
PP2的一道逻辑题,求解答(尾段,搜索,数量,选项,逻辑,结论,擦边球) - GRE考试 - 生物秀
标题: PP2的一道逻辑题,求解答(尾段,搜索,数量,选项,逻辑,结论,擦边球)
摘要: extensive housing construction is underway in Pataska Forest the habitant of a large population of deer.Because deer feed at the edges of forests,there deer will be attracted to th……
网友回复来自Sophia的解答:A:第一个就是把结论取反了,不可能是假设,假设是连接论据和结论的部分E:讲得离题了,deer hunting压根原文中就没有C:讲的是变化之前的情况,不能用来预测变化之后B:是削弱结论,鹿去了房子那,自然事故就少了解题方案就是重复结论或论据的不选因为假设起连接两者作用网友回复e是temping的选项。但是Negate E, hunting will be allowed不会毁掉这个argument.究其原因是没有触及到core argument,只是打了擦边球。因为core是必须有足够多的数量另外这题问过几十遍了,google搜索一下就有网友回复引用:e是temping的选项。但是Negate E, hunting will be allowed不会毁掉这个argument.究其原因是没有触及到 ...有google过了,可是自己心里有疑惑,所以还是想过来讨论下网友回复Assumption从来不需要原文里提到。把E换个wording就可能是正确答案。比如,No hunting will be allowed when the housing is occupied, and the resident in P are otherwise inclined to hunt deer excessively.换个wording E就诱惑性更大了,但是依然不对,因为这依然不代表construction不会减少鹿群数量。Core argument必须是数量。你可以围绕这个数量随便编选项网友回复引用:Assumption从来不需要原文里提到。把E换个wording就可能是正确答案。比如,No hunting will be allowed ...可否这么说?与Core不相关的选项都可以排除?比如这里的core的三个支点:construction of road, deer was attracted, hit by car若选项没有提及,都可以排除?网友回复引用:可否这么说?与Core不相关的选项都可以排除?比如这里的core的三个支点:不能,排除选项是看core argument.A------->B跟这个过程没关系的才可以排除。而不是原文没出现的就可以排除。这个逻辑过程,不是文字重复网友回复引用:不能,排除选项是看core argument.A------->B跟这个过程没关系的才可以排除。这么说的话,E的擦边球如何理解?deer hunting --> decline in deer --> deer hit by car decline若不说明deer hunting的情况,文章的结论也是会被削弱的construction of road --> destruction of forest --> decline in deer --> deer hit by car decline其实这两个怎么想都说的过去,心里如千万只草泥马奔腾一样混乱。。。这么想的话,貌似这种逻辑题必须一个一个看,特别耗时间啊,没办法很快排除网友回复任何题都要一个一个看,这是看基本功的。网友回复引用:任何题都要一个一个看,这是看基本功的。心不慌,慢慢看~GRE也是人生的历练啊~!网友回复引用:任何题都要一个一个看,这是看基本功的。Ben 神!我想通这道题了!貌似不是擦边球的问题。尾段有句话很关键:Consequently,once the housing is occupied,the annual number of the forest"s deer hit by cars will be much higher than before construction started.这里的对比时间点是: house建好之后与房子开始建之前;这中间有个空白期: house开始建 和 房子建好之间的时间。接下来看D 与 E 选项的区别d)the development will leave sufficient forest to sustain a significant population of deere)no deer hunting will be allowed in Pataska forest when the housing is occupiedE中最后这个时间点是说 房子建好之后才不hunting那么 在建房子期间呢? Extreme example:如果hunting把deer都干掉了呢?那么deer 压根就不会在建好房子后去 hit by car所以以 E 为assumption的话,反而是削弱了argument!相反 D就没有这个问题。正方向:保持树林才有可能不会降低本来的 deer数量,OKnegate:如果树林被破坏了,那么deer数量降低了,hit by car 就降低了Bingo!D 和 E的区别是在这里!网友回复引用:Ben 神!我想通这道题了!貌似不是擦边球的问题。尾段有句话很关键:理解错了吧。。。。。Hunting与否并不直接造成Deer数量减少,你说的extreme example都说需要infer下一步的。hunting is permitted or doesn"t directly bear with the total amount of deer而且究竟是before house occupied or when the housing occupied也没有关系。When the housing is occupied反而是正确说法,因为这代表鹿群到了 residential area人们可以hunt了,但是记住是否允许hunt不和鹿群总数量挂钩,不要自动脑补。只有D指出了construction和,鹿群总数量的关系,因此这就是core argument需要的assumption网友回复看到一道这么简单的题讨论的如此纠结也是醉了。题干的结论就是建路会是鹿的数量减少,根据维持单一变量假设应该就是以前的情况不会导致鹿变少。就是D啊。错误的选项在不同人眼里有一百个错误的理由,而正确选项的理由只有一个。网友回复引用:看到一道这么简单的题讨论的如此纠结也是醉了。题干的结论就是建路会是鹿的数量减少,根据维持单一变量假设 ...没你想的那么简单....D的意思不是以前的被撞的鹿少,而是鹿的数量一直维持着不变,只有这样才会每年被撞的鹿越来越多。你这么想,每年被撞的鹿越来越多,鹿群不就减少了嘛。要是鹿群数量减少,被撞的鹿应该也会少啊,这就与题目不符合了。所以必须要维持一个前提:鹿的总数在这期间一直增加。网友回复这么理解:文章说被撞的deer会显著增加?前提是得有很多的deer啊,而文中没提到deer从哪里来,所以D选项提到forest里面会维持一定数量的deer。
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本帖最后由 wyr0426 于
20:17 编辑
