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中文翻译总能力:&&&&n. (套头)工作服,罩衫,(妇女、小儿等的)罩衣;〔p ...:&&&&n. 能,能力,本领,技能;〔pl.〕 才,才能,才干。 ...
例句与用法1.Strengthen practical teaching process , enhance students ' overall abilities提高学生综合能力2.Iv . the composition teaching plays an important role on improving student ' s overall abilities4 、开展作文教学研究活动对提高西北贫困地区农村学生的综合能力具有重要作用。 3.Their healing abilities are good to , and their overall ability to buff themselves to jesus levels are definitely a force to be considered他们的恢复技能也很有用,并且他们那对自己全面的增益技能也要注意。 4.It is the need of constructing modern civilized prison , of preventing crimes and maintaining social stability , of inproving our legal construction to foster professional talents through colleges , to develop criminal judicature undegraduate courses education and to foster overall ability talents of law enforcement management and education走院校专业化培养的道路,发展刑事司法本科教育,为监管一线培养集执法、管理和教育为一体的复合型人才是创建现代化文明监狱的需要,是预防犯罪、维护社会稳定的需要,是推进我国法制化建设进程的需要。 5.It also means that these activities designed should be such as the real life and situation of the students , and clear in objective , inclusive in feedback and evaluation and scientific in arrangement of the tasks . in addition , these activities designed should be colorful and suitable to the taste of different students and aimed at the cultivation of the overall ability of the students所谓任务本身的真实,第一是指实用性,设计时要注意和学生生活与学习经历相结合;第二,任务要有明确的目的,同时要有反馈和评价;第三,任务活动能形成有梯度的连续性的任务环;第四,任务活动要具有多相性;最后任务活动要注意对学生综合技能的培养。 6.In brief , this article aims at helping high school geography teachers strengthen their conscience of experiment teaching , as well as improving the understanding of geography and multi - skill among students , promoting their overall abilities , which will realize the true functions of geography education eventually总之,本文希望通过理论和教学实践,强化中学地理教师开展中学地理实验教学意识,增强学生对地理知识的理解,培养学生的多种能力,提升学生的素质,最终实现地理教育功能。 7.Strongly advocated in the " new standards for middle school english curriculums " is the task - oriented teaching model for english language ( afterwards as totmel ) based on dozens years " practice of teaching foreign languages in foreign countries and this model implements the cultivation of the overall abilities of using english in the actual process of english teaching and attaches importance to such learning methods as experiencing , practicing , participating , exchanging and cooperating with aims to obtaining information , giving , receiving and accomplishing tasks and achieving purposes of tasks in english长期以来,我国英语教学过分重视语言知识的传授,忽视综合语言运用能力的培养,致使“高分低能” “聋哑英语”的现象难以消除。英语任务型教学模式是依据国外几十年外语教学实践而建立的,是我国新课程标准所倡导的新型教学模式。该教学模式,把综合语言运用能力的培养落实在教学过程中,倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式,实现任务的目标,强调在任务的环境中培养学生用英语接受和给予任务、获取信息和完成任务的能力。 8.The research indicates that the each - sided development of stm is uneven balanced although the overall ability of stm for the primary school students increases with the grade advancing . the inhibition of output and the speed of output
but the suppression of dealing with the irrelevant information and the development of the encoding ability of the temporary characteristics develop relatively late . it shows that intrusions and repetitions have no differences in terms of grades advancing while the proportion小学生完成系列回忆任务盯错误类型发展的买验研究从本研究中可以看出,虽然小学生stm整体能力随年级升高而不断提高,但stm能力的各侧面发展是不平衡的,其中输出抑制和输出速度发展最快,而对无关信恩的抑制和暂时特征编码能力发展相对较晚,表现为随年级的升高,侵入错误和重复错误无年级差异,而遗漏和移动错误错误率存在显著差异。 9.We will continue to broaden the outlook of our staff , strengthen their professional skills and keep them up - to - date through international liaison . information technology will be adopted to improve the overall ability of our staff and make the commission an effective and efficient law - enforcement body . the macau government has undergone a smooth transition通过交流活动,与时并进,不断扩阔公署人员的国际视野和专业知识,并配合运用资讯科技的手段,提高公署人员的综合办事能力,使澳门廉政公署成为一个高质素、高效率的执法机构。 10.This measures are , namely , to set up parent - subsidiary company system in chinese tobacco group head office , to unify technique development , to unify the arrangement of the cigarette productivity , to increase the brand concentration , to unify the build of the cigarette marketing network and the logistic sending system , to unify the fund management , to unify the strategy measures to reasonably arranging tobacco resources , so as to promote the overall ability of chinese tobacco head office to compete , all in a bid to build china tobacco ' s core competency然后,本文从战略与环境及资源能力相匹配的角度,规划了中国烟草总公司集团化经营的基本运作模式和组织结构调整方案,提出了增强中国烟草总公司竞争能力的战略措施,即:组建母子公司体制的中国烟草集团总公司,统一进行技术研发,统一进行卷烟生产力布局,提高品牌集中度,统一进行卷烟营销网络和物流配送体系建设,统一进行资金管理,统一进行烟叶资源合理配置等战略实施措施,进而全面提升中国烟草总公司的核心竞争能力。
