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Hello there Mr. AP.
1- Spirited Away
2- Gintama Kanketsu-hen : Yorozuya yo Eien Nare
3- Howl's moving Castle
4- Interstella5555 : The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem
5- Dead Leaves
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Ahh good, was waiting for your comment.
Alright, feel free to continue our thread on this reply! I have plenty to talk about.
I haven't seen your 2 or 4, but I like your 1, 3 and 5. :^)
Well Gintama movie is awesome - if you like Gintama, so to see after / while you watch it. And Interstella5555 is an anime made by the director of Space Captain Harlock (Amirite, we don't have the same title in France) and has zero dialogues but a Daft Punk album as OST. It's all my childhood.
Okay then, let's bring the thread back to life here !
Hehe, last poll was a confirmation Code Geass has a good ending. Madoka movie, me neither, I was only talking about the series. I guess the Homura meeting Madoka thing is just a speculation. But if not ... it would be so ******* sad. Well, I'm sure it's almost sure.
Hm, I have seen CrocoDun but I don't remember anything, it was so many years ago...
Haha, you don't need any justification for TTGL ^^ Still TD!&Kimi ni Todoke, I'm proud of you ! Well my top10 is not really 100% sure and I still haven't made my mind about KlK but ... it's something ?
Oh, NHK is on my list ! I don't really remember why though, but that means past me found a great interest in it. I'll watch it. Plus for once the MC is my age ! Oh ,don't mind the mic, I'm just throwing my new ones
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It really does have one of the most well thought out and satisfying endings ever. Like when you have something on the sheer world scale that Code Geass was on, you need to make sure everything is resolved in the end, else it's going to cause controversy. Code Geass pulled it off perrrfeeecctlllyyyyy. As for Madoka - I really want to see the 3rd movie. Like, really really want to. But the only videos I can find on the net are of some guy holding a camera in the cinema. WHY DID I HAVE TO MISS THE AUSTRALIAN SCREENING WHYYYY
Well I don't really remember the actual movie (aside from that line) but Paul Hogan (the actor) was basically the icon for Australia in those days. You know the phrase &Throw another shrimp on the barbie for ya&? That was one of his ads.
Yeah, TD vs KnT is a really hard match up, they both made me feel the same way. TD gets the slight edge though for 1. The soundtrack and 2. There was a part in KnT that made me want to go out and break things. Anyway, depending on how KlK ends, it'll probably make it into my top 15. Although if that happens I'll probably just start using a top 16, since I don't want to disregard Kanon...
It's a pretty good series, kind of like a comedy slice of life drama, but in an adult setting, with a recluse for a main character. Scary how relatable it is at times, and there are actually some pretty depressing parts...
I cropped this from that Good Note post earlier and thought it would come in handy at some point.
*whim, I think i got it messed up because of your shrimp ^^
Looks like it's that bump time again, I guess it was inevitable... anyway, in the show the guy just does a jump in the air, he doesn't go flying off. Although I should mention that he is extremely weird.
Yeah, but at least the other more mature members in my family don't mind losing. There's young stubbornness in me as well I guess... anyway, todays bratty horror story - I went to pick up my little sister from her friends house, but she ended up just sitting on the sidewalk refusing to leave. After 10 minutes of trying to convince her I just ended up picking her up and carrying her home. She then proceeded to run into the kitchen and start throwing things out of the cupboard. Jesus...
Yeah, I guess, but the top 5 I got from that poll were all extremely good shows, so I'm inclined to agree with them... anyway one of the best things about Code Geass is that it probably doesn't even have to be a Mecha, it really is more of a Death Note like show than anything. Basically about a guy who gets a super power (mind control, not killing power) from this green haired chick and uses it to change the world to his liking, doing so in a very villain-like way, while also keeping his identity a secret. Thing about Code Geass is that Lelouch is actually a lot more 'human' than Light, I guess.
The thing about real life is that people won't just take your brutal honesty, they'll probably argue and get all pissy and stuff.
Yeah, it is a pretty great first episode. Have you met his neighbour yet? Oh, and what are your thoughts on that one song that's always playing... pururururururin
Hmm, I may have to watch all the final episodes when they're released, otherwise I'm bound to get spoiled... hmm. Anyway, I'm afraid I have to go to bed now, wouldn't want to stay up late and be sick again tomorrow.
Hehe, you can't run from your Deeestinyyyyy ! (#23 #penguins #hashtag). Ah, I'm a bit disappointed. Nevermind
Haha, why do I imagine you holding her by the ankle. Well at least she didn't throw herself in the fireplace. Provided you have one - Australia's a bit cold I know but ...
Ooh, so he got it from her. More human, you mean like regretting decision, having traces of ethics, things like that ? I think Light was kind of a sociopath, feeling nothing manipulating and killing people, but his pride, the way he wants to do good but ends up consumed by power, were very very human. Well after all, Lelouch is the most favourited character on MAL, I guess it's not for nothing.
Yeah, but what I lack is just the &courage& (it's not really a matter of courage but I can't find a better word) to tell people what I think. But I'm very diplomatic, if I could I wouldn't be as brutal as Hikki
Purupurupururin ? It's 100 times more annoying than Tuturuu~! I prefer the simple yet ******* awesome theme I put in the sleepy comment. I longed all day to be able to download the OST, but it's actually the instru of a song, and it doesn't exist officially... Yeah he met his neighbour already. For a second, I almost thought it would be Misaki. It's funny because I think the neighbour has the same voice as a Gintama main character who seem very similar (glasses, otaku, same hair, and of course voice and acting)
Yeah, probably. I won't say anything - as usual, I hope I never told you anything important - but here people will probably spoil KlK (saw it written Kek la Kek one day, made me laugh) Hope you'll be better.
I think I'd just like to to have that power, and people would know about it, so that they know that if they piss me off I'm going to destroy them verbally
Oh, you mean the glasses guy from Gintama? Hmm, I guess they do look similar. I'm pretty sure they're very different though... you'll see when you find out what Yamazaki plans to work on with Sato... &______&
Oh yeah, I've been getting spoiled on the new KlK episode every week, god damn. I may have to avoid the animemanga channel after this sunday...
Disappointed? Because he can't do a super flying jump? Don't worry, his character's strangely awesome enough as it is... also, best reason to watch Angel Beats? Angel herself.
Thankfully we have an electronic fireplace, so you can't exactly throw yourself into it. And yes, it's god damn freezing this morning.
Yeah, he actually reflects on what his actions have done, and he genuinely cares about the people in his real life and how his decisions affect them. By the way, he's an exiled Britannian prince, and his overall goal in the series is to 'destroy Britannia' so he is actually fighting his own family...
Because it's not as wtf as the edited gif seemed. I'll watch it eventually, maybe when I'm done with my NHK rampage. Gotta find a torrent.
&Lives in ******* Australia &Freezes. Well a cold moment was when we went to Kangaroo Island, there was an epic wind and clouds and all, wasn't very hot.
Light reflects on his actions too - but only like a ******* machine, it's more &what events will ensue& than &what emotional consequences will it have& Sounds like cool, really. But you know, waiting and ****. If I watch Angel Beats right after NHK, i will have watched 2 anime mammoths (with S;G) in a &short& while. Gotta left something good for when they run of good ideas, or when Crunchyroll Supremacy prevents us from getting free episodes.
