解决问题 英语问题!

Environment -- a Global Challenge
bald stumps
constituents metropolitan inhabitant
authoritative census
aggregate inclusive
Penguins polar
salvation dedicating
intervention handy
ecology foils
recycling foams
scraps clearance
“心平气和 ” 怎么翻译成英语啊?
还记得最最开始的时候,我还没有遇见你,还没有说要守护你一切的一切,都来得始料不及,毫无防备,你的微笑闯进我的眼眶,从此刻骨铭心张根硕他给人的感觉和其他的明星不同他就像个孩子一样,孩子气,对人毫无戒心他可以毫无偶像包袱穿的邋遢蹲在路边看大叔下棋,抽风到自己一个人在街上可以莫名其妙的跳起舞来,可以脸不红心不跳的在采访上说自己裤子拉链没拉,一倒中国就说肚子饿,冰淇淋有吗?可以装害羞但三秒后又变回肉食男大跳Sexy back,他很霸道的说女鳗鱼们都是他老婆,大家都只能看他一个人,威胁我们不然就把我们变成,他看到男鳗总是有些小激动,他可以说:我是喜欢女人的,扮女装逗我们开心…………他可以很man很霸道,却也会撒娇卖萌,我爱他的真实,他是个烟鬼酒鬼夜店咖喜欢辣妹喜欢刺激曾经我接受不了的种种但在他身上却全部生效因为他从不掩饰这些从不像个明星一样刻意把自己的缺点藏匿,反而真实的展露在我们眼前所以他便显得真实,真实得让人心疼因为真实因为不完美所以他便显得不那么遥远我们间的距离便没有那么远我不懂为什么一个人会爱上另一个人过去我总觉得一个人总把爱挂在嘴边便显的虚伪但饭上他后,似乎说爱成了本能因为爱,所以很爱,因为爱,所以想要说出口张根硕我们不同国度不同语言你不会认识我不会知道我的存在所以喜欢你在他人看来似乎有些傻傻的我也疑惑过这样喜欢一个人,有意义麽?他不认识我不知道我我对他的喜欢对他一切的一切都是我单方面的独角戏他不会知道我听着他的一首歌都会落泪不知道我有多么的爱他可后来才渐渐明白有些人就是用来仰望的或许就是因为距离产生美是麽喜欢他,并不要求和他在一起不要求时时刻刻都在他身边只要他幸福我便也会快乐陪他哭陪他笑陪他走过很多很多珍贵的时光都是我所希望的我知道看见他笑我便会感到很幸福看见他落泪我便会悲伤至少……喜欢他的我很快乐很幸福或许这是我喜欢他最大的理由所以若爱请深爱张根硕2013我还是会对你说"撒浪嘿~
学习创始人的成功之道。What can we learn from Mark Zuckerberg? (I)
Mark Zuckerberg (), over the years, has become one of the most influential people in the world. As the founder and creator of
(,美国知名社交网站), Mark has made the world a smaller place. The young man has showed us that everyone can be successful. You should follow your dreams and pursue the things that you like. Here are some lessons you can learn from him.求翻译
求从计算机软件编程方面翻译1.it does this to avoid overflowing the eDMA ring and to allow the packet sequence number to be used to preserve ordering.2.each simulator's mPIPE shim is configured to connect to the other simulator's mPIPE shim.
Incidental Structural Works
shake the marks off是什么意思?
正体的英文 可好!
The most read article of all time on BuzzFeed contains no photographs of celebrity nip slips and no inflammatory ranting. It’s a series of photos called “21 pictures that will restore your faith in humanity,” which has pulled in nearly 14 million visits so far. At Upworthy too, hope is the major draw. “This kid just died. What he left behind is wondtacular,” an Upworthy post about a terminally ill teen singer, earned 15 million views this summer and has raised more than $300,000 for cancer research.
The recipe for attracting visitors to stories online is changing. Bloggers have traditionally turned to sarcasm and snark to draw attention. But the success of sites like BuzzFeed and Upworthy, whose philosophies embrace the viral nature of upbeat stories, hints that the Web craves positivity.
The reason: social media. Researchers are discovering that people want to create positive images of themselves online by sharing upbeat stories. And with more people turning to Facebook and Twitter to find out what’s happening in the world, news stories may need to cheer up in order to court an audience. If social is the future of media, then optimistic stories might be media’s future.
“When we started, the prevailing wisdom was that snark ruled the Internet,” says Eli Pariser, a co-founder of Upworthy. “And we just had a really different sense of what works.”
“You don’t want to be that guy at the party who’s crazy and angry and ranting in the corner— it’s the same for Twitter or Facebook,” he says. “Part of what we’re trying to do with Upworthy is give people the tools to express a conscientious, thoughtful and positive identity in social media.”
我是一个叫晶晶的女孩,前几天,我晚自习回家,被一辆大卡车撞死了司机将我的尸体抛入了路径边的小河里,然后逃走了,你看见了这条消息后 ,请将她发给4个论坛,如果没有发,你的妈妈会在1个月后被车撞死,你的爸爸会得绝症,如果你照着上面做了,在5,你喜欢的人也会喜欢你,对不起大家不无意中看评论看 到了 这个吓死我了。不管是真是假我都害怕!所以只能乱发了`!对不起啊`回复回回复回复
因为不安,所以青春。 因为茫然,所以青春。 因为彷徨,所以青春。 因为孤独,所以青春。 因为忐忑,所以青春。求帮助。。。
“When we started, the prevailing wisdom was that snark ruled the Internet,” says Eli Pariser, a co-founder of Upworthy. “And we just had a really different sense of what works.”
从前有个机会摆在我面前 我没有好好珍惜。这句用英语怎么翻译?
全日制四年普通本科 这句也求翻译~
Everything is as it's supposed to be怎么翻译。。。意思是所有东西都在它们应该在的位置上,只是想问问大神怎么翻的文艺些。。。我116和托福118的一个同学讨论一晚上也找不到满意的翻译,只能来咨询职业人士了
Unbearable Love By ritastupak, pasco, WA求翻译这篇文章
请教一下 关于电子产品生产质量认证方面的
有项“nutrient fact” 我就闷了 实在找不到合适的翻译
保存至快速回贴61个常见的英语错误 你了解吗?_百度文库
61个常见的英语错误 你了解吗?
