英语作文 每个人都会偶尔感到孤独,请以learn to get rid of loneliness以月亮为题写一篇作文100-120左右的文章

请以“What should we do in English class”为题写一篇英语作文80字_百度知道
请以“What should we do in English class”为题写一篇英语作文80字
First. Even few minutes is good for the whole class, so what should we do in Es instruction, we should try to remember the knowledge of the class and keep a memo for it, which will be a good chance to practice our ability, which will lead us to learn the knowledge of this class.
Second?Here are some advices.
Third, we should try to make good prepare before the class, we should try to follow the teacher&#39. We should also try to answer the questions of our teacherWhat should we do in English class
Everyone wants to learn English well
In English class, we should listen to the teacher carefully, and try our best to remember what he said. At the same time, we should also take note in the class. By doing so, we could not only remember the lessons taught by the teacher better, but also could review what we have learned after class. If we could make full use of the time in the class, we could improve our scores in the exam.
Everyone wants to learn English well, so what should we do in English class?Here are some advices.
First, we should try to make good prepare before the class. Even few minutes is good for the whole class.
Second, we should try to follow the teacher's ins...
In English class, we should listen to the teacher carefully, and try our best to remember what he said. At the same time, we should also take note in the class. By doing so, we could not only remember the lessons taught by the teacher better, but also could review what we have learned after class. If we could make full use of the time in the class, we could improve our scores in the exam.
偶是英语专业滴,希望能帮到你,↖(^ω^)↗,给咱最佳答案吧,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
In English class, we should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes when necessary. Try to answer questions in English.  We should take part in all kinds of activities, like reading, writing, having discussions and playing games. We need to work in groups with our classmates to help each other and learn from each other.  It’s very important to be confident. Speak English loudly in front of the class and never be afraid of making mistakes. In this way, we can make much progress.
出门在外也不愁know what loneliness feels like. There is a key difference between being alone and feeling lonely. &Alone& is a state of being by oneself without others around, and can actually be a healthy phenomenon. Everyone needs a little time away from others to plan, consider, and simply to rest. Loneliness is a different matter entirely.就算是性格内向的人,也知道孤独是什么滋味。&独自一人& 和&感到孤独& 有着根本区别。&独自一人&是指只有自己、身边无人陪伴的状态,实际上也可以是一种健康现象。每个人都需要一点独处的时间,用于计划、思考或纯粹休息。孤独却完全是另外一码事。
While it&s normal to feel lonely or isolated from time to time, too much loneliness can be unhealthy or even dangerous. Numerous studies have linked excessive, ongoing feelings of loneliness and isolation to depression, mental illness, and even physical problems such as , diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.虽然偶尔感到孤独或孤立还算正常,但若经常如此,可能就不健康甚至危险了。无数研究均认为持续的过度孤独感会导致抑郁症、心理疾病,以及像失眠、糖尿病、高血压和心脏病等各种身体疾病。
The good news is, loneliness is a condition that can be fought against and overcome! Here are 9 things to do when you feel lonely that will make you feel healthier, more integrated, and less painfully alone.好消息是,孤独是一种能够战胜克服的状态!当你感到孤独时,可以尝试下面9件事情,这样你会感到更健康、更协调,也不再为孤单而烦恼了。
1. Take a walk散散步
This may seem , but walking has been proven to offer many great health benefits both for the body and the mind. Any form of exercise would do as well, but walking is better because it allows one to explore their town or the area around them in a way a car simply does not allow. 这个建议听上去好像不够实诚,但事实证明散步确实对身心健康大有益处。其他锻炼方式也行,但散步更好,因为散步让人有机会探索自己的城市或附近街区,而这一点绝不是汽车能代劳的。
While walking, take a different route than you usually would to get to a usual goal point. Even better, simply pick a direction at random and start. Just the feeling of walking down the street, surrounded by traffic and other people, can make you feel more involved in the pulse of your city or town. Besides, you may discover something new you didn&t know your town had to offer!散步时选一条不同于平常去往目的地的道路;最好是随便选个方向走一走。走在大街上被人群车辆包围的感觉,能让你觉得自己和这座城市更加密切相关。而且,你或许还能在自己的城市里发现新奇的事物呢!
