
a dad says goodbyeby edna st. vincent millayi watch her and her mother decorate her college dormitory room.everything is in place organized and arranged. her room nicely accommodates not onl...要快捷英语北京专版阅读理解与完形填空周周练的所有短文的翻译及答案.求求你们了!_百度作业帮
用百度翻译器翻译求翻译文章和每空答案原因谢谢!Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1分.共10分) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项.Lillian Hanson,a college student,expects to graduate in about two years.What makes Mrs.Hans_百度作业帮
求翻译文章和每空答案原因谢谢!Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1分.共10分) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项.Lillian Hanson,a college student,expects to graduate in about two years.What makes Mrs.Hans
求翻译文章和每空答案原因谢谢!Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1分.共10分) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项.Lillian Hanson,a college student,expects to graduate in about two years.What makes Mrs.Hanson different from her classmates is her 46 --73 years old.She has been studying at college,a few courses at a time,for 27 years.When Lillian Hanson graduated from high school,she went to the 47 to borrow money for further education.The banker gave her 48 encouragement.He didn't think that a country girl should borrow money to go to college.He thought she should be 49 doing housework or should work on the farm.50 Lillian Hanson went home and raised a family of nine children instead of going to college.Mrs.Hanson 51 forgot the dream of getting higher education.When the children grown up,she 52 again and succeeded.In the class on her first day,when she introduced herself and 53 why she was there and what her aims were,all the other students 54 give her a warm welcome.Mrs.Hanson finds that the 55 part of going back to school at her age is sitting in class long periods of time.However,she often says she will stick to her dream no matter how difficult it is.46.A.age B.interest C.accent 47.A.club B.school C.bank 48.A.much B.no C.a little 49.A.at college B.at home C.in the office 50.A.After B.But C.So 51.A.never B.already C.often 52.A.stopped B.tried C.refused 53.A.regretted B.guessed C.explained 54.A.stood up B.ran away C.broke out 55.A.best B.hardest C.easie
莉莲汉森,一个大学生,希望两年内从大学毕业.让她不同于她的同学的是她的年龄,她已经73岁了.她27年里一直在学校里学习一些课程.当她从高中毕业时,她向银行借钱去深造.银行职员不给她任何希望.他认为这个农村女孩不应该借钱去上大学.他认为她应该在家多做家务或在农场帮忙.所以,她回家了,并且生了九个孩子,相反,没有上大学.汉森从来没有忘记接受高等教育的梦想.当她的孩子长大了,她再次尝试并且成功了.到学校的第一天的第一堂课上,当她做自我介绍,解释为什么她在这里的原因并且她的梦想的时候,所有人站起来给她热烈的掌声.她发现重回学校最困难的一件事就是长时间坐在教室里.然而,她常说要坚持梦想不管有多困难.答案由翻译可得:A,C,B,B,C,A,B,C,A,B.原因:1.空格后面就是年纪,说明是age,2.由句意翻译是借钱,并且后面出现banker可知是bank银行,3.职员让汉森回家做家务可知没有给她希望,因此选no.4.at home 在家,做家务难道在学校或办公室里吗?5.因为受那个职员的影响(不借钱),所以她决定回家生孩子撒.“so”所以,因果关系.6.由后文可知汉森没有放弃梦想,其他选项意为“已经”,“经常”,不合题意.7.意为“尝试”8.A后悔,B猜想,C,后面有why,肯定就是解释哈,9,“站起来”,“跑开”“突然爆发(灾害)”,你激动的时候是不是站起来鼓掌啊?10.由however知,前面的内容应该是不好的,所以选最困难的,你想73岁高龄的人长时间坐在教室里大量的学习难不难?
46. A 47.C 48. B 49.B 50.C 51.A 52.B 53.C 54.A 55.B莉莲汉森,一个大学生,预计将在大约两年 毕业。是什么让太太汉森不同于她的同 班同学是她的年龄,73岁。她一直在研究 在大学,一些课程,27年。毕业时,她去银行借钱为进一步的教育。 银行家并没有给她鼓励。他不认为一个 国家的女孩应该借钱上大学。他认为她 应该在家里做家务或者应该在农场工 作...
