英语综合填词 高考英语短文改错技巧

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福建省高考英语新题型——“短文填词”解读与专练一、新题型说明根据高中新课程标准关于“试题应增加语境设置,适当增加主观题”的要求,在新题型设计时首先考虑增加语境设置的主观题。1. 本题采用短文填词的形式,替换试卷中原短文改错题,设题思路、方法、要求如下:重点考查单词拼写、语言基础知识、语篇理解能力和语言表达能力;在考查词汇的同时也考查学生读与写的能力。考生必须在理解短文内容的基础上,把握短文主旨大意,运用所学语言知识填空,使短文语篇完整。2. 题目选材符合学生的书面表达水平,短文词数在130左右,共设10小题,第一行不设题,其余每行挖空一处设一题;考查以实词为主,兼顾其他词性。3. 每个空格根据提示用一个单词的适当形式填空,提示的方式有:汉语提示、首字母提示、语境提示,其中汉语提示、首字母提示各3~4个,语境提示2~4个。4. 设题尽可能做到答案的唯一性。如果出现与标准答案不同,但符合题目要求的答案也可以接受,具体由阅卷点裁定。每个空格只能填入一个答案,超过一个的,该小题以零分计。题例:短文填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据以下要求:1)汉语提示;2)首字母提示;3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确、拼写正确。Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories.Many of you said you liked the _______(美国的) writer Earnest
76.known for short stories. I hope you
77. my advice and finished reading his story.
78.to study it together in today"s lesson. Now since you
79. supposed to have read this story, let"s have some
81.place? Second, what kind of
82.person does he
(自己) to be? Third, what is the
83.writer"s main purpose of (写) the story? I"d like you to
84.work ______ pairs and present your answers in ten minutes. I hope
85. you can perform well enough.二、命题要求该题考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语语法、词汇及正确拼写单词的能力。所选材料应力求贴近考生生活和学习实际,符合学生书面表达的实际水平。难度值控制在0.60左右。三、命题分析2009年是福建省新课程标准高考的第一年,考虑到我省的实际以及基于新《高中英语课程标准》词汇量大增加的现况,词汇运用能力在语言综合运用能力中的重要性显现,故把词汇运用考查作为新题型设计内容,在原改错题的基础上进行改变并创新,即把“短文改错”改成“短文填词”,分值保持不变(10分)。该题型不同于其他省市现有新题型,有自己的特色:1、该题型是对考生写作能力的测试,是测试其书面表达能力的一种客观的方式。2、该题型主要检测考生词汇的储备量和在语篇中综合运用英语知识能力。考点主要涉及词语、语法、篇章结构和行文逻辑等方面的内容。3、该题型不仅要求考生掌握一定的的词汇、语法知识,还要求考生具有一定的阅读、分析和逻辑推理能力。它不是单纯的知识检测,而是在阅读和书写过程中、在对语篇的上下文理解中运用所学的知识去解决实际的语言问题,是一种典型的读写相结合的考试题型。短文填词题八大考点1、名词:可数、不可数,可数名词的单复数形式;特别容易忽略名词的单复数,知道了名词的单复数,有时特别容易拼错,尤其是一些可数名词单复数的特殊变化,以及动名词之间的转换;如:leaf— medium— advise—advice, practise— succeed—2、动词:时态、语态、非谓语及动词形式的不规则变化;broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播equip (equipped, equipping) 装备注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语)3、形容词、副词:形容词与副词的区别(也可能考比较级及最高级);Simple—simply, fish—fisherman,possible—possibly 可能的, practical—practically 实际的4、数词:主要考。容易拼错的序数词,如:1.twenty—twentieth, 2.ninth第九3. forty四十4. twelfth第十二5. 常见短语的掌握Call on号召,拜访(后接sb)/call in召集/ call at拜访某地; focus on关注/ concentrate on 集中注意力6. 常见从句的掌握,定语从句与宾语从句的区别7. 同义词的辨析Cloth布料/clothes衣服/clothing衣服总称, celebrate庆祝/ congratulate祝贺, hungry饿/starve饥饿, disturb打搅/bother打扰8. 形近易混词的区分Qulity质量/ quantity数量, similar相似的/familiar熟悉的, adapt适应/ adopt收养,改编四、应试技巧要做好短文填词题,必须掌握一定的应试技巧。做题时可按下列步骤和技巧进行:1、通读全文内容,建立语言的整体感。由于这种题型是一种障碍性阅读,一般首句不挖空,从第二句开始就有可能出现空档,如果急于求成,欲速则不达,因此粗读、速读、慎读全文,抓住文章的中心词或中心句,了解全文大意,是做好短文填空题的关键。本着“词不离句,句不离”的原则。把上下文的句法、语法、结构等因素加以综合考虑,特别要考虑到固定短语的搭配,句与句之间的连接词,以及所填的单词的词形变化(如:复数、过去式、过去分词、动词-ing形式等),注意段与段之间,情节与情节之间的上下文照应,在这一基础上确定所填单词。复读全文,使整篇短文前后贯通。初步完成后,一定要再次细读全文,复读时根据语感和对全文的理解,从语法入手,检查句子的结构,从文章的中心思想来仔细推敲所填单词是否达意。总之,做此类题,关键在于理解文意。同时也要培养良好的应试心理和较好的思维品质。具体地说,要抓住文章的脉络,掌握文章的线索,以句意为小整体,灵活运用所学知识,根据短文语境,克服厌倦、畏惧和急躁的心理,认真推敲,确定所要填写的正确单词。随着对语篇整体理解的加深和对具体情景的逐步把握,特别是大量单词的填入,文章整体内容就会完整地再现,从而构成一个文意通达、逻辑严谨、内容连贯、结构完整的篇章。1There once were a goat and a donkey that lived on a farm. The donkey worked the hardest so the farmer (喂it began plotting (谋划) against the donkey. “Hey,” the goat said one day, “I think you do too much work on this farm .You carry such 79things from morning to night. Why don"t you 80 (假装)to get sick so you can take a day 81 it a great idea. The next morning, the donkey lay in the stable(畜栏. (特殊)medicine made from the2In the past my hometown used to be a beautiful place. Thick trees and green grass could be seen 1_____(到处). In 2 ______to build houses and grow more crops, people cut down more and more trees. 3_____ time going on, the whole forest was almost 4______(毁灭). Gradually the green hills have
lot. So, I do hope all the people would the terrible result of not caring about our 8_____(环境). What's more, we should take good 9_____ of the forests and plant trees instead of cutting them down to3One day , a granny with grey hair got on the bus at a bus top . She was in her seventies with a walking 1s_________ in her right hand . The bus was full of passengers and there 2______ no empty seat . Suddenly in the
of the bus , a voice came from a little boy. He said “Granny , take my 4s________”. Following the voice , people saw a
