨.” 25. B.考查介词短语辨析.by accident偶然on purpose故意by mistake错误地on time按时.本句意为“老师问Tom他是由于失误还是故意打碎Lucy的杯子的.”
26. C.考查形容词辨析.complete完全的完整的强调所有需要的或正确的部分都存在whole和entire都表示全部的强调事物的完整性但是whole不能修饰抽象名词而entire能all全部的所有的强调事物的整体.本句意为“Kitty对于正在发生的一切毫不知情.没人有时间告诉她.” 27. A.考查形容词辨析.calm平静的镇静的沉着的upset心烦意乱的不安的quiet安静的worried担心的.本句意为“事故发生后经理试着保持镇静并尽快处理它.” be grateful to sb for sth因为某事感激某人be tired of对„„厌烦.本句意为“Mike很担心他妈妈因为她患有健忘症和其他很多疾病.” 28. D.考查形容词辨析.fluent流利的流畅的frequent常常频繁的actual真实的实际的gradual逐渐的逐步的.本句意为“因为人类社会的发展每种语言都是一直变化的这种变化是逐渐的而不是突然的.”本题由sudden可知应选与其对应的gradual. 29. B.考查副词辨析.entirely完全地actually实际上exactly确切地secondly第二.本句意为“虽然Mark没说自己的感觉但是实际上他的脸已经表明了他的气愤.” 30. C.考查短语辨析.at present现在at times有时偶尔on purpose故意on time按时.本句意为“—Alice真可惜这个美丽的花瓶被打碎了.但是Tom当时心烦意乱的所以你别生他的气.—但是我认为他是故意的.” 【文章大意】童年回忆可以伴随人的一生对于这一点蒂莎确定无疑.每当她看到红色冷藏箱她都禁不住会笑起来. 31. C.由下文“...but was actually large and very comfortable inside.”可知此处是说农舍从外面看起来很小.
32. D.由下文“It was half open...”可知此处是说笛莎注意到了厨房里的红色冷藏箱.
33. A.由下文“...except for a small towel hanging off the side.”可推知冷藏箱是空的. 34. B.由下文笛莎把自己藏在冷藏箱里可知此处是说关上盖子.
35. A.由上文“She could still see out of it...”可知由于那条毛巾的缘故冷藏箱的盖子关不严因此她可以看见外面. 36. C.由上文笛莎在祖父母家度假可推知此处是说家人不知道她在哪会很有意思.
37. D.由上文冷藏箱在厨房里可知她能透过没关严的缝隙看厨房里的活动.
38. A.由上文“...and then fell asleep.”及下文她对父亲和祖父的观察可知此处是说她醒了.
39. B.由上文笛莎爬进冷藏箱可知此处是说父亲问是否有人看到过笛莎.
40. C.由下文“He came closer and closer to the freezer.”可知她听到祖父走进厨房.
41. A.由下文“...she sat up, pushing the cover open and saying ‘Ha!’”可知此处是说她屏住呼吸等待.
42. D.由上文祖父越走越近可推知此处是说祖父要伸手打开冷藏箱的盖子的时候.
43. B.由下文“...surprised, relieved, angry and also glad.”可知此处是说祖父的表情.
44. C.由下文“...for she had played a trick on them.”可知笛莎很高兴.
45. A.由上文“The entire family...”可知家人都挤到厨房来看到底怎么了.
46. D.由上文父亲和祖父都笑了及下文“Neither did her grandmother.”可知此处是说她的母亲没有笑.
47. B.由上文“Grandmother moved the red freezer out of the kitchen...”可知那件事以后祖母把冷藏箱移出厨房不再使用了.
48. A.由下文“...if the freezer had been closed tightly!”可知祖母表示后怕要是冷藏箱的盖子关严了的话会是多么糟糕.
49. C.由上文“But to Tisha...”可知此处是说对笛莎来说这段记忆是有趣的.
50. B.由上文笛莎藏在红色冷藏箱的经历可知答案.
【文章大意】网络媒体可以成为协助人们职业发展的工具. 51. A.推理判断题.由文章内容可推知本文是为想通过博客寻找工作的人写的.