Hm, same principle as nuclear dissuasion. Interesting. But the best power only requires others to know you have it, not actually using it.
The eroge ? I'm already after episode 5, Misaki was so cute when Sato explained his dream and her face got red, during first lesson. Well the voice really helps comparing them. When you heard him acting like the &tsukkomi& during 270 Gintama episodes, it leaves scars !
Yeah, someone kept posting key scenes even before the episode went out on HorribleSubs, better stay away. Oh, I watched ChuuRen 10 , what the hell Sophia ? Since when have you been so damn cute ?
Alright then, it's a great series. ********* plans are the best plans. Enjoy NHK.
The thing is man that when it's cold it's ******* freezing, but then like 4 hours later it's 25C + or something I swear to god the weather here just does not make up its mind...
I guess that's fair enough. I'm just glad that you're considering watching another of my top 10. You'll get the others eventually, just a matter of time.
That's exactly what I mean. If I have power people will fear me, even if I don't ever use it. Fear my wrath.
Have you gotten to the part where he goes 'researching'? I swear to god Sato is the biggest creeper, but he's too dopey to blame
Yeah I think I'm going to take a week off from FJ after this weeks poll, if I get spoilt on the KlK ending I'm going to shoot somebody. Also yes, ******* Yuuta, why'd you have to come back after she worked so hard? I mean it's in no way his fault but god damn
I still hesitate with Fairy Tail though. But since I'm planning on watching many ongoing series next season, maybe I won't bother watching the last 20 episodes of the first season and follow the second. I'll see.
Oh, yeah, Gap effect isn't only painful in sad anime. Here in my small island the problem is not the temperature - it's always hot anyway - but more the weather. Great sun ? Okay in order not to die from the heat I'll open my window. 30 seconds later, when you're in the toilets or anything Murphy-esque, it's the rain of the century and all your stuff is soaked.
Nah, you can forget about me watching Higurashi ^^ But the others, yeah. Speaking about tops, I actually upgraded School Rumble to something like 8th, before Sakurasou. I'm rewatching it a bit and... it's really wonderful. Well it kicks Omamori Himari out of my top10, but it's worth it. Very funny, pretty feely, and even though romantic (sub)plot isn't faster than in other romcoms, you feel like charaevolution is huge. Good series, really. I have yet to watch season 2 though.
But it implies becoming a huge loner. Though close friends should not need to be scolded like that - or they should be able to bear it.
Yeah... I like how the tissues box empty and the paperbasket gets gradually full of tissues ... very classy. But seriously, 22 years old, hikkikomori since 3-4 years and he doesn't even know about hentai or internet porn ??? I call ********, you won't fool me !
I'll do the same and just watch it as soon as it comes out. Man, Yuuuuta is so ******* clueless. So how was the preview? Two **** girls with - if I remember well Dekomori's and Chitoge's voices ? Daamn.
err, well for one the last 20 episodes are probably one of the best arcs, also it kinda ended halfway through that arc... It's worth watching, trust.
I know right? I go to sleep with no blanket or anything cause it's boiling when I go to bed, and then I wake up and it's ******* freezing and I have to shove on my rain coat to stop myself from getting frostbite, jesus
Well I guess I can understand not watching Higurashi, it takes a bit of mental fortitude... Actually, in that case I'd probably avoid Elfen Lied as well... Anyway I tried watching a couple episodes of that show, but I really don't get what was so appealing about the guy with no face... I dunno. I'll probably pick it up again later.
I think the close friends would be able to understand and respect you for it. Plus if someone pisses them off they can convince you to rip them to shreds... Then you become a gang and rule the town ~
I know right? How does one go that long without noticing that? The only answer I can come up with is that Sato is too lazy to even go looking for something like that... Have you seen Sato's first figurine? Heheh what a perv
Yeah, it looked interesting. Are they like, dog girl and cat girl? That'd be great.
I don't know what to post so here's this
Ah, good, I'll watch then. I think I stopped watching FT because I started Gintama and got completely sucked into it.
Hehe. Gotta find a sytsem that automatically puts a gigablanket on you mid-sleep.
It's not that I fear seing people die or do insane bloody stuff, but I know I won't like it if it's the sole purpose of the anime. I seriously plan on watching Elfen Lied because I think her slicing people is not the point of the anime - or it is ? Hm, the guy with no face ? In School Rumble ? You mean the one the MC is in love with for no reason ? Yeah he's totally useless. but all the other characters are really good and the delinquent is one of my favourite characters ever - I should put him in my list too.
2018. A mysterious man rules Australia from the shadows. Originated in Canberra, the rebellion quickly won every city before coming back to the Capital in order to confront the top of the power. &He broke me ... with his words. He is dangerous.& says Tony Abbott, former Prime Minister.
Yeah probably ! Aww, he bought it because she looked like Misaki. What a perv cute thing to do. Last episode he saw his ex-senpai, in the end he asks if he can see her again and she answers &But you're a hikkikomori& looking down at him ? What a bitch ? Just go out with Misaki-chan already.
I think it's just a comical thing, like what Miss Isuzu does to (?what was his name already?) in LH. Looks cute anyway.
Okay - I think you'll enjoy, trust. Plus it has one of the most badass Erza moments ever. Like, seriously.
Auto adjusting blanket goes from freeze machine to boil machine depending on temperature sensors
Well the point of Higurashi is to solve the mystery and figure out just what the **** is going on. It's just that you have to go through ages and ages of them getting it wrong and dying because of it... as for Elfen Lied - it's basically a graphic psychological tragedy that really doesn't hold back on anything - brutal backstories, crazy gore, nudity, depressing themes, etc... The gore isn't the point of the show but it is very much there. Try watching the first 10 minutes by itself. If you can survive that, you can survive Elfen Lied.
I'd watch it. Hell, I'd star in it. Well I don't think Tony Abbott will still be around in 2018 anyway but yeah
Oh yeah, his ex-senpai is pretty cunty for a lot of the time - you'll see later, in one of the more disturbing parts of the series...
I think his names Reudy. Anyway, sounds like fun! I gotta go to bed now, gnight.
Erza is super-cheated anyway. But yeah I'll watch it.
Or maybe instead of a blanket, many thin layers which number adjust depending on temperature ?
Hm yeah, of course, there's a story - I tend to forget it because the only scenes I now is fingrenail-tearing and auto-carotide stab. Good thing if the worst of Elfen Lied is in the beginning. It's less frustrating to drop before the story begins, than when you're already immersed in it. But I think I'mll watch it to the end - it's supposed to be a masterpiece after all.
Ah, I actually meant to type 2015, just after you left higschool. I had to look it up though, I was still at Kevin Rudd.
Tch, I already want to hit her, because Sato is a very loveable and catharsis-inducing (?) character.
Oh, yeah, it was that. We haven't seen him for a while. Maybe next sat/sunday. see you !
Well yeah, Erza is probably one of the most broken shonen characters I've ever seen... She's still badass though. Plus red hair is super awesome (Ask Kurisu)
Innovations of the future
Well the thing about Elfen Lied is that most people either really love it, or really hate it. I thought it was amazing, and it probably had the biggest real life impact on me out of any anime I've ever seen. A lot of people don't like it because they think it's just going for 'shock value', but I disagree. I dunno, you'd have to decide for yourself.