Some people say that the
fundamental goal for introducing English to primary school children
is to help them develop English language skills and knowledge so
that they are able to use English to communicate with others. We
will say that this is only partly true. What should not be
neglected at the same time is children's overall development as
humam beings. By offering a foreign language at school, we are
aiming to educate "the whole child" rather than only teach them the
language. Therefore, the first priority for teaching English at the
primary school is to cultivate their interest in learning, motivate
them to work hard, help them establish good learning habits and
develop useful learning strategies so that they are ready to
continue with their learning when they move into secondary schools.
Introducing a foreign language to children is like opening up
another window for them to see the other side of the word. This
will arouse their interest and curiosity in different cultures and
different ways of communication. It is hard to imagine that a child
who gets tired of the subject will work hard and make efforts in
learning it. In other words, if a child, after learning English at
the primary school, hates it, you would not expect him/her to work
hard on it&when he\she moves on to the secondary
school. Therefore, motivation and interest in learning are
fundamental to ensure success in learning a foreign language for
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。two lens objective
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two lens objective
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This paper analyses the mode of objective managing for the virtual enterprise as for defining its overall objective, its objective division and its resources distribution, which is expected to gain its share of the market.
This paper introduces the overall objective of the construction of a virtual service desk for university students' dormitory and the scheme of the functional model of the desk, and presents corresponding principles and requirements for the construction of the desk.
First, the dissertation sets the overall objective of the system development according to the practical requirement that the enterprises have on the process design and the functions and establish the function models. IDEFO is utilised to analyze the functions and establish the function models. IDEFlx is used to analyze the data process and set up information models.
By way of analyzing the developing situation of abroad and problem that the Hunan province nonferrous metal new material industry,put forward the overall objective and development strategy,countermeasure measure and policy suggests of the Hunan province nonferrous metal material industry.
The overall objective,technological crux,system function and application of UM71 track circuit technological profession management system were outlined in this paper.
Overall objective response rate(CR+PR) was 36.7%. Clinical benefit rate(CR+PR+SD>6 months) was 50%. Disease control rate(CR+PR+SD) was 80%.
Results: overall objective response rate (complete+partial) was 40.5%(17/42) and 35%(14/40), respectively, in both treatment groups.
The overall objective response rates(complete and partial remissions)in ER positive and negative groups were 7/15 and 0/14, respectively (p<0.05).
Results: Totally 82 cycles were given, 18 of 19 cases were followed and obserced. The overall objective response rate was 61.11%, with CR 11.11%, PR 50%, SD 22.22%,PD16.67%, the median time to progression (TTP) was 6.9
Overall objective response rate was 42.9%.
This method is easy,overall,and objective to appraise.
At the end, the objective and overall evaluation of the system is given.