你可能喜欢前面的帖子题目没人气了,这里整理一下,重新写过。这里受众广,版主请勿转英语杂谈,谢谢!    首先强调本帖主题:    如何说一口流利的英语和写一手漂亮的英文和做一名优秀的翻译?    本帖不谈任何提高英语考试成绩和考取任何英语证书的话题。    语言学习各国都有共同的规律,英国学生怎么学习英语的,中国学生怎么学习汉语的,总的原则应该是一致的。即使是第二外语,也不应差别太多。民国英语教育是符合语言学习的规律的。我们看民国时期的英语教育课本,除了口语课本,主要题型就是生字练习,翻译,作文。这种模式所产生的语言大家,这里就不多言了。改革开放后,由于这之前的历史浩劫导致整个教育体系的荒废,造成语言人才的缺失,导致现在整个英语教育的历史性和方向性错误。现在看来,两个历史重大错误是:    1.中国人历史习惯形成的科举思维形成了英语高考英语托福等科举考试;    2.把英语测试手段当作英语教育手段。在这方面,测试理论的引进者李筱菊、新概念英语作者亚历山大、语法教程编写者薄冰、新东方和北外等机构都是这种错误的典型。    李筱菊,我国建立科学的外语测试的最早参与者之一。1979 年开始参与我国第一种有科学依据的语言测试“英语水平测试(EPT)”的工作。1984 年全国高校英语专业教学大纲设计者;
年:她是全国高考英语考试标准化改革三人领导小组成员; 1984年:李筱菊教授主持的全国高校英语专业八级考试在全国11所院校先行考试;1985年:李筱菊教授主持的全国高校英语专业八级考试在全国高校实行统考;    现在看来,中国整个的英语教育都是朝李筱菊体系走,造成改革开放三十年英语教育的历史性和方向性错误,许国璋认为李筱菊的体系是“中国英语教学的现代化”,这个说法很荒唐,语言教学需要现代化吗?我们需要借助现代工具,但是我们仍然是用舌头说话,这一点是确定无疑的。现代社会的标志是分工,完全没有必要全民学英语,英语的发展方向是专业化和小众化。每个人的语言素质有差异,也不可能全面学好外语。测试题和高考选拔题的功能仅仅是测试,不是英语教育。由于平时学生大量的时间用于测试训练,导致其真正的外语能力停滞。    我们来看测试题型中的典型:完形填空和阅读理解。    试题设计者,无论是单人还是多人,其经验总是不可能穷尽一件事情的所有可能性的。其所谓的客观、标准,则总会出现缺陷。        2008年高考全国卷Ⅰ英语试题        完形填空:        After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced 36 for a few days, I was 37 to wait tables on my own.     36. A. manager B. assistant C. cook D. waitress        标准说法是:标准答案】D。    【试题解析】前文说在饭店找到一份工作,后文出现了carry the heavy trays (托盘),可以可知“我”是在和有经验的服务员一起干。    -------------------------------------------        英文中的 manager 只是一个岗位称呼,很多主管都是挂一个 manager 的称呼,有的还是礼节意义,比如英国麦当劳的一个 manager 岗位:Assistant Food Services Manager,网址:/JobSearch/JobDetails.aspx?JobId=        像这样的经理,是经常要带新人上岗的,而且我们都知道,麦当劳沃尔玛的管理层,很多都经常在基层现场服务的,端盘子是经常的事。显然这个出题者想当然了。这一题显然失败。    问题不仅在这里。我们看到,无论是出题者,还是考生,大家都是用生活经验来理解,实际上整个思维过程是在用母语——汉语思维的,它的模式不是英语的。双方只是对照一下单词是否正确就完成任务,最后,大家用手机查一下成绩,就装作大家都精通英语,于是皆大欢喜。其实,这个教育(测试)模式是双方在背单词,英语好的标准是比谁背的单词多,我非常肯定,包括教育部北外的出题者,能写一手地道英文的人寥寥无几。英文的逻辑和语法,都必须在反复的英文习作中才能得到训练。关于阅读理解,我们只要看看那些应试技巧,就知道这种题型有多荒唐。就是说,学生完全可以凭借汉语思维,绕过语言关,通过生活常识来答题。那么英文水平根本没提高,真正的提高就是认识单词。对于中国学生而言,学习印欧语言的困难主要是逻辑和语法。    总之一句话,不能把英语测试手段当作英语教学手段。汉语同印欧语言有极大的差别,不精通汉语,是没有资格做英语教育的导师的。学习语言,仍然是那些传统的,古典的方法。
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  看这个帖子的,一定要先问你为什么学习外语?除了高考英语和四级必考之外。是什么原因驱动你学习外语?如果仅仅是根据市场传言,那你很有可能会受伤。    我先说说整个英语市场的行情。不对的地方,欢迎其他同行补充。    1. 所谓的同传。    据一位同传业内人士讲,真正从事这行业的且合格的全中国不过五十人。现在不知道,但实际上国内市场非常小,业务量严重不足,估计只有这五十人能够保持金领的收入吧。转网站上同业人士的观点:    赶快从同传梦中醒来吧  作者(Author):wuhao05 -
19:31:02 ***    晕菜,老大,你也太没社会经验了吧?  到现在还相信同传的骗局?  我问问你?你说同传的工资位居多少多少行之首,请问,就算你一次就能拿上很多钱,你是每天都有机会拿这么些钱的么?你一年能有几次机会拿这么些钱?如果你天天都能拿这么些钱,你认为在这种高强度的工作环境下你的寿命会延续多少年?  现在北京最好的同传员一年能有一百天在工作就已经是天方夜谭了,更何况北京的国际会议根本没有媒体上炒作的那么多,如果你头脑发热,考了个什么所谓的同传资格证就来北京闯荡的话,你最后会发现你输得很惨,因为根本不会有人来请你这么个不出名的新人的,北京的同传市场早就被一些老面孔们垄断了,其他人想挤进这个圈子比登天都难。就算你挤进去了,现实点讲,你的日子也不会舒服,做同传挣钱时你会图上一时之快,之后没活儿的时候你就会发现你实际上是一个失业者,收入极不稳定,如果有了家庭后会更麻烦,人总不能一直过这种朝不保夕的生活吧?一辈子打零工?你作为自由职业者,谁给你上保险?你年龄大了怎么办?  (a) 现在的同传培训中不少都是骗人的,和李X当年的疯X英语一样,现在才有人意识到上当了吧?不少同传还愿意扯虎皮拉大旗,动不动就自称有北外,外交部等高级翻译的助阵,这一点我可以负责任地告诉你,我以前就是在外交部工作的,我为此特地向翻译室的同事们打听过,他们说从来没有人在外面给人搞过这些培训,因为公务员不得兼职,而且翻译室的人的水平并非多么高,说出来你也应该明白,外交上的翻译实际上是最简单的,总是那些套话,连专门术语都很少,只要经常补充一些专有名词就行了,外交部一个月才一千多元的工资你以为会吸引来什么样的高级人才?只是相对于普通的翻译而言水平要高些罢了。至于某位总自称是中国X大同传员的那位,我就不戳穿他别的了,只说他自封的“联合国同传员”是毫无根据的,他是联合国同传员的话,他现在为什么不在联合国呀?为什么在北京打零工呀?他只是在现在已经因效果不佳而取消了的北外“联合国译训班”上过课,这远远代表不了他达到了他自封的那个标准。好学的人们,擦亮眼睛吧,免得被人家骗了还替人家数钱呢,人活一世踏踏实实才是真。    [ 回应此贴(Respond to this followup) | 查看原贴(Back to Original) ]  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     aaa  作者(Author):还是有忧虑 -
23:56:13 ***    说实话,国内很多同传的技术真是不敢恭维,从来不顾及从口里出的东西,很多时候都听不懂,这样的人大量存在,这样的质量大量存在,很难相信价格能够维持aiic规定的水平。    必然会有水平不高的报了低价,而依照中国的收入水平和各项活动的预算水平,低端市场份额也不会小。会不会最终像笔译那样,80元千字的公司满天飞呢?    要知道很多公司的交传报价已经降到千元/日以下,同传和交传在强度和能力需求上又有多大区别呢?    这是帖子原址:            
  2. 笔译和口译。    口译如果是给固定单位做,工资一般是该城市的中等水平,如果独立做,接单虽然高,但是却受业务量限制。而现在经济环境也不利于口译。    笔译,对女生最大的不利就是长时间的电脑辐射,皮肤明显老的快。    笔译有两个大:学习量极大,工作量极大。    民国有那么多优秀的人才,大量是翻译或翻译出身,原因之一是当时翻译的待遇是非常高的。现在明显不是这样,一个同业最优秀的翻译,收入是远远比不上最优秀的会计师,律师,设计师,医生的。
  3. 欧美企业的外语工作岗位。    很多外资企业其核心外文资料的翻译一般都外包了,像什么西门子微软思科这些公司的资料,我做这些算比较长的时间了,都是外包给专业翻译公司。    然后是外资律师事务所,会计事务所,银行,新闻机构,收入会相对高一些,但要的人数一般是以个计算,数量微小。    然后呢,对外语有流利水平要求的,一般都是管理人员了。整个庞大的基础员工层,大都没有什么要求的,否则谁来干活。    就是说,专业的外语人士,在外企的岗位大多是是辅助性的,其重要性远远低于销售,市场等岗位,就是说外语从业人士,就是三百六十行的普通一行,仅此而已。
  作者:daisystar88 回复日期: 21:38:15 
    国内的翻译水准确实不敢恭维,以前看过一本萨缪尔森经济学的英文原版书,好像是北大引进的吧,其中个别比较难的单词或句子有中文注解,还号称是北大研究生注解的,我看那水平还不如我一个本科生,不知道被我改出了多少个错误。没有经济学常识,没有英语水平,字典上随便抓一个中文解释就上,连上下文都不看一看。  -----------------------    估计就是老师找几个学生翻译的啊,一个人翻译一部分。    一般翻译的书的行情是千字 60-80 元,有的更低,它的质量要求,比其他稿件要求高,但是价格比商业稿件低。而且,出版社有的会扣款赖帐什么的。    但是,对于学生而言,有机会捞点外快还是会做的。总的来说,现在市面上书籍的翻译请不到优秀翻译做,就是价格问题。  
  举个例子。清华大学哲学系教授王晓朝    从我个人对王晓朝的简历看,他是没有能力翻译《柏拉图全集》的。他属于典型的被耽误的一代吧,但是,学问这个东西,毕竟还是要能力第一。    “那是1982年春天,杭州大学政治系三年级学生王晓朝,因为成绩优异,获准提前报考本校名教授严群先生的研究生。这年,他二十九岁了,过去是知青,当过兵,进过厂。高考改革后,他考入杭州大学。他渴望安心读书,把失去的青春岁月补回来。硕士入学考试遇到一个小麻烦:在“历史唯物主义”考试中,他在论述“时势造英雄”的问题时,不顾既定的那套历史唯物主义观念,自我发挥了一通。所幸老师通达放他过关。”    原文地址:    http://join-/bkzsw/detail.jsp?seq=1285&boardid=1401    评王晓朝译《柏拉图全集》——以676A—689E为例(上1)()谬误成千上万  [日期:] 来源:学术批评网
作者:苏醒 [字体:大 中 小]