5________(可爱的) boy of about 4 years old. He came and 6_______ (带领)the old woman to his seat and asked her to 7_________ down .Beside the boy was his mother . She smiled at her child and all the 8________ (乘客)were happy and praised the boy for his good 9m________. 10________a good boy he is!4When natural disasters strike, the governments at different levels always give a quick response.They send teams, deliver relief supplies, 77______ meanwhile call on citizens to take immediate action.People, near and far, respond quickly and effectively.food and clean water or donate
money.In addition, other countries and non-profit 80________(组织)express sympathy and provide support to the people
81a_______ in the disasters and the families of the
82_____ (死者).For example, they fly food
and supplies and send specialists survivors.We are fully with all the international effort being made, we will win the battle 85______ natural disasters.5(驱使重 复); then a habit is formed. Once a habit is to get rid of. Children often formed bad habits, some of remain with them as 8Laziness, lying, stealing and so on are all easily formed bad habits. There are formed in early life that Are great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do certain habits in early life, (诚实) and so on. So we should try to form such habits as will be good for6The college entrance exam is on the way and all the teachers work very hard, encouraging us to build 76
(提供)great help for us students, for example, so that we can always be full of energy. I"m very grateful for the 82of ourparents And teachers. I"m 83
their timely help I"ll be able to achieve my goal and be a useful person of our society in the near 857 that, why should I work so hard all day long?"! He 80t梦想着fields, he found that all his crops were 83____ (死了). The story tells us that we should not wait for 报酬) without hard work.8Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he 76______(驱使)by an unseen force to do the same thing 77_____(重复); then a habit is formed. Once a life, such as early rising,84______(诚实)and so on. So we should try to form such habits as will be good9(name) Liz who was suffering from a rare and serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion(输血)disease and had developed the antibodies needed to fight the (ill). The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw it can save Liz.”7 at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, “Will I start to die right away?”Being young, the boy had10(经历), but I also had a sad one. One day, the school held a was 3 talk about my hometown—Fujian. After asked me a lot of things about China. But I couldn"t explain 清楚I can"t use it very well. I must work hard to improve my 8 交流)freely with foreigners. I hope I can be a bridge11I went to see a film after supper. On my way 1_______the cinema, I met an old English Woman,2______had lost her way.
I gave up the 3_______(机会)to see the film, walked towards her and took
her to her 4_______(宾馆). While going there, I told her great changes had 5________place in the past few years and she told me 6s________about Britain and her family. Though I
7 _______(错过)the film, English. If I hadn"t worked hard at English,I
been able to help her.12陪伴) through our life. They are so valuable that libraries are
all great men are lovers of books. Franklin said that it was books that 获得) nothing without books. Books are the holders of mankind"s 6_______(经验) and imagination. They enable us to see through the past and predict the . So when you open a book, you would get into a world 8______ you have never been before. A 10_______or old, poor or rich, books are your devoted friends.13My sister found a bird by the roadside. We named him Jack and him for about three years. He would greet us in a tree outside our bedroom, calling “Hello” as we 77in bed in the morning. He also passed ,,Hello” to the cats 78trick 79_____ him. We"d throw a coin as far as 80sing 83______ (高兴地能力). Leaving him at home all day, we would return at night to hear 85_____ he"d picked up from the radio in the day.14Mr. Li,Last Sunday I went to do some reading in your library.Over the time I was there, I found something unpleasant. I"d like to 77my opinions, which, I hope, would be of help for you to 78_______(创造)a more comfortable place for in proper order,
didn"t offer good service. Instead, they were chatting. In 82_______, they took no notice of the fact that a light wasn"tI can"t use it very well. I must work hard to improve my 8交流)freely with foreigners. I hope I can be a bridge11I went to see a film after supper. On my way 1_______the cinema, I met an old English Woman,2______had lost her way.
