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例句与用法1.Nonsense ! picasso is sacred . - i ' m a urologist胡说!毕加索是神圣的-我是个泌尿科医生2.- nonsense ! picasso is sacred . - i ' m a urologist-胡说!毕加索是神圣的-我是个泌尿科医生3.He ' s a urologist , but it ' s all tied up inside the body , don ' t you find他是个泌尿科医生,不过身体里的这些东西都是连着的,你没发现吗? 4.A urologist in hong kong prescribed medicine for the condition and this has helped一位香港的泌尿科医师为此开了一些药,而且对问题有所帮助。 5.Urologists later used laparoscopic techniques to harvest pelvic lymph nodes for the evaluation of lymphnode status of prostatic cancer接着完成骨盆腔淋巴腺切除术以评估摄护腺癌之淋巴腺侵犯情形。 6.A urologist with 411 hospital said occurrences of male diseases such as prostate problems and male sterility were rising411医院的一位泌尿科医师说,前列腺疾病及不育等各种男性病的发病率正不断上升。 7.This paper reviews the pharmacologic agents available to the urologist in the expulsive therapy of ureteral stones without infection本文旨在回顾探讨泌尿科医师对于无泌尿道感染并发症的输尿管结石,于采取排出疗法时可使用药物之疗效。 8.Through these years of observation , urologists strongly believe that urological laparoscopic surgery was a revolution yesterday and is a reality today经过这几年的观察,泌尿科医师强烈地相信腹腔镜手术不但是过去的革命,且已成为今日的真实状况。 9.This report also reviews the anatomic and technical access to the kidney and reminds the urologist about this rare but serious complication of pcnl本文并回顾经皮肾造?时,肾脏的相关构造位置以及经皮肾造?手术的技巧,并提醒泌尿科医师这个罕见但严重的并发症。 10.Huang qiming , a urologist with 411 hospital said occurrences of male diseases such as prostate problems , tumors on the genitals , and male sterility , were rising411医院泌尿科医师黄启明(音译)说,如前例腺炎、生殖系统肿瘤和男性不育等男性疾病发病率正在上升。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
相邻词汇热门词汇夜风urologist: 我们在实盘操作中,经常会碰到这种情况:同板块一只个股突然拉起,冲击涨停,随后相关各股纷纷跟风,拔地而起;特别是如果有两只... - 雪球&:我们在实盘操作中,经常会碰到这种情况:同板块一只个股突然拉起,冲击涨停,随后相关各股纷纷跟风,拔地而起;特别是如果有两只先后涨停,极易形成燎原之势,各股必然涨势如潮,大面积涨停。2015年的1月5日煤炭板块就是如此。但虽为同板块,跟风者却有强弱之分;只有抓住联动最紧密个股,方能获取最大收益。本文旨在探究热点板块联动最紧密个股,助你得心应手,如虎添翼。阅读时请注意关键词:联动最紧密。一、核电板块。联动最紧密的是上海电气、中核科技、江苏神通、东方锆业、东方电气、沃尔核材。只要有其中的一只拉起,其它必如影随形。目前走势最强劲的首推上海电气和江苏神通,号召力极强,一呼百应;老龙头中核科技也不容忽视,其雄风犹在。备选股:浙富控股、中国一重、哈空调。二、高铁 、一带一路 、海外基建板块。这三大板块由于国家实施“走出去”重大决策的关系,已密不可分。联动最紧密的是中国交建、中国铁建、中国电建、中铁股份、中铁二局、山推股份、中国建筑、葛洲坝 、晋亿实业、晋西车轴、太原重工、天马股份。板块牵一发而动全身,以点代面,晋西车轴、中国交建、中国铁建、中铁二局曾先后充当龙头,率领该板块威风凛凛,大杀四方。该板块个股联动最紧密又可细分为以下几类:(1)中国交建和中国电建。备选股:中国建筑、中国中冶、振华重工、葛洲坝、龙建股份。(2)中国铁建、中铁股份、中铁二局。备选股:太原重工。(3)山推股份、徐工机械、柳工股份、三一重工 、中联重科。备选股:安徽合力、厦工股份。(4)晋西车轴、晋亿实业、高盟新材。备选股:天马股份。(5)中国南车、中国北车。备选股:南方汇通、时代新材。(6)大秦铁路、广深铁路。三、央企板块。联动最紧密的是国投新集、国投中鲁、国投电力、中成股份、瑞泰科技、中粮屯河、中粮地产和中粮生化。备选股:际华集团、新兴铸管。又可细分为以下几类:(1)瑞泰科技和中成股份。两者是目前央企板块的龙头,虽不是同门兄弟,却胜似同门兄弟,联动性最强(2)国投系的国投新集、国投中鲁、国投电力。这里的国投新集有必要再阐述一下。其一动,往往带动了央企和煤炭两大板块。近期正踌躇满志,洋洋自得,一定要强烈关注。(3)中粮系的中粮屯河、中粮地产和中粮生化四、上海自贸区 、迪士尼 板块。联动最紧密的是浦东金桥、陆家嘴、外高桥、张江高科、中路股份、界龙实业、交运股份、锦江投资、锦江股份、华贸物流、斯米克上港集团 、上海物贸、龙头股份、申达股份。又可细分为以下几类(1)两桥一嘴的浦东金桥、陆家嘴、外高桥和张江高科。备选股:上实发展、中华企业。(2)中路股份、界龙实业。备选股:亚通股份。(3)华贸物流、上港集团、上海物贸。炒上海自贸区时,此三者是风生水起,不可一世。