
以 How do i go to school ?为题写一篇不少于50词的小作文
以 How do i go to school ?为题写一篇不少于50词的小作文 5
how do i go to school ? &i &can &go to school by &bus &beside &the busstop. if i get up early, &i could walk &on my foot.certainly, i &can &run to my school.Today, the environment &ger &worse and worse, we can“t destroy it. &We need low-carbon &life.

的感言:当代劳模!所有人都应该向你学习! 相关知识
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号以I want to be a 为题写一篇120词的初一知识作文_百度知道
以I want to be a 为题写一篇120词的初一知识作文
if I really become a teacherI want to be a teacher. I hope I can teach students to reason that bring them joy. Because I think the teacher is very interesting。因为我认为做老师非常的有趣! I hope I can achieve the aspirations of,如果我真的成为一名老师. In addition,我还想成为一个志愿者,当我长大的时候, when I grow up, to help those who need help the people in trouble. I think that helping others is a very happy thing。我觉得帮助别人是一件十分快乐的事情!我想做一名老师!希望我的愿望能够实现。我希望可以教学生道理带给他们欢乐。另外,帮助那些需要帮助有困难的人, I also want to be a volunteer
- -小子- -你很烂也
- -小子- -不晓得自个写
- -小子- -几年级的
- -小子- -别忒懒了
- -小子- -濂溪书院都木有去过?
- -小子- -你是不是汝城的
- -小子- -400字还木有筹够
- -小子- -算了不筹了
- -小子- -在那上学的
- -小子- -是男是女的
- -小子- -那个学校的
- -小子- -那个班的
- -小子- -报上姓名来
- -小子- -最后老子告诉你
- -小子- -以后写作文要自个写
- -小子- -要回答老子的问题
- -小子- -满400字了么
- -小子- -以上问题必须一一答出、不然.....嘿嘿
- -小子- -不答出的话、嘿嘿、你的脑袋就咔嚓了
- -小子- -限你在五天内答出、不然、、、
- -小子- -后果自负0.....0
- -小子- -记得老子说的话
- -小子- -别太嚣张了
- -小子- -泥某的、老子看你不顺眼就立马咔嚓你
I want to be a teacher when I grow up ,Beacuse I like children very much and
I can make
friends with them, First I will study very hard ,Then I will go to a college and study in a university,Finally I will be a teacher and teach my students patienly.If I become a teacher ,I will help
my students when they get into troubles ,they will tell me everything about them ,I think that sounds great!
I want to be a thiefeto steal the unhappy memory of people.I want to be a bubble,to fly into the sky as the first sunshine shineswhen my prince wakes up I break up with the shinings smiling I want to be Sisyphus(西西弗)roll the big stones up with my tears when the sun goes up and look the stones roll away with my sweaters. 本文是我自主研发的,有志同道合的可以来切磋
出门在外也不愁以How to make new friends为题,写一篇120词的作文。请学霸们帮忙!!!!!_百度作业帮
以How to make new friends为题,写一篇120词的作文。请学霸们帮忙!!!!!
以How to make new friends为题,写一篇120词的作文。请学霸们帮忙!!!!!
If you have difficulty making new friends,then the following can help you.First of all,don't be afraid to talk to a new friend.A good talk can be the beginning of friendship.You can start with a popular topic,such as getting on QQ..Second,try to know more about your new friend,including his or her name,address and hobbies.The more you know,the better you can get on well.Third,you should always be honesty.In no case can you cheat your fr iend,for as we know,honesty is the basic of friendship.Least but not last,be ready to help your friend when he or she gets into trouble.Remember the old Chinese saying“ A Friend in need Is A Friend Indeed”.
请求:以A Simple Travel为题,写一篇120词的英语作文。tobeahealthychild.中文翻译_百度知道
o be a healthy child:成为一名体格健壮的孩子祝你新年快乐.不定式词组,汉语意思!学习进步
出门在外也不愁初一上册:以how can we eat healthy?为题,写一篇不少于50词的英语作文_百度作业帮
初一上册:以how can we eat healthy?为题,写一篇不少于50词的英语作文
初一上册:以how can we eat healthy?为题,写一篇不少于50词的英语作文
It's very important to keep healthy. I think we should have healthy diet every day and eat proper food. We shouldn't eat junk food because it is bad for our health. Drink water and milk as often as po...


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