Historians frequently employ probate inventories- lists of possessions compiles after a person’s death—to estimate standard of living. Because these inventories were taken by amateur assessors according to unwritten rules, they are sometimes unreliable. One way to check their accuracy is to compare them to archaeological records. A study of records from the state of Delaware in the eighteenth century found that while very few inventories listed earthenware, every excavation contained earthenware. Earthenware may have gone unlisted simply because it was inexpensive. But if it was so commonplace, why was it listed more often for wealthy households?Perhaps the more earthenware people had, the more likely appraisers were to note it. A few bowls could easily be absorbed into another category, but a roomful of earthenware could not.
16 Select the sentence that provides support for an answer to a question in the passage.
In the 1980s, neuroscientists studying the brain processes underlying our sense of conscious will compared subjects’ judgments regarding their subjective will to move(W) and actual movement(M) with objective electroencephalographic activity called readiness potential, or RP. As expected, W preceded M: subjects consciously perceived the intention to move as preceding a conscious experience of actually moving. This might seem to suggest an appropriate correspondence between the sequence of subjective experiences and the sequence of the underlying events in the brain. But researchers actually found a surprising temporal relation between subjective experience and objectively measured neural events: in direct contradiction of the classical conception of free will, neural preparation to move(RP) preceded conscious awareness of the intention to move(W) by hundreds of milliseconds.
17 based on information contained in the passage, which of the following chains of events would most closely conform to the classical conception of free will?
A.& && &&&W followed by RP followed by M
B.& && &&&RP followed by W followed by M
C.& && &&&M followed by W followed by RP
D.& && &&&RP followed by M followed by W
E.& && &&&RP followed by W and M simultaneously
(还是没看懂This might seem to suggest an appropriate correspondence between the sequence of subjective experiences and the sequence of the underlying events in the brain.)
In Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansberry does not reject integration or the economic and moral promise of the A rather, she remains loyal to this dream while looking, realistically, at its incomplete realization. Once we recognize this dual vision, we can accept the play’s ironic nuances as deliberate social commentaries by Hansberry rather than as the “unintentional” irony that Bigsby attributes to the work. Indeed a curiously persistent refusal to credit Hansberry with a capacity for intentional irony has led some critics to interpret the play’s thematic conflicts as mere confusion, contradiction, or eclecticism. Isaacs, for example, cannot easily reconcile Hansberry’s intense concern for her race with her ideal of human reconciliation. But the play’s complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible is no more “contradictory” than Du Bois’ famous, well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness coexisting with human unity, or Fanon’s emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also accommodates national identities and roles.
26.& && &&&In which of the following does the author of the passage reinforce his criticism of responses such as Isaacs’ to Raisin in the Sun?