I gave up the 3_______(机会)to see the film, walked towards her and took
her to her 4_______(宾馆). While going there, I told her great changes had 5________place in the pastfew years and she told me 6s________about Britain and her family. Though I
7 _______(错过)the film, English. If I hadn"t worked hard at English,I
been able to help her.12陪伴) through our life. They are so valuable that libraries are
all great men are lovers of books. Franklin said that it was books that 获得) nothing without books. Books are the holdersof mankind"s 6_______(经验) and imagination. They enable us to see through the past and predict the. So when you open a book, you would get into a world 8______ you have never been before. A10_______or old, poor or rich, books are your devoted friends.13My sister found a bird by the roadside. We named him Jack and him for aboutthree years. He would greet us in a tree outside our bedroom, calling “Hello” as we 77in bed inthe morning. He also passed ,,Hello” to the cats 78trick 79_____ him. We"d throw a coin as far as 80sing 83______ (高兴地能力).Leaving him at home all day, we would return at night to hear 85_____ he"d picked up from the radio inthe day.14Mr. Li,Last Sunday I went to do some reading in your library.Over the time I was there, I found something unpleasant. I"d like to 77myopinions, which, I hope, would be of help for you to 78_______(创造)a more comfortable place forin proper order,didn"t offergood service. Instead, they were chatting. In 82_______, they took no notice of the fact that a light wasn"t83_______. Leave this state of affairs to stay the same, and I"m 84_______(恐怕) there will be fewer andfewer readers. So, I suggest your 85_______ (改变) all these as soon as possible for the sake of readers.15(国家有趣的) and beautiful. People alsoof food, to experience life in other parts of the worldof today"s travelers are looking 82an Unusual experience and adventure travel is becoming more受欢迎). One kind of adventure travel is hiking. Instead of16There have been many changes in the means of transportation in Beijing in recent years.From 1996 1
(增加) by 40%,for it is convenient and a good form of 3
(锻炼) to ride a bicycle.Over 18,000 taxis have appeared in 2000.More and more people like to 4
(合理的).The number of private cars isis three times as much as that in 1996.We can see more and more people are gettingrich and can (买得起) to buy cars of their number of buses doesn"t change,dirty and crowded. Something must be doneconditions of buses.17Mr. Smith offers us some advice on how to write a good
steps. Then we start to shape ourour own word and finish (语法)and spelling. It is very important to reador someone else form 82_______ to end. Lastly, we had better ask our(可能), we may leavea lot from the advice above.18The memory of our schoolhood is so sweet. It isfive years now since I 1g_______ from No.3 High School. Last Saturday, the class that I was in 2_____(举行) a get-together, which 3______(花费) us a long time toprepare. It was indeed not easy to get in 4_______ with everybody and set a good time 5______ all of us.We all enjoyed this precious day greatly, 6________(回想起)the time we spent together and the people we further studies, but they called back or sent greeting 10_____(卡片)from different palces. I hope all of ourclassmates can really get together next time.19Dear Alice,I have just got some good news to tell you I 1_______(获得) a national prize for painting last week. Myo to England 3_______ a holiday. I"d like to stay there forhalf a month, 4_______(拜访) places of interest 5______practising my English as well. We"ve been 谈话) face to facewith you ,I imagine you"ll be 8________ vacation yourself by that time. I am looking 9you. Perhaps we could go out to do so me 10______(观光) together.20Most families in China hope their
children will
have a happy future, so they are very 77
with their children.
any spare time to have sports.
禁止) to do anything butstudy.
wonder so many children are lessons. Some (攻击) or kill theirparents and teachers! I believe many people have already read this kind of news in newspapers or. Shouldn"t we
outa plan to solve the education problems.21)
everyone likes watching TV. TV has, it also has some disadvantages. People waste too much time inlife
and work are affected. too
muchthe timeof watching TV.22(有责任的) for housework, but with oneof the 以下的)suggestions, you really can get your children to help you at home. I 78
do anything quite right, then they willregard themselves unfit or unable persons. Unless they
believe they can succeed, they will独立) . Don"t always scold and give lots of praise
Talk aboutwhat they"ve done right, not about what
they haven"t done. If your children adifficult task, reward (酬劳a Sunday trip or a ball game of Dad.23Before I went to middle school, some people told me. “A life of senior middle school is.” While I first
my old friends and classmates. I didn"t want to talk othersor make friends with . Little by little, my school record went from bad to worse,
my maths. I couldn"t even pass the exam. I the heart and missed the happy times all dayto it. I don"t like the life here.”24to shout at them. They usually will try to change, but it will takeangry all their lives, and that is all they know. You might have tothis doesn"t work, , and have him or her help you.25Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories.Many of you said you liked the 76_______(美国的known
my advice and finished reading his story. We"re going to study it together in today"s lesson. Now since you 79 supposed to have read this story, let"s have some(讨论place? Second, what kind of person does he show
(自己) to be? Third, what is the writer"s main purpose of 84(写) the story? I"d like you to work 85______ pairs and present your answers in ten minutes. I hopeyou can perform well enough.26Do you like friends who can teach you a lot every day? Books are friends because they bring (图书馆) are (存放) them. Almost all great men are lovers of books. Franklin said that it was books books. Books are the holders of mankind"s 6_______(经验) and imagination. They enable us to see through the past and predict the . So when you open a book, you would get into a world
8______ you have never been
you to get over . difficulties No matter what you are, 10_______or old, poor or rich, books are your devoted friends. Love books and love life.27People who go to a formal western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in western culture. Knowing them will help you make a good 1_______(印象). Having good table manners (干杯)and how to behave at the
laugh all the time. Most westerners like 5_________ drinks if they drive home. Many of them drink white or red wine with the _____. When drinking to one"s health, you 7glass, but the glass should not touch. The 风俗of the day. If you are not sure what to do, you can follow your hosts.28Dear sirs,I have just read in the newspaper that a secretary or the English language is wanted in your company.I am therefore you to introduce myself. I"d like to get 2job. I am a girl college 第二(工作) experience as a typist during my spare time at school, and as a (老板) I worked for were all satisfied with my work. I am sure I"ll satisfy you as 8信息) about my study and work from
your office at any time for a talk or a test. FaithfullyLi Li29死) because it was too expensive for her. She and her
(匆忙) returned and looked wherever she the one she borrowed from Jeanne and returned it to her. It them 36,000 francs. In order to遭受
碰巧)to meet one day in a Mathilde found out the truth: the necklace she had borrowed from Jeanne