      『关天茶舍』 [关天会客厅]柏拉图全集中译本(王晓朝 译)谬误成千上万!!! (以《法律篇》卷三为例         作者:无名有姓无家 提交日期: 1:21:00 访问:673 回复:14     而事实上,除了上述取样部分,《法律篇》错误依然随处可见,仅极为简单乃至浅幼的单词错译就信手可拈,比如:    ……    “at the mercy of circumstance”(任由环境摆布)(962C,T本第1507页)译成“在一个仁慈的环境中”(962C,第727页)    “to meet in the small hours”(在午夜的凌晨时分会面)(962C9,T本第1507页)译成“经常碰头”(962C9,第727页);    “hazard”(危险、冒险)(969A5,T本第1513页)译成“困惑”(969A4,第736页);    “we must deliver the state into its keeping”(我们必须把国家交给它 来掌管)(969B3,T本第1513页)译成“我们必须保存这个国家”(969B2,第763页);    ……        通过以上取样分析,我们可以从各种译误的形态和特点中得出如下三个结论:第一,王晓朝版汉译《法篇》并没有忠实于原文,推论则是如下二取一:《柏拉图全集》中至少《法篇》这一篇对话要么是完全没有以希腊原文为基准,仅以一种英译本为基准,那么在这种情况下,疑误重重的汉译本说明王先生的英文能力似乎并不足以将英文本的原意表达出来;要么就是虽然以希腊原文为基准,但是译者的读译希腊文的能力实在勉强以至于根本无法转达原意,甚至参照英译本也无力弥补。第二,王晓朝版汉译《法篇》的语句远非通顺,很多地方人为地对汉语读者造成了理解的障碍。第三,如果说翻译经典著作应该以精深的研究为前提,语言能力本身作为工具还在其次,那么,如此既无力做到忠实、也无法保证通顺的汉译反过来则揭示出译者对柏拉图学问缺乏最基本的研究、更遑论精研。    原文地址:    /publicforum/Content/no01/1/288445.shtml  
  一代新人换旧人....一些人被历史冲刷掉了,一些人又将从历史中繁衍出来....木法沙对辛巴说:这就是英语杂谈啊....      ps:靓女遇上对手了....来了个会念经的....  
  at the mercy of circumstance,to meet in the small hours, hazard, we must deliver the state into its keeping    这些都是英文中很基础的表达,是英文的基本功问题。什么情况造成英语教育今日之局面,这样就慢慢清楚了。
  4. 一切英语证书。    本人没有任何英语证书,哦,除了大学英语四级必考,考完证书就送给卖废品的。    你有能力的话,上海金茂大厦那些外资律所会计所银行办事处,随便走进去,翻译岗位都有准备测试卷的,当场做。通过了就有戏了。    有的是香港同行,年收入有百万港币吧(现在经济不好,情况是否有变就不知道了),看看是不是他给你出题,如果是,你可以马上出来了,因为文风必须是香港的。而且,基本上错一个字你就出局了。    当然,这是很夸张的情况,我们讲讲普通翻译。虽然招聘网站上要你的七证八证,你有扎实的中英文基础,素质好,去哪家翻译公司都有底气的。    大部分证书都是脱离市场实际需要的。就算人事部的翻译证,也只是圈钱行为。我不知道体制内单位的情况,但外部市场是这个样子的。    大部分翻译公司都有准备测试题,无论新旧,总的来说,新人没经验,总会要你证书,测试没通过,证书就废了。    就是说本身是英语专业,业务扎实,是没必要去考证的。    总的来说,大部分英语证书,对于职业英语工作者来说,是不需要的。
  may god bless the zhuangbiers    
  突然发现在英语杂谈,不是天涯杂谈吗?怪不得点击率喜还不如天涯杂谈,唉,跟天涯杂谈斑竹没混个脸熟,哈哈。    既然写了,就上阵吧。我清楚这里很多敌人,尤其是搞英语培训的,不过我喜欢。这里也不错,能贴图。
  搬块砖  别害怕  坐着看热闹  不拍人
  而且翻译室的人的水平并非多么高,说出来你也应该明白,外交上的翻译实际上是最简单的,总是那些套话,连专门术语都很少,只要经常补充一些专有名词就行了,  -------------------------------------  外行,呵呵。
  英语热是从九十年代开始的,主要是外资刚进来,工作机会的大量出现。但是,这些岗位仍然是服务型岗位,对中国的小农经济模式的更新没有很大的的促进作用。    我自己工作中接触的从西门子医疗影像尖端产品到 SAP 到思科路由产品,很遗憾,都是技术服务资料,而非核心技术本身。就是说,改革开放三十年,我们的科技竞争力没有进步。    那么更不要说从保洁到麦当劳到可口可乐等消费品市场,这些全部是对方开发我们的市场而来,就是说,如果我们的人民没有增加消费,市场就没有增长,工作机会就不会增加。    其次,小农制度中户口贷款等阶层限制制度,导致城市的流动性差,城市无法吸纳和更新人才。    中国过去十年由于外资岗位稀缺的小农“暴富”时代已过,又没有进入工业社会的准备,工业循环链没有建立,也就是说,就中国本土情况而言,外语人才现在进入严重过饱和时代。
  作者:微君之躬 回复日期: 23:58:01 
    而且翻译室的人的水平并非多么高,说出来你也应该明白,外交上的翻译实际上是最简单的,总是那些套话,连专门术语都很少,只要经常补充一些专有名词就行了,    -------------------------------------    外行,呵呵。  ---------------------    他用词是夸张点,但人家毕竟在外交部工作。同时要看你自己是从事什么工作,像我自己在这一行,业内的东西看来就很平常,甚至挑剔。
  下面转到外语教育。先从上层说起吧。    我对未来国家外语教育的主要思路是:    1. 中低端外语教育必须大量废除,废除高考英语,四六级英语,专四专八英语,考研英语,职称英语,废除一切标准化英语。    2. 重点发展高端和专业语言行业,将传统的外语技能教育转变为语言学专业人才教育,具体实践是,将北外等外语院校同北大中文系等专业合并,建立国家语言学院。    目前北外等院校的教育模式是典型的职业教育模式,将高考制度吸收来的优秀高中生培养成了头脑简单知识贫乏的职专生。    这是北外的教育模式:    “听、说、读、写、译等语言技能为主,同时学习学校用汉语开设的哲学,政治,历史等课程和第二外语。...从高年级开始,本科生将分为语言文学、口译、笔译、对象国四个专业倾向,课程包括口译,笔译、视听说、论文写作等技能课和用英语讲授的英语国家概况,欧洲文化入门,英美文学,语言学,跨文化交际等20多门知识型课程。基础相应语、高级相应语、报刊选读、视听、口语、相应语写作、翻译理论与实践、语言理论、语言学概论、主要相应语国家文学史及文学作品选读、主要相应国家国情”    这样的教育模式相当低级,学生学习的都是一些简单的不能再简单的技能,没有思想的发育,对人类文明,人类知识和思想,人类理性生活完全懵懂,像香水女生文科高考 633 分的成绩,学习这些,真的是浪费人才。    文科高考 633,完全应该学习牛津哈佛的教育课程,我列的示范课程如下:    中英双语模式的包括甲骨文学习在内的古代汉语,现代汉语,古希腊语,拉丁语,逻辑学,修辞学,美学,政治学,世界史,文明史,哲学史,亚里士多德,诗经,楚辞,左传,圣经,荷马,中外文学正典 (Canon)。    正如哈佛核心课程设计宗旨所言:    The philosophy of the Core rests on the conviction that every Harvard graduate should be broadly educated, as well as trained in a particular academic specialty. It assumes that students need some guidance in achieving this goal, and that the faculty has an obligation to direct them toward the knowledge, intellectual skills, and habits of thought that are the distinguishing traits of what Harvard commencement ceremonies call “the company of educated men and women.”
  But the Core differs from other programs of general education. It does not define intellectual breadth as the mastery of a set of Great Books, or the digestion of a specific quantum of information, or the surveying of current knowledge in certain fields. Rather, the program seeks to introduce students to the major approaches to knowledge in areas that the faculty considers indispensable to undergraduate education. It aims to show what kinds of knowledge and what forms of inquiry exist in these areas, how different means of analysis are acquired, how they are used, and what their value is.     The development of the Core Curriculum proceeded with the following assumptions in mind:    (1) Students should acquire some understanding of the ways in which they can gain and apply knowledge of the natural world, of society, and of themselves.    (2) Students should be exposed to other cultures and other periods so that they can better define and comprehend their own experiences in the modern world.    (3) The curriculum should give students some practice in thinking critically about moral and ethical problems, examining their own moral assumptions, and judging with some objectivity the assumptions of various alternative traditions of ethical thought and practice.    (4) The critical discernment necessary to understand and assess the route to knowledge within any area may be developed through the study of any one of a number of its topics. Experience suggests that students best absorb the necessary tools in courses that introduce them to a manageable quantity of knowledge. Their curiosity is most likely to be stimulated by solving some interesting problems in a particular field, using the tools that experts use, and doing so under expert guidance.    (5) The analytic talents developed by solving problems in different fields will have a lasting value in equipping students to pursue additional knowledge in fields that they may need or wish to explore in later life.       