
这是个机器人猖狂的时代,请输一下验证码,证明咱是正常人~Gender in French: The Cheat Sheet法语的词性:备忘录I
know many of you dread this subject: you either speak a language that
doesn't have word genders and you think it's mad (hello, English,
Japanese and Chinese speakers!) or you speak a language that has its own
word genders which clash with the French ones (hello, Russians, German
and Spanish speakers!).我知道你们许多人担心这个问题:要么你说的语言是没有词性的,或许你认为这有点不可思议(你好,说英语,日语和中文的人!),或者你说的语言有自己的词性且与法语中的相关内容是冲突的(你好,说俄语,德语和西班牙语的人!)。Everyone
seems to have a good reason to dislike this part of the French grammar.
In fact, I think I've never met a single student that said &What a fun
concept, let's dwell on it!&每个人似乎都有一个很好的理由去讨厌法语语法中的这部分内容。事实上,我想我从来没有听一个学生说过“这是多么有趣的一个概念,让我们仔细讨论一下!”But
to be honest, I don't understand this lack of enthusiasm. Genders are
something quirky (in a nice way) that makes French &cute&. You can
master it if you give it a good go. Even if you learn by trial and
errors, if you are told off enough for saying &un table&, one day it
should make sense to try &une table&.但
过程中不断尝试不断出错,如果因为说了&un table&不断被人责备,那么总有一天试着说&une table&是有意义的。Before going in the deep end, let's start by stating some facts:在我们深入这个内容之前,让我们先来说一些实例:快点击最下方“阅读原文”和italki老师一对一练口语吧~现在买一送一哦~o
Nouns and adjectives are either masculine or feminine. There are
only two options (little mercy for that). There is no such thing as
neutral (&it&).o
There is no physical reason explaining why some words are &female&
and others are &male&, so don't look for clues in their shape or
Genders are either decided by the look or the sound of words. Only the last syllable matters.o
Trying to learn lists containing 100+ rules is foolish so don't try
so sort out all word endings. Common sense dictates concentrating on the
most common endings. Pay attention to the words you use the most often.o
No rule is 100% foolproof in French. There are a number of
exceptions in word genders too. Those are a bit like double bluffs: it's
unfair, I know, and I apologize from the bottom of my heart. You will
need to learn by heart, I'm afraid.在法语中没有什么规则是100%万无一失的。在单词词性中也有很多这样的例外。这些有点像双重陷阱:我知道,这是不公平的,我从心底里感到抱歉。但是,我恐怕要说你还是需要用心学习。快点击最下方“阅读原文”和italki老师一对一练口语吧~现在买一送一哦~With
experience, predicting genders with great accuracy is easy. It's just a
case of spotting recurring themes. But if you are left you to your own
device, this may take an age and I know you are eager to learn, so I've
created a cheat sheet with 26 common endings, which I loosely paired up.
I added many examples for each ending. When using this cheat sheet,
read these lists of words out loud!随
aim is to hammer in the information using repetition. If you don't know
the meaning of all these words yet, it's not a problem: you don't need
to look them up at this point. You only need to focus on the article and
the ending of a word.这样做的目的是通过重复将信息灌输给学生。如果你还不知道这些词的意思,这不是个大问题:现在你不需要查找他们的词义。你只需关注这篇文章及单词的结尾。By
the way, if you’re cheekily thinking you’ll solve this issue by
speaking a mangled article that could pass for either &un& or &une&,
think again! Refusing to learn and botching your pronunciation is the
worst thing you could do at this point. Enunciate clearly &un& [Un] and
&une& [u-nnnnuh]. Please note that I deliberately shied away from &le&
and &la&: for a start, they would make this exercise futile for all the
words starting with a vowel.顺
便说一句,如果你厚脸皮地想你能够解决这个问题,只要在朗读时跳过&un& 或
&une&,这会让整篇文章显得支离破碎,再好好思考一下!在这个时点上,拒绝学习、破坏你的发音是最糟糕的事情。清晰地发音&un&为 [Un],
&une& 为[u-nnnnuh]。请注意,我故意避开&le& 和&la&:在学习初期,&le&
more note before we go: if I write something with quotation marks like
this: &ette&, I refer to the actual spelling of the word ending. If I
use the square brackets like this: [et], I refer to the way it's
pronounced, using English letters (and the French letter è, which sound
like the letter &e& in the word &merry& and &jet&).在
我们继续下一步内容之前还有一点要说明:如果我写的单词用了引号,例如&ette& ,我指的是单词末尾实际的拼写。如果我用方括号,例如:[et],
我指的是它的发音方式,使用英文字母(法语字母è, 它的发音与单词&merry& 和 &jet&中的字母&e&相似) 。Now, let's develop that instinct for words!现在,让我们来探寻一下单词的
Words finishing with &et& and &ette&1.以&et& 和 &ette&结尾的单词o
Words ending in “et” sounds [è] with a silent “t” are masculine.o
若单词以“et”结尾、发音为[è]、且 “t”不发音,则为阳性。o
On the other hand are words ending in &ette& sounds [èt]. These
words are unmistakably feminine. Don't be afraid of pronouncing the
&t&now, it's actually essential in the feminine form!o
另一方面以&ette&结尾的单词发音为[èt]。这些单词都是确切无疑的阴性词。此时,不要害怕发&t&的音,这在阴性形式中是十分关键的! Don't forget: Don't pronounce the final &t& in the masculine words, or they will sound odd.牢记!阳性单词中最后一个&t&不发音,否则他们发音会很奇怪。Un
tabouret, un beignet, un déchet, un bleuet, un bidet, un cassoulet, un
buffet, un chalet, un complet, un navet, un objet, un trajet, un volet
Une toilette, une crevette, une assiette, une fourchette, une serviette, une vinaigrette, une raquette, une tablette快点击最下方“阅读原文”和italki老师一对一练口语吧~现在买一送一哦~2. “al” vs. “elle”o
Words ending with the sound [al] (make them rhyme with &Al& and &pal&, not with the word &all&) are masculine.词尾发音为[al](使它们与&Al&、和&pal&押韵,而不是与&all&一词)的单词是阳性的。 o
The word ending &elle& is pronounced [el], so ignore the extra letters. It's feminine, always.o
以&elle&结尾的词的发音是[el],请忽略额外的字母。这样的单词总是阴性的。Un festival, un journal, un terminal, un tribunal, un canal
Une poubelle, la vaisselle, une chandelle, une hirondelle, une gazelle, une pelle, une voyelle快点击最下方“阅读原文”和italki老师一对一练口语吧~现在买一送一哦~3. [o] vs. [ot]o
Words finishing in &eau&, &au&, &o& or &ot& are all to be pronounced
like an ordinary one syllable&o&. There are masculine, but there are at
least 2 big exceptions to this rule.o
以&eau&, &au&, &o& 或 &ot&结尾的单词都发音,与单个音节发音&o&相似。他们大部分都是阳性的,但是这个规则中有两个例外。o
Words in &otte& are not that common, but they are pronounced [ot]. Make sure you say that &t& in the feminine form.o
以&otte&结尾的单词并不常见,但它们发音都为[ot]。请保证在阴性词中&t&要发音。Un cadeau, un ch?teau, un manteau, un tableau, un bateau, un morceau, un rideau, un r?teau.Un gigot, un abricot, un grelot, un canot, un mégot, un tricot, un bibelotExceptions : une eau et une peau
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