Don't worry, I don't care about Australian politics at all.
(The situation at the moment is that most people dislike our current prime minister, but his opposition is even worse. Gotta love it)
Well you kinda end up feeling sorry for her, since she's almost as messed up in the head as Sato. What the hell does catharsis mean?
Oh yeah, final episode of LH is this sunday. Jeez, so many characters and subplots in that show, it's hard to keep track of. zz
Yeah, she's very cool. And dat red hair... But a thing I didn't get in FT, I don't know if I've been particularily dumb : who the **** is Gérard (if you wanna write it the French way but it's far from being a badass name) / Jellal / Mystogan, I don't understand why there are several of him/them .....
One day we'll sleep in a well-tempered room. One day... - but not today, I'm so ******* hotright now, I'm going to die.
I'll do. If the gore is not just free, and well integrated to the plot, it shoudln't bother me so much.
It's the same in France, though I think the opposition is a bit less worse than our president.
Catharsis is kind of identifying yourself to a fictional character
Yeah... well, maybe not the most exciting watch, I'll probably delete it from my computer, but it was interesting. Found a ton of reaction pics in the manga I'm reading.
So wait, you didn't watch the Edolas part? Basically Jellal was one of the children captured with Erza when they were young, but he sacrificed himself to stop others being punished, and it made him go ************* insane! Seagraine (the council man guy) was actually just some of Jellal's magic, forming a clone, and he remerged with Jellal sometime during the Heaven's tower arc. Anyway, during the Oracion Seis arc Jellal lost his memories, and ended up becoming a good guy, but he got locked up anyway. Sometime during the time skip, he escaped from the prison and ended up forming his own anti-crime guild. That's the situation it's at now. Anyway, the person named Mystogen, who is/was in Fairy Tail, is basically the Edolas version (in Edolas, everyone has a clone of them that looks exactly the same, but their personality is very different e/g Natsu's clone only feels confident when he's driving) of Jellal, who came through the portal to the Earthland world. He hides his face to avoid people confusing him with Jellal. Hope that made sense. I feel like watching FT now, lol
It's actually pretty nice right now, and I have a fan right next to me if it gets hot. Lucky me.
Well I think the gore is just a good example of how brutal Lucy is after all the **** that has happened to her. Her personality is quite sadistic, rather than just killing someone, she rips off their limbs and stuff.
Everyone was super pumped about Kevin 07 when he was up for election, then
he got sacked, and Julia Gillard took over. Then Tony Abbott won last year, and now Kevin is head of the Labor party again and... **** why am I talking about politics
Oh okay then
I'm actually pretty keen for the last episode, Shiroe looks like he's going to destroy someone. Now I just gotta figure out when all my ongoing series release new episodes so I can watch the finales as they come out...
Hm... yeah, thank you. Now it makes so much sense I feel stupid. I don't know what I didn't get, it just seemed like there was an extra Jellal who wasn't Mystogan. Must have dreamt it.
I have a gigantic fan too, but ****** so noisy I can't even turn it on without becoming crazy.
Sadistic ? but I thought she wasn't doing it on purpose and couldn't control it ?
Haha, I don't know. Politics annoys me too. we're close to some important elections so the government and the opposition are in the &expose scandals about the other party so people don't vote for them& phase and it's ridiculous. And oh ! good coincidence, the government issued figures saying that unemployement dropped, economy rose, etc. Yeah, sure. well.
It's kind of feeling stuff through a character. Like in a scary situation, the fact you see the character being scared is a way to &purify& your own fear. Greek tragedy ****.
Hehe, yeah, he's going to humiliate the **** out of the dickhead who was rude with the Princess and tried to **** up the festival. I'd say for you, Log Horizon goes out saturday night, KlK friday afternoon, Noragami monday morning, Sakura Trick sunday at noon... It's very approximative so don't trust me so much.
It does get confusing at times, I'll admit I didn't really understand the point of Seagraine. Hmm. I think after I finish Bobobo I'm going to make FT my new nostalgia show. I mean, it hasn't even been that long since I watched it, but I've seen so many different shows since that it feels like ages ago...
Damn, I hate noisy fans. I have a fairly quiet one, so it's okay. I just wish I had enough room on my desk to put it in a better place...
Well it kinda depends on which personality she's in... When she's Nyu she's completely harmless and can't even use her powers. When she's Lucy she basically hates all humans and will kill almost anyone on instinct. When she's Lucy though she does have some good judgement and won't kill them if there's a reason to leave them alive. There's also a really really dark side in her head, but that one is kinda difficult to explain... The whole show is kind of hard to explain. &_&
I'll admit, I do actually find some of the 'other party bashing' ads to be pretty funny sometimes -
I see. Yeah, I think I can understand that. A character being confused can kind of put you at ease with your own confusion, or something.
I'll probably be able to find out by looking at the release dates for the next episode. Thanks for that though, I guess the first ones that I finish will be LH and Noragami.
It's been around a year since I stopped watching FT, not so-so long but with the number of awesome shows I've watched since ...
I hate them too. They keep screaming when you appear on stage and ... oh forget it, it wasn't funny. But yeah as you can see I survived the night.
Oh, sounds ... wicked. Gap effect again. People's fw she starts slicing them. (dangerously relevant). Anyway I'll make my own idea &soon&.
What ? So the video was an official spot ? Damn. Well here we don't have such things, they're all serious. But it's like looking at a first grade classroom. &Hey hey teacher, he did something wrong !& &Eeh, no, he's lying, he did it first !& It's even more ridiculous.
Exactly. I'm sure that's why you indentify more easily with characters when something sad/happy - inducing a strong emotion - happen to them. Ah, the good times when I was doing French at school and learnt that kind of stuff, it was a recreation between scientific subjects.
Yup, I don't know where you take your episodes, but on HorribleSubs there is the hour when they release the episode everyday and you have to add around 20 hours for you.
I'll answer the comment in around 1/2h but since I won't be able to use youtube then, have this before I leave. Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san preview. Not really revealing anything but dem voices ...
mfw two **** upcoming
Feels good when the ending is satisfying. like S;G, a happy ending (******* challenge considering how dark had the series turned) AND everything was explained/resolved Best ending ever. I'm just sad I didn't finished it before your best episodes poll ... Yeah, gotta wait for the DVD/Blu-ray to come out... Maybe if I feel like it I'll watche the two previous ones before. I have S;G OVA and movie too.
Barbir being barbecue I guess ? Whene we were living in New Caledonia we had a cool barbecue like you have in Au, with gas and all, it was pretty cool.
Aah, KnT I have to watch too ... god damn it, so many anime, so little time. Yeah, I also think KlK will make it into my top15 but ... there are like 10 anime who are not in my top 10 but are in my top 15 so ... there might be a problem ...
I feel like watching it on a whimp, right now. I'll look for a torrent (edit : lauched one). I feel like I can overcome all the depressive parts (not Clannad-level ones but)
Hehe, that post made me laugh. Tch, it would have been the perfect moment to post my previous pic but ... have this one instead, it'll do too.
bumping here so I don't have to scroll... Anyway, I don't know how long ago it was that I watched it, but I know that at least 80% of the anime I've completed, I started watching after Fairy Tail. So, a lot.