Before a course can be approved for the Core Curriculum, it must conform to faculty guidelines specifying the educational goals of each component of the program. Each area usually offers between seven and fifteen courses every year. Students are free to choose the course that interests them the most in each area of the Core.     In contrast to Harvard’s former General Education program, the Core Curriculum is far more specific in identifying both the areas and approaches to knowledge that students ought to experience as part of their undergraduate education. It introduces areas such as moral reasoning, foreign cultures, quantitative reasoning, music, and visual arts that were not required in the older program. And even those areas common to both programs—literature, history, social and natural science—are organized differently to fit in with the Core’s unifying emphasis on important ways of thinking.     The chief significance of the Core program is that it represents a continuing commitment to general education in Harvard College. The Core is, simply, an attempt to say what it means to be broadly educated, and to translate that appraisal into courses that will capture the interest of students and faculty alike. It is in this sense an introduction to the requirements for a vigorous life of the mind in the twenty-first century.
As such the Core Curriculum is part of a larger, continuous effort to make a Harvard undergraduate education useful, engaging, and enlivening.    
  这是哈佛大学为将每一位哈佛学生培养成通识教育的领袖人才而设计的核心课程:    Cultures
    African and African American Studies 20, Anthropology 1795, [Anthropology 1870], Chinese 187, Chinese Literature 130, Chinese Literature 150, Folk & Myth 126, Religion 70, Spanish 90m, VES 187x    Historical Study A     African and African American Studies 10, Chinese History 118, Culture and Belief 11, [Government 1730], Government 1732, History of Science 100, History 86a, [History 1200], [History 1205], [History 1260], [History 1304], [History 1330], [History 1430], [History 1431], History 1461, [History 1465], [History 1623], History 1701, History 1890, History 1920, Social Studies 50, Sociology 107, Socities of the World 11, WGS 1177    Historical Study B     Classical Studies 165, Culture and Belief 17, English 171a, History 70a, [History 70d], [History 80b], History 80c, History 84c, [History 1000], History 1010, [History 1040], [History 1050], [History 1055], History 1060, History 1080, History 1221, [History 1300], [History 1301], [History 1455], History 1626, History 1700, History and Literature 90p, HAA 17y, History of Science 161    Literature and Arts A     Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding 11, English 90qz, Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding 15, African and African American Studies 185, English 10a, English 10b, English 121, English 151, English 154, English 157, English 158, English 160, English 160c, English 168d, English 169, English 178x, English 185, French 70a, French 70b, French 70c, French 102, French 132b, French 161, French 165, German 71, German 72, German 120, [German 151], Humanities 10, [Humanities 12], [Humanities 16], Latin 106b, Literature 10, Literature 11, Literature 166, Scandinavian 65, Scandinavian 150, [Slavic 145b], Slavic 152, Spanish 65, Spanish 181, [Spanish 191], WGS 1122    Literature and Arts B     African and African American Studies 145, African and African American Studies 182, [Anthropology 1720], Anthropology 1950, Anthropology 2125, Classical Archaeology 131, Chinese Literature 130, Classical Archaeology 160, English 197, Folk and Myth 114, HAA 1, HAA 10, HAA 12m, HAA 17y, HAA 70, HAA 120n, [HAA 152], HAA 155p, HAA 175y, HAA 197, Music 1a, [Music 1b], Music 2, VES 71, VES 72, VES 184, VES 185x, VES 187x, VES 189, WGS 1133    Literature and Arts C     Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding 13, [Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding 14], Chinese 187, Culture and Belief 12, Culture and Belief 13, Culture and Belief 15, Culture and Belief 16, English 127, English 156, English 171a, Folk and Myth 126, German 165, Jewish Studies 55, Literature 157, Portuguese 151, Spanish 70c, Spanish 71b, Spanish 110, [Spanish 182]    Moral Reasoning     Culture and Belief 14, Ethical Reasoning 11, Ethical Reasoning 12, Government 1060, Government 1061, [Government 1082], Government 1510, [History 1300], [Philosophy 168], Philosophy 173, Philosophy 175, Philosophy 179    Quantitative Reasoning     Applied Mathematics 21a, Applied Mathematics 21b, Computer Science 1, Computer Science 50, Economics 1123, Economics 1126, Government 50, [Government 1000], [Government 1015], Math 1a, Math 1b, Math 19a, Math 19b, Math 20, Math 21a, Math 21b, Math 23a, Math 23b, Math 25a, Math 25b, Math 55a, Math 55b, Math 101, Math 154, Math Xa and Math Xb (both must be taken), Psychology 1900 (Spring 2009 and forward), Statistics 100, Statistics 101, Statistics 102, Statistics 104, Statistics 105, Statistics 110    Science A     Chemistry 17, Chemistry 20, Chemistry 27, Chemistry 30, Engineering Sciences 1, Engineering Sciences 50, [Engineering Sciences 51], EPS 5, EPS 7, EPS 109, EPS 133, Life and Physical Sciences A, Life Sciences 1a, Physical Science 1, Physical Science 2, Physical Science 3, Physics 11a, Physics 11b, Physics 15a, Physics 15b, Physics 15c, Physics 16    Science B     Engineering Science 6, Life and Physical Sciences A, Life Sciences 1b, Life Sciences 2, MCB 52, MCB 54, MCB 80, OEB 10, OEB 52, OEB 53, OEB 55, OEB 57, OEB 59, OEB 139, Science of Living Systems 11, Science of Living Systems 12    Social Analysis     Anthropology 1010, Anthropology 1640, Anthropology 1825, Anthropology 1885, Economics 1010a, Economics 1010b, Economics 1011a, Economics 1011b, Economics 1400, Government 20, Government 30, Government 1295, Government 1780, Government 1790 (Spring 2009 only), [Sociology 176], Sociology 190
