
CDS spread是什么意思_CDS spread在线翻译_CDS spread什么意思_CDS spread的意思_CDS spread的翻译_911查询
CDS spread是什么意思
CDS spread是什么意思 CDS spread在线翻译 CDS spread什么意思 CDS spread的意思 CDS spread的翻译 CDS spread的解释 CDS spread的发音 CDS spread的同义词
CDS spreadCDS spread 网络例句1. CDX index is composed of the different credit reference entity`s CDS, and CDX index spread is determined by the credit risk of the economic system. & &将不同信用参考实体公司的CDS组成CDX指数,其指数的价差则主要决定於整体的大环境之信用风险。2. Analytic pricing formula exists under some appropriate specification on the jump part of the CDS spread dynamics. & &藉著对跳跃部份的特别设定我们能够推导出解析的定价公式。3. Dubai's sovereign CDS spread has increased by about 200bp on the back of this news, while the risk of some of its quasi-public entities moved even wider. & &消息公布后,迪拜的主权信用违约互换的利差激增200个基点,该国一些准公共机构的利差升幅更大。4. We propose a jump-diffusion credit market model that treats the CDS spread as the major variable to value a credit default swaption, in which the jumps are modeled by the marked point processes as well as the compound Poisson processes. & &本文提出一个跳跃扩散模型,将信用违约交换的价差当作主要变数来计算信用违约交换选择权的价格,其中跳跃的部份是以标点过程以及复合波式过程来描述。5. Thus, the gambit of converting into bank while not being banks yet has not worked and the run against them has accelerated in the last week: Morgan`s CDS spread went through the roof on Friday to over 1200 and the firm has already lost over a third of its hedge funds clients together with their highly profitable prime brokering business (this is really a kiss of death for Morgan and the coming roll-off of the interbank lines to Morgan would seal its collapse. & &筹划着转型成为银行,但是实际操作离目标还有十万八千里,这么一个困境可谓于事无补。上个星期以来这两家的局面江河日下:摩根斯坦利的CDS息差在星期五坐上火箭一般窜过了1200,他们的对冲基金和向来利润丰厚的经济业务加起来已经流失了超过三分之一的客户(这对他们来说无疑是死亡之吻);而紧接着滚滚而来的银行同业压力会给摩根斯坦利写上一个句号。6. In the pricing of a Bermudan CDSwaption, by assuming that the forward CDS credit spread are log-normally distributed, Tucker and Wei (2005) illustrate some of their applications and propose a binomial tree valuation model. & &而在百慕达式 CDSwaption 的评价中,Tucker and Wei (2005)提出了二元树状模型,在 CDS 远期信用利差之分配为对数常态分配假设下得到近似解,然而在此假设之下,只能捕捉到远期信用利差报酬率分配之一阶动差和二阶动差的性质以致於评价的结果缺乏弹性。7. The buyer makes periodic payments to the seller in exchange for the right to sell the bond issued by the reference entity to the seller for its face value if a default, known as a credit event, occurs. A credit event is typically defined as bankruptcy, failure to pay, or restructuring. The rate of payments made per year is known as the CDS spread and denoted in basis points. & &唯一的区别是,传统保险保人寿或者保财产,一旦有财产损失发生或者生病过世等保险公司就要赔钱,CDS也是一样,参与CDS的两方,一个叫protection buyer,一个叫protection seller,平时protection buyer就付给seller保费(就是这个CDS spread),一旦违约事件发生seller就要对违约进行赔付,所以spread越大表示违约的概率越高,CDS的创造主要是为了将利率风险和违约风险分开单独创设的一种产品。CDS spread是什么意思,CDS spread在线翻译,CDS spread什么意思,CDS spread的意思,CDS spread的翻译,CDS spread的解释,CDS spread的发音,CDS spread的同义词,CDS spread的反义词,CDS spread的例句,CDS spread的相关词组,CDS spread意思是什么,CDS spread怎么翻译,单词CDS spread是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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no spread是什么意思
no spread是什么意思 no spread在线翻译 no spread什么意思 no spread的意思 no spread的翻译 no spread的解释 no spread的发音 no spread的同义词
no spreadno spread 网络解释1. [口]盛宴& & no end 极其, 非常; 大量的 | no end of a spread [口]盛宴 | not fit to be touched with the end of a bargend pole 令人讨厌, 不值得一碰2. 各种各样好吃的东西& & be spread for 摆好(桌子)准备 | no end of a spread 各种各样好吃的东西 | punish the spread 大吃特吃no spread 网络例句1. Currently, there is no treaty to control the spread of space debris. & &目前,还没有相应的条约控制太空碎片的扩散。2. To be sure that if there is no spread of Western civilization, it is impossible for all 100-plus years to happen. & &可以肯定地说,如果没有西方文明的传播,这一切都是不可能在一百多年里发生的。3. It appears that this is an isolated case, with no evidence of further spread or of human-to-human transmission. & &很显然这是一例个案病例,没有进一步蔓延或在人群中传播的迹象。4. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread our further, of which New York is an example. & &世界上的很多城市都已经没有我们生存发展的空间,纽约就是一个例子。5. We no longer believed the rumour spread by them. & &我们再也不相信他们散布的谣言了。6. Currently, there is no treaty to control the spread of space debris. & &目前,还没有颁布相关控制散布空间垃圾的条约。7. No doubt these ideas spread more theoretical value and social significance. & &这些观念传播无疑更具有理论价值和社会意义。no spread是什么意思,no spread在线翻译,no spread什么意思,no spread的意思,no spread的翻译,no spread的解释,no spread的发音,no spread的同义词,no spread的反义词,no spread的例句,no spread的相关词组,no spread意思是什么,no spread怎么翻译,单词no spread是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看spread oneself thin是什么意思
核心提示:spread oneself thin是什么意思?spread是指&伸开, 展开&。字面上看是说把某个人摊平,让他变薄,怎么看起来像是极残酷的减肥方式呢,其实,它是指spread oneself thin是什么意思?spread是指&伸开, 展开&。字面上看是说把某个人摊平,让他变薄,怎么看起来像是极残酷的减肥方式呢,其实,它是指某人承担了太多的工作或责任,像个石碾子把他碾的太薄了,分身无术,过度劳累。1.With the end of the year,I have to spread myself thin to work in several departments at the same time.年终了,我不得不身兼多职同时在几个部门工作。2.You're spreading yourself too thin.你太性急了,最好一件一件地做。3.His health is endangered by spread his thin to work.他的健康因劳累过度而受到损害。spread oneself thin是什么意思
沪江词库精选spread oneself thin是什么意思、英语短语。
中文释义: 承担过多的工作,劳累过度
v.舒展四肢,夸 thin
v. 夸大,奉承
2015spread oneself thin是什么意思由沪江网提供。


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