(4)锦江投资、锦江股份。同门兄弟,形影不离。(5)龙头股份、申达股份。同门兄弟,形影不离。(6)仪电系的飞乐音响、仪电电子、华鑫股份(7)华谊系的氯碱化工、三爱富、双钱股份。(8)交运股的交运股份、强生控股、海博股份。(9)商业股的百联股份、豫园商城、上海九百、益民集团。备选股:新世界。(10)大众交通、大众公用、华茂股份。华茂股份虽不是上海本地股,但因参股国泰君安和前两者形影不离。五、环保板块。首创股份 、创业环保、兴蓉投资。备选股:重庆水务、国中水务、武汉控股、菲达环保、龙净环保。六、软件板块。联动最紧密的是用友软件、东软集团、中国软件、浪潮软件、浪潮信息、华胜天成、久其软件、新世纪、远光软件。备选股:浙大网新、宝信软件。七、粤港澳板块。联动最紧密的是珠海港、盐田港、深赤湾、格力地产、华发股份、世荣兆业、深深房、沙河股份。又可细分为以下几类:(1)港口类的珠海港、盐田港、深赤湾。(2)珠海地产股的格力地产、华发股份、世荣兆业。(3)深圳本地股的深深房、深物业、沙河股份、深振业。备选股:华联控股、世纪星源。八、地产板块。招商地产、万科、保利地产 、首开股份、金地集团、华夏幸福、中南建设。备选股:阳光城、荣盛发展、大龙地产、华远地产、信达地产。九、体育板块。联动最紧密的是中体产业、信隆实业、雷曼光电、探路者、贵人鸟。备选股:嘉麟杰、泰达股份、青岛双星。十、创投 板块。联动最紧密的是鲁信创投、大众公用、钱江水利 。备选股:紫江企业、电广传媒。十一、新三板 。联动最紧密的是中关村、苏州高新、东湖高新、高新发展。备选股:海泰发展 、电子城。十二、有色金属板块。联动最紧密的是中国铝业、铜陵有色、江西铜业、云南铜业、中金岭南、锌业股份、罗平锌电、盛屯矿业、金钼股份、洛阳钼业、新华龙、华泽钴镍、吉恩镍业、株冶集团、云铝股份、中孚实业、西部矿业。又可细分为以下几类(1)铜业三剑客的铜陵有色、江西铜业、云南铜业。备选股:鑫科材料、海亮股份。(2)钼业三剑客的金钼股份、洛阳钼业、新华龙。(3)镍业双雄的华泽钴镍、吉恩镍业。备选股:兴业矿业。(4)黄金 概念的山东黄金、中金黄金、 紫金矿业、恒邦股份、辰州矿业。备选股:荣华实业、中润资源、天业股份。(5)锌业三剑客中的金岭南、锌业股份、罗平锌电。备选股:株冶集团、宏达股份。(6)铝业三雄的中国铝业、云铝股份、中孚实业。备选股:南山铝业、新疆众和。(7)稀土概念的 广晟有色、包钢股份 、北方稀土、盛和资源、五矿稀土、中色股份、五矿发展 、厦门钨业。备选股:有研新材、创兴资源。十二、煤炭板块。联动最紧密的是国投新集、兖州煤业、阳泉煤业、盘江股份、中煤能源、恒源煤电、冀中能源、西山煤电。备选股:神火股份、郑州煤电 、安源股份、昊华能源。十三、京津冀板块。联动最紧密的是宝硕股份、廊坊发展、唐山港。备选股:河北宣工、冀东装备、冀东水泥。十四、厦门板块:联动最紧密的是厦门国贸、厦门港务、平潭发展、象屿股份 、厦门空港。备选股:建发股份、三木集团、漳州发展。十五、新疆板块:联动最紧密的是北新路桥、新疆城建、青松建化、西部建设。备选股:天山股份、八一钢铁、天利高新。由于股票太多,加上本人水平所限,难免挂一漏万,还请大家批评、指正、补充。股市变幻莫测,各股联动也会与时俱进,还请谨慎操作。恳请各位看帖的兄弟姐妹有油推油,无油推荐。这是对我最大的支持。已有1人赞助了这篇帖子8雪球币:8同时转发到我的首页发布分享到:新浪微博QQ空间豆瓣人人FacebookTwitter更多...Urologist - What Is a Urologist
What Is a Urologist?
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Updated June 02, 2014.
Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. 's .
Question: What Is a Urologist?Answer: A urologist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating
in men, women, and children, and male and female sexual dysfunction.To become a practicing urologist, a doctor must satisfy .After meeting these requirements, a urologist can apply for certification from the American Board of Urology. Generally, a high-quality urologist will apply for certification within the first few years after completing training.
If the urologist goes on for subspecialty training, upon completion, the urologist will seek Board certification:Sources Kogan BA, Trustees of the American Board of Urology. Demystifying the ABU (and interpreting the alphabet soup of acronyms associated with it).
Can J Urol ):4349-52. Shortliffe, L. Certification, recertification, and maintenance: continuing to learn.
Urol Clin N Amer
:79-83. Tanagho EA, McAninch.
JW. Smith’s General Urology. 17th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2008.
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What Is a Urologist?How to Choose an Urologist to do Your Vasectomy?
