foreign ministero2o是什么意思思

英['m?n?st? ]
n. 部长,大臣;公使;牧师v. 辅助;伺候;执行牧师职务
The foreign minister called a press conference to answer some questions.
The minister was assaulted by a barrage of abuse from the angry strikers.
Our minister is an able and tough-minded man.
Mr. Guan was appointed Chinese Minister to Moscow.
The minister's visit to the prison was not instructive.
A minister or a priest is considered a guardian of faith.
For 44 years he had ministered to the poor, the sick, the neglected and the deprived.
Volunteers ministered to the homeless after the flood.
He became a rector of a small parish where he ministered for several years.
1.attend to the wants and needs of others
I have to minister to my mother all the time as a minister
She is ministering in an old parish
1.a person authorized to conduct religious worship
clergymen are usually called ministers in Protestant churches
2.a person appointed to a high office in the government
Minister of Finance
3.a diplomat representing one g ranks below ambassador
4.the job of a head of a government department
1.The Prime Minister was there with a clutch of cabinet ministers.
2.The Prime Minister is preparing for a showdown with Ministers.
3.The Prime Minister doubles as Minister of Foreign affairs
4.The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister.
5.They placed him as minister of the church.
the foreign minister'the secretary of state&quot.&s counterpart is the secretary of state:In the US?顺便翻译一下这个句子counterpart是什么意思
)楼主你说的没错, 外相就是外交部部长,the foreign minister&#39. (就类似于, 在中国; 或者 &quot, 外相就是国务卿;In the US: 在美国, 国务卿就是中国的外交部部长;s counterpart is th等同的一方&相对应的职位&quot.counterpart的意思就是&quot楼上的都在乱翻译.这句话的意思是
保管国内的法律法令,将成为第66届,在美国指的是国务秘书(国务卿), 配对物eg,保管国会的各类书籍和文件等。参考来自金山词霸在美国是没有外交部长的,国会则代表立法权力,赖斯上任后。后来随着美国的不断发展。在美国的三权分立中,外交活动日益增多,美国已有65届国务卿。为防止在外交上出现“两权分立”,因此国务卿相当于外交部长counterpart
n。 但最初的国务卿主要是忙国内的事,从事外交工作的是国务卿、相互掣肘.副本。迄今为止。其职责包括参与制定:The foreign minister is the counterpart of the secretary of state,政府应设外交部和外交部长一职,总统代表最高行政权力、发布,国务卿才真正转向外交.外交部长是和国务秘书对等的人the secretary of state ,为国内行政部门的人事任命做公证,当时的众议员麦迪逊于日提出议案。美国国务卿设立于独立之初的1789年, 极相似的人或物
the secretary of state 是国务卿在美国,外交部长与国务卿彼此互为补充
出门在外也不愁Foreign Minister in Political Upheavals的用法和样例:
On Tuesday, Rice met with Egyptian foreign minister in Cairo.
In most countries, the government department dealing with other countries is called the foreign ministry, with the foreign minister in charge.
A new foreign minister in all but name will be created by merging two existing posts.
In most countries , the government department dealing with other countries are call the foreign ministry , with the foreign minister In charge .
在多数国处理对外国关系的政府部门叫外交部,“the Foreign ministry”主管该部的是外交部长。
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laiselaise 网络解释1. 圣萝兰& & 尚美 XEMEX | 圣萝兰 YVES SAINT LAISE | 真利时 ZENITHlaise 网络例句1. It laise it's eggs on fire ants. & &它在火蚁身上产卵。2. Japan's new Foreign Minister Mamoru heavily on behalf of the Japanese Emperor and the government, Army Chief of Staff Umezu, Yoshijiro on behalf of the Empire to surrender at the base camp to sign, then accepted the surrender on behalf of the Allies, General Douglas MacArthur, supreme commander of allied forces, the United States on behalf of the Admiral Nimitz, Xu Yongchang on behalf of the Chinese General Fu Laise on behalf of the British admiral, the Soviet Union on behalf of the out-Wei Yake will, as well as Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand and other countries signed on behalf of the order. & &日本新任外相重光葵代表日本天皇和政府、陆军参谋长梅津美治郎代表帝国大本营在投降书上签字,随后,接受投降的同盟国代表、盟军最高统帅麦克阿瑟上将、美国代表尼米兹海军上将、中国代表徐永昌将军、英国代表福莱塞海军上将、苏联代表杰列维亚科中将,以及澳、加、法、荷、新西兰等国代表依次签了字。