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My campus life为题的英语作文
The year I experienced in the campus really changed me a lot.
The greatest change is that I learned how to be brave.
Yes, courage is very important. But it takes me a long time to command it. In the past, sometimes when I met something that I did not ever met, especially when all the other people are good at it, I feel nervous.
But something changed my mind. After that, I found that I can learn things as well as others, or even far better than others.
After I have my own computer, I began to teach myself how to type. At first, it is a really hard job for me. I do not even know how to put my fingers on the keyboard correctly. But after a month, I can type 300 letters per minute. And during the time, I taught me how to type WUBI skillfully in two weeks.
At that time, I was amazed by myself. I did not even think I can do that well.
After that, I found that the major reason why I can not do well before is that I did not have enough confidence in me. And once you began to try it, it will be easier than what you thought.
And another very important thing I learned is that a person should always have passion.
Once I thought I my life should be filled up by something that I did not experienced. And during a conversation between Rong, a high school classmate of me, I found the things I need. The way he talk is full of passion. I was motivated at that time.
And during the days later, I learned how to be a man of passion.
I found that life with passion is efficient and interesting. Although I do not know whether I should try others things when my age grows up, I think passion is indispensable right now.
Courage and passion, these are two treasures I got in life.
????????????英语作文,要求120字左右,My opinion on campus lectares内容提纲:1.大学校园离得讲座丰富多彩2.听讲座的益处3.你队在大学校园里听讲座的看法
l am a colIege student.These days there are all kinds of lectures on different subjects in the compus.They are about psychology,biology ,history,job hunting,language learning,money managing,IT skills and so on.
l went to some of the lectures that l am interested in.They were given by some experienced experts.They were really terrific and useful,and l did learn a lot from the lectures.Not
only did they open up my mind to a more colorful and wonderful world,but they filled my college life with great fun as well.
l think it is good for us to listen to more lectures.They provide us with a lot of original ideas,pratical knowledge and new theories.And we can make full use of our spare time.原创回答,简明扼要.希望有帮助!


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