52. C.细节理解题.由第三段“The key should be creating meaningful and interesting content that people will want to read and share”可知有意义有趣的博客内容比较容易被转发.
53. B.推理判断题.由倒数第二段内容可推知此处是说在博客上显示自己的知识时不要骄傲也就是要谦虚. be grateful to sb for sth因为某事感激某人be tired of对„„厌烦.本句意为“Mike很担心他妈妈因为她患有健忘症和其他很多疾病.” 28. D.考查形容词辨析.fluent流利的流畅的frequent常常频繁的actual真实的实际的gradual逐渐的逐步的.本句意为“因为人类社会的发展每种语言都是一直变化的这种变化是逐渐的而不是突然的.”本题由sudden可知应选与其对应的gradual. 29. B.考查副词辨析.entirely完全地actually实际上exactly确切地secondly第二.本句意为“虽然Mark没说自己的感觉但是实际上他的脸已经表明了他的气愤.” 30. C.考查短语辨析.at present现在at times有时偶尔on purpose故意on time按时.本句意为“—Alice真可惜这个美丽的花瓶被打碎了.但是Tom当时心烦意乱的所以你别生他的气.—但是我认为他是故意的.” 【文章大意】童年回忆可以伴随人的一生对于这一点蒂莎确定无疑.每当她看到红色冷藏箱她都禁不住会笑起来. 69. A.推理判断题.根据第三段“Although the volunteers ate less at breakfast when they had five hours of sleep, they ate more over they especially burnt an increased number of calories in the form of snacks after dinner and finally gained weight.”可知每晚只睡5个小时的研究对象主要是在晚餐后通过吃零食摄取更多能量最终使体重增加. 70. D.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段“Professor Ken Wright, one of the researchers, said extra sleep by itself wasn’t going to lead to weight loss, and suggested that people who want to lose weight should pay attention to their sleep.”可知Ken Wright认为那些想要减肥的人最好注意自己的睡眠.
第4期人教新课标湖北版高一动力版A卷和综合版试题详解 参考答案及解析 1-5 CBACA
6-10 CBCAC
11-15 CBBBC
16-20 AABBA 21-25 BCCBA
26-30 DACDB
31-35 DDCBD
36-40 ACBDA 41-45 BCBAD
46-50 ACCBA 51-55 BCBDD
56-60 BDACA 61-65 BDBCA
66-70 CACDB 71. whether she had heard
72. am cycling/will cycle/am going to cycle to
73. that Mark found
74. to giving
75. are settling/will settle/are going to settle in
76. once water boils
77. can’t/can hardly wait to
78. has been dreaming about/of
79. (that) we (should) do everything
80. pacing in a big garden 短文写作 With the development of the economy and the increase in legal holidays, more and more people are fond of travelling now. They view it as a good way to relax and entertain themselves. According to a survey held by my class, some students prefer to go to the cultural sites with a long history. They consider it will enrich their knowledge and improve themselves at the same time. Some others enjoy the sightseeing in some beautiful natural places. They think it can make them get in touch with nature and help them relax after busy study. As for me, I enjoy visiting some historical sites, because I can learn much history from it and know well about the country as well. 21. B.考查名词辨析.view用作名词、作“观点见解”讲时之后常接介词about或onattitude态度看法之后常接介词to或towardsopinion意见想法之后常接介词about、of或onthought想法看法之后常接介词of.本句意为“对于Caroline想给新房子买那份保险的想法你是怎么看的”
22. C.考查名词辨析.fare费用fee费费用tip小费item条款.本句意为“在西方国家顾客要给服务员小费而且在一些高级饭店小费是加在账单里的.” 23. C.考查动词辨析.suggest建议常用于suggest (that) sb (should) do sthadvise建议常用于advise sb against doing sthpersuade说服劝说常用于persuade sb into doing sthrequest请求要求常用于request (that) sb (should) do sth.本句意为“没人能说服老约翰改变他的想法.他已经决定参加并完成那场马拉松比赛了.”