哪里不懂可以再问我帮忙翻译英语完形填空The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community.As a result,all students must
sixty hours of service learning,
they will not receive a diploma.Service learning is academiclearning_百度作业帮
帮忙翻译英语完形填空The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community.As a result,all students must
sixty hours of service learning,
they will not receive a diploma.Service learning is academiclearning
帮忙翻译英语完形填空The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community.As a result,all students must
sixty hours of service learning,
they will not receive a diploma.Service learning is academiclearning that also helps the community.
of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river,working in a soup kitchen,or tutoring a student.
a service experience,students must keep a journal(日志)and then write a
about what they have learned.
Supporters claim that there are many
of service learning.Perhaps most importantly,studentsare forced to think
their own interests and become
of the needs of others.Students are also able to learn real life skills that
responsibility,problems olving,and working as part of a team.
,students can explore possible careers
service learning.
For example,if a student wonders what teaching is like,he or she can choose to work in an elementary school classroom a few afternoons each month.
there are many benefits,opponents(反对者)
problems with the new requirement.First,they
that the main reason students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills.Because service learning is time consuming,students spend
time studying the core subjects.Second,they believethat forcing students to work without
goes against the law.By requiring service,the school takes away an individual’s freedom to choose.
In my view,service learning is a great way to
to the community,learn new skills,and explore different careers.
,I don’t believe you should force people to help others-the
to help must come from the heart.I think the best
is one that gives students choices:a student should be able to choose sixty hours of independent study or sixty hours of service.Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility,and as young adults,we must learn to handleboth wisely.
不要答案 要翻译
那你能把答案给我么== 。没答案我看的有点费力
。。。。你的文章里没有把选项列出来。你给我字母我也看不到 o(╯□╰)o
spend or examples during report benefits beyond aware include
finally through while pointout argue less pay contribute however desire solution
我所在的这个地区对高中毕业的要求刚刚有了新的改变。结果是,所有学生必须有60个小时的服务学习时间,否则他们将拿不到毕业证书。“服务学习”也是学术学习,这同时服务了社区。“服务学习”包含了:清洁被污染的河流,在流动厨房工作,或者辅导学生,等等。在服务期间,学生们必须记下日记,然后写一份服务心得。 支持者声称“服务学习“还是有很多好处的。也许最为重要的是,学生们被迫去发掘自己的更多的兴趣方面并且变得关心别人的需求。学生们也可以从中学到实际的生活技能,包括:责任心,问题的解决,和团队合作。最终,学生们也可以通过”服务学习“来发掘他们未来潜在的职业趋向(这句不知道要怎么翻译,你意会吧)。例如,如果一个学生好奇教学是什么样的,他或她可以选择到小学的某个班级去,每个月教那么几个半天。虽然”服务学习“有那么些有点,但是反对者们也指出了(高中毕业的)新要求的一些问题。首先,他们争论说:学生们去学校的首要原因是去学习主要的学科和技能。因为”服务学习“是需要花费时间的,这使得学生们在主要学科上花费的精力(时间)变少了。其次,他们觉得强迫学生工作而不付钱违反了法律。通过这种强迫性的服务要求,学校剥夺了个体的自由选择权。我的观点是,”服务学习“是对社区做贡献的一个很好的方法。(这帮助我们)学到新的技能,并且发展不同的职业选择。然而,我并不赞成你们强迫people去帮助别人---真正渴望帮助别人是要发自内心的。所以我认为最好的解决办法是:给学生们选择:一个学生应该能够选择用这60个小时去完成独立的学习或者服务别人。“选择”鼓励了自由和责任,作为年轻人,我们必须学习如何去更好的权衡这两者。(指学习和服务)希望帮助到你,望及时采纳~\(≧▽≦)/~


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