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英文翻译dieb secseq. lucethe next day:&&&&second:&&&& heaven
例句与用法1.Yes , they will be ready in the morning .是的,第二天早晨就擦好了。2.The next day came a fresh sensation .第二天,传来了一件惊人的消息。3.They left the next morning nevertheless .第二天早晨他们照样出发了。4.The commission note was to follow next day .那代办单据第二天就到。5.I went to the salmon fishery the next day .第二天我去了那个捕鲑渔场。6.The next day the owner of the house called .第二天,房东来访了。7.The next morning she came down with cold and fever .第二天她感冒发烧。8.All the next day he remained at home .第二天他在家里待了一整天。9.Next day the red army secured vienna .第二天,红军占领了维也纳。10.The next night, too, dick packed .第二天夜里,迪克还在收拾行装。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
yesterday是什么意思 yesterday在线翻译 yesterday什么意思 yesterday的意思 yesterday的翻译 yesterday的解释 yesterday的发音 yesterday的同义词
yesterday['jestədi]yesterday 基本解释n. 昨天adv. 昨天yesterday 例句adv.1. I was not born yesterday.& & 我又不是昨天才出世的娃娃。2. He left for France yesterday.& & 他昨天动身去法国。3. It seems as if that had happened only yesterday.& & 那事彷佛是昨天刚发生似的。n.1. Recalling cheerful yesterdays cheered the lady.& & 回忆欢乐的往昔使这位女士感到欣慰。2. It was very hot yesterday.& & 昨天天很热。3. Yesterday was my birthday.& & 昨天是我的生日。yesterday 反义词n.
yesterday 网络解释1. 昨日& & 前者受到鲍勃.迪伦(Bob Dylan)的影响,写歌风格开始趋向于晦涩,且牢牢结合自己的经历;后者创作风格开始走向流行、悦耳的方向,如&昨日&(Yesterday)一曲. 2. 昨天& & 剩下的放到第二天,会贴上&昨天&(yesterday)的标识,降价一半出售. ...主唱约翰.列农和保罗.麦卡特尼都有着较强的音色变化能力. 在&&昨天&&(yesterday)、&&漫长而曲折的道路&&(The long and winding road)中,...3. 昨天的& & rence: 在这你可以给定Pokertracker从几点开始定位新的一天的开始.有些人喜欢把从22:00到3:00的一个晚牌局(Session)算作前一天 ...Display games that were played: 建立一个自动的日期过滤.显示昨天的(Yesterday)或是今天(Toda4. 昨天(披头士)& & 40、 YELLOW SUBMAAINE 黄色潜水艇(披头士) | 41、 YESTERDAY 昨天(披头士) | 42、 You Are My Sunshine你是我的阳光(鲍勃.迪伦)yesterday 网络例句1. Yesterday they...... & &昨天他们。。。。。。2. I was able to help you yesterday. & &我昨天能帮你的。3. I don't know what he did yesterday. & &我不知道他昨天做了什么。4. It was yesterday that he told me . & &他是昨天告诉我的。5. This is the book that I bought yesterday. & &这是我昨天买的书。6. I need a friend, and that's why I came to see you yesterday. & &我需要个朋友,这也是我昨天来找你的原因。7. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know. & &也许是昨天,我不知道。yesterday 情景会话1. 看病&&A: Good afternoon. What's the trouble?&&&&&&下午好。有什么不舒服吗?&&B: I've had a pretty high fever since yesterday morning.&&&&&&从昨天早上起,我就一直发高烧。&&A: Anything else?&&&&&&还有其它的吗?&&B: Yes. I have an upset stomach.&&&&&&是的,我的胃很难受。&&A: I see. We'll take a good look at you.Do you have any other symptoms? Any more than those you've described?&&&&&&我明白了。我们会好好替你看看。你有没有其它的症状?除了那些你已叙述过的?&&B: No. That's about all.&&&&&&没有。大概就是这些。&&A: Well, I don't think it's anything serious.&&&&&&嗯,我想没有什么严重的。&&B: I'm relieved to hear that.&&&&&&你的话使我松了一口气。2. Hearing and Writing-(听和写)&&A: Tell me about your English class, Mary.&&&&&&玛丽,给我说说你们英语课。&&B: Well, yesterday the teacher wrote some sentences on the board.The first was &if you can't produce the sounds of a language acceptable, then you can't really hear them when other people make them&.Next he worte, &if you can't hear the sounds of a language then you probably can't write the language well.Your inadequate pronunciation contributes to making your writing substandard.&&&&&&&好吧,昨天老师在黑板上写了一些句子。第一句话是&对于一种语言如果你不能正确地发音,那么当别人发这些音时你实际上不可能听懂。&然后他又写道&如果你听不懂一种语言的发音,你大概也不可能很好地书写这种语言。你的不合格的发音将导致你的书写也不能令人满意。&&&A: Do you think that's right?&&&&&&你认为这对吗?&&B: I don't know, Bob. I'll tell you when the course is over.&&&&&&我不知道,鲍勃。等这门课结束时我会告诉你的。3. 失物招领处&&A: Excuse me, could you help me?&&&&&&对不起,能不能帮我一个忙?&&B: Yes. What seems to be the problem?&&&&&&好的。有什么问题吗?&&A: Well, I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport.&&&&&&我想知道是否有人交来一本护照。&&B: I'm afraid not. Have you lost your passport?&&&&&&恐怕没有。你遗失了护照?&&A: I think so. I can't find it anywhere in my hotel room, and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store.&&&&&&我想是的。我在饭店的房间里都找不到。我记得昨天最后用护照的地方是在这百货公司。&&B: Where exactly did you use your passport in the store?&&&&&&你在百货公司什么确切的地方用过护照呢?&&A: In the suit-dress department. I had to show it to pay for these dresses with my traveler's checks.&&&&&&在女装销售部。我用信用卡买衣服的时候必须给他们看护照。&&B: Well, let me call the suit-dress department to see if they've found a passport.Sorry-your passport's not been turned in there, either.&&&&&&这样的话,我打电话给该部门,看看他们有没有捡到护照。对不起---你的护照也没被交到那边。&&A: Then what shall I do?&&&&&&那我该怎么办呢?&&B: You can fill in this lost property report, and I'll keep my eye out for it. Those kinds of things usually turn up eventually, but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation, so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesn't show up.&&&&&&你来填这张遗失报告表,我会替你留意的。像这样的东西,最后总是会出现的。但我建议你跟你们的大使馆联系并把你的情形告诉他们。万一你的护照找不到的话,他们会给你补发新护照的。&&A: You're right. Do you have a pen?&&&&&&你说得对。你有没有笔?&&B: Here you are.&&&&&&请用。&&A: Oh, I seem to lose something every time I travel.&&&&&&唉!我好象每次旅行都会丢些东西。从 yesterday 开始单词接龙选择难度小学英语初中英语高中英语大学英语出国英语考试英语yesterday是什么意思,yesterday在线翻译,yesterday什么意思,yesterday的意思,yesterday的翻译,yesterday的解释,yesterday的发音,yesterday的同义词,yesterday的反义词,yesterday的例句,yesterday的相关词组,yesterday意思是什么,yesterday怎么翻译,单词yesterday是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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