Don't worry, I got your joke. Anyway, now it's my turn to try and endure this boiling Autumn night... By the way, a show I was watching had a really good ending, and it made me want to finally compile a top ending list. I ended up getting bored halfway through, but I still have a good idea of what my top 5 will end up being. Also I don't think anything will ever top Mirai Nikki's 2nd ending, it's another Yousei Teikoku song...
Oh man, I have a genuine people's fw they get sliced, but I'd probably get banned for gore. So how about a cute Nyu instead? Happy Elfen Lied yayayayy
Yeah, Australian politicians tend to have more personalities than most. Kevin Rudd is probably even more laid back then Obama... Julia Gillard is dumb as **** though I swear to god
Took me a minute to realise that 'French class' for you was probably more like 'English class' for me, so you'd be studying literature and stuff...
I just google search the episode and click on the first link I recognise as good (I've been using a site call animewaffles frequently, it's pretty good, aside from the ridiculous amount of invisible ads, and the terrible 'review' videos they have in an ad link (just to make sure you hate them biasedly like me, the first one of those 'review' videos was titled 'Why Madoka Magica is overrated'))
It's okay. I usually open another window with the comment so I just have to alt tab to see it instead of scrolling. Oh, yeah, so it's been &a while&. I have no idea what percentage I watched since, but between 60 and 80 probably. It includes 4 anime of my top 5 so... Uh. In French we say &water has flown under the bridges&, which means many things happened and it kind of partially erased the precises memories I had.
Which one was it ?
No Youtube before tomorrow so I'll tell you later about it ^^ In my top endings ... Wow, harsh question, I loved so many ... Those I can think about woithout looking, probably (one of ?) the two in Toradora!, the one from Madoka episode 9 (god ******* damn it Sayaka x Kyoko), Haganai Next, FMAB (first one?), one or two in Gintama, the second in Sakurasou, maybe Kill la Kill and S;G... Comes to some kind of top 10 eh ^^
D'aww, an anime with a character so cute must not be so traumati...No, no. Remember Kyoko and Nia... Speaking of Nia have you seen the ... comic someone posted about TTGL ending ?
Well it's probably not a bad thing. From France and maybe some other countries I know people in, Australia really looks like an El Dorado, and seems like the politicians are not so ******* uptight and hypocrite. &Grass is always greener outside the fence&.
Yeah exactly ^^ It was cool. Do you still have English classes ?
Oh... well **** them, you gotta change ! Using Horrible Subs is really practical, they rip almost everything and have a schedule, now I take all the anime I'm watching there, except for one - it makes about 15.
I didn't have enough characters left to write it in my reply, so I'll say it here - Going to bed now, g'night
I think it was the first series I finished after finally moving on from Bleach. Which means that aside from the, like, 5 shows I watched all the way through before Bleach, I watched it before any other show. Geez, time really does fly... Man, you sure do have a lot of French expressions, and I can't even think of anything like that...
Well so far (aka after checking out the endings for like, 12 series out of over 80) my top 5 would probably be
1) Mirai Nikki ED 2 (Seriously, I ******* love Yousei Teikoku, and the animation along with it is brilliant. Crying child Yuno? Oh my god).
2) Madoka Magica's &True& ending (I liked the one you mentioned as well, but this one just sounds so god damn epic - no wonder they use it as a battle theme sometimes)
3) Clannad's first ending (Dangooooddanngngogo yeah you can probably guess why I like it so much)
4) Ouran Host Clubs ED (That was the one that motivated me to look for some, btw - I'm watching it right now, and the start of the ending always sounds really awesome)
5) Shakugan no Shana 1 ED1 (When I was watching the first season I freakin' loved how they transitioned from the end of the episode to this song, god damn)
By the way, since endings don't really have as much of a visual aspect, this is mainly music based. My favourite ending visually is easily Problem Children's ED (Dancing chibis, **** yeah)
Well technically I guess that side of Nyucy has no memories, so she can still be considered innocent, or something. Her actual backstory though... Kinda hard to say this, but it almost makes Kyoko's life look like an amusement park... Err, no? What is it about?
Australia is that cool country everyone wants to be
Well I don't do one right now but they're mandatory for years 7-10
Yeah, I think I may change - it's just that the video quality on AW tends to be quite reliable. Freakin' ET ads though...
Oh my... I'm ... trying to watch NHK but I just can't, Misaki is too ******* cute. I have a thing for younger girls - not lolicon eh, around 18-20, converted to 16-18 in anime of course - and she tingles it like crazy.
Hehe, for me after Bleach was my beloved KWZDK. About 7 months passed between the moment I finished Bleach and the one I started FT. Maybe I took so long because people were saying it was a One Piece bis and OP ended up annoying me. So I prefer FT over OP.
Ah, I'm sure you made (I almost wrote maid ... what has anime done to me) me rewatch that MN ending, but I don't remember it quite well. SnS neither. I kind of know the Clannad one, I guess the number of dangos has something to do with the evolution of the real family and that's why it makes you people so sad. I haven't watch Ouran (Yet ? I'm not so eager to, I heard it was very funny but ... you'll tell me). Madoka's ending is cool in the way you first have the &Mata ******& one, and then Mami kicks the bucket and they throw that epic theme at your face. Still prefer the one from ep9, I'll never forget the feels when I ended up listening to it over and over again the evening I finished the series.
A cute and innocent killing machine... Aw, I don't like sad backstories. Well not much, it's just the TTGL ending in four panels drawn on Paint. Just reminded me the feels of Nia disappearing and Simon being all alone. I really, really hope Kill la Kill ending will be less depressing. Like they kill Nui, the Rainbow Glasses ****** and Ragyo and everyone lives happily ever after, Ryuuko wearing Senketsu, Mako marrying Gamagoori, Satsuki being with her four buddies.
Hehe, yeah basically.
Here French is mandatory until you graduate from Highschool in the &regular& studies. I'm not sure about where is Grade 10 - I never remember the equivalence between our system, which is backwards, and yours - but I guess it's roughly the same.
Normally they have a good quality on HS. You can choose 480, 720, 1080p (well I almost always take 480...) and they rip from Crunchyroll so the subs are good.
I think I watched like, 120 episodes of One Piece before thinking 'Jesus christ, I can't watch 600 or whatever episodes of this'. Even though I liked Bleach so much, it was difficult enough getting through all of that... FT I managed without any real problems though. I'd say that right now Bleach is still my favourite long-running shonen, but FT is also really good.
It's just that the 2nd MN ending is another brilliant piece of music from the people who did the first MN opening, meaning it's guaranteed to sound ******* amazing, and it really does. Plus, I know I said I only really cared about music for the EDs, but god damn. Hard to describe the SnS sound, but really remember the transition being amazing. Dango song is just really ******* cute, I don't know, I just can't stop myself from liking it. Ouran so far is - well it's a shoujo harem, so you may find parts of it difficult to watch, but it's actually pretty funny, and for a comedy I actually thought the serious moments were really well done. As for the Madoka ending - It just sounds so freaking cool. I do remember watching the one from episode 9 though, and the music with that picture in the background were... quite... wow.