    原文网址:    http://my.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=core
  Yes,english certifications and diplomas are nothing for handling native-style english,it’s the process of word’s accumulation and grammar’s consciousness and that will kill your a lot of playing time and hobbys.It’s really a dull activity for most of students and truely to be given away.So in my opinion the people with high-skilled english is just a very small portion in China and also in Asia.I can’t understand what your saturation means and the something about basic rewards as I know the fact is a great interpreter can get a relevant of tips from their clients and in the most of time the tips are much more than their basic rewards.So the altogether remuneration of what your handling lever of english rather than market price.    Another problem as I find that not many english teachers and executives in companies can judge good english,so I think that’s also the cultivation of need to be attention.    Sorry the harvard’s article is so long i haven’t come through all of them.Just discuss later till i read them all.
  对了,你老是在提民国的教育。关于民国的外语教育,你可以看一下李赋宁的回忆录,里面对清华外语系的情况介绍的 很详细,开什么课程都有。
  “听、说、读、写、译等语言技能为主,同时学习学校用汉语开设的哲学,政治,历史等课程和第二外语。...从高年级开始,本科生将分为语言文学、口译、笔译、对象国四个专业倾向,课程包括口译,笔译、视听说、论文写作等技能课和用英语讲授的英语国家概况,欧洲文化入门,英美文学,语言学,跨文化交际等20多门知识型课程”  ---------------------    就语言专业的技能而言,这些课程设置现在看来很可笑,所谓的听说读写技能,属于纯粹的臆造设计,除废除专四专八考试之外,修改如下:    演说 (Public Speaking),辩论术 (Forensics),修辞学,雄辩术 (Rhetoric);    翻译 (Translation),作文 (Composition);    论文 (Paper)(每一个学期都要写)。
  我不认识谁是李赋宁,一个教外语的做好他的本职工作,没有什么好值得夸耀的。一个中科大物理系教授写的自传,你们会读吗?值得这样的荣誉的,会引起我尊崇和敬意的,是爱德华·吉本,难道李赋宁写过什么《中华帝国衰亡史》?    至于说北外是特例,那纯粹是狡辩。也证明北外这种院校存在的不合理性。我实在想不出,西方有哪所纯粹为了学习语言技能设的大学或是专科,我实在找不出北外这种教育怪胎在西方高校的对应物,有谁知道不妨一说。北外被撤并是迟早的事。    北外现在最热衷的就是拉皮条赚学生钱,北京外国语大学英语学院有个什么国际项目部的,无非就是留学中介,人家外交部翻译室公务员都不能兼职,不过现在都忙着数钱吧:    “北京外国语大学是中国著名高等学府,新西兰奥克兰大学为新西兰乃至澳洲顶尖高等院校,据日《泰晤士报高校排行榜》,奥克兰大学世界综合排名第四十六位;人文学科世界排名第二十九位;生物医学学科世界排名第二十位;工程与信息技术学科世界排名第四十三位;社会科学学科世界排名第三十三位;自然科学学科世界排名第五十八位。”    http://seis./centerview.asp?num=481&n=468    “中国著名高等学府”是个什么东西?北外的世界排名呢?拉皮条这么热情,这样排出来,都不会有一丝教育者的惭愧?    说哈佛模式不适合北外,那就说说麻省理工学院和牛津大学东方学系中文专业,跟北外对比。  
  我不认识谁是李赋宁,一个教外语的做好他的本职工作,没有什么好值得夸耀的。一个中科大物理系教授写的自传,你们会读吗?值得这样的荣誉的,会引起我尊崇和敬意的,是爱德华·吉本,难道李赋宁写过什么《中华帝国衰亡史》?  ————————————————  第一,我没夸耀李赋宁【你的中文理解能力一如既往的糟糕】。提李赋宁是因为他的回忆录里面详细介绍了民国时期清华大学外语系的课程开设情况,他是当事人,后来又从事英语教育工作,因此他的评述比较客观。  第二,你现在谈的是外语教育。吉本不是外语教育家,李赋宁和吉本没什么可比之处,拿李赋宁和吉本比历史,就像拿吉本和李赋宁比中国的外语教育一样【你的中文表达一如既往的糟糕】  *****************************************    至于说北外是特例,那纯粹是狡辩。也证明北外这种院校存在的不合理性。我实在想不出,西方有哪所纯粹为了学习语言技能设的大学或是专科,我实在找不出北外这种教育怪胎在西方高校的对应物,有谁知道不妨一说。北外被撤并是迟早的事。  ————————————————————  北外的问题有历史原因,了解中国大学教育史的人都知道,就像清华有段时间从综合性大学改为理工科大学一样。  ***************************************    北外现在最热衷的就是拉皮条赚学生钱,北京外国语大学英语学院有个什么国际项目部的,无非就是留学中介,人家外交部翻译室公务员都不能兼职,不过现在都忙着数钱吧:        “北京外国语大学是中国著名高等学府,新西兰奥克兰大学为新西兰乃至澳洲顶尖高等院校,据日《泰晤士报高校排行榜》,奥克兰大学世界综合排名第四十六位;人文学科世界排名第二十九位;生物医学学科世界排名第二十位;工程与信息技术学科世界排名第四十三位;社会科学学科世界排名第三十三位;自然科学学科世界排名第五十八位。”        http://seis./centerview.asp?num=481&n=468        “中国著名高等学府”是个什么东西?北外的世界排名呢?拉皮条这么热情,这样排出来,都不会有一丝教育者的惭愧?  ————————————————————  前面有限定词“中国”,在这个范围内北外还是能担当起“著名”二字的。  ****************************************    说哈佛模式不适合北外,那就说说麻省理工学院和牛津大学东方学系中文专业,跟北外对比。  ————————————————  现需要问清楚“哈佛的模式不适合北外”这句话是你说的,还是我说的?我是没说。你要是没说的,这句话从哪儿来?    你要拿北大的外语系和麻省理工或是牛津的比。    第一,北外不是综合型大学,虽然现在号称如此。  第二,麻省理工和牛津是美国英国大学翘楚,自然要拿中国的大学翘楚和他们比了。    我不为现代中国大学教育辩护,但你的“信息”是假的,你的“评论”建立在假“信息”之上,更不足为人道。而如今你却津津有味地胡说八道。        
  北外收了中国语言素质最好的学生,却连一门外语教的不清不楚,更谈不上一流人才的培养,找一个标准来对比吧:    -------------------------------------------    牛津大学东方学学院汉语本科专业    http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/html/ea/chinese/ba_chinese.html
  牛津大学东方学学院汉语本科专业需要学习:    人类学和地理学,政治学,现代史。    THE INSTITUTE FOR CHINESE STUDIES    Walton Street OX1 2HG    As a student of Chinese at Oxford you will find that nearly all the lectures, classes and tutorials you attend are organized and conducted at the University’s Institute for Chinese Studies. In this respect Chinese is different from many other subjects, in which important parts of the teaching are the responsibility of college tutors and take place in the colleges.    The Institute is a cross-disciplinary centre for everyone in the University whose teaching, research or study is focused on China. This means that members of several departments have their offices and use the teaching rooms in the Institute. From your point of view it means too that, although the Faculty of Oriental Studies is formally responsible for your course of study, you have plenty  of opportunity to be taught by members of other departments –     Anthropology and Geography, Politics, and Modern History.     You will see the effect of this in  the description of the course below.