24. B.考查动词辨析.order整理命令organize组织成立found创办成立建立build建造成立.本句意为“在会议的结尾Anne根据其他人的话组织了一下自己的思路并作了总结.” 25. A.考查短语动词辨析.care about关心惦念忧虑care for照顾give in屈服让步投降give up放弃.本句意为“大多数的大学毕业生在找工作时都很关心公司和自身的发展.” 26. D.考查短语动词辨析.be tired of对„„感到厌烦be angry with对„„感到生气be terrified of对„„感到恐惧be fond of喜欢喜爱.本句意为“藏族人都喜爱牦牛在他们眼中牦牛不仅是动物还是一种生命和自然的象征.” 27. A.考查形容词辨析.reliable可信赖的可靠的suitable合适的knowledgeable知识渊博的uncomfortable不舒服的.本句意为“你最好别告诉Tom那个秘密.我认为他不是一个可靠的人.也许如果他知道了那个秘密所有人就都知道了.”
28. C.考查形容词辨析.stubborn顽固的固执的upset心烦意乱的calm镇静的平静的grateful感激的表示感谢的.本句意为“John在事故中的镇静让很多人都记住了他因为要是没有他会死更多人.” 29. D.考查副词辨析.gradually逐渐地exactly确切地frequently频繁地finally最后终于.本句意为“我们现在不能就这件事发表任何言论因为它还没最终解决.” 30. B.考查短语辨析.ever before以前ever since从那以后常常连接一个时间状语从句要求主句使用完成时态just then就在那时since then从那时起一直.本句意为“自从Wayne八岁生日得到了他的第一本日记本起他就一直写日记.” 【文章大意】澳大利亚一家食品店向那些只看不买的顾客收取5美元的费用.食品店老板抱怨说很多人进商店只是为了获取产品信息然后去其他地方购买这些产品. 31. D.根据常识可知顾客进店只询问商品信息却不购买这会使大多数商户感到沮丧. 32. D.根据上下文逻辑可知此处是说很少有商户不在意顾客进店只询问商品信息却不购买. 33. C.由下文“by the sign in the window”可知商铺在橱窗内立了一则告示.
34. B.上文说商铺在橱窗内立了一则告示说明进店观看要收费故可推知告示的内容解释了收费的原因.
35. D.根据上文“charging customers $5 just for looking at products in the store”可知顾客只要进店就会被收取5美元费用.
36. A.根据上下文逻辑5美元的费用只向看而不买的顾客收取而对于购买产品的顾客这5美元自然会被返还. 37. C.根据下文中店主的话“I’ve worked a lot, I worked hard, and my cakes are good with reasonable prices, but I didn’t get paid. ...”可推知她对于顾客只看不买颇有情绪对此进行抱怨.
38. B.根据下文“went somewhere else to buy them.”可知此处店主说很多人走进商店询问有关产品的问题然后去其他地方购买这些产品. 39. D.根据店主的话“I’ve worked a lot, I worked hard, and my cakes are good with reasonable prices, but I didn’t get paid.”可知她认为自己努力做了很多工作产品很好价格也公道却得不到回报这让她觉得不公平. 40. A.根据常识可知开店是为了做生意.
41. B.根据上文“went somewhere else to buy them.”可知顾客只询问产品信息却去其他地方购买产品这样一来店主就认为自己在为其他超市提供免费的服务帮助别人赚钱. 42. C.参见上题解析. 43. B.根据店主的抱怨可知进店即收5美元费用的目的是阻止那些只看不买的顾客.
44. A.根据常识可知这样一个告示会使顾客望而却步未进门就失去兴趣.put off在此处表示“使失去兴趣”. 45. D.but一词连接的两个分句陈述的是顾客对于5美元的收费产生的两种不同的反应有些人看到告示就失去兴趣而其他人则付了观赏费. 46. A.根据下文“why customers didn’t buy her goods as her prices were no higher.”可知她的产品价格并不高因此对于顾客只看不买的这种行为她感到不解.