500 francs at most!30On the morning of November 18, 1975, an earthquake shook Boston. John Winthrop, a professor a awoke. “I rose,” Winthrop wrote, “lit a candle, looked at myand found to be 15 minutes after four.” John Winthrop rushed (到楼下) to thekey from the mantel to the floor. The clock stopped, for Winthrop had put some glass tubes he was using for an 实验) into the case for safe keeping. The tubes were knocked over by the quake and (堵塞)the pendulum. Winthrop, therefore, had the time that the on the floor. The quake had thrown it forward in the direction of the quake"s motion by a shock coming from the northwest, 1031China"s third manned spacecraft lifted off at 9:10 pm last Thursday.Shenzhou VII, which 1off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, into the sky.Inside the spaceship, they had a wide 选择) of dishes: nearly 80. And the astronauts moved around the
for three days. In a special spacesuit, which (重) 120 kilograms and cost about 30 million yuan, Zhai Zhigang was expected to
in space about 343 kilometers
(以前的) Soviet Union and the US.The spacewalk is necessary for China"s longa space station by 2020.32Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He was once thought to be a boy not
(值得(想象力). I admire him a lot because of his great contribution the world. He had more than 1000 When he was young, he was always eager to know
things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname “the Wizard of Meio Park”. He was also so diligent 6 he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so
inventions. What 留下印象) me most is his famous saying, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine
perspiration”. Maybe I can"t be an Edison myself, 10 I can be a hardworking learner.33There is a new market near my house. My mother often goes there and buys need of our meals. But I had never been there before. Yesterday I went to the market with my mother. There were人群kinds of vegetables, fish and fruit everywhere. People were talking about the goods and the prices. Thesellers" shouts could be 5(听见) every now and(找到) some fresh fish at the other part of the market. My mother bought something else as well.(深深) impressed by what I saw in themarket.34Dear Mary,How is everything going? I"ve just heard from my sister that my father is not well and is now in hospital.(可能him for a week? You had him for a(相处) on well合适) you. Hehas his now bed and bowl, and I"ll bring enough tinned dog 8 to last him a week. But if it"s(方便), don"t hesitate to say 10. I can send him to the kennels near my house.35as many others, said, milk and bread made up a convenient diet that helpedbecame her (最喜欢的) brands of morning milk and yoghurt after dinner. However, she has被迫
than 53,000 babies and killed four. “I"ll buy them again 7 they finally improve their products,”Song said. However, right now Song"s mom tries to adjust 8 eating habits by (煮)when and where thepurchases are made.36 suffer different kinds of illness because 2______air pollution. Air pollution is caused
by the following 机动车辆). There are more and more cars, about 10% of the air pollution is caused by other reasons. We should take some 8_______(措施) to fightagainst pollution. New fuel can be used to take 9_____ place of gas. We can plant more trees. If everybody37In order to know a foreign language well, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand thelanguage whenever we hear it Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves2__________(正确) with confidence and without hesitation. Thirdly, 3_______ is important that weshould read the language 4________write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammaticallycorrect. There is no easy way to succeed in language learning. 5_______ good memory is a great help, butlong lists of words and their reciting the dictionary and so on. We must learn8_________(通过)using the language. If we are satisfied with only a few rules and the words that havebeen memorized, we are not 9__________(真正) learning the language. “Learn through use” is a goodpiece of advice for those 10__________are studying a new language.38Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life.1______ my family forexample.My parents 2______(联系) others mainly by sending them the past, but now we long distance at home. And my parents listened to the radio for news and other but now we watch the news and other programs on TV. Another big change is in the . In short, changesin our life in the past twenty years have
brought us 10_______(舒适) and convenience.39A flood disaster took place in some areas in China. It had been raining all those days and neverstopped, 1____ led to the flood. The PLA men arrived 2_____(马上) to rescue the villagers of the floodedareas. And they did their best to fight against the flood. They 3_______(供给) the villagers with f reshvegetables and food. Some teams were 4______(组织)to help them so that they could have healthy diet. and over again before being drunk. The doctors told them to 7_____ special attention to their health. Someleaders of our country also 8_______(视察)country were sent to those areas. Everything went on well. And that was a sign of 10_______(胜利).40We often think of future. We often wonder 1_____the world will be like a hundred years" time.Think of space. Perhaps a 2_________ (永久的) station on the moon will have been set up. Perhapspeople will be able to visit the moon as Cheap rockets for space travel will have been 进步) will have been made in _________ in a hundred years" time.All the world will have been developed—even 8_________(南极洲). We will have used up most ofthe earth"s land to build ourcities,9 _________ floating cities will have been built. And there will be cities10________ the sea.41With the social development and progress, TV has become a necessity for people at homeNowadays,almost every family has a TV set,and
.TV has become2____ of our life.,for example,it informs us of the 4___ __(最新的) news thatis happening in the world;it can open our eyes,about the world.6____ (然而) ,it also has some disadvantages.People waste too much time 7_______watching TV and their normal life and work are 8_______(影响).To the children who spend too muchtime in watching TV,it can do 9______ to their sight and health.So we should 10______ (控制) the timeof watching TV.42 examples of students who have 2_________ up their studies or even become bad as a result of having gotinto the of surfing on the Internet. From my point of 4_________, the Internet is notdangerous to children. Generally speaking, the 5________(大部分的) reasons of my opinion can be listedas follows. To begin with, the Internet plays a very important 6_________ in the modernization of ourworld. We cannot keep up with the pace of the E-time without the Internet. In the second place, theInternet can help us a lot if 7_________(适当地) used. Last but not the the Internet canentertain us with funny stories, games, 9_________(文学) and so on as relaxation thus we can combinestudy with joy. On the 10_________(基础) of those facts above, we can reach the conclusion that theInternet is not dangerous to children.43Dear editor,I"m a student of Senoir Three in a middle school in Fujian Province.In order to make the best of learning 1_______ (材料), the Students" Union of our school is 2_______ (安排) an activity. We students of Senior Three are called on to give 3_______ our used books, newspapers ormagazines to the students in the lower 4______ (年级) after graduation. The idea, which is intended topromote 5______(友谊) and encourage economy, is highly praised and
by the teachers andon the first floor of the school library and it will last about tendays, from June 10 to 20. this kind of activity will continue every year in the 10_______ .