2. Join a club加入俱乐部
Everyone has an interest or passion, and sometimes a fresh point of view can help you enhance your talents or interests in new and surprising ways. Even the smallest town usually has at least some clubs. Maybe you enjoy chess and would like to play with others to sharpen your skills. You could even consider something you&ve never tried before: pottery, writing, wine tasting, or even dancing are all good ways to interact with others and try new things. If your area doesn&t have any clubs that interest you, why not start one of your own? Odds are good that if you have an interest, someone else in the area is likely to share it.人人都有爱好、激情甚或创意观点,而这些能通过新奇方式激发你的禀赋或兴趣。就算是再小的城市也会有几个俱乐部。或许你喜欢下棋,希望找人一起切磋技艺;你还可以考虑以前从不曾尝试的玩意儿:陶艺、写作、品酒或跳舞都是与人接触并学习新事物的好办法。如果附近没有你感兴趣的俱乐部,那何不自己创办一个呢?当你有某个兴趣爱好时,或许周边的人也会被你带动起来。
3. Talk to people与人交谈
Isolation is a new
of our paradoxically &connected& society. Between texting, Tweeting, Facebooking, email and the phone, people are more connected than ever before. The problem with all these kinds of communication is that they omit the face-to-face
of socialization. 在这个&密切联系&的社会,&隔离&却讽刺性地成了一个新标志。随着短信、推特、脸谱、邮件及电话的普及,人与人之间的联系前所未有地频繁密集。但问题是,所有这些通讯方式都忽略了社交中的&面对面接触&元素。
This can lead to situations like someone observing, &I have 6,000 friends on Facebook, 4,822 Twitter followers, and who knows how many people watching me on social media&and I don&t have one person I can call to go out for the night!& Try getting out and talking to your neighbors, the cashier at the convenience store, or even total strangers. Ask questions and listen carefully to the answers. This is a great way to make new connections, or maybe meet people who share your interests and hobbies.这就造成了类似情景:&我在脸谱网上有6000位好友、推特网上有4822个粉丝,而且无数人都能在社交媒体上看到我&&可当我晚上想要出去玩时,竟然没有一个能够叫上一起去的人!& 因此,请走出去主动和邻居、便利店收银员甚至陌生人讲讲话吧。问几个问题并认真听对方解答。这是建立新联系或认识志同道合朋友的好方法。
4. Go to the coffee shop去咖啡店
These days you can&t throw a rock without hitting a coffee shop, especially in the larger cities. Coffee shops are a great place to meet people and make contacts. As with any other social situation, it&s not enough simply to sit there sipping on your venti mochachocafrappalottaccino with half-fat soy and extra . Compliment someone on their purse, their shoes, their tie, or even their laptop. A compliment is a good way to start up a conversation and might just make you a new friend.现如今,尤其是在大城市,你随便扔块石头就能砸中一家咖啡店。咖啡店是结识朋友的好地方。正如其他社交场合一样,你不能只坐在那儿纯粹喝咖啡,夸两句别人的包包、鞋子、领带或电脑本吧。一句赞美的话就是开始交谈甚至结识新朋友的好办法。
5. Be alert to verbal and nonverbal cues注意口头及非口头暗示
90% of all communication is nonverbal, based upon eye contact, body language, facial expression, and
gestures and motions. These cues, when taken with verbal indicators such as word choice, tone of voice, and overall &projection,& create communication. Look for people with positive, open body language. These people carry themselves with their heads erect and make direct eye contact. They don&t keep their hands in their pockets or move aside more than necessary to allow others to pass on the street. A smile could be an invitation to talk. Be ready to accept it!按照眼神接触、肢体语言、面部表情和无意识动作来划分,90%的沟通是非口头的。这些再加上诸如用词、声调、总体&影射&等口头暗示,即构成了交流。寻找肢体语言积极开放的人,这些人往往昂头挺胸、不回避眼神直接接触;他们不会把手插在口袋里,或惶惶然给街上的人让路。一个微笑即表示愿意交谈,请接受吧!