47. C.此处是假设.如果我走进这样一个店铺„„ 48. C.如果我走进商店就被告知观看也要缴纳费用我会马上走人.
49. B.根据常识可知如果顾客没有进店就离开店铺将失去那些随便看看的顾客从店里买东西的机会. 50. A.根据下文“to win more business”可知小型商店如果想招揽更多生意应该注重特色卖点向顾客提供优质服务. 【文章大意】面对猛虎Manute贸然出击险些命丧虎口Pontoma则冷静应对化险为夷. 51. B.细节理解题.根据第一段中的“They said the exact opposite about Pontoma. No one had seen him catch even a monkey.”可知Pontoma平时没有表现出他的勇敢. 52. C.细节理解题.根据文章内容可知当他们听到老虎的叫声时Manute变得很焦虑要马上出去与猛虎交战Pontoma示意Manute不要动等待时机可见Pontoma比较冷静. 53. B.细节理解题.根据第二段中的“The tiger hurt Manute’s leg”和第三段中的“Manute, shocked, and bleeding freely from his leg”可知Manute在这个事件中受伤了. 54. D.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段内容可知Manute从Pontoma身上学到了什么是真正的勇敢对他感到敬佩. 【文章大意】本文就家庭旅行给出很多好的建议. 55. D.写作意图题.本文作者从自己的旅行体验引出旅行日程安排的重要性并就此为读者提供了一些具体的建议. 56. B.推理判断题.本题实际是考查读者对“we’re no strangers to travel”的理解这句话暗示作者对旅行很熟悉且从下文作者就旅行日程安排提出的建议也可推断出他有很多旅游经验. 57. D.推理判断题.根据本文中的“get the kids down at naptime”“hungry kids are often quick to turn into a headache for you”“Does your baby take a daily nap?”以及类似的字眼可以推断出本文主要是写给想进行家庭旅行的家长的. 58. A.细节理解题.根据文中内容“Naps are very important for babies’ development.”可知答案. 【文章大意】树跟人一样也有压力.作者通过本文告诉我们如何去识别树有压力的症状以及如何去处理它们. 59. C.推理判断题.根据第二段中的“If your tree is wilting, it probably needs water or you might be watering it too much!”和“However, a little research work will...”可知树变得枯萎可能是因为缺水也可能是因为水多了.从作者的观点来看遇到这种情况应该先仔细检查找出具体原因.60. A.词义猜测题.根据上文“with dots on the leaves”可知如果树的生长出现异常树叶上可能会出现小圆点根据常理可知树叶的变化可能是长东西或者变颜色.再根据划线词的词根“color”可知本词应该是“颜色变化”的意思. 61. B.推理判断题.本文第三段告诉我们土壤或气候的不适宜可能会导致树木的营养问题缺水或多水在这种情况下树木容易生虫害最后导致更严重的疾病.A项“知识就是力量”B项“祸不单行”C项“吃一堑长一智”D项“良好的开端是成功的一半”.综上所述我们可以得出与第三段内容相符合的是B选项. 62. D.细节理解题.根据最后一段中的“Too many chemicals may make your tree grow faster. The faster a tree grows the less energy it has for defense against insects and disease.”可知使用过多的化学物品会使树木快速生长但防御病虫和疾病的能力却在下降. 【文章大意】丘吉尔认为今后的世界是智慧推动发明的世界但他绝对没有料到“未来世界”来得如此迅速.本文介绍了众多新发明中的两个发明.尽管只有两个但也反映了当今科技的飞速发展. 63. B.细节理解题.根据第一段“When Winston Churchill said, ‘The empires of the future are the empires of the mind,’ he knew that knowledge drives invention.”可知温斯顿·丘吉尔的话的意思是智慧促进发明.故可知答案. 64. C.细节理解题.根据第二段“Paper consumption has grown by 400% worldwide since the start of the computer age”可知答案. 65. A.细节理解题.根据第三段知道这种灯泡使用寿命约为五万小时生产成本降低且耗电量小只有④未提到.故可知答案. 66. C.推理判断题.根据第三段知道这种灯泡使用寿命长生产成本降低且耗电量小所有的这些都是人们所需要的因此它满足了人们的需求令人满意.故可知答案. 【文章大意】本文讲述了现代科技的新应用即利用手机程序救助受伤动物. 67. A.细节理解题.根据第二段中的“With that in mind we made the application as simple and easy as possible.”可知设计者在开发这款应用程序的时候是秉承着容易操作的原则进行的由此可知答案. 68. C.词义猜测题.结合第五段中Dave Crawford所讲内容可知这种程序在没有网络的情况下也能使用无论你是在偏僻的科罗拉多州平原上还是身处落基山国家公园文章所列举的地点都是网络信号很难到达的地方由此可知下面提到的“a dead zone”指的是信号不好的地区. 69. D.细节理解题.根据最后一段中的“For now, information is limited to Colorado, but that could change soon.”可知现阶段只有科罗拉多州能使用这种程序但是这种情况会很快有70. B.主旨大意题.本文主要向读者讲述一种程序它能安装在手机上为救助受伤动物提供信息和服务.
