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cognitive mapping是什么意思
中文翻译认知映射认知制图:&&&&adj. 认识的,有认识力的。 cognitive po ...:&&&&n. 【数学】映像,映射。
例句与用法1.Causation , bayesian networks , and cognitive maps贝叶斯网络与认知图2.Jamason ' s spatial thinking : from hyperspace to aesthetic of cognitive mapping从超空间到认知测绘美学3.A method to generate assembly sequences using hierarchical probabilistic fuzzy cognitive map ( hpfcm ) based on expert knowledge was developed based on the assembly information of products and a network graph extracted and drawn by a 3d software ug摘要提出在三维软件ug二次开发提取产品装配信息并建立网络图的基础上,基于专家知识建立层次概率模糊认知图来产生装配序列。 4.For the study capability of cognitive map , objective datum is emphasized and the degree of unequilibrium is proposed to measure the difference between the cognitive map and the real world , so the expert knowledge and the objective datum can be unified in cognitive map对于认知图理论的研究:本文在对认知图的国内外研究现状作了深入分析的基础上,首先对认知图的稳定性进行尝试性的讨论。对于认知图的学习,提出不平衡度的概念来度量认知图与真实世界存在的差异。 5.Due to above problems , this dissertation discussed theory of cognitive map and its application in image analysis and understanding , whose mainly research is on learning of cognitive map , auto - knowledge acquiring of cognitive map and exploring cognitive map applications in image analysis and understanding , expecting to solve some drawbacks in the previous methods of image analysis and understanding本文针对认知图理论及图像分析与理解中存在的问题,着重对认知图的学习、知识的自动获取与模型的扩展这些理论问题进行研究,积极探索如何应用认知图来解决目前图像分析与理解方法中存在的某些缺陷。 6.For the extend model of cognitive map , conditional probability , theory of uncertainty and knowledge database are introduced to cognitive map , and fuzzy cognitive map ( fcm ) , probabilistic fuzzy cognitive map ( pfcm ) , belief knowledge database based probabilistic fuzzy cognitive map ( bkpfcm ) , " extended dynamic cognitive network " are presented . therefore , those extended models can express the fuzzy and belief measure of uncertainty causal relationships and expert knowledge with uncertainty本文把条件概率、不确定性理论及知识库引入认知图中,提出“概率模糊认知图” 、 “基于信任知识库的概率模糊认知图”及“扩展动态认知网络”来表示事物间因果关系测度的不确定性、因果联系的时空特性及专家对知识的不确定性,从而扩展了认知图模拟现实世界的能力。 7.Cognitive map is one of the hotspots in computing intelligence area . it is a qualitative inference technology , which provides a tool of soft computation to support self - adaptive behaviors that based on prior knowledge . however , cognitive map lacks of the capability of learning and self - adaptive认知图是计算智能研究的一个热点,它是一种定性推理技术,其提供了一个有效的软计算工具来支持基于先验知识的自适应行为,但是认知图缺少学习及自适应能力,是一个封闭的系统。 8.Symbol logic method is unable to guarantee the complement of knowledge description , which leads to complicated deducing process . we introduce fuzzy cognitive map into agent modeling and deducing , substitute symbolic description and inference with simple mathematical computing , achieving agent intelligent decision - making in complex environment针对现有符号逻辑描述方法难以保证知识表达的完整性,推理过程陷于复杂的逻辑演绎的问题,作者引入了模糊因果关系的网络模型,基于模糊认知图理论构造agent推理模型,用简单的数值计算代替复杂符号系统的表示和演绎推理过程,实现了复杂环境下的agent智能决策。 9.About the applications of cognitive map : line feature detection and form based on fuzzy cognitive map , basic shapes recognition based on fuzzy cognitive map , object recognition based on probabilistic fuzzy cognitive map , a new method of image understanding based on cognitive map and robot high - level planning based on fuzzy cognitive map have been realized in this dissertation对于认知图在图像分析及理解中的应用:本文在认知图理论研究的基础上,把认知图应用到图像分析与图像理解中。实现了一种基于模糊认知图的线特征检测与形成方法、基于模糊认知图的基本形状识别方法、基于概率模糊认知图的目标识别方法及基于认知图的图像理解方法,并将图像理解与认知图应用到机器人的高层规划系统中。 10.It extends fuzzy cognitive maps fcms to represent andreason not only simple cause - effect relations , but also time - delaycausal relations , conditional probabilistic causal relations andsequential relations . the mathematical model and dynamic behaviors ofkm are presented . experiments show that , under certain conditions , thedynamic behaviors of km can translate between different states因此,需要对模糊认知图进行进一步的扩展,本文提出了知识图的数学模型来解决认知图推理与表示过程中存在的某些缺陷,从而使新的图模型能表示知识网格语义网格资源中存在的因果关系以及因果关系之间的不确定性,并通过实验对这种模型的动态行为进行讨论。
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