Yours sincerelyLin Hua44 from textbooks is not their only task. They believe that they should take every chance to get some2________(实用)knowledge. Secondly, they hold that after long 3________(小时)of study, they canrelax themselves by 4________ part in school activities. However, a large group of students take little5________(兴趣)in them and spends most of their time 6________ studies. First, they believe that they their further development. As far as I"m 8great deal from other students we meet in activities. Besides, the modern society 9________(要求)youngstudents of many qualities, 10________ “book-worms” can"t keep up with the times any longer.45As we know, the number of the traffic accidents has been growing rapidly in recent years. We can have aclear idea about the 1________(危害) of traffic accidents from what we see. Traffic accidents happen
reasons lie in the following aspects: First, the number of vehicles isincreasing so fast 5________ the roads are becoming m Second, there are stillmany people who don't obey the traffic rules while 6________(旅游)on the road. Besides, such actions asdrunk-driving, over-loading and speeding can also contribute 7________ serious accidents.
the traffic conditions.9 ________ the same time, all of us ought to obey the traffic rules 10________(无论哪里) we are.47Hello. I'm Chris Green. As editor of the voice, I'd like to 1________(介绍)you to our school newspaper. We need new hands to help us 2________ can tell the students what's new every through our newspaper. Experience isn"t quite necessary, but writing and typing skills are 3________ great demand. We need people to read our 4________(文章)to type and check them. We could also use a good photographer and several engineers. Since the voice comes out five days a week, we need good students ______ of their time. There"s some money for salaries 6how much work to do, but don't expect to get rich, this isn"t something you do for money. Mostly it's just 7________ fun. Anyone who"s 8(立刻)after this (准备)to start right away. Our first paper appears tomorrow.48Harvard University which was founded in 1636 is the oldest universityin the United States. In the early years, few courses were 1________(提供)in science, as little was known about it then. All the students studied the same subjects, such as Latin and Greek. When the students 2________, most of them became teachers 3________ ministers. In 1782, with the 4________(发展)of medicine, Harvard University started its Medical School. Later 5________(律师)Soon it began teaching 8________(美国)to teach many new and interesting subjects such as business. Today, Harvard has many schools that deal 10________ different fields of learning.49written by William Shakespeare, My2________(最喜爱)English writer and the man of all ages!Shakespeare, a son 3________ a poor family, a man of little education, wrote plays and poems that are
(羡慕)him because his keen sights set me 7_______(思考)and teach me
8________ to lead a meaningful life! Since “Life is a stage”, we are 9________(实际)all actors and actresses. On this stage,50Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I"m Sue.Allow me, first of all, on 1(快乐)to have you in our school for a 4
(短暂的)visit. I believe that you will be glad to see how
(友谊)between us and the people throughout the 7o
world. But, you know, there are still some
are boys of science, learning English with much trouble. So, we hope youwould give us some
留)here.51(厌烦的). But it became fine last Sunday morning. . everything went smoothly. Ienjoyed my trip so much that I didn"t the weather had turn bad again. I began to run
Imade me stay in bed for a whole week!52I"m Senior Three student. I can hardly live under so much pressure.at least three to foru hours doing my青少年wre eager to have a play and enjoy
ourselves, but weaddition, we evern don"t have enough (超负荷: the pressure of examinations, toowedon"t do our best we will not have the chance to go to
(醒着的at night. I wish that I could have aomeone to talk to. I am10 l
forward to getting some advice.53used to be (改变)in their social role, women"s position in the family has been
(改善)as well. It is hard to find the wife is busy while the husband is sitting in an armchair, 6w
TV of (出席)important(解决)now.54, each other 惊喜)visit from a friend, but many people do not. Takedon"t like surprise visits may tell their friends to call first
(可接受的)because most people are vdry busy. Dropping in at a busy
to some problems for the person visiting and the person visited. It is a good idea to 介意)your just dropping by without calling. If you are surprise visits, call first.55, it has become harder and harder in today"s4% eachyear to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often this is impossible, so more and more people are out, new machines can do the work of many people in a short time.What"s , machines do not ask for more money and longer holiday. All over the world,(乡村).Thousands of people are 9
(搬家)to cities every day and10 l
for jobs, buthow many of them can find one?56theirthey lived, I took them there. On theplace in our city in the past few years. I alsomy English study. The American friends were扬)me for my wonderful English, which encouraged me greatly. It didn"t take 7l
time to findwith them and said good-bye to them. They kept. I got home later than usual, but I felt happy because my!57Good morning, Girls and boys! My name is Sue. May I have, please? The Students"the evening of December 30. the purposeEnglish.at 7:30. And the best five students. Everyone in Grade Three will be welcome to室)of the Students" Union and 9
up your names, classes and the topics of your English!58Fang Tong is 34 years old, an actor, director and teacher of Beijing Opera Theatre. Most of his students areparts of China and have come to Beijing at the very young of sixteen oran environment for his students that is much more relaxing4_____ the one he used to study in. He thinks that an (演员)should relax himself whenperforming. Yet his students deeply 6______(尊重)him and he never needs to raise his voice in order to is always changing and developing.59I was recently told that listening to loud music is gradually making people hard of hearing. I'm sure it hast(聋)ear to my requests toturn her radio When she gives a party she won't have to __ the rest of the street. (科学家)has discovered a certain (瘫痪)__(扔)them out by their tails. I60___ to make sure that I get a good 3_____(教育). They do not want me to they want me to 4d___