A. No, I don’t.&
B. That sounds
C. OK!It’s boring.&&&
______ your
father have a car?
A. D do& &&&&&&&&&&&
B. Do; does
C. D does&&&
& 3. They ______ some
clubs at school.
A. have& && B.
& 4. He likes soccer,
but he doesnt ______
A. look&&&&&
B. play&&&&&&
at home and ______ com-
puter games.
A. plays&&&&
B. to play&& C.
& 6. Mr. Black
doesnt like
the lecture(). It is
A. interesting&&&
B. boring&&&
& 7. I have ______ good
friends in our class.
A. not&&&&&&
B. many&&&&&&
& 8. My brother has a
small ______ collection.
A. sport B.
& 9. Do they play
______ soccer?
A. the&&&&&&
B. a&&&&&&&&&&&
need one ping-pang ball and two ______.
A. ping-pongs bats&&
B. ping-pongs bat&&
C. ping-pong bats&&&&&&
I have an uncle. He likes
soccer ball, baseball, volleyball, basketball and&&
baseball and basketball very well. He often watches sports
He plays sports every day. He often says(), Lets play
clubs: basketball club and baseball club. He has&&
sports collection: 12 tennis rackets, 10 baseballs, 3 volleyballs,
2 basketballs and one soccer ball.
baseball B. more& C.
B. of&&&&&
B. two&&&&
B. a&&&&&&&
John Smith
doesn’tt play
sports. He has two (20)children. His son, Jim, likes tennis and
soccer ball. And he has a sports collection. (17)He is in the
school tennis club. (18)He plays tennis
with() his friends every day.
Cindy, his daughter, likes baseball and tennis.
She only watches them on TV.
17. He is in the
school tennis club.
18. He plays
tennis with his friends every day.
19. &&&&&&
A. She plays them every
B. But she doesn’t play
20. children
21. My sister __________(not
have) a soccer ball.
22. Bruce only
__________(watch) sports on TV!
23. Michael __________(have) a
24. Let’s _________(go) to
play volleyball.
25. Does your father
_________(play) sports every day?
Barry: Do you have a
Betty: Yes, I do. I have a
Barry: I have a basketball.
Let’s play bas-
Betty: No, it’s
Barry: Let’s play
Betty: That sounds
Barry: Do you have a tennis
Betty: Yes, I
Barry: Let’s play tennis with
Tom and Ma Ling.
31. ___& 32. ___& 33. ___& 34. ___& 35.
36. Her brother has a ball.
_____ her brother _____ a
37. My sister has a computer
My sister _____ _____ a
computer game.
38. Ann has a nice tennis
racket. ()
_____ _____ Ann
39. Do you want to play soccer
this after-
_____ _____ soccer this
40. My father
doesnt play
tennis. ()
My father _______
Henry has a _______ _______
My parents ________ _______ in
the morning.