(A) The statement that Hansberry is “loyal” (line 3) to the American dream
(B) The description of Hansberry’s concern for Black Americans as “intense” (line 13)
(C) The assertion that Hansberry is concerned with “human solidarity” (line 15)
(D) The description of Du Bois’ ideal as “well-considered” (line 17)
(E) The description of Fanon’s internationalism as “ideal” (line 19)
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1.Perhaps the more earthenware people had, the more likely appraisers were to note it. A few bowls could easily be absorbed into another category, but a roomful of earthenware could not.
2.As expected, W preceded M: subjects consciously perceived the intention to move as preceding a conscious experience of actually moving.
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声望19 寄托币326 注册时间精华1帖子
第一道题给的答案只有后面 那一句啊~求解~??
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最后登录在线时间473 小时寄托币752 声望127 注册时间阅读权限25帖子精华0积分484UID3264117
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声望127 寄托币752 注册时间精华0帖子
A portrait type that appeared with relentless frequency in eighteenth-century England is the familiar image of a gentleman poised with one hand inside his partially unbuttoned waistcoat. Standard interpretations of this portrait posture offer observations of correspondence----demonstrating either that it mirrors actual social behavior or that it borrows from classical statuary. Such explanations, however, illuminate neither the source of this curious convention nor the reason for its popularity. It is true that in real life the &hand-in& was a common stance for elite men. Still, there were other ways of comporting the body that did not become winning portrait formulas. And even if the &hand-in& portrait does resemble certain classical statues, what accounts for the adoption of this particular pose?
Which of the following might provide an explanation for the popularity of the hand-in portraits that would satisfy the author of the passage? Select ALL that apply.
A. An eighteenth-century English etiquette manual discussing the social implications of the &hand-in& stance.
B. A comprehensive catalogue of eighteenth-century English portraits that showed what proportion of portraits depicted gentlemen in the &hand-in& stance.
C. A passage from an eighteenth-century English novel in which a gentleman considers what stance to adopt when his portrait his painted. 答案是AC。
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这道题我也做错了,但是后来我想“gentleman considers”,可能会包括选择姿势的原因吧。
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声望312 寄托币2403 注册时间精华1帖子
And even if the &hand-in& portrait does resemble certain classical statues, what accounts for the adoption of this particular pose?
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alexl39 发表于
And even if the &hand-in& portrait does resemble certain classical statues, what accounts for the ad ...
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Sophia++ 发表于
A. An eighteenth-century English etiquette manual discussing the social implications of the &hand-in& stance.
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alexl39 发表于
And even if the &hand-in& portrait does resemble certain classical statues, what accounts for the ad ...
A. An eighteenth-century English etiquette manual discussing the social implications of the &hand-in& stance.
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terrylazio 发表于
A. An eighteenth-century English etiquette manual discussing the social implications of the &hand- ...
Social implications应该是Reason吧。
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不满的原因是:没有解释来源,没有解释流行的原因,而且尽管在现实中这个姿势是流行的,其他流行的姿势为什么没有成为肖像画中的winning formula呢?即使与古典姿势相似,为什么要采用这个古典姿势呢?
让人费解的是A讲了这个姿势的social implication,但是没说是针对portrait的啊。
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声望50 寄托币24 注册时间精华0帖子
这道题的A选项可以说明文中的“it borrows from classical statuary.”,因为选项里的social implication完全可以进一步说明这个动作的社会意义是什么,从而可以解释当时的人们因为它的社会意义,画像的时候就想要用这种姿势。
C选项可以由“And even if the &hand-in& portrait does resemble certain classical statues, what accounts for the adoption of this particular pose? ”来说明,因为,人们的adoption可以进一步导致popular, 所以,选项里的“what stance to adopt” 可以进一步解释这种流行。(因为他在考虑的时候完全可能借鉴某种经典雕塑姿势来摆,或者考虑当时最流行的姿势)
Which of the following might provide an explanation for the popularity of the hand-in portraits that would satisfy the author of the passage?
might provide.......that would satisfy......?
但是,再看看B选项,它是一个comprehensive catalogue, (just) showed what proportions of the hand-in portraits .....所以,这里提到了多种多样的portrait (削弱了hand-in portraits的独特分析的地位),而且也只是 proportion的数据,并没有提到任何关于来源、应用、流行的细节啊!
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moodyds 发表于
这道题的A选项可以说明文中的“it borrows from classical statuary.”,因为选项里的social implication完 ...