3. Outlined in the Beijing Olympic Games, at 13:30 on August 13 Switzerland and France than was Ankan Qiela La Road Cycling Championship. Ankan Qiela La France in the World Championships: 2004 Bardolino, Italy was eighth, 2005 Madrid, Spain, was third, 2006 Salzburg, Austria received first place in 2007 at Stuttgart, Ge France 2005 cycling sai Laise S Flanders Cycling Grand Prix E3 Belgium Harelbeke 2007 Road Cycl Florence - Bicycle sai Pistoia, Italy Paper 2004 Si T Ghent - Victoria Buddhist r Road Cycling Events, the Belgian peacekeepers Buddhist roots fourth in 2006 Belgian peacekeepers were sixth B HEW Classic Bicycle Germany 2005 Hamburg Road Cycling sai fourth in the 2006 German Beer, Luke second C Milan - San Remo Road Cycl San Remo, Italy, the 2008 Road Cycli Monte Siena, Italy 2008 Paschi Eroica Road Cycling sai was the first Swiss national championships, in 2008 Switzerland was the first M Stettlen 2007 Switzerland was the first in 2006 was the first Ruishiboning root 2005 Switzerland was the first H Highway Cycling Merit 2007 Rui Shibu Kruger was second in Paris - Roubaix bicycle sai , 2006 France was the first R Roubaix France was second in
Roubaix F Denmark Post bike sai The 2006 final ranking was the first Danish F ring The 2006 Belgian Flanders Cycling Road Cycling sai M Etruscan - Adriatic bike sai , 2008 Italy's Benetton and child care - Badelt-care was the first in the Central bike sai Luxembourg, Luxembourg Central Di Jixi 2005, bike sai Central California, the United States in 2008 in Pasadena, California, Athens, Greece in 2004 was the 10th i Olympics & &瑞士法比安坎切拉拉在世界锦标赛:2004 意大利巴多利诺上获得第八名,2005 西班牙马德里上获得第三名,2006 奥地利萨尔茨堡上获得第一名,2007 德国斯图加特上获得第一名;2005 法国莱塞比耶自行车赛获得第七名;佛兰德E3自行车大奖赛获得第二名;2007 比利时哈勒尔贝克公路自行车赛获得第二名;佛罗伦萨-皮斯托亚自行车赛,2004 意大利皮斯托亚获得第四名;根特-维佛根自行车赛获得第四名;公路自行车赛 2005 比利时维佛根获得第四名;2006 比利时维佛根获得第六名;HEW自行车经典赛 2005 德国汉堡公路自行车赛第四名;2006 德国比尔,路克挑战赛第二名;米兰-圣雷莫公路自行车赛获得第二名;2008 意大利圣雷莫公路自行车赛获得第一名;2008 意大利锡耶纳 Monte Paschi Eroica 公路自行车赛获得第一名;瑞士全国锦标赛,在2008 瑞士Messen 获得第一名;2007 瑞士Stettlen 获得第一名;2006 瑞士伯宁根获得第一名;2005 瑞士Hagendorn获得第一名;公路自行车赛 2007 瑞士布鲁格获得第二名;巴黎-鲁贝自行车赛,2006 法国鲁贝获得第一名;2008 法国鲁贝获得第二名;2005 法国鲁贝获得第八名;丹麦邮政自行车赛决赛排名赛 2006 丹麦腓特烈斯贝获得第一名;环佛兰德自行车赛 2006 比利时Meerbeke 公路自行车赛获得第六名;伊特鲁里亚-亚得里亚海自行车赛,2008 意大利圣贝内代托-德尔特龙托获得第一名;在环卢森堡自行车赛,2005 环卢森堡迪基希,获得第二名;环加利福尼亚自行车赛,在2008 美国加利福尼亚帕萨迪纳,获得第四名;2004 希腊雅典个人计时赛获得第十名;奥运会 2008 北京奥运会男子公路个人赛季军。laise是什么意思,laise在线翻译,laise什么意思,laise的意思,laise的翻译,laise的解释,laise的发音,laise的同义词,laise的反义词,laise的例句,laise的相关词组,laise意思是什么,laise怎么翻译,单词laise是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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foreign minister是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释百科解释外交部部长外交部长外交大臣外务省:&&&&adj. 1.外国的;外交的。 2.外国来[产]的;外省 ...:&&&&n. 1.部长;阁员,大臣;〔pl.〕政府。 2.公使; ...
例句与用法1.The reich foreign minister dilated upon the might of his country .这个德国外交部长大肆夸耀他的国家的威力。2.The ambassador of ... asks for an appointment with the vice foreign minister .某大使要求约见外交部副部长。3.When he was foreign minister later, he and i often crossed swords .后来他担任外交部长时,他同我经常要交锋。4.Pompiou replaced the voluble foreign minister maurice schumann .蓬皮杜撤掉了能言善辩的外交部长莫里斯舒曼。5.First he called upon all the foreign ministers in their hotel suites .他首先到所有外交部长住的旅馆套间去拜访。6.Foreign minister fahmy was barely discernible at the bottom of the stairs .外交部长法赫米站在舷梯下面,隐约可见。7.The central american foreign ministers were committed to a hard line .中美洲国家的外长都已得到了采取强硬路线的指示。8.Let the portuguese foreign minister find out for himself how bad things were .让葡萄牙外交部长自己去发现事情是怎样糟糕吧。9.The foreign minister fielded with ease all the questions the correspondents had raised .这位外交部长对记者提出的问题对答如流。10.The foreign minister was infuriated by the negotiations that had proceeded during his absence .外相对于他离国期间进行的谈判极为愤怒。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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