They play computer games
_______ _______.
He _______ _______ TV in the
That _______
_____ your
brother like hamburgers?
A. Do; doesn’t & B. Do;
C. D doesn’t
& 2. The lunch in our
school ______ good.
& 3. Do you like
_______ soccer?
A. play &&B. playing the
& 4. Look! Some
broccoli _______ on the plate(), and
the vegetables ______ in the basket().
A. is&& B.
& 5. We want to have
______ great dinner this evening.
A. a&&&&&&&&&&&&&
B. the&&&&&&&&
& 6. John ______ eggs
and bananas _____ breakfast.
A. with& &&&&&&&&&&&
& 7. Please take some
______ to your parents.
A. tomatos B.
tomato& C.
What _____ do
A. fruit&&&&
B. vegetable&& C.
& 9. Do you have _____
healthy food every day?
A. more&&&
B. lots of&&&&&&
10. Tim is a
______ boy and he studies() ______
at school.
C. well&&&&&&&&&
Helen is my sister. She likes
hamburgers very
breakfast she has hamburgers and some milk. But I
and I go to school. We have&&
school. She has apples and vegetables.&&
them. I only eat eggs and salad.
We have dinner at home
our parents. For
dinner we have chicken, vegetables
and rice(). My
father likes to have tea() after
dinner. But I dont like
tea. I like ice cream for the&&
15& . What
do you have for your breakfast, lunch and dinner?
B. In&&&&&
breakfast&& B.
lunches& B.
the lunch&& C.
B. Or&&&&&&
dessert& B.
dinner& C.
I have a good friend, Tom. He
is a nice boy, but he eats too much() and he
doesnt like
He has a big breakfast every
morning. He has four eggs, some bread and milk. For lunch, he eats
two hamburgers, lots of French fries and chicken. He has much
Coke, too.
For dinner, he likes beef() and
salad. He likes ice cream, Coke, hamburgers and
Too much food is not good for
Tom. And he is not healthy.
16. Tom eats
lots of food and he plays sports every day.
17. Tom eats
eggs, bread and milk for breakfast.
18. Tom likes
19. Tom has
lots of vegetables and fruits.
20. Tom eats
too much food. He isnt
21. I like to eat
_________very much.&
22. Do you like
23. This is a
24. My father likes eating
25. We can eat some ________
this evening.
26. Sandra Clark
_________(eat) eggs and apples every day.
__________(strawberry) are on the table.
28. My sister _________(like)
bread and milk for breakfast.
should() eat
_________ (good) every day.
30. Tony likes _________
31. Does he
like apples?
32. What do
you have for breakfast?
33. What does
34. Do you
like tomatoes?
35. Do they
like strawberries?
A. Eggs, bananas and
C. No, they
D. She likes
E. Yes, he
A: Hi, Mary! Do you like
B: Yes, I do. What fruit do
A: I like bananas.
36__________________. Does your mother like
B: 37______________. My mother
likes apples and bread. What about your father?
A: He likes chicken and milk.
B: Yes. And my father likes
A: Does he like
B: Yes, he does.
39___________________. But I like broccoli.
A: Yes, very much. Let’s eat
some broccoli for dinner.
41. My brother likes tomatoes.
My brother ______ ______
42. Do you like broccoli and
French fries? ()
No, ______
43. Mary likes apples for
breakfast. ()
_______ does Mary _______ for
44. They have some oranges.
He ______ ______
45. Kate often eats pears.
______ Kate often ______
My name is Zhang Mei.
Class 16, Grade 7. There are three
people() in my
family. They are my father, my mother and I. We eat lots of good
food. My father likes chicken and eggs. My mother likes vegetables
and salad. I like fruit and vegetables,
but my favorite() food
is ice cream. We all() like
hamburgers and French fries.
& 1. This ______ is
small. Do you have a big one?
