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display: 'inlay-fix'谁有有关经济危机的一篇英语作文?字数120左右
09-02-06 &
living conditions of people all over the world would sharply descend as soon as financial crisis breaks out if nothing is done to heal the golobe economic system. the latest one broke out months ago from the US and has been spreading quickly to China, the largest developing country in the world,where thousands of plants along the eastern coastal cities have bankrupted since the crisis broke out.
Today's college students face choices unheard of years ago. Terms like two way selection, self-employment are not new to them. Many students swarm  into job market or look every talent fair for potential employers. The concept of selling  oneself rather than hiding oneself is well accepted by students. Hunting a job is no small matter. Instead, it is probably one of the most, if not the most, important decisions any of would-be graduates can make in a lifetime. Therefore, they are very serious and cautious when that time comes. It is something that the society has taught them.
如何顺利度过经济危机The financial crisis in the &butterfly effect& under the rapid spread of the world. From the United States to China, from Wall Street to the Pearl River Delta, from manufacturing to high technology, from the white-collar workers, are subject to severe financial crisis. Many enterprises in the customs, stop, close, to many white-collar workers laid off, a lot of migrant workers, miners were forced to return home, many university graduates means that the unemployed. A month later in 2009 is the Year, I do not see the well-being of firecrackers, fireworks and romantic, looking forward to the New Year. See more entrepreneurs, managers, workers fear, confused, helpless look.
Blessing in disguise, Yan Fu Huo know? The escape came, unable to retain the go. Nothing in the world are the development of the wave-like, there is bound to have peaks and troughs, there are bound to have peaks and troughs. Rare in the face of the economic crisis, many companies have chosen to shrink the front, a lot of people tighten up the pocketbook and spending. Enterprises do not only offensive defense, when you prepare defense means that when you start back. Live at home, hand in half a cent to spend, to save money is in, only more money in order to change the quality of life. Fear, confusion and helplessness to escape, defense and reduce costs so that you will only make matters worse situation. Only offensive, Endeavor, protest, moving trend is the best choice and to deal with.
Be it business or personal, we must first fully understand the seriousness of the crisis and persistent. There are not trusting to luck that the crisis will not affect you. Qingchao, no eggs will survive? Only early and late, and light weight. The crisis in the latter part of the most difficult, yet now, do not feel that they are very strong,
Do not have to die before the crisis to attack. First of all, as entrepreneurs have to consider cash flow problems. To allow the closure of the fastest growing companies is not a loss, cash flow is drying up. Cash flow and the size of the enterprise, profit, non-well-known and well-known does not matter. The more large enterprises and the more well-known enterprises to pay attention to cash flow. Peace for too long, high-speed economic development in a long time, too much of their profits into the business after the expansion of fixed assets. Not on account of the funds to prepare for the winter. So rare to meet the financial crisis, the fall is often the fastest growth and expansion of the fastest-growing businesses. Not ready for the winter clothes, even if you have a nice summer, winter, you will still frozen to death. The three major U.S. auto giant is the cash flow is drying up and in serious danger together.
To have the opportunity to live. Crisis, the crisis in the organic. This opportunity is not often. This is sufficient funds at the lowest cost of business, merger, the best opportunity for expansion. Small business is the best time to catch up with large enterprises. Peace and prosperity in a variety of small businesses such as the allocation of resources are not large enterprises. Want to go beyond talking the same large enterprises. In front of the crisis, many large enterprises for the steady development of layoffs, shrinking front. Small business must learn how to Zoupian Jian Feng, to take the initiative. Gambling may be dead, may also develop. And so on, a dead end.
As a working group, during the crisis, so as not to resign, not-for-work, not to change jobs. A large number of business failures, layoffs, a large number of returning migrant workers, next year there are nearly 1,000 million university graduates find a job waiting. Be able to do a job that is a very well-being. To resign easy job difficult. Should cherish the current opportunity to work. For are not familiar with the area of greatest temptation not to change jobs easily. Peer different reasons, is the same sales, marketing and selling instant noodles is not the same car. The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment factor. Of course, if you have the ability to trade irreplaceable, but this time is an opportunity. In the face of crisis often need a hero. To ask whether he is a hero?