  牛津课程考试:    All taught courses in Oxford are closely shaped around a published examination syllabus. This doesn’t mean that teaching only takes place for the sake of passing exams: it’s rather that the exams reflect the shape of carefully planned teaching strategies. The Chinese course is no exception. The notes which follow explain how those strategies fit together. We do, however, believe in regular testing as a way to focus, stimulate and monitor our students’ work. That is why, apart from the structural exams described below, we hold Collections at the start of every term: all students take a 3-hour paper which essentially tests revision of work done in the previous term and work assigned over the vacation. The scripts are marked, graded, and returned to students. They are often used as a basis for decisions on awarding college scholarships or imposing college discipline. Take Collections seriously.  
  原文:you have plenty of opportunity to be taught by members of other departments – Anthropology and Geography, Politics, and Modern History.     意译:牛津大学东方学学院汉语本科专业需要学习:人类学和地理学,政治学,现代史。  ——————————————————  你就别提什么英语,一提保准出错。    
  大一语言综合考试 (Language Collection):    大一的第三个学期 (Trninity Term) 第八周结束时进行。考试由两篇论文组成,任何一篇论文不及格都要重修。    论文一:古代汉语文本    时间三个小时,翻译规定文段,句型分析,回答语法,翻译两篇短文。法家的韩非子和儒家的孟子。    论文二:现代汉语文本    两个半小时,将英文翻译为现代汉语,包括简体和繁体。句子分析,现代汉语文章翻译为英语,词汇测试。    十分钟口语考试。    End of First Year Language Collection    This test is held at the end of 8th Week of Trinity Term in your first year. It consists of two papers, one (I) of three hours, the other (II) divided between a 2½-hour written paper and a 10-minute oral test. Both papers must be passed to p distinctions may be awarded for particularly excellent work in both papers I and II. In the event of failure in either paper the student’s college may allow a resit at the start of the following Michaelmas Term.    Paper I: Classical Chinese texts    This tests work covered during the first year on two set books: R.S. Dawson, A new introduction to Classical Chinese, Oxford 1984 (passages A–J); and R.L.  Chard, ed., Selected texts in Classical Chinese (copies available at the Institute for Chinese Studies). You will be expected to produce translations from the prescribed passages, to give diagrammatic analysis of the structure of selected sentences, answer two questions on grammar, and translate two short pieces of unseen text.    The preparation for this paper is done in classes. The Classical Chinese language is presented systematically, much as a modern language might be taught for  reading knowledge. The aim is to develop genuine reading ability and provide exposure to significant classical texts as quickly as possible, while at the same time contributing to the study of Modern Chinese, in particular through the intensive acquisition of commonly used characters and basic morphological  structures. Early lessons introduce basic vocabulary and grammar, reinforced through reading exercises consisting of individual sentences from Classical  Chinese texts. In the second and third terms longer passages are read, the majority from the Legalist text Han Fei zi and the Confucian Mencius (or Meng  zi). Much of the third term is spent working on a wide range of unseen texts.    Paper II: Modern Chinese texts    The set book is Practical Chinese Reader, Books I-II, Peking 1981. The exam will require you to translate English sentences into modern Chinese, with  systematic use of both abbreviated (simplified) and unabbreviated (unsimplified or traditional) script. There will also be a grammar question in which you will explain the characteristics of given sentences, an unseen passage for translation from modern Chinese into English and a vocabulary test.      Oral exam    You will be asked to read a passage from Practical Chinese reader, then, in Chinese, to answer a few simple questions on the content of the passage and to  explain t and finally, to read out a few sentences in pinyin transcription.  Preparations for this two-part Modern Chinese paper occupy the major part of your time during the first year. For the more intensive phases of this work the  class is split into smaller groups. There are daily classes on the set text and the basics of modern C there are also regular sessions in the  language lab to introduce the syllables and tones of Modern Standard Chinese and to practise aural and oral skills. You will also receive tutorials in even  smaller groups to learn and practise the script, as well as formulate sentences in modern Chinese.  All the work you do during the first year will feed directly into the work of the second year and the exam known as Moderations (‘Mods’) that you take at the end of Hilary Term in that year.