A. shorts&&&&&&&&&&&&&
& 2. The red shoes
______ $20.
A. have&&&&&&&&
& 3. We have pencils
______ all colors ______ just 1 yuan each.
B. for&& C.
& 4. Our price is very
low(), and
anybody can _____ it.
A. afford&&&&&&&
B. see&&&&&
& 5. Here are some nice
skirts _____ a very good price!
A. in&&&&&&&&&
B. for&&&&&&
Whats that
over there()? Lets go and
_______ it.
A. have a look&&&&
B. have a look at&&&&&&&
They are 3
A. is the T-shirt&&
B. are the
C. are the
How much are
the white shoes?
A. Here you are &B. I want
C. I’ll take them
Yes, please.
I want a bag for sports.
A. Can I help you&&&&&
B. Is that your
C. What do you
10. Thank you
very much.
A. No, please
B. You’re welcome&&&&
C. Don’t say
Singapore. Here is a&&
sale. On Orchard Road() there
stores. You can see big &
stores. You can see T-shirts in red, yellow, blue and green
to 10 Singapore dollars. The pants are&&
sale for 8 dollars. And the hats are at a very low&&
17& . They
are 1 dollar&&
stores have nice shirts, bags, shoes and many other&&
you have a chance(), go
yourself and your family in Singapore!
B. short C. big
B. fruit&&
C. clothes
B. only&&&
B. color&&&
T-shirts &&&&&&&&&&
B. things&&
B. look&&&&
11418Tom 10018
One day, Tom, Jim and Frank go
to a big store. There are lots of shoes in all colors. They are
from other countries().
Oh, look at
those three pairs of shoes!” Tom says, “I like this pair. I like
How much is
it?” Jim asks.
18(18). That
pair of white shoes is $18. Do you like them,
Jim says, “Yes. I’ll take
them. What about you, Frank?”
This pair of
black shoes is very good. Theyre
I want the
most expensive() pair!
That red pair! Its from
shouts(), I have 100
21. Tom, Jim
and Frank go to a big store to buy ______.
A. socks&&&
B. shoes&&&
C. clothes
22. Tom wants
to buy the ______ shoes.
A. red&&&&&&
B. white&&&
23. Jim wants
to buy the shoes for ______.
B. 18 &&&&&&
24. The most
expensive pair of shoes is from ______.
A. England&& B.
America&& C.
25. Does Tom
have enough money to buy the red shoes?
A. Yes, he does.&&&
B. No, he doesn’t.&&&
C. We don’t know.&
There is a big store near my
home. There are many things in it. (a)Many people go
shopping() in it
every day.
It is a Sunday afternoon. We
any food in the fridge(). My
mother and I go to buy some food for dinner. We buy some chicken,
vegetables and fruits. They all look (b) fresh and are not
expensive. I buy a blue pencil and an eraser. The (c)shop
assistants() in the
store are very friendly().
______ ______ people go
shopping in it every day.
27. What do the
writer and her mother buy the food for?
28. (b)fresh
29. What does the
writer buy?
31. This _________ is
fifteen yuan.
32. How much are these
33. Do you like this red
34. The white shorts are on
_________ for 25 yuan.
35. His father is a _________
in a bank().
36. Your room is big, but our
room is ______.
37. I don’t like this black
shirt. I like that _______ one.
38. This skirt is too long. Do
you have a _______ one?
39. _______ are my books and
those are his books.
40. You can _______ to my
home, and we go to the store together().
A: Can I 41_______
B: Yes, 42_______. I 43______
a shirt for my son.
A: What 44_______ does he
A: What about this
B: Let me have a look. Oh!It’s
too 45_______.Do you 46_______ a small one?
A: Yes. 47_______ you
B: How 48_______ is
A: It’s 60
B: OK. I’ll 49_______ it.
A: You’re
51. These shoes are twenty
______ ______ are these
52. Can I help
______ can I ______ for
53. The shorts are
The _______ of the shorts
_______ $12.
54. They have a book
______ of them ______ a
55. He likes
______ ______ does he


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