It is not always well-to-do to find a doctor that you need for specialized procedures. Here are many simple steps you able to take when you are looking for an urologist to perform your vasectomy.
Most vasectomies are performed by board-certified urologists, which are medical physicians who have specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical concern of male issues. The vasectomy is simple and risk less to perform it is normally done right in the doctor's bureau or clinic setting.
Sometimes the best way to find a specialist is to pretend you are going on a treasure hunt. You are hunting for a qualified urologist to do your vasectomy. You want someone who has done lots and lots of these procedures before doing yours. You want someone who is ethical and who has not been sued or one who has a bad record regarding his/her medical practice.
If you have online access you could go to
Directory and search for urologists and family practitioners that perform vasectomies in your area.
Since 85% of insurance companies cover vasectomies check with your health insurance company to look if they have any recommendation records for urologists.
Your medical doctor may be able to provide you a record of good family doctors.
Your local hospital may have a listing of specialist that you could locate several names and phone numbers in your area to call and investigate.
It is also a good idea to consult friends, family members and neighbors if they have had any experience with a vasectomy doctor and if they can advise one to you.
It is also important to check the doctor's credentials that you are expecting to interview. Knowing ahead of time the preliminary information can save you time when having the face-to-face. Most urologists'll have a Website that will list the credential, or be listed with a public board certification site in your state. You can check at your state or local member directory.
A local medical society may have a clearinghouse for information regarding the doctors in your area.
You may have a little of
criteria when making your investigation that may include:
* The closeness of the location
* Gender or sex
* Language should be frequent as having a language barrier is not good when you are trying to get information or answers to your questions.
* Does the urologist you are investigating have the bureau trimmings that will bring you aid e.g. convenient office hours, is the urologist accessible to you for questions and answers, can you verify the credentials or certificates the doctor has as well as the attitude knowledge and friendliness of the staff. Last, but not least, is the fee structure one you can live with?
Make sure you not only ask your questions over the phone but you should visit the office of any urologists you are interested in before making your decision.
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