iacbtyl p2p是什么意思思?

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I am running Ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop using VMware Player. I am not sure why but I have an account called "User Account" in addition to my account that I usually login to use Ubuntu. Well that was just a side comment but basically all I am trying to do is install the ncurses library on Ubuntu. I have tried installing ncurses using the following comand lines:
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev
When I tried installing ncurses twice using the above commands I received the following prompt in the terminal:
[sudo] password for username
When I type in my password I receive the following message:
username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
So far I have tried enabling the root user ("Super User") account by following the instructions at this link:
Here are some of the things the link suggested to do:
Allow an other user to run sudo. Type the following in the command line:
sudo adduser username sudo
sudo adduser username sudo
logging in as another user. Type the following in the command line:
sudo -i -u username
Enabling the root account. Type the following in the command line:
sudo passwd root
I have tried all of the above command lines and after typing in each command I was prompted for my password. After I entered my password I received the same message as when I tried to install ncurses:
fsolano is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
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This question came from our site for system and network administrators.
The config file /etc/sudoers list, who is allowed to run which commands as which user.
On ubuntu this file contains a line allowing all users of the sudo group to run commands as the root user.
To check which users are in the sudo group you can type getent group sudo. You can also check the groups of your current user by typing id.
Probably your current user is not in the sudo group and is therefore not allowed to use the sudo command.
Log in as some sudo enabled user if you want to run sudo.
Follow the link to reset your admin password [sounds like you named your admin user account as 'user' :)]
After that, login as the admin user and execute the following.
sudo usermod -aG sudo,adm fsolano
Now you can login as 'fsolano' and you should be able to run sudo command.
have any other root/admin user than 'fsolano', that is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported:
check sudo enabled users (groups)
# getent group sudo
since the user 'fsolano' is changed to standard user and if you have any other root privileged user, login via the root one and change 'fsolano' to administrator using "User Accounts".
Do this to reset the password for your admin user.
Then you'll be able to grant sudo permission to your regular user with
sudo adduser username sudo
as you posted in your original question.
By the way: why are you installing ncurses?
Are you compiling something?
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