To work hard to create more value. Companies often laid off before the Conference of non-essential positions, direct-to-business value- Conference do not have a strong sense of responsibility, complained that more staff, the Conference working hours without doing the work of the staff. Take a look at our posts and is not an option? If so, as soon as possible to find their own jobs, and so on have been laid off, the more difficult to find work. If the work is a busy, but also to strengthen the sense of responsibility to reduce complained to create more value. When companies do not like any team has complained that the staff of the existence of emotions. Your high and low salaries, can remain in business, is your attitude toward work and decided to create value is not determined by the leadership. To save more and spend less. Now, &Moon family& more. In the first fall in front of the crisis is &Moonlight family.& Have to ask ourselves if the crisis continued a year, you have enough savings? If the crisis continued for three years, you have enough savings? From now on, be able to keep up-to-deposit the money or buy government bonds or dual-currency deposits to buy. Heart fear is not pocket the money. &Self-cultivation in order to quiet, frugal and Germany to support&, has always been to save the United States and Germany. By this time, frugal financial management is also a kind of way of life, always in the details. Less able to spend less money to spend, be able to cook at home do not eat at the hotel. Be able to buy stores, discount supermarket, the special price of conventional products that do not buy the product. Will not be able to send text messages on the phone. Zuo Gongjiao can not walk, can not fight Zuogong Jiao, do not drive can not drive. Will not be able to train on a flight. Can not buy luxury goods do not buy luxury goods. Is not simply to save money clutching his wallet at no cost, but let money more efficiently, with the least money to meet our greatest desire.
To help a friend pay attention to more jobs, more economic help poor friends, relatives, neighbors, before the crisis, the poorer the people become well-off. Bang Bieren is to help themselves. There are difficulties in their turn will come only when there is a friend to help you.
Have confidence in the face of crisis. The Chinese government does not care what will happen, you are not alone. Everyone has confidence in the economic recovery will be faster.