__ all my time to my__(科目)____(一起). It looks as if my parents me as a visitor or a guest.Do they really their own daughter What things are in61 _(垃圾). (空的)bag. 'You must give up fishing!'my friends say.'It's a 8w______ of time.(坐)in a boat and doing nothing at all!62I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my 1____(旅馆), so I asked a porter. I not only
spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as 2______.The porter, however, could not understand me. I 3_____(重复)neither slowly 5____ clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said.(像)'You'll soon learn English!' he said. I 8_____(想知道). each other, 10______ I don't understand them! Do they speak English?63I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures.Many people 1____(假装)that they understand modern art. They always tell you what a picture is 'about'. (材料).I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures 5_______ than anyone else. They notice more.She came into my room yesterday. 'What are you doing?' she asked.'I'm 8_____(挂)this picture on the wall,' I answered. It's a new one. Do you like it?' She looked at it critically for a moment.It's all right,' she said, 'but isn't it upside 9____?'"I64Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.As 1_____as this was done, they co__(暖和)and comfortable, so they all slept soundly.In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began6______(喊).The tent was 7______ of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside.(田野).65The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home.I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons. ___(星期四), Some children were playing games on the bank and ___ were some people rowing on the river.
(踢)(路过的)boat. ___ them.
The ball struck him7_______ hard that he nearly fell into the water.I turned to look at the children, but thered.He called out to the children and threw the ball 10_____ to the bank.66Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.One afternoon she set oand the girl jumped into the sea. Then she 2_______(游泳)to the shore 5______ of eight miles. high up on the cliffs. On arriving at the shore, the girl 8_____
(挣扎)up the cliff towards the light she had seen.That was
she remembered.When she woke up a day later, she found 10________ in hospital.67Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi. A short while ago, however, he became a bus driverand he has not1_______(后悔it.He is finding his new work far more exciting.When he was driving along Catford Street 2______(最近,
he saw two 3_______ rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car.One of them was carrying a
(直接at the them.The one with the money got 6_______ a fright that he dropped the bag.As they were trying toget away 7_______ their car, Roy drove his bus into the back of it.The battered car was about to Their car was badly damaged and easy to 9_______(认出).Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and 10b_______ men were arrested.68The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the 1_______(当地的)butcher, had lost his wallet while 2t_______ his savings to the post office. Sam was sure(包裹up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with only
back 9____ this way The last note said: 'I am 100 per cent 10_______(诚实)now!'69My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.He began his diet a week ago. 1______ of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. (马铃薯), rice, beer, milk, and sweets.Yesterday I paid him a 4______.I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still 5______ fat as ever. He led me into his roomand hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. It was 6______(明显的)that he was very embarrassed.
contents of the parcel. It 10______(包含)five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets!70___(举行)(花费)us a long time to prepare. It was indeed not easy to get in 4_______ with everybody and set a good time___ all of us. We all enjoyed this precious day greatly, 6________(回想起)the time we spent
(卡片)from different places. I hope all of our classmates can really get together next time.71Dear John,How"s everything? We haven"t seen each other for long ___(进步)that you can write your e-mail ____(给…看)them the photo you sent tome. How time __! Our friendship has lasted for several months. We have got to know (不同的)from mine. Thanks again for writing to me. I'm looking forward to 9h_______ from you soon and hope__(将来).72Many children hope to grow up quickly and do what the adults do. But up is not easy.(自己的)(力量)came frond somewhere
I don't quite know, somewhere very __ down, even if I
went to her with all my little-boy__(喊)__(勇气)73____(有趣的)____ in a race. At first, I could not4___(操场上)cheer me on, “Come on!” I was so encouraged _ I ran faster and faster till I caught up__(同学们)threw me up_ up and found myself still in bed!74( 阻止)_ of the road were green fields and some farm houses. We could the sound of the
(混合)(到达)the top of themountain. What surprised us most there was the beauty of the scenes. 7_____ having a short rest there and(分享)food we brought, we started going down. It rained even We were75There are many things happening in our family which worth _ our six children wereyoung, suppertime was always being interrupted by neighborhood children __ the bell.They_(玩). Finally we had 4_____ good idea. We hung(写着), “we"re having dinner. Come back later. ” That night, we sat (认为)_ as soon as we began(站着)a five-year-old boy from across the street. He_ at us and said, “I just want to know
the sign says. ”76children will have a happy future, so they are verywith their children.