6. Try nurturing others尝试关怀他人
Caring for others matters, even when it&s only done in small ways. Reading to the elderly or being a child or teen mentor is excellent for not only curing your own loneliness, but someone else&s as well. Visiting, conversing with, or reading to the elderly makes them feel more connected and useful, especially if they live in an assisted-care facility. 去关心他人的事情,哪怕只是以细微的方式。为老人读书、做小孩或青少年指导员不仅能治愈你自己的孤独感,还能帮助到他人。看望老人、和老人交谈或为老人读书,能让他们感到自己不孤单、还有价值&&尤其是当这些老人住在养老院的情况下。
Serving as a child or teen mentor can help you pass on knowledge and information to the next generation, whether it&s practical advice and skills such as how to work a polynomial equation, or giving them life lessons like how to get over a broken heart or dealing with indifferent or unfriendly peers and authority figures. By caring for others, you can also care for yourself by showing you have something of value to contribute to your world and the people in it.做小孩或青少年指导员能帮你把知识与信息教授给下一代&&不论那是诸如怎样解多项式方程的实际建议和技能,还是像如何度过伤心时刻或怎样面对冷漠不友好的同伴上级等人生教诲。关心他人的同时,你也在关心自己,表明自己有价值能够为社会和他人做贡献。
7. Get a pet养一只宠物
A fuzzy animal like a cat, dog, or even a
makes a great companion and confers health benefits. Studies indicate that simply petting an animal reduces blood pressure, anxiety, and may actually be an effective non-medical treatment for certain forms of depression. In addition, the playful antics of a puppy or kitten and the joy of training them to perform various tricks and tasks more than makes up for any inconvenience they may cause while housebreaking. 小猫小狗或雪貂这种毛茸茸的动物都是不错的伙伴,对人的健康很有好处。研究表明,抚摸动物能降低血压和焦虑,是治愈某些抑郁症状有效的非药物疗法。而且,小狗小猫憨态可掬,训练它们应对入室盗贼的各种把戏或任务也充满乐趣,这些足以让饲养它们而造成的种种不便可以忽略不计了。
If possible, choose a pet from the vast number of rescue animals in shelters around the world. You may just save a life, making you feel even happier about your choice and winning you a loyal companion you&re sure to cherish.如果可以,就从世界各地的各大动物收容所中挑一只宠物吧。你不仅救了一条生命,还会为自己的选择而感到开心,并且又赢得了一个值得珍惜的忠诚伙伴。
8. Try to figure out what&s missing弄明白错失了什么
The state of being alone simply means no one else is with you. Loneliness, especially when it&s a persistent state, is a warning sign that something essential is absent from your life. The first step to curing the problem is to figure out what&s missing. Do you isolate yourself, by accident or design? Do you work in a career that doesn&t allow for much one-on-one human interaction? Do you have any friends, family, or loved ones you can talk to?孤单只表明你身边没伴儿。孤独,尤其是状态持续很久的话,就说明你的生活缺少某些基本的东西了。解决问题的第一步就是想清楚到底错失了什么。你是故意让自己离群索居的吗?你的工作环境不容许面对面交流吗?你有没有可以倾诉的亲朋好友或至爱?
If the answer to any of these is negative, it&s time to take positive steps to correct that. Join a dating site. Get the contact information for your cousin you haven&t talked to since adolescence. Ask that server at the local diner if she&s free for dinner one night. Even if the answer is no, you&re taking positive steps to
your loneliness.如果以上问题的答案都比较消极,那你得采取积极行动进行改正了。注册一个约会网站吧。想办法联系自从长大后就没讲过话的表亲吧。问问附近餐厅的服务员今晚有没有空一起吃个饭吧。就算被拒绝,至少你也在积极克服孤独了。
9. Is something making you lonely是不是某件事让你感到孤独
Introverts like their own company, but it&s easy to get too much of it. When this happens, ask yourself what&s changed. Are you with someone who makes you feel lonely even when they&re right next to you? Are you in a new town, job, or living space? Do your surroundings or routines feel stale and overdone? What&s making you unhappy with the situation? 内向的人喜欢独处,但总是一个人也不太好。如果孤独来袭,请问问自己发生了怎样的变化。是不是某些人明明就在身边却还是让你感到孤独呢?你搬到了新城市、换了新工作或住处?是周围环境或日常琐事让你觉得索然无味而难以承受吗?这种情况下是什么让你觉得不快乐?