对于现代人和社会,危机固然是有损害的,但是,危机却是人类和社会进步、保持正确方向和道路所必须的。没有危机,我们将在错误的道路上前行而不自知,没有危机,我们将在错误的方向上前行而不自量,一次次的危机,没有让人类倒下,而是让人类更健康有力地走在进步的道路上。  同样,一次次的危机对于发达资本主义国家,也从来没有造成崩溃,相反,我们越来越清晰地看到共产主义的曙光,之所以有这样的信心,其实就在于人类自身,简单地说:人是活的,人类是活的,灵活自由的,人类拥有的自由、理性和智慧,就是人类的希望,共产主义也并非空想。当然,社会主义者们短浅的想象力所描绘的社会,其实已经在发达资本主义国家实现了。
 例文(1)                   笑对失败     人生中有成功就有失败。古今中外,大多数成功者都经历过失败,可贵的是他们的勇气。   失败是一道菜,一道难以下咽的苦菜,但你要把它吃下去。当朋友离你而去,当苦苦追求的事业屡受挫折,你便知道了人间的苦涩。你徘徊,你失落,甚至想死,但你唯独没想到“天要下雨,娘要嫁人”,许多事由不得你的这个道理。同时,你也会意识到,失败不过是酸甜苦辣的人生中的一碟小菜。   凡真正大的智慧,往往源于失败的教训。马克.吐温经商失意,弃商从文,结果一举成名。巴尔扎克弃商从文,取得很大成功,《人间喜剧》让他成为世界巨人。泰国商人施利华,是商界上拥有亿万资产的风云人物。1997年的一次金融危机使他破产了,面对失败,他只说了一句:“好哇!又可以从头再来了!”他从容地走进街头小贩的行列叫卖三明治。一年后,他东山再起。   失败是人生的熔炉。它可以把人烤死,也可以使人变得坚强、自信。   失败是一道靓丽的风景线,是经受夭折的玫瑰。遭受台风的果园虽令人无奈,但它却有无限的幽香。失败是枫叶,虽然被秋风扫落,却被热血渲染。失败是成功路上层层的山峦,汹涌的浪涛,你只有走过沟坎,才会到达成功的彼岸。   当我们垂垂老矣时,我们可以对自己的子孙后代说:“我们曾笑对失败。                           笑对失败    人生的每一个阶段,生活的每一个细节,我们都应该用微笑去面对,当我们成功时,自然会自豪的笑;而失败时,往往许多人选择的是一蹶不起,愁眉苦脸。其实,我们不必这样,失败又何曾不是一件乐事呢?它可以让你从中吸取教训,为成功积蓄力量,会让你在人生的道路上画下炫丽的一笔。我们何不以微笑面对失败呢!    杜牧说:“胜败兵家事不期,包羞忍辱是男儿,江东子弟多才俊,卷土重来未可知。”人们都知道爱因斯坦一生中有许多重大发现,但又有谁知道他也经历过多少艰难挫折以至失败?他小时曾经被认为是笨小孩,后来在很长时间里也没有人发现他身上有什么天才的影子,他是在经历了数不清的挫折和失败后才登上成功的宝座的。可是试问:如果他在第一次的失败之后就被失败踩在脚下,他会有这样的成就吗?人的一生中,遇到挫折打击是不可避免的,关键在于要把失败变为成功的垫脚石,才是最睿智的选择。    在生活中,我常常走不出大海前面的那座山,在挫折和困难面前总是选择逃避。记得前年,学校组织一批舞蹈队,说是要比赛,一向爱舞蹈的我就毫不犹豫的报名了,可事情并非像我所想的那样简单,参加舞蹈队后的我,每天要上课,还要利用休息时间去排练舞蹈,老师还不允许迟交作业。这些不说,让我更无法忍受的是舞蹈中那些高难度的动作,我怎么也学不会,老被队员们笑话。为此,我不知流过多少泪,心动摇了,也想到了放弃,回到家我把想法告诉了妈妈,妈妈说:“孩子,面对挫折,不应颓废不振而迷失眼前的方向,不然将会终身遗憾的,你应该把挫折视为一阵清风,让它从你耳边轻轻吹过,把困难是视为你眼中的一粒沙子,眨一眨眼,流一滴泪,将它淹没。”听了妈妈的话,我若有所悟,既然我已经选择了,就应尽全力去做好它,即使做的不好,失败了也没关系,凡事不要太注重结果,只要有那五味的过程就够了,正所谓:“就算跌倒,也要豪迈的笑!”    只有笑对失败,我们的明天才会更精彩,我们才会翻过大山,到达失败的彼岸——成功!
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非常非常感谢你们!!!! 还有 请上传一些满分的英语作文看看 如果你的答案能帮助我! 或者是我的作文及格 觉得考得好的话
1.CareerorFamily:whichismoreimportant?Whenaskedabouttheiropinionofcareerandfamily,peoplealwaysresponddifferently.Somepeopledeemitmoreimportanttopursuetheircareer,whiletherearealwaysotherpeoplewhoarguethatfamilyshouldbethenumberoneinone’slife. Itgoeswithoutanyquestionthatcareerplaysakeyroleinourlife.Intheveryfirstplace,careercangiveusanaimtoliveon.Withoutcareer,muchofourlivingtimewillbecertainlywasted.What’smore,careercanprovideuswithameanstoliveon.Mostofthepeopleearntheirincomefromajob.Ontheotherhand