On Overall Education
查询“overall objective”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Aminoglutethimide was given po 250 mg qid and hydrocortisone po 50 mg bid for more than 1 month (29 courses in 27 oatients). The estrogen receptors (ER) were measured by 3H estradiol binding method. The overall objective response rates(complete and partial remissions)in ER positive and negative groups were 7/15 and 0/14, respectively (p<0.05). In respect of the locations the response rates were: soft tissue 5/9, bone 4/10, and viscera 0/4. The response rate in first relapse of me'tastatic cancer... &&&&&&&&&&&&氨格鲁米特治疗不同ER状态的复发转移乳腺癌29例次,口服剂量为0.25g,qid。持续用药1mo以上。结果表明对ER阳性乳腺癌的有效率为7/15(47%),ER阴性为0/14(p<0.05)。ER阳性乳腺癌中以首次复发转移的病人,骨及软组织病灶的效果相对较好。其副反应不严重,极少需要停药,多可自行消失。临床应用时应通过ER检查,提高治疗的合理性。&&&&&&&& From August 1985 to August 1986, a group of 28 cases of advanced breast cancer were put on trial treatment with Aminoglutethimide made in the Institute of Tianjin Medical Pharmarcology Industry. Aminoglutethimide was given in dosage of 250 mg in combination with prednisone 5 mg 3 times a day. During the follow-up observation 3 patients showed complete remission (10.7%), 9 partial remission (32.2%), 12 stable (42.8%), and 4 progressive (14.3%). Overall objective response rate was 42.9%. Main side... &&&&&&&&&&&&1985年8月至1986年8月,我们用天津医药工业研究所研制的氨苯哌酮试行治疗28例晚期乳腺癌。方法是口服氨苯哌酮每次250mg,每日3次,同时口服强的松,每次5mg,每日3次。经随访观察,肿瘤完全消失3例(10,7%),肿瘤大部消失9例(32,2%),症状缓解12例(42,8%),无效4例(14,3%)。客观有效率42,9%。主要副作用是头昏7例(25%),乏力5例(14,2%),皮肤搔痒3例(10,7%),口干2例(7,1%),食欲减退2例(7,1%),阴道痒感1例(3,6%)。&&&&&&&& In this paper, in three years the adminstrative works of educational practice in Anhui Normal University are studied. The reformations are made as follow: (1) Determination and resolution of overall objective of educational practice for the department o (2) The time and task and requirement of educational practice for the and teacher
(3) The principle for construction of
(4) The system of index, multiplicity of weight and method of... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文就我系近三年来对教育实习管理工作的研究,在如下方面作了改革: 1.体育教育专业教育实习总体目标的确立与分解; 2.班主任实习的时间、任务和要求; 3.实习网点建设的原则; 4.实习成绩评定的指标体系、权重分配和方法。并对今后教育实习的内容和管理办法提出了新的看法。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社&&&objective response rate
Results After the treatment,PR 2,MR 5,SD 8,the objective response rate was 10%.
Objective response rate (CR+PR) was 35%,and response plus stable disease (CR+PR+SD) was 73%.
The objective response rate(RR)was 13.3%(4/30)and disease control rate(DCR)was 70.0%(21/30).
Of all patients,the complete response(CR)was 1 case,partial response(PR)was in 25 cases,stable disease(SD)was in 4 cases,progressive disease was 6 cases,and the objective response rate(RR)and disease control rate(DCR)were 72.2% and 83.3%,respectively.
Overall objective response rate was 42.9%.
Results:The objective response rate(CR+PR)was 52.9% in group A compared to 50.0% in group B(P>0.05).
Results: The objective response rate(CR+PR)was 60.0% in group A compared to 45.9% in group B(P>0.05).
Results:In objective response rate(CR+ PR),there was no statistical difference among group A(31.8%),group B( 23.7%)and group C(22.2%).
Conclusion The present study indicated that L-OHP+CF+5-Fu regimen had lower toxicity,longer median survival time and better QOL than DDP+CF+5-Fu regimen for advanced Gastric cancer,however there was no significant statistical difference in the objective response rate between the two groups.
Conclusion: The present study indicated that TAX+CF+5-Fu regimen had lower toxicity, longer median survival time and better QOL than DDP+CF+5-Fu regimen for advanced Gastric cancer, however there was no significant statistical difference in the objective response rate between the two groups.