Oh man, if they make KlKs ending anything like TTGLs... I don't know, I think I'll go outside and start a riot.
Our 'Grade 10' is usually for people who are 15, turning 16. I graduated from it 2 years ago. Funny though, here in Canberra we have separate schools for grades 1-6
(Kindergarden as well), grades 7-10 and grades 11-12.
Well usually the video qualities are good on the sites I find them on, the main problem is that sometimes the videos don't load properly, or something... or there are a whole bunch of invisible ads...
Gotta go to school now, cya
Took me 380 episodes to realize... Sometimes my own will amazes me. Sometimes. Rarely.
MN ending ... well it's cool, but nothing exceptional to me. I think it really depends of the rest of the series. It needs to really hit you so you can appreciate the feelings the endings want to give you. Oh, I remember SnS ED when I listen to it. It sounds a bit olt, like they did 20 years ago for anime. For instance, CardCaptor Sakura's French opening (Oh god... it will stay engraved in my memories all my life) :
Okay for Ouran... I don't know, maybe one day if I'm out of ideas. Yeah, Madoka ep9 was ... ****. And the lyrics are so related to K x S it hurts...
Yeah... If making life fibers disappear means that Ryuuko, who has fusioned with them, have to disappear too (aka Nia ending) I'll cry myself to sleep, then spend my last euros on a plane ticket to Japan, and then assassinate the whole Trigger crew myself.
Oh. Here in France it would be 1-5, 6-9 and 10-12. In middle school we call grade 6 : 6th, grade 7 : 5th, grade 8 : 4th, grade 9 : 3 and then in Highschool, grade 10 : 2nd, grade 11 : 1st, and grade 12 : &terminal&. Backwards. Logical.
Oh, are you rather a &streaming& guy ? Because I think there only torrents on HorribleSubs. Well, you'll see.
Welcome back ! (My god, I love Misaki more and more and more. That almost kiss when they were in the park after his mum came...)
Oh man, I would not be able to do that. I have a very short attention span...
I dunno man, it just sounds so ******* amazing to me. You know how I love my string instruments and my epic choirs... Anyway, for Ouran - I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it, but it's a pretty entertaining show, so yeah, if you feel like watching a light hearted comedy, go nuts.
If they did that I would actually be so ******* mad... although I don't think KlK will ever go as over the top as TTGL did at times, so I doubt they'll make the ending anything like that either. I hope...
What the hell? That makes no sense to me... Why would you count backwards?? Eh... Oh well.
Oh yeah, I usually stream my anime, just because it's faster, and I'm lazy.
Misaki is pretty damn adorable.
Yeah... I think as I am now I couldn't watch so many episodes of something I don't really appreciate. But maybe my standards lowered ? Because I love the two last anime I watched with a passion... Or you have awesome tastes and are of great advice. Thank you for S;G and NHK.
Well I must admit Loli Yuno crying is a plus. Hehe, as I said, the next anime you recommend me must be as good as the two above, so you'd better think two times about it ^^
I'll watch KlK today. Second to last episode, I'm beginning to feel weird. And the end I wrote in last comment seems more and more legit to me so...
Hey, remember we're French. If we made sense, it wouldn't be like us.
I prefer downloading because I like being able to rewatch a certain scene in 10 seconds, and I can't. stand. being cut xxx times an episode by the buffering. If I'm somewhere with no internet, I know I just have to open my gigantic anime folder and I'll have good stuff I kept, or some anime I didn't touched yet, but are here.
Yeah... I'll probably watch few to no NHK today because half the anime go out on thursday/friday and I haven't started the episodes yet. So no poll this week ? do you have ideas for the next one ? Have a good ... evening ? It's already pretty late.
Meaning I will miss the poll after this one* oops... Expect a poll tomorrow, just not next week
I can barely manage to even try the second episode of a show if I don't like the first one. I mean, I know I'm meant to follow the 3 episodes rule, but god damn it's hard... Anyway, you're welcome. I think I'm pretty good at picking things to suit peoples tastes.
Hmm, the next anime after NHK? Well it depends what kind of show you're in the mood for... I may have to think about it. For something that's not too light-hearted, but not too serious either... I dunno, try Durarara, I guess.
Oh god please don't tell me it's actually going to end like that, I'll be super pissed. I'm going to watch episode 23 on Sunday, so I'll see...
In that case Australian schools should just be 3 grades spanning from ages 6-10, 11-14 and 15-18 because we like to make everything short as ****
Well it is pretty annoying when the nets being slow, but as far as buffering problems go I pretty much have no problem - I watch 3 shows at once, so if I have to wait for a video to load I just hop onto a different show, np
Okay so - after this Sunday I'm going off for a week, meaning you'll miss the poll after this one. There is going to be a poll this week - and I think I have the next 3 weeks (excluding the one I'm missing) planned out pretty well. By the way, this is going to be a pretty big poll.
Okay, I found a way to read spoilers, but it implies reading stuff on the source code or whatever of the page so I'm sorry if I miss anything. Well it's hard to keep watching even after the first episode. But I think when I start watching ongoing anime that don't please me I stop around 5th episode in average. Well, I dropped SY* after episode 2 so... You are, indeed ! I'd like to give you some excellent ideas as well...
Oh, you keep making me watch good anime I was keeping for later ! I don't know... maybe I should finish the things I have in my currently watching list (Fairy Tail, Darker than Black...) before attacking the new season. That's what I said after S;G but... oh well I finished Sasami.
Episode 23 is ******* epic, as usual. Yeah, I hope I'm heavily mistaking but... I prefer preparing myself psychologically to the worst that could happen.
Aw, but then you're not immersed in the full experience ! I would hate having to let Kill la Kill buffering in the middle of an epic battle scene and switch to the slow-paced Nagi no Asukara or something.
Oh, okay. So... Can I bribe you into giving me some hint ? We're buried in a comment section, nobody will see us ^^
Yeah, there are some shows I can watch like, the first 10 minutes of and tell I'm not going to like...
unfortunately there are some shows which I don't like but they have really good ratings so I'm like &Keep watching it'll get better in the end, I believe& and then they just don't...
Well out of the three I'd probably suggest watching FT first, just so you can be ready for the next season, but Durarara is pretty entertaining as well. DTB is okay, confusing as hell though imo lol
Guess I got a lot to look forward to this week. I'm also looking forward to see who finally wins the game after like, 5 episodes of KnB...
Oh, I don't pause the episode half-way through or anything lol, I mean I give the episodes plenty of time to buffer before watching them. Like, I watch an episode, then I click on next episode, and go watch 2 other shows before watching it (as well as doing things in between like Fj and such). I only ever pause a video halfway through to check if someones messaged me or something.
I'll give you a clue - You'll be pleased to HEAR what this weeks poll is.
Yeah... That's why I don't pay so much attention to ratings. A bit before I start watching, because people aren't idiots, if it's well ranked there's hope for it to be worth trying. But once I can have my own opinion it's randomly different, or not, from people's, so...
Hm, probably. I'll see. Yeah, I put DTB on hold for more than 1 month so I won't understand a thing when I resume it, but well.