,familyisalsoanindispensablepartoflife,asmanypeoplewilladmit.Familyisalwaysregardedasaplacewherewecanescapefromtroublesinlife.Inaddition,wecanobtainasenseofbelongingtofromfamily.Withoutit,anyonewillfeellonelyanddesperate. Inmyopinion,careerandfamilyarenotinoppositiontoeachother.Rather,theycanenhanceeachothersothatone’slifecanbecomebetterandbetter.Therefore,it’snotachoicebetweenrightandwrong,butonebetweenidealandpractical. 2.OlympicsandI Dearfriend, Ihaveagreatnewstoinformhere.Throughlongefforts,Beijinghasbeengrantedtherighttohost2008Olympicgames.AsaresidentinBeijing,Ifeelquiteexcitedandliketosharewithyoumyhappiness. Thissuccessmeansalotmorethanagametome.Inthefirstplace,thisGameswilldefinitelypromotethedevelopmentofoureconomy.Accordingtoarecentsurveybysomeexperts,thisgameswillraiseourGDPbyabout3%,andofferabout10,000jobs.What’smore,ourculturewillbewidelyrecognizedandacceptedallovertheworldthroughtheGames.Peoplewillcomeoverfromeverycorneroftheworld,andexperienceChinesecultureineveryaspect.Besides,throughthegames,ourlivingenvironmentwillbegreatlyimproved.Forexample,thepublictransportationsystemwillbeup-dated.Moreover,it’sknownthatmoretreeswillbeplanted,andgrasslandwillbeconsiderablyexpanded. Myfriend,IreallylookforwardtothecomingofthisgreatGames.Asanindividual,I’mallreadytooffermyhelpinanywayIcan.Ialsohopetoinviteyoualltocomehere,andwatchthegamesin2008. Sincerelyyours, 3.TourisminChina RecentyearshaveseenatendencyinChinathattourismisgrowingfaster.Accordingtoarecentsurveymadebysomeexperts,about47%urbanresidentstravelregularly,and28%ruralresidentsalsomaketheirtouracrossthecountry.Thesurveyalsoshowsthatmorepeopleareinterestedintourism,andwilljointhearmyinthefuture. Facingthistendency,wecan’thelpexploringsomeunderlyingfactorsthatareresponsible.Intheveryfirstplace,withthepolicyofreformandopeningup,Chinesepeople’slivingstandardhasbeengreatlyimproved,andtherefore,mostofthemcanaffordtotravelaround.What’smore,itisbelievedthatpeoplenowtakeamorepositiveattitudetotourism,andregarditasalifestyle.Inaddition,tourismfacilitiesarebecomingbetterandbetter.Forexample,transportationdevelopsfast,andmanyscenicspotsareavailablenow.