醍醐灌顶 这个trick好!每次做这种阅读多选题心都好虚啊。。。18号要考了。。阅读还是跪。。不知道怎么办
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本帖最后由 chssian 于
22:49 编辑
extensive housing construction is underway in Pataska Forest the habitant of a large population of deer.Because deer feed at the edges of forests,there deer will be attracted to the spaces alongside the new roads being cut through the Patska forest to serve the new residential areas.Consequently,once the housing is occupied,the annual number of the forest's deer hit by cars will be much higher than before construction started.
which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
a)the number of deer hit by comercial vehicles will not increase significantly when the housing is occupied.
b)Deer will be as attracted to the forest edge around new houses as to the forest edge alongside roads.
c)In years past,the annual number of deer that have been hit by cars on existing roads through Pataska Forest has been very low.
d)the development will leave sufficient forest to sustain a significant population of deer
e)no deer hunting will be allowed in Pataska forest when the housing is occupied
像A E很多人说是out of scope,主要原因是A中的commercial vehicles以及E的 deer hunting,但我觉得不是这个原因,具体的我还是不要误导大家,先问问大家的想法。
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声望81 寄托币927 注册时间精华0帖子
E:讲得离题了,deer hunting压根原文中就没有
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但是Negate E, hunting will be allowed不会毁掉这个argument.
究其原因是没有触及到core argument,只是打了擦边球。因为core是必须有足够多的数量
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声望81 寄托币927 注册时间精华0帖子
crazyrobin 发表于
但是Negate E, hunting will be allowed不会毁掉这个argument.
究其原因是没有触及到 ...
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比如,No hunting will be allowed when the housing is occupied, and the resident in P are otherwise inclined to hunt deer excessively.
换个wording E就诱惑性更大了,但是依然不对,因为这依然不代表construction不会减少鹿群数量。
Core argument必须是数量。
总评分:&声望 + 2&
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声望81 寄托币927 注册时间精华0帖子
crazyrobin 发表于
比如,No hunting will be allowed ...
construction of road, deer was attracted, hit by car
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chssian 发表于
不能,排除选项是看core argument.
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crazyrobin 发表于
不能,排除选项是看core argument.
deer hunting --& decline in deer --& deer hit by car decline
若不说明deer hunting的情况,文章的结论也是会被削弱的
construction of road --& destruction of forest --& decline in deer --& deer hit by car decline
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crazyrobin 发表于
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crazyrobin 发表于
Ben 神!我想通这道题了!貌似不是擦边球的问题。
Consequently,once the housing is occupied,the annual number of the forest's deer hit by cars will be much higher than before construction started.
这里的对比时间点是: house建好之后&&与&&房子开始建之前;
这中间有个空白期: house开始建 和 房子建好之间的时间。
接下来看D 与 E 选项的区别
d)the development will leave sufficient forest to sustain a significant population of deer
e)no deer hunting will be allowed in Pataska forest when the housing is occupied
E中最后这个时间点是说 房子建好之后才不hunting
那么 在建房子期间呢? Extreme example:如果hunting把deer都干掉了呢?
那么deer 压根就不会在建好房子后去 hit by car
所以以 E 为assumption的话,反而是削弱了argument!
相反 D就没有这个问题。
正方向:保持树林才有可能不会降低本来的 deer数量,OK
negate:如果树林被破坏了,那么deer数量降低了,hit by car 就降低了
Bingo!D 和 E的区别是在这里!
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chssian 发表于
Ben 神!我想通这道题了!貌似不是擦边球的问题。
Hunting与否并不直接造成Deer数量减少,你说的extreme example都说需要infer下一步的。
hunting is permitted or doesn't directly bear with the total amount of deer
而且究竟是before house occupied or when the housing occupied也没有关系。
When the housing is occupied反而是正确说法,因为这代表鹿群到了 residential area人们可以hunt了,但是记住是否允许hunt不和鹿群总数量挂钩,不要自动脑补。
只有D指出了construction和,鹿群总数量的关系,因此这就是core argument需要的assumption
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lmz要出国 发表于
看到一道这么简单的题讨论的如此纠结也是醉了。题干的结论就是建路会是鹿的数量减少,根据维持单一变量假设 ...
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