Haha, shonen pls. I bet it will be the MC's team. Or are there several MC in different teams, in which case suspense would be complete ?
Oh, right ! I'm dense. I do the same sometimes, checking if someone - aka you when we're in the middle of the thread - answered me here. Or sometimes, when the sound of the anime is low enough I hear a gigantic BOOP which gives it away.
Oh, hear ? Must be either voice actors/actresses, or maybe you doing a top endings was just a preparation step, and it's actually the subject of the poll ?
Going to bed now btw, it's like 3 am
I'll usually watch a series based on synopsis rather than rating, but if a series has a high rating I generally expect a lot from it.
Well it's hard enough to understand anyway, the ending made 0 sense to me... and apparently the second season is awful or something, I dunno.
Well like, it's basketball, so the fate of the world doesn't depend on them winning or anything. Last season they lost in their last game of the season so I dunno. It'll probably end up with another season, so who knows.
Yeah, sometimes I also have to keep the show in small screen so I can see right why when I get a notification - sometimes I completely miss it. I feel bd making people wait for my reply, after all...
Yeah, you guessed it - it's going to be a top 5 voice actors for both English dubbed and subbed (and I guess if someone wants to do another language voice actor, that as well) and I'll probably take a poll on peoples preferred language. Should be fun, there will be plenty for people to do!
Yeah, synopsis and voice actors. Choosing next season's anime was kind of &Oh, Kayano Ai, Imma watch. Oh Majima Junji, Imma watch&.
Oh... maybe I'll wait then. Don't want to see something I don't understand right now.
Man, what's a shonen when MC keep losing like ******* failures ? They won't dare making them lose another season...
Forget the fact I always take ages to answer please...
I won't be of any help about French or English dub so ... can I do a top 10 ? ^^ If it's a top5 actresses, a top5 actors I will be able to manage but... otherwise I'll lose some hair. Behold Hanazawa Kana and Kugimiya Rie overload in the comments (mine included)
&-&&[OP]+1 [-]
Okay, I'm off. See you in a week!
Just gonna comment once before going again, busy day today. See you at the polls, I guess.
Yeah, and sometimes I watch a show when I see a character design as well.
Okay then. The whole show kinda confused me to be honest. I could not comprehend what was going on with the sky or walls...
Well they actually do win most of their games, it's just not that they're guaranteed to win every single one. I'm not actually expecting them to win this one, freakin' purple haired giant dude is strong
It's alright, I don't really mind if someone else takes longer than me to answer, I'm aware that I type fast and such
The English and Japanese polls will be different, so I can't really allow top 10s I'm afraid. Plus it would make my voting system way more confusing... gl with your list, I actually spent quite a bit of time working on my own this time...
&-&&[OP]+1 [-]
Yeah, S;G episode 23 was really up there for a place on my list. Both of the last 2 episodes were just so amazingly done... anyway, enjoy the S;G OVA and movie. They're both technically canon, so...
Rule 1 for speaking like an Australian - always use as few syllables as possible. When a word can be shortened, shorten it.
10 anime in 5 spots? Geez. Well at least as far as 16 onwards I know that there's a clear difference in my heart between them and the top 15. After that it all gets kinda fuzzy... I have it all written out though.
Well I hope you enjoy, it is entertaining. Poor Sato, **** just really doesn't ever go his way... The main female lead (forgot her name) is pretty sweet though.
Yeah, I just finished Digimon and the sheer amount of 4kids editing in it... swear to god, lines like &Oh you're going to go find food? Bring me back a chilli dog!& just ******* burn my soul. I decided to only watch the first season, but I continued on my nostalgia run and now I'm going to watch Bobobo again.
Yeah... The episode 23 made me rage so much, proof that it really made me feel something. But I prefer the last episode. I like happy endings ^^ Both ... &canon& ? meaning very good ?
That's why you call yourself Aussies... Australian is actually too long !
And I'm not able to make a proper top5 ... Finally put S;G as #2 but when I think about the bliss of watching FLCL andhow TD! has been my everything for a year ... it's tough.
I quickly went through first episode just to see how it's drawn and stuff, it looks good. I'll begin it son - after S;G OVA, Sasami-san's last ep and stuff.
Ah, Nostalgia made me rewatch the 3 first season of Pokemon last year so I feel you. Have a nice Bobobo-rewatch ! Going to watch Nisekoi. (This seagull might be from Nagi no Asukara, I loved its &U wot m8 I'll reck u& face.
So here's the extended spoiler 3 -
So I managed to finish and start a whole bunch of shows in my week off, I'll try and list them all...
Bobobo - I'm about halfway through re-watching it now, and it's still hilarious in it's own really insane way. True, at times it feels forced, and it is very immature humour but... seriously, try watching the first episode or something, just so you can see where I'm coming from.
It's insane.
Bakuman - So I finally managed to finish all 75 episodes and... I have really mixed feelings about it... I mean there are some things that are amazing about it, like the whole shonen feel that gets you excited for the next episode and makes you just want to marathon it, and it does an insanely good job of telling the life of a mangaka, and what they have to go through. It's very informative. However, even though it has a huge cast, I found myself disliking almost all of them, including one of the mains... it also has some really weird pacing issues, kinda hard to describe. Like, it goes from insanely fast to agonisingly slow at times... I ended up giving it a 7.
Ouran Host Club - So I finished it and ended up giving it a 7. It was pretty funny, and I really liked how well it did the serious scenes. It's just that personally I don't find the setting interesting. I mean, it's about a dense, serious girl who is surrounded by a bunch of rich men who seem more British than Japanese... oh well.
Hyouka - So I found a series I really enjoyed. It's like, a slice of life mystery show, with a main character who is really... lazy? I guess the word would be, but he makes a really good detective... You know how I really loved the last arc of monogatari, because it was Kaiki going around being detective like? It's kinda like that, but in a school setting with more innocent crimes. I really liked it.
FLCL - I watched the first two episodes. I found it a lot easier to watch than last time. I'm not sure what my thoughts on it are yet, tho.
Ooooookaaayyyyyy, and I'm back. With a lot to discuss. I guess I'll just put them all in their different spoilers...
First off - the season finales. I've seen the Log Horizon finale, Noragami finale, ChuuRen finale, Kill la Kill finale and the Sakura Trick finale. Let me know which ones you've seen so I can give my thoughts without spoilers...
I think I'm going to have to do this whole spoiler in another comment so I don't exceed character limit...
In real life news, ******* tests galore! Meaning plenty of study. Ehh... I'm super tired, but I've still only done 2 out of 4 tests. Plus I suddenly got 2 assignments that I'm meant to do before the end of term (2 weeks from now)...
I somehow ended up going to a foreign car expo today, due to some family misunderstandings... I really couldn't give less of a crap about cars, but my grandmother made a gigantic lunch for everyone, so I guess that was nice.
So how has FJ been in my absence? Anything interesting happen?
Oh now that's it god dam it. Ly ******* piece of **** laptop shut down for no reason and I lost this ******* comment again, I swear I'm going to kill someone. SOrry, you'll have it late then. SO I was TRYING to say :
Bobobobobobobo : Well, hilarious and insane, gotta watch it.