综观近几年的高考英语发展势态:书面表达旨在训练学生对所学语言知识的实践应用,特别是测试学生的语言交际能力和语言知识的活用能力的必考题型,也是高考中重要且难度较大的题型,所占分值为25-30分,要在30分钟内写出80-100个词左右的短文。历年来,高考英语书面表达主要有以下特点: 一是文体的常用性,即其所涉及的文体有:1.议论文,以摆事实,讲道理的方式表述观点,事物,方法的原则,须具备论点,论据,论证三大要素;2.说明文,用说明作主要表达方式来说明某个事物的形状,性质,功能或形成原因,发生发展过程等;3.应用文,有书信,日记,口头同志,便条,广告,启示,请柬,贺卡,海报等形式,其中信的形式有包括求职信,感谢信,商务信函等;4.记叙文,以记人,叙事为主要内容,以叙述为主要表达方式的一种文体,包括介绍人物地生平事迹,记叙事情发展过程,说明前因后果等。 二是题材的熟悉性,既书面表达的取材主要涉及中学生所体验到的日常生活。 三是内容的控制性,它通过图画,表格,要点等来限定考生的写作内容,使得考生在写作时自由发挥的余地较小。 四是题型的稳定性,由上所述,近年来上海考试的命题形式主要以图画,表格形式出现,有时以提纲,要点形式出现。 五是要求的渐进性,既高考对书面表达的要求在逐年提高,由原来的要求写对,到以前的要求写好,再到现在的要求写出文采,使用高级词汇和复杂结构等,并对由此而产生的错误采取了宽容的态度。 以30分作文为例,一般评分标准: A.内容充实,主题突出,覆盖所有知识要点,应用了较多较高级的词汇和语法结构,有效得使用了语句间的连接成分,结构紧凑,给25-30分。 B.内容较充实,能表述作文要求,语法结构和词汇能满足内容要求,有一些错误但不影响全文理解,全文连贯,给21-25分。 C.内容基本充实,尚能表述作文要求,句子简单但能表达内容要求,给15-20分。 D.漏掉或未能写清主要内容,有些内容与主题无关,语言错误影响了读者对写作内容的理解,缺少连贯性,信息未能清楚地传达给读者,给10-15分。 E.明显遗漏主要内容,严重离题,不知所云,字迹潦草,给1-10分。 从高考评卷及平时测验题,学生在做书面表达题时,得分率较低,卷面普遍存在的缺点:1)文不对题(文体格式不规范);2)离题太远(抓不到要点,该说的不说,不该说的说的太多);3)词不达意(有的甚至用汉语标注或留空);4)病句太多(时态、语态、人称、数等语法);5)卷面不工整(字迹潦草、乱涂改、添插箭头满篇飞)。如何指导学生克服上述缺点,少犯错误,提高该题的得分率?因此教师在引导考生复习备考突破该题型时要注意如下几点: 一、遵循循序渐进原则 对书面表达题型的训练要从简单到复杂的顺序进行,可以从一些简单的看图作文-记叙文着手;可以从单句-复杂句着手;可以从单段-多段;从不分段到分段等着手对学生进行训练。 二、点拨技巧,事半功倍 分析高考要求和高考阅卷情况,在平时的训练中要让考生养成良好的做题习惯如: 1.养成审题的习惯 1)审题时要明确体裁,掌握格式 学生的书面表达往往存在不讲究逻辑、文体和格式的现象,所以很有必要让学生明确常见的几种文体和格式。就中学阶段,最常见的文体有:应用文(书信、通知、日记、便条)、记叙文和说明文。近十年NMET书面表达内容题材不外乎上述三种文体。我们知道:中学教材的内容,涵盖了所有体裁,教师应该结合课文,分类按题材归纳,详细介绍并具体指导学生掌握各种文体的写作特点及格式。若是记叙文,要弄清事件的时间、地点、人物、原因和结果;若是说明文,要了解说明的主旨以及说明的顺序;若是以图画形式提供情景,即看图作文,首先应看懂每幅图的意思,还要弄懂几幅图之间的关系。 2)抓住要点,一一对应。能否找出覆盖主要内容所有要点是得高分的关键,高考的评分标准一般分五个档次,要点越齐全,得高分的可能性就越大;反之,若欠缺要点或描述与表达内容要点无关的,得分当然低。一般要求找出5--6个要点,可先用汉语或用keywords列出, 2.养成谋篇布局,谨慎用词的习惯 1)谋篇布局是审题的结果,也是写好文章的关键。一篇优秀的文章都是层次分明,思路清晰,要求达到此标准,必须依据提示进行分段构思,合理布局。 2)选词造句,点石成金。 书面表达要求用100词左右写出包含5--6个要点的短文。从近几年高考英语参考答案看,一般都以8-10个句子组成一篇文章。若用较少于8句话来表达,则句子容易复杂冗长,容易失控;若用多于10句话来表述,则句子零乱与琐碎,文章缺乏整体感。且大多数用简单句,少数用并列句和复合句。 因此,在教学中首先应对简单句五种基本句型以及“therebe存在结构”等进行强化训练,然后对并列句、复合句进行适当的训练,使学生获得了扎实的句子结构基础知识,从而从根本上为迅速提高书面表达能力打下了扎实的基础;在平时训练中提醒学生在做题时,要善于避生就熟,当遇到某一难以直接表达的要点时,不妨变通一下,进行“曲线”表达。 3.养成合理安排,联句成文的习惯 书面表达不仅仅是“句子堆积”,要注意文章的连贯性和逻辑性。如何使文章上下衔接自然、紧凑。用好各种连接词,对写出一篇有“英语味”的文章很重要。要求学生按照合理的顺序或按一定的写作线索选用适应的连接词,将句子连珠成串,使各句连成结构紧凑、层次分明、语义连贯的短文。因此,在引导考生复习备考时,教师可介绍一些常用连接成分。如下面表格中是写作中经常用到的一些连接词: 4.养成检查修改,卷面整洁的习惯 做书面表达时,力求用词准确。作文写完后应认真阅读,检查文章中的拼写和标点错误、语法错误、逻辑错误等;检查词数是否符合要求;检查内容要点是否全面,删繁就简,使表达更加精炼,措词更加恰当。定稿后应认真誊写,要求书写规范、正确、美观,并保持卷面整洁。从参加高考阅卷者都有这样的体会:要在比较短的时间里,阅读完一篇作文,当看到那些字迹潦草卷面不整洁的,心情就特别烦,评分可能比想象的要低;而看到那些书写规范、卷面整洁的,就倍感爽心悦目,有可能得到比较高的分数,这也是情理之中的事情。因此,在训练时,学生要养成书写工整、规范,卷面整洁的习惯,在做高考题时,才不致书写潦草、卷面不整洁,从而导致丢失本来不该丢的分。


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