  牛大东方学汉本专业大二;    大约学 1,500 个汉字和 2,500 个词汇。    首次公开考试 (Moderations)    Moderations 即 First Public Examination (FPE),完成四份试卷:    试卷一:现代汉语作文和现代汉语翻译 (Modern Chinese prose composition and unprepared translation from Modern Chinese)    没有规定教材,使用简体和繁体。    试卷二:汉语口语    小组讨论和个人测试。    试卷三:经典文本 (Classical Texts)    孟子和史记章节,将文段翻译成英文,并加以思想和历史背景方面的评注。    试卷三:中国历史和文明    写文章讨论中国的宗教、城市、诗歌、历史、民族和艺术。  
  原文:It consists of two papers, one (I) of three hours, the other (II) divided between a 2½-hour written paper and a 10-minute oral test.  意译:考试由两篇论文组成……  ————————————————  你要摆出专家的架势,最起码要做的像一个专家呀  真是越说越错
  Moderations    The passing of Moderations represents a significant stage in your study of Chinese. In terms of the modern language it is the point at which you have covered the whole range of grammar and begun your experience of reading original material in modern Chinese. You have made a start in formulating what you need to say in spoken Chinese. You have an active vocabulary of 1,500 characters and approximately 2,500 your passive vocabulary is larger than this. In classical Chinese you know the basic structures and features of the language used in prose writings just before and just after the dawn of the imperial age. And you have meanwhile studied the history and civilization of pre-modern China, both in broad terms and looking more closely at some particular themes. All this is the basic kit you will need to equip you for the more serious work to come. What will come next is the period of study in a Chinese college. (The regulations speak of ‘an approved course of language study in East Asia’.) That will give you contact with Chinese life and Chinese people at a point when you are just about ready to deal with them in their own language: by going there at this stage you will get much richer value from the experience. You will return with greater confidence, some real fluency in speaking the language, and a much clearer sense of what you want to do in the second part of the course.    Paper 1: Modern Chinese prose composition and unprepared translation from Modern Chinese    This tests the same skills as Paper II in the End of First Year Language Collection, but here there is a short passage of connected prose as well as sentences to put into Chinese. For translation into English there are short pieces of newspaper Chinese and selections of fiction, using both abbreviated and unabbreviated scripts. There is no prescribed textbook, but the exam questions are carefully designed to reflect the materials you will study throughout the second year.    Paper 2: Spoken Chinese    The oral examination is conducted in two parts: a comprehension test conducted in groups (c. 25 minutes), and an individual test (c. 25 minutes).  In the comprehension test you will hear a passage or passages lasting up to five minutes and read twice by a native speaker or speakers. You will be allowed 15 minutes to give written evidence in English that you have understood the material.  In the individual test you will be required to read aloud a short passage in Chinese selected from texts that you have prepared during your course of study.  You will then be asked to answer a few questions based on the text. After this, you wil be required to conduct a short conversation in Chinese with the Moderators in an imagined situation.    Paper 3: Classical texts    Two texts are prescribed and read in classes through Michaelmas and Hilary Terms of the second year. They are selected chapters from Meng zi and Shi ji.  The question paper will require translations into English of three passages drawn directly from the set material, with added comment on matters of interpretation, intellectual context, and historical setting. A short fourth passage for translation will be unseen, but taken from parts of either book that are generally similar in language and content to the prescribed texts. Study of these books offers two kinds of value. They are both regarded as relatively accessible classical works, used for many generations to induct beginners into the language. But they are also celebrated products of early intellectual culture, seminal in their later influence on Chinese self-perception. Meng zi’s teachings on human nature (the main topic in the prescribed chapters) have occupied the centre ground in Confucian philosophy for the they happen also to air several of the ethical problems which occupy us in the twenty-first century. Shi ji set the mould for mainstream historical writing through the en it also, in a strong and vivid style, identified personalities and values which would stand as examples throughout subsequent history. Both books are reference points for anyone studying Chinese culture.    Paper 4: History and civilization of China    The first half of this two-part paper covers general background knowledge–cultural continuities, institutions, long-term features of the land and people of  China. You will write two essays chosen from a group of six. The second half offers a more focused look at particular topics such as religion, cities, Chinese literature (poetry), historiography, non-Han peoples, and Chinese art. Again, two questions are chosen from five or more pairs of alternatives in the areas just enumerated.    Preparation for this paper begins back in the first year, when you attend the East Asian Survey lecture series. At the same time you will follow a course of readings and essay tutorials, first in Michaelmas Term on general matters, then in the following terms (carrying on through the second year) on your own four choices among the topics of the second part. Your tutors are specialists in the topics you have picked: they will help you get the feel of aspects of the subject you may wish to develop at a later stage. Lectures on Chinese art are also offered for first- and second-year students, which all may attend regardless of whether you choose art as one of your options.  
  原文:Both papers must be passed to p 【……】In the event of failure in either paper the student’s college may allow a resit at the start of the following Michaelmas Term.  意译:任何一篇论文不及格都要重修  ————————————————————  劝你只贴英语,别再用汉语解释了  看得我都累  你的汉语太“耀眼”了
  公开考试 (Moderations)  ————————————  哈哈哈  不知道你指责(借别人的文章)王晓朝的误译时是个什么心态
  作者:littlepebble 回复日期: 13:16:14 
      ------------------------------    我知道世道艰难,大学有很多政工干部政工老师辅导员什么的,他们也不容易。知道您四十五十下岗,不怨GOV,如今给您再就业机会,我还想进一步帮助您,比如给我您的银行账号,我给您汇点钱,好给您孩子买奶粉,你看您每天在我每一个帖子后面跟帖,甚至翻出老贴,你老婆以为您上网找情人,都不理解您这是在工作,实际上您五..毛..工作做的非常出色,在我每一个帖子后面都勤勤恳恳的回帖,您受委屈了,唉,就像当年地下x似的,您的任务很繁重啊,责任不轻啊。这些人民都记在心里。
  作者:公子镔 回复日期: 13:33:25 
    作者:littlepebble 回复日期: 13:16:14            ------------------------------        我知道世道艰难,大学有很多政工干部政工老师辅导员什么的,他们也不容易。知道您四十五十下岗,不怨GOV,如今给您再就业机会,我还想进一步帮助您,比如给我您的银行账号,我给您汇点钱,好给您孩子买奶粉,你看您每天在我每一个帖子后面跟帖,甚至翻出老贴,你老婆以为您上网找情人,都不理解您这是在工作,实际上您五..毛..工作做的非常出色,在我每一个帖子后面都勤勤恳恳的回帖,您受委屈了,唉,就像当年地下x似的,您的任务很繁重啊,责任不轻啊。这些人民都记在心里。  ————————————————  哈哈  没关系  打击你是我每天的必修功课  不想被我打击  自己就要做的好点儿  不然的话,就少在这充“专家”  既然你充“专家”,对别人的东西指指点点  你就要容忍别人,不充“专家”,对你的帖子指指点点  所以,现在你要做的是:  ① 要么老老实实说话,本本分分做人,少端一盆浑水上来,让不懂的人以为你高深莫测,借机会推销你的“毒奶粉”,坑害商量的人们  ② 要么写东西、说话认真仔细点儿,省得满纸错误,让人看得胆战心惊    一句话,你的罪过我,我“睚眦必报”,为人为己,这官司我打定了  
  你不是要把这个拉下“神坛”,把那个拉下“神坛”吗?  现在也到了把你拉下“妖坛”的时候了。  这叫“请君入瓮”
  他哪是小丑?他是要成精。  你没看他话里话外的意思?  他要成为别人的“导师”  他要做生意  他要赚钱  可惜水平差了点  中文外文均无可圈点处
  作者:倒在没靓女的城市 回复日期: 13:57:11 
    无知不可怕,可怕的是想楼猪这样什么都不懂就敢指点江山的小丑。。。。其实也不是可怕,是可笑。  ===========================  地有多大产,人有多大胆....想当初你毁了我多少马甲,呵呵....    ps:主的审判马上降临....
  作者:littlepebble 回复日期: 13:51:18 
          --------------------------------------------------------    我起码有在二十个论坛贴这些东西,同一个号,你就一个论坛盯着,领导会批评的。  
  作者:公子镔 回复日期: 14:33:23 
    作者:littlepebble 回复日期: 13:51:18                ---------------------------------------------------        我起码有在二十个论坛贴这些东西,同一个号,你就一个论坛盯着,领导会批评的。  ——————————————————  我这人就是一个特点——死心眼儿  反正天涯我是盯住你了  至于别的论坛我不管  你的策略是粮食年年种,处处种,不怕没收成  我的策略是攻其一处,火力不扩散
  作者:littlepebble 回复日期: 15:00:59 
    作者:公子镔 回复日期: 14:33:23        作者:littlepebble 回复日期: 13:51:18                    ---------------------------------------------------            我起码有在二十个论坛贴这些东西,同一个号,你就一个论坛盯着,领导会批评的。    ——————————————————    我这人就是一个特点——死心眼儿    反正天涯我是盯住你了    至于别的论坛我不管    你的策略是粮食年年种,处处种,不怕没收成    我的策略是攻其一处,火力不扩散  =================  雷锋叔叔说过:追一个帖子不难,难的是追的都是同一个人的帖子.