Bakuman : Yeah, I had the feeling it might be awesome but lack something. I guess I'll still watch it someday.
Ouran : Well my opinion didn't change, I'm not a big fan of reverse harem and the ric atmosphere kind of pisses me off. But if someday I feel like it can make me laugh enough I might watch it. But this day is not today !
Hyouka... hm, I got mixed feelings from that anime. It was kind of boring sometimes, slow paced and for some reason I didn't really like the animation that time. But on the other hand, their mystery with the movie really got me interested, it was pretty and the bored MC x curious genki girl was a cute (unofficial unfortunately ?) couple. Didn't finish it though, put it on hold, and since then I'm telling myself I should rewatch the whole thing.
FLCL : It's so ******* awesome, I rewatch fragments so very often. Now that the endorphines of S;G's ending are gone and I rewatched a bit of TD! the other day, I think my new top will become 1- Madoka 2- FLCL 3- TD! 4- S;G.
Bakuman - I think the best part of the show is just how educational it is. I mean, I learnt so many things about the manga process from watching it, and it was all pretty damn interesting. Plus the MC's style of manga is the kind of manga that I would be most interested in, so I guess I liked that.
Ouran - Yeah, same problem with me. I really don't care nobility and aristocrats at all...
Hyouka - Well it does fall under the category of 'slice-of-life', so there were times when I can understand it would be a little dull, but when Hotarou got serious and started coming up with those well thought our theories, I found it so damn entertaining. That bit where they realised why the thing was called 'Hyouka' actually sent chills up my spine.
FLCL - I gotta say, watching Bobobo and FLCL right after each other is... very... interesting. Anyway, your top 4 is fantastic. Madoka, TD and S;G are all absolute favourites of mine, so I have no problems with that at all.
Oh, when I meant foreign car expo I just meant Italian cars. It really wasn't that interesting, and it was a little wet, so...
KlK ending was fortunately a lot less sad than I expected (aside from Senketsu, R.I.P.) and that made me feel very relieved, but at the same time I don't feel like it had as much of an impact on me as TTGL's ending did. Anyway, I ended up giving KlK a spot at #14 on my list, right behind KnT but just before Raildex.
Yeah, I was very satisfied with the ending of Noragami, I'm glad we got to see such an epic fight. There is no doubt in my mind that there will be a second season soon though, since there's still so much to be explained... (Like that whole Bisha's Regalia thing)
Oh man, that last episode had my heart ******* racing. Haruka's density almost made me stop and leave, but thank god I pulled through... I'm looking forward to more **** shows (Akuma no Riddle, here I come)
Chara limit, ST spoiler here, sorry. Yay, **** is the best ... Also really looking forward to Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san, which will probably be as useless as Sakura Trick, but cuter than Akuma no Riddle. Airs in less than one week, I can't wait. I'll read ST manga in the meanwhile, but it's really the same as the anime. Oh well, I have some other shoujo ai manga.
I kinda fell asleep at my computer so I guess i'll be off after this comment. Unless I find a &sleeping anime& now that I finished Servant x Service, and manage to stay awake during 1 episode, time for your answer to come. Very unlikely. Maybe Baka to Test again, or... Oh, I haven't rewatched KWZDK for a long time ! Maybe I'll do that.
Bakuman : Sure, it's interesting. Plus there's a romantic subplot, right ? hehehe.
Ouran : it's okay when it's himedere, but see rich guys in anime ... meh. I think I'll watch some scenes on youtube to taste the waters.
Hyouka : Honestly, I think I wasn't in the right mood when I watched it, that's what it felt a bit awkward. And it was in the beginning of watching anime. Maybe it will be better next time.
FLCL : gives you your fix of &oh god what the **** is happening&. But yeah I think FLCL has it all. Funny, badass, extremely awesome OST, cool design, EPIC animation (this **** is like 12 years old ! it's truly unbelievable) full of tiny details you can't even see before the 3rd watch, feely or cute at moments. It's only 6 episodes long, yet it's complete and can provide you the whole range of emotions.
Oh ! Well you didn't miss anything. I'm not so much interested in cars either. I have one, it moves, I'm okay with it.
Oh yeah. RIP Senketsu but when I saw everybody else was alive it was a huge huge relief. So of course the ending has a bit less impact than TTGL since you don't bawl your eyes out, but I think it's a better ending. I mean in TTGL, Nia vanishes which pisses me off, and I remember it like everybody goes apart and Simon is alone. In KlK everyone is happy and together. (well Ryuuko minus S.) **** Satsuki for cutting her hair though. What is it, Monogatari Series ??
I agree. We NEED to know the backstory with Bisha, the Regalia he killed, the one who owes him one, and who the hell is Nora.
Mmm, sleepy anime, huh... I dunno, the first thing that comes to mind when I think shows to go to sleep to would be Natsume or something, not a comedy.. I dunno
Bakuman: Well there are a lot of romantic subplots between the minor characters and such (as well as the second main character who gets a girlfriend in a rather questionable way halfway through the first season) but the main character's romance is one of the driving forces behind the whole show. Although the supposed main female lead doesn't actually appear that much...
Ouran: Yeah, like I said - I did enjoy it, but I wouldn't go around recommending it. Although I should say that you probably shouldn't judge it completely by its cover, it actually has more depth than I thought it would.
FLCL: I'm about to put on the 3rd episode. I really don't have a clue as to what is going on, but I seem to be enjoying it, so that's pretty good I guess... hmm
I don't really understand the whole obsession with sports cars, if I had the money to buy something like that I'd probably spend it on something more practical that isn't likely to just get vandalised...
Well yeah, the TTGL ending was depressing as all ****, but the sheer scale of the battle and the whole theme of the united robot and teamwork just felt insanely epic, rather than Ryuuko just getting everybody's power and becoming a Super Sailor Fuku, which kinda felt weird... I dunno, I still enjoyed the crap out of it. SATSUKI NO WHYYYY, also they totally dogged Nonon by not inviting her for the girls shopping adventure
Yeah, I mean they spent ages giving us this plot device of like 'WHAT IS YATO'S BACKSTORY?' and then they don't tell us crap... oh well, second season should be good.
Oh yeah, I looked through the anime chart and came up with 7 shows in mind that I'll definitely check out. I'd list them all but I don't have enough letters left.
To me the perfect &before-sleep& anime are Working!! and Servant x Service. They are comedies but ... I don't know how to describe it, they have a peculiar feeling, a bit laid-back, simple, you gotta see it to understand. KWZDK is cool too. Well I cut the process to answer here, but still.
Bakuman : Romance, romance everywhere. Good.
Ouran : yeah, that's why I'd like to check the comedy style and such, I can't be sure whether or not it could entertain me right now, gotta see by myself.
FLCL : New top done. I'll integrate NHK when I finish it. I just finished the collective suicide episode, and Sato has been such a dick to Misaki. I would have hugged the hell out of her, not to say more.
Yeah, I'd rather just travel somewhere with the dozens thousands dollars a sports car costs you, you can go to some fine place for a pretty long time.
Hm, I felt the teamwork was okay in KlK because ever since Satsuki stabbed her terrifying mom it was a huge teamwork for everything. But I thought the end was a bit rushed. Oh well, they still went to space ^^ Yeah, even though Nonon's last uniform was so Dayumm, she needed new clothes.