In some cases, people feel lonely because something is missing. In others, people feel lonely because something needs to be . This can be harder to identify, because we always try to hold on to the things we believe make us happy and define us. A big part of overcoming loneliness is defining oneself on one&s own terms.有时候,人们感到孤独是因为失去了某些东西;有时候,人们感到孤独是因为需要精简掉某些东西。这很难定义,因为人们总是试图紧紧抓住自认为能够让自己开心并定义自己的东西,而战胜孤独很大程度上需要用自己的方式去定义自己。
http://i1./topic/_shenghuo.jpgMy HomeI have a two-floor house.& It is very nice both inside and outside.& There are three bedrooms in it. The smallest one is a study room, while the other two are for me and my parents.& The sitting room is also very large.& The kitchen and toilet room are very clean. There is a big garden in front of the house, and there are many beautiful flowers in it.& My sister and I often play together in the large garden.& I love my big house very much. 试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文。要求根据图片和提示词, 以My Home为题写一篇短文。本文所给材料比较详细,并且给出了具体要求,我们要做的就是用正确的英语把这些内容表达出来。动笔前要认真阅读材料,不可遗漏要点,并适当发挥。注意时态与时间状语的搭配及主谓一致问题。【亮点说明】这篇文章语言规范,叙事清楚,词汇及时态运用正确,能够把提示的内容叙述清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯是一篇不错的文章。
某英语杂志开辟中学生栏目。请以If I enter my favorite high school,I’ll________为题,写一篇短文,以便为该栏目投稿。词数80~100。步骤与要点如下: 1.确定主题: 2.围绕主题(学习,生活,个人成长等)进行叙述; 3.要有具体事例(1—2点即可),并说明其原因。要求:1.补全标题; 2.字迹清楚,语言规范; 3.鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分; 4.短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数;
5.短文中不要出现考生的真实校名和姓名。If I enter my favorite high school,I’ll________________The entrance exam(升学考试)will be over,and I’ll be free for nearly two months.If I enter my favorite high school.I’ll ...
五位同学遇到了学习或生活上的问题,请你为他们选出相对应的建议。&Problem&Suggestions(建议)&71Lily thinks that
all the problems that may happen to her tomorrow, next week, next year&ARe make sure you will work harder.&72I feel lonely and
it seems people around don’t want me.&BSit down, and
write down the money you spend on different things, over a week. It will
surprise you.&73I’m afraid that I
will not pass the exam.&CSometimes, the
fear(恐惧) of something is
worse than the thing itself! Perhaps tomorrow, the problem may seem less!&74Dick has the money
problem. He can’t buy what he wants.&DMake a “To Do
List”: “A” must be done today. “B” can be left until tomorrow. “C” can be
left for some days. “D” is it really necessary?75Lisa worries about
her work a lot.ETo be wanted and
needed, is a big answer to loneliness.(孤独)
.Write at least 60 words about the topic “Sports and our life”. (以“体育锻炼和我们的生活”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考)1. What’s your favorite sport?2. How does the sport influence(影响) your life? (give at least one example)
假如现在是晚上七点半,请你根据Kate 提供的信息,写一篇短文描述kate一家人此刻的活动情况,六十词左右。Father
Read a bookMother& Clean the roomGrandfather Wash the clothesKate&&& Do his homeworkBetty&& Play with the cat
书面表达(共1小题,计15分)假设你是李平,最近你学习上遇到困惑。请用英语给你的英国朋友Nancy写一封电子邮件,讲述你的问题并寻求她的帮助。注意:1.邮件必须包括下面三幅画所描述的内容。2.词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出(不计词数).参考词汇:考试不及格 fail the exam&&熬夜 stay up lateHi Nancy,How are you? Hope you’re well.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I’m ready looking forward to receiving your reply soon.Love,Li Ping
假如这幅漫画表现的是你所经历的事情,请根据所给提示描述事情经过并谈谈你的看法。提示词:jaywalk v/.乱穿马路;run the red light闯红灯注意:文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名。词数80-100。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“世界上最遥远的距离莫过于我们坐在一起,你却在玩手机”,这是网上流传很广的一句话,当这句话成为现实时,多少会有一些悲凉。近日,青岛市民张先生去爷爷家吃晚饭,饭桌上老人多次想和孙子孙女说说话,但孩子们却个个抱着手机玩,气得老人扔下一句“你们就和手机过吧”,摔盘子离席而去。这与其说是一种不经意的习惯,不如说是对亲情的冷漠,。如今越来越多的人成为了手机控,请你仔细观察以下图片,描述一下图中展现的现象,并且表达自己的观点,如何解决这样的问题。注意:100词左右。可能用到的生词&a&Phone&Freak(手机控) mini blog(微博)& WeChat(微信) Qzone(QQ空间)From the cartoon given above, we can see______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
假如你是李梅,你的美国笔友Tom在你的QQ空间里看到你弟弟李华的照片,他想和你弟弟成为朋友。请你根据以下提示,向他介绍一下你弟弟。提示:1. Where does your brother study?2. What time does he usually get up?3. How does he go to school?4. What club does he join?要求:1. 语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥;2. 60词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Hi, Tom. Let me introduce (介绍) my brother Li Hua to you. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I think you can be good friends.Li Mei


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