  牛大东方学汉本专业大三大四:    现代汉语作文和现代汉语翻译     汉语口语;    阅读和翻译:    古代汉语一:庄子    古代汉语二:1645 年满族军队在扬州的大屠杀的日记;18 世纪一位韩国使节访问北京的回忆录。    十九世纪和二十世纪中国的历史    早期历史文本    《左传》《史记》《汉书》《后汉书》《三国志》    传统文学文本    《聊斋志异》《水浒传》《西游记》《红楼梦》《海上花列传》    现代文学文本    鲁迅,郁达夫,老舍,沈从文。    胡适:《终身大事》,洪深,曹禺。    以汉文书写的韩国历史文本    关于中国现代政治学和社会的文本    现代中国研究    社会人类学,政治学,社会学,政治史和人文地理学;  中国的民族主义和共产主义,PRC 政治史,中央集权社会结构和计划经济的发展,中国的对外关系和改革面临的挑战和困境;  中国人类(人文)学:家庭和血亲,宗教,移民和城市化,少数族裔,人际关系和“面子”。    毛泽东《新民主主义论》,费孝通《乡土中国》,《河殇》    汉语学生通用语言学系列课程。    其他语言学习:    藏语,日本语,韩国语
  顶 镔神!    偶像贴,必须顶!
  4.2. Moderations     The passing of Moderations represents a significant stage in your study of Chinese. In terms of the modern language it is the point at which you have covered the whole range of grammar and begun your experience of reading original material in modern Chinese. You have made a start in formulating what you need to say in spoken Chinese. You have an active vocabulary of 1,500 characters and approximately 2,500 your passive vocabulary is larger than this. In classical Chinese you know the basic structures and features of the language used in prose writings just before and just after the dawn of the imperial age. And you have meanwhile studied the history and civilization of pre-modern China, both in broad terms and looking more closely at some particular themes. All this is the basic kit you will need to equip you for the more serious work to come.     What will come next is the period of study in a Chinese college. (The regulations speak of ‘an approved course of language study in East Asia’.) That will give you contact with Chinese life and Chinese people at a point when you are just about ready to deal with them in their own language: by going there at this stage you will get much richer value from the experience. You will return with greater confidence, some real fluency in speaking the language, and a much clearer sense of what you want to do in the second part of the course.     Mods is a formal University exam, the First Public Examination (FPE), which you have to pass to enter the Honours course, and later to qualify as a candidate for Finals (Final Honours Schools or FHS) at the end of the four-year course. It is marked on a pass/fail basis (not classified), with the possibility of a distinction for especially fine work. You will find the regulations set out in the ‘Grey Book’ (Examination decrees and regulations, published by the University each year).
    But some more can be said about the papers and the way you will prepare for them…   
  牛津大学东方学汉本专业大三大四课程设置及考试(续):    试卷一:现代汉语作文和现代汉语笔译  Paper 1: Modern Chinese prose composition and unprepared translation from Modern Chinese     This tests the same skills as Paper II in the End of First Year Language Collection, but here there is a short passage of connected prose as well as sentences to put into Chinese. For translation into English there are short pieces of newspaper Chinese and selections of fiction, using both abbreviated and unabbreviated scripts.   There is no prescribed textbook, but the exam questions are carefully designed to reflect the materials you will study throughout the second year.     试卷二:汉语口语  Paper 2: Spoken Chinese     The oral examination is conducted in two parts: a comprehension test conducted in groups (c. 25 minutes), and an individual test (c. 25 minutes).     In the comprehension test you will hear a passage or passages lasting up to five minutes and read twice by a native speaker or speakers. You will be allowed 15 minutes to give written evidence in English that you have understood the material.     In the individual test you will be required to read aloud a short passage in Chinese selected from texts that you have prepared during your course of study.
You will then be asked to answer a few questions based on the text. After this, you wil be required to conduct a short conversation in Chinese with the Moderators in an imagined situation.    试卷三:古典文学   Paper 3: Classical texts     Two texts are prescribed and read in classes through Michaelmas and Hilary Terms of the second year. They are selected chapters from Meng zi and Shi ji.
The question paper will require translations into English of three passages drawn directly from the set material, with added comment on matters of interpretation, intellectual context, and historical setting. A short fourth passage for translation will be unseen, but taken from parts of either book that are generally similar in language and content to the prescribed texts.     Study of these books offers two kinds of value. They are both regarded as relatively accessible classical works, used for many generations to induct beginners into the language. But they are also celebrated products of early intellectual culture, seminal in their later influence on Chinese self-perception.
Meng zi’s teachings on human nature (the main topic in the prescribed chapters)   have occupied the centre ground in Confucian philosophy for the they happen also to air several of the ethical problems which occupy us in the twenty-first century. Shi ji set the mould for mainstream historical writing through the en it also, in a strong and vivid style, identified personalities and values which would stand as examples throughout subsequent history. Both books are reference points for anyone studying Chinese culture.     试卷四:中国历史和文明  Paper 4: History and civilization of China     The first half of this two-part paper covers general background knowledge – cultural continuities, institutions, long-term features of the land and people of China. You will write two essays chosen from a group of six. The second half offers a more focused look at particular topics such as religion, cities, Chinese literature (poetry), historiography, non-Han peoples, and Chinese art. Again, two questions are chosen from five or more pairs of alternatives in the areas just enumerated.   Preparation for this paper begins back in the first year, when you attend the East Asian Survey lecture series. At the same time you will follow a course of readings and essay tutorials, first in Michaelmas Term on general matters, then in the following terms (carrying on through the second year) on your own four choices among the topics of the second part. Your tutors are specialists in the topics you have picked: they will help you get the feel of aspects of the subject you may wish to develop at a later stage. Lectures on Chinese art are also offered for first- and second-year students, which all may attend regardless of whether you choose art as one of your options.   
   作者:littlepebble 回复日期: 13:51:18      -------  这SB    8成是在大学里面研究垃圾书的!
  牛津大学东方学汉本专业大三大四课程设置及考试(续):    4.3. 到东亚国家(学生一般选北京大学)进行四个月海外学习的阶段  4.3. Period of study abroad     Our regulations lay down: ‘Candidates offering Chinese are required to spend a period of at least four months on an approved course of language study in East Asia.’ This wording leaves open the possibility of spending the four months in any country and course in East Asia that the Faculty Board approves for the purposes of Chinese language study. Usually students attend Peking University.
At the end of the course you have time left for exploring further afield, and this is a good chance to travel. In the course of your second year you, and also your college, will be given detailed guidance on matters of paperwork, costs and general preparation for this overseas study.     Tuition Fees are paid by your college and the University. For anyone without sufficient resources to cope with maintenance whilst abroad there are other expedients available: some colleges will hel the Institute itself offers a number of travel scholarships, derived from trust funds run by the university.
  公子镔你深深地刺痛了人家脆弱的心灵    原来以为是堆宝贝,结果是堆腐朽的垃圾!    多年的坚持,瞬间崩溃    是我也受不了。
  作者:最爱松岛枫 回复日期: 15:44:23 
     作者:littlepebble 回复日期: 13:51:18        -------    这SB        8成是在大学里面研究垃圾书的!  ————————————  你的“神”把“试卷”看成了“论文”  最好不要在“创造”你的时候也犯这样的错误
  牛津大学东方学汉本专业大三大四课程设置及考试(续):    4.4. 学位课程终考  4.4. Finals     Returning from the Chinese world to Oxford, you will embark in the third year on a more sophisticated and varied programme of stu


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