I hope so. Another series I watched, Mahou Sensou, has ... well I can't call that an ending. Not even a cliffhanger, it was the kind of shocking scene in the middle of an episode, that requires an explanation right now. So you say to yourself &what ?? It can't be over just now what the hell ?&
I have a dozen... since next season apart from Nisekoi, there is no continuation of this season's anime, it will be okay. And now, have a good sunday evening, I'm going to collapse. See you ! (just now you can look at the pic...)
I dunno, I think something calming is the best. Well right now since I'm watching two of the most insane shows out there I doubt that anything will be able to relax me when I try to sleep tonight...
Jesus christ, I just watched the 3rd episode of FLCL. What the hell is actually going on, I think there was something about a play, then that girl grew a robot out of her head, and then the glasses were fake...
I'd rather buy an apartment or something, and get it fitted out nicely with all the things I could ever need
You know that scene where they all catch Ryuuko after she falls from space? I thought that was nice. Despite how weird it would look out of context (Like, a whole ton of people, all lying together naked)
Yeah, sometimes series just seem to abruptly end and I'm confused because it feels like they didn't explain what the hell was going on... like Noucome for example, although that could be getting another season as well...
Speaking of Nisekoi, I saw this weeks episode - damn, ******* plot twists! But wait, now I'm super confused... oh well, Chitoge x Raku flying super strong. Since I have space here, the ones that caught my eye were:
Soul Eater Not (I love Soul Eater, so even though this series is basically a different genre, I'm still looking forward to it)
Fairy Tail (Yay, more Fairy Tail)
Akuma no Riddle (**** yeah, ****! Plus the setting sounds interesting.)
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to (I'm not sure about this one, but considering I just finished Bakuman...)
No Game No Life (The setting for this one sounds amazing. I'm expecting big things...)
Gokukoku no Brynhildr (The manga was written by the person who wrote Elfen Lied, holy **** am I pumped)
Mekaku City Actors (I think I've been plagued by the Shaft Touch. I want to watch this just to see the animation...)
Working!! and SxS are actually really calming in a way. And KWZDK well, it's not the same, but it works just perfect.
I love this episode (like all the others, I think my favourite is ep5). When the music stops and she just says &they're fake&, it's awesome. And the moment they almost kiss and the camera spins around them like crazy. I love thiat series.
Yeah, it was a part of why I thought we had enough teamwork in KlK ^^
In those case we just have to hope there's a second season.
I'll probably be out of chara but :
Date a Live II : I watched season 1 and it was cool
Hitsugi no Chaika : MC voiced by Ayu-mu/Ryuuji
Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san for obvious ************ reasons
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san : I'm not really fond of learning about manga (why I wait before Makuman) but it's with Taiga's and Ikaros' voices, and the preview seemed cool
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin : Ghost of a NEET girl ? I don't know why, but I'm in, + good voices.
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei : started reading the manga, I want to see how it turns out, + good voices
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara : New NouCome ?
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou : Looks like a funny story
No Game No Life : same as you + Shiina / Inori's voice
Akuma no Riddle : same as you
Gokukoku no Brynhildr : I dunno, it looks cool ! and you had a good reason too so it conforts me in watching it
Sudden Death : Why again ??? Oh, it's Gainax. Doesn't seem really awesome though, I'll see.
DAMN Nisekoi was so ******* awesome. And confusing, yeah. Chitoge &3
Well, whatever works for you I guess... get it
that* Jesus christ,I finished it last night and I'm so ******* confused... I enjoyed it though, and I think in my confusion it felt like an 8... a very tentative 8 though... I dunno...
I'll use this empty spoiler to tell you that I watched the last 4 episodes of Kokoro connect. I had mixed feelings about the first 13, but those last 4... jesus, it kinda felt like a very twisted romcom... I dunno.
and now we will see the TTGL and Kill la Kill crossovers
That* Yeah, I'm hoping for a lot more second seasons now. I dunno if you've heard yet, but Log Horizon is getting another season in Autumn (Spring for me though)
Looks like there'll be some exciting shows this season! And Nisekoi will be good as well. Wonder who will win on my next 'ongoing anime' poll (Not going to happen for a while, but it will)
Anyway it must be one I'm not watching for the first time because I often end up falling asleep mid-episode. Like &yesterday&...
Oh, I saw the false &this& when I posted the comment (of course it wasn't the Nisekoi episode, blah) but was too lazy to post a comment just to correct it. It's probably going to stay in my top5 forever. And the OST ... it looks like the anime was made to fit it, it goes so well. So do you have a favourite episode amongst the 6 ?
Kokoro Connect has been on my computer for a freaking long time, I don't know why I don't watch it. It's planned.
Already saw one here, the TTGL skull with Senketsu (RIP) eyes. Guess I already saw Ryuuko with the glasses too. I don't know if you noticed, but during the first 2/3 of the series MAL ranking was around 400. Then frome the moment when Satsuki betrayed Ragyo to second last episode it was around 200. And after the finale it's stabilizing around 80.
(I actually meant those cases, for there are many cliffhanger finales) Ah, yeah, it's true the official Spring season is your autumn. Hm, already gotta finish first season, I haven't watched the finale yet. Oh, but I watched ChuuRen. God damn it they didn't even manage to kiss, again because of their ******* cellphone. Japanese cells are so ******* annoying if you believe anime. ALready cut a cool Raku and Onodera moment 2 weeks ago.
I guess Nisekoi will be in my top a second time ^^ I have hope for ... well my list is more or less in order of &want&, except for Akuma no Riddle which should be higher. Oh, I don't know if you've seen it, I posted it while you were away. Found it super motivational (Misaki &3) so if your exams aren't over yet...
I guess that makes sense. I think I could probably fall asleep to like, Acchi Kocchi or Non non Biyori
Mmm, favourite amongst the 6? Hmm... well I'd say either 3, 5 or 6. Super eye brows man was pretty funny, and 5 was the episode with random south park right? Anyway, I dunno. I'd say 5.
I dunno, at times Kokoro Connect actually made me pretty depressed - I mean it seems like a romcom with a super natural twist, but the characters are actually a lot more ****** up than they look... oh well, Inaba saves the series on her own, plus ending (of the last 4 episodes I mean) made me happy
Yeah I noticed that - it had an average score of 8.1 or something when it was airing, and then after it finished a whole bunch of people added it to their list and it shot up to 8.5 Hooray! It deserves it. Hard to top it's cousin TTGLs 19th place though...
(Oh I see, it was a typo then) ******* hell, I'm actually pretty pissed off with ChuuRen. I mean, the entire point of the second season was for them to take it further (kissing I mean) and they didn't even ******* manage it in 12 episodes. God damn... oh well, at least we saw some good Dekotani scenes.
Well I'm not sure about order of anticipation, but I'm really looking forward to next week...
Yeah, it looks like the kind of series that make good sleeping anime. Maybe similar to Kiniro Mosaic, right ? But I wouldn't use it because I need to like it more than I like Kiniro Mosaic - and would probably like AK or NNB.
Yaay ! Mine is #5 too. I don't really like South Park but the a


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