So are teachers in schools! Many children are givenany spare time to have sports. The children are(禁止) to do anything but study.
攻击) or kill their parents and teachers! I believe many people have already read this kindof news in newspapers or . Shouldn"t we a lesson from the accidents? Nowout a plan to solve the education problems.77几乎) everyone likes watching TV. TV hassee more
about the world. , it also has some disadvantages. People waste too much time inlife and work are affected.To the children who
too muchthe timeof watching TV.78to the US from Germany, I took
part in a college course in French.I had learned
German well in Germany, I thought it might be
interesting)finally asked him why. “Ifind it great fun,” he 解释) . “In 25 years of teaching at school, it"s the first time I"ve heard”79polluted. Day and night millions of tons of waste water is being(饮用的) water. The Huaihe River is so dirty and poisonous don"t dare swim in it.in the near future.80Dear Abby,How are you? Today I"ve got a
news to tell you. I have offered a scholarship at ain Australia for my further education. One hundred and twenty students选择)and I was one of them. However, my(反对) me going there. They say it is too far6 can"t imagine a girl so young live . They advise me to study in the capital .Then I"ll be able to continue living withthe factthat I have grown up?Best wishes,Jane81A person"s age no tells you anything his social 婚姻) or health.There"s no longer,(特殊的) year when one goes to school or goes to work or getsor starts a family. The social clock that kept us on time and told us
to go toschool, get a job, or stop working isn"t as strong as it to be. It doesn"t 使惊讶)or a 35-year-old grandmother, or a 70-year-old manwho has become a father for the first time.
we all know, (公众的)ideas arechanging nowadays.82(有责任的) for housework, but with以下的)suggestions, you really can get your children to help you at home.3 do anything quite right, then theyunfit or unable persons. Unless they believe they can succeed, they will独立) . Don"t always scold and give lots of praise Talkabout what they"ve done right,
not about what they haven"t done. If your children9酬劳a Sunday trip or a ball game of Dad.middle school, some people told me. “A life of senior middle school is.my old friends and classmates. I didn"t want
my maths. I couldn"t even pass the exam. I the heart and missed theto it. I don"t like the life here.”84they walk together(一起)it suddenly started to rain. Tom(雨伞)and said, “My wife 预见) . She said
my umbrella with me.” Dick smiled and walkedto him, (说), “My wife has greater foresight. She told me not to
you.”85Dear Sir or Madam,I saw you"re
in a student magazine and I"m interested to knyour divingI can swim I"m自信) in thequalified(称职),
soI believe they"ll be to teach someone like me to dive. I have one week"s holiday in theweek of June
to know if there"s a course running at that time. How much does aweek"s course if I decide to go ahead, is there any special equipment I
need to buyto hearing from you.Sincerely yours,Tom86Dear Xiaohua,It is four days Mother received the operation. She is feeling better. Thedoctors told me the operation was (成功), but because of her old age she had to stay in必须的) for her to期待)to get a full report in two or three days. Please tell the good news to thecome here. I"m able to look after Motherby myself. You"dYours,Xiaohui87popular game in England: one has only to go to one of the important2 and old, one can see them all there, shouting and(惊讶的) things about football in England to a(陌生人even the smallest boy seems toin most of the important teams, he has( 相片of matches. He will tell有价值的)
as that of the adults.in late autumn. One day early in the morning, my friends and I put sports shoes and started off. After
miles (忙碌地), and it was time for us to go back. On the
back, we were laughing and talking
the time. We had a good time
that day.89Before lunch Allen to see a man fishing in a ditch about five outside a bar. 经过a foolish man. Allen"s heart went o to the fish-catcher, “Hello, will you please and have a drink with me in the bar?” The man gladly his invitation. cups of soft-drinks, Allen asked, “You were fishing there, right? May I fish you have caught this morning?” “You are the number 8,” said the man
.).90your parents become angry? If your parents get mad, try to have ato shout at them. They usually will try to change, angry all their lives, and that is all they know. You they don"t —clothes, or cleaning the floors.this doesn"t work, bring in a friend that youhelp you.91and old, one can see them all there, shouting and cheering for one side or the other. One of the (惊讶的) things about football in England to a (陌生人)is the great knowledge of the game 81w
even the smallest boy seems to have . He can tell you
( 相片) of them and knows
有价值的) as that of the adults.1. 76 fed
pretend81 off
killed2. 1. everywhere
4.destroyed 5. changed6. which
10. improve3. 1 stick
10.What4. 76.rescue
79. access
85.against5. 76. driven
77. repeatedly
78. impossible
80. long81.other
84. honesty
85. ourselves6. 76. up
77. improve
79. provides
80. open81. us
82. efforts
83. determined
85. future7. 76.while
79. himself
85.rewards8. 76.driven
85.ourselves9. 1. named
4. illness
5.before6. if
10 misunderstood10. 1、experiences 2、where 3、invited 4、that
8、spoken 9、communicate
10、between11. 1.to
10.wouldn"t12. 1.such
2. company
5. achieved6. experience
10. young13. 76.Kept
85.What14. 76. Therefore
78. create
79. sorted
80. what81. librarians
82. addition
84. afraid
85. changing15. 76.Because
77. countries
80.away81 why
85.close16. 1.to
10.the17. 76. includes
77. carefully
80. grammar81. ourselves
82. beginning
83. possible
85. benefit18. 1. graduated
5. for6. remembering
7. familiar
10.cards19. 1. won
5. and6. other
7. talking
9. forward
10. sightseeing20. 76 single
80 forbidden81 tired
83 magazines
85 carrying21. 76 almost
78 advantages
80 enlarge81However
85 control22. 76 responsible
77 following
80 as81 independent
82 instead
84 complete
85 with23. 76 senior
77 unforgettable
unpleasant 80 miss81 others
82 especially
85 belong24. 76.when
80.get8l couple
83. washing
85 with25. 76.of
85.in26. 1. such
2. libraries
3. preserve/store/keep
5. without6. experience
10. young27. 1. impression
5. soft6. food
10. change28. 1. writing
5. little6. working
9. information
10. visit29. 1.death
2. hurriedly
5. suffered6. young
7. happened
10. only30. 1.and
3. downstairs
5. a6. experiment
7. blocked
10. perhaps31. 1.carried
5. weighed6. walk
9. former/previous
10. building32. 1.worth
2. imagination
4. inventions
5. how6. that
8. impresses
9. percent
10. but33. 1.what
5. heard6. before
8. finding
10. deeply34. 1.So
3. possibly
5. made6. got
9. convenient
10. so35. 1.well
2. Besides
4. favorite
5. forced6. more
9. cooking
10. to36. 1. development
7. Besides
10. importance37. 1. spoken
2. correctly
5. A6. remember
7. meanings
10. who38. 1. Take
2. contacted
5. information6. housing
7. married
9. apartment
10. comfort39. 1. which
2. immediately
3. supplied
4. organized
5. animals6. eaten
8. inspected
10. victory40. 1 what
2. permanent
3 tourists /travelers
4. journey
5 holidays6. progress
7 controlled
8 Antarctica
9 so/thus/therefore
10 under41. 1. almost
3. advantages
5. enlarge6. However
10 control42. 1. influence
5. major6. role
7. properly
9. literature
10. basis43. 1 materials
2 arranging
5 friendship6 supported
10 future44. 1 Firstly
2 practical
5 interest6 on
8 concerned
9 requires
10 so45. 1 damage
5 that6 travelling
8 measures
10 wherever46. 1 miles
5 them6 official
10 while47. 1 introduce
4 articles
5 best6 depending
8 interested
9 immediately
10 prepared48. 1 offered
2 graduated
4 development
5 lawyers6 receive
8 American
10 with49. 1 works
2 favorite
5 beauty6 admire
9 actually
10 and50. 1. behalf
3. pleasure
5. getting6. friendship
7. outside
10. stay51. 1. bored
2. photos / pictures
3. beatuiful
4.out / off
5. realize6. caught
8. waiting
10.which52. 1. stay
3. teenagers
5. In6. overload
8. university
10. looking53. 1. as
4. changes
5. improved6. watching
10. solve54. 1. speaking
3. surprise
5. before6. acceptable
10.welcomes55. 1. However
2. economies
6. more7. taking
8. country / countryside
10. looking56. 1. lost
4. especially
5. surprised6. praising
10. worked57. 1. attention
3. interest
5. begin6. prizes
10. listening58. 1. from
5. actor6 . respect
8. opinion
9. mistake
10. already59. 1. happened
5. dance6. scientist
7. effects
9. throwing
10. if/whether60. 1. words
3. education
5. subjects6. under
7. together
9. understand
10. wonder.61. 1. catching
3. Instead
4. rubbish
5. never6. spent
10. sitting62. 1. hotel
3. repeated
5. nor6. like
7. something
9. different
10. but63. 1. pretended
4. material
5. better6. only
7. wheather
8. hanging
10. right64. 1. soon
3. stories
5. warm6. shouting
8. heavily
10. under65. 1. Thursday
5. passing6. hear
10. back66. 1. from
4. spending
5. distance6. ahead
7. because
8. struggled
10. herself67. 1. regretted
2. recently
3. thieves
5. straight6. such
9. recognize
10. both68. 1. local
3. villagers
5. wrapped6. that
8. another
10. honest69. 1. First
2. included
3. potatoes
5. as6. obvious
8. explained
9. himself
10. contained70. 1. graduated
5. for6. remembering
7. familiar
10. cards2571. 1. since
2. progress
3. Chinese
5. flies6. and
8. different
9. hearing
10. future72. 1. growing
5. strength6. break
7. shouted
9. courage
10. enough73. 1. interesting
4. playground
5. that6. with
9. classmates
10. woke74. 1. prevent
5. mixed6. reached
8. sharing
10. but75. 1. When
2. ringing
5. said6. thought
10. what76. 76 single
80 forbidden81 tired
83 magazines
85 carrying77. 76 almost
78 advantages
80 enlarge81However
85 control78. 76 returning
79 another
80 pronunciation81 which
85 accent79. 76 seriously
80 drinking81 that
85 prevented80. 76 wonderful
77 university
80 against81 away
84 instead
85 accept81. 76 longer
77 marriage
79 married
80 when81 used
82 surprise
83 surprise
84 president
85 As82. 76 responsible
77 following
80 as81 independent
82 instead
84 complete
85 with83. 76 senior
77 unforgettable
78 entered
79 unpleasant
80 miss81 others
82 especially
85 belong84. 76 neighbours
78 together
79 umbrella
80 surely81 carry
85 with85. 76 advertisement
78 although
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80 necessary81 expect
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