Results Objective response rate of 56% (19/34) was achieved with median survival of 16. 5 months, 1 year survival rate of 62% (21/34) and 2 year survival rate of 35% (12/34).
结果客观缓解率为56%(19/34); 中位生存期16.5个月,1年生存率62%(21/34),2年生存率35%(12/34)。
The overall objective response rate among the 20 patients treated with D+N was 45.0% compared with 40.0%(10/25) among those treated with P+C,but there was no significant difference between these two groups(P=0.736).
RESULT S: Objective response rate was 10%with 1 case of complete remission (CR),and 1
case of partial remission (PR), CBR was 70%(14/20), 6-,and 9-month survival r ates were 58.8%,and 39.2%. Median survival time for all patients was 8.8 month s.
The objective response rate(CR+PR)was 19% with median duration of response of 16 months(8~25months).
[结果]肿瘤客观缓解率(CR +PR)为19%、稳定(S)为46%、进展(P)为35%。 中位缓解期16个月(8~25个月)。
[Results]The objective response rate (ORR) in group A was 70%, and that in group B was 46.7 %. The time of tumor progression(TTP) in group A was 10 months , and that in group B was 6 months. The median survival time(MST) in group A was 21 months, and that in group B was 13 months.
The objective response rate(CR+PR)was 26.5% in group A compared to 22.2% in group B(P>0.05).
[结果]A、B两组(CR +PR)分别为26.5%及22.2 % ,P>0.05 ;
The objective response rate was CR3(8.3%), PR11(30.6%),SD12(33.3%), and PD10(27.8%) respectively.
The objective response rate was 41.9%, with a complete remission (CR) rate of 9.6%.
总有效率(response rate,RR)为41.9%(13/31),完全缓解(complete remission,CR)3例(9.6%)。
Results The clinical objective response rate was 76.6% (124/162),CR was 20.4%(33/162),PR was 56.2%(91/162),SD was 23.5%(38/162).
Results:An objective response rate was observed in 41.9% of patients in continuous group with 1 CR, 12 PR,15 SD and 3 PD, versus 44.1% (P>0
05), with 1 CR, 14 PR,15 SD and 4 PD.
结果 :治疗组CR 1例 ,PR 12例 ,SD 15例 ,PD 3例 ,治疗有效率 41 9%,对照组CR 1例 ,PR 14例 ,SD 15例 ,PD 4例 ,治疗有效率 44
1%,两组无显著性差异 (P >0
查询“objective response rate”译词为用户自定义的双语例句&&&&我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Intralymphatic polychemotherapy was performed in 31 patients with advanced or recurrent malignant neoplasms, including 8 malignant lym-phomas, 8 gastric cancers, 8 ovarian cancers, 4 colo -rectal cancers and 3 other malignancies. Pathological diagnosis were available in all cases except one cases of mediastinal malignant lymphoma. Of the 31 cases there were 19 males and (?)The ages (?)years caverage 48.8 years(?). Thedrugs used in the intraiyphat ic polyehemothe (1) Me thotrexat e 150mg... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文报告经淋巴管内灌注多联抗癌药物治疗晚期或复发转移恶性肿瘤31例,其中恶性淋巴瘤8例,胃癌8例,卵巢癌8例,直肠肛管癌4例,其他癌3例,除1例纵膈恶性淋巴瘤外,全部经病理证实。男性19例,女性12例,年龄从30~67岁,平均年龄48.8岁,每次灌注剂量,胃癌、直肠癌、卵巢癌用甲氨喋啶150mg+5-Fu2000mg+环磷酰胺1200恶性淋巴瘤用环磷酰胺1600mg+甲氨喋啶150mg。治疗结果12例取得完全或部份缓解,总的有效率为38.7%,对恶性淋巴瘤和卵巢癌疗效较好,认为淋巴管内灌注抗癌药物能提高一些肿瘤的切除率和治愈率,化疗反应轻,值得推广应用。&&&&&&&& In this paper, we present our clinical experience with the use of transplantation of vascuarized iliac bone grafts with deep bronchcs of superior gluteal vessels in 30 children for ischemic necrosis of femoral head from 1983 to 1985. The results were promising with a follow-up of 3-24 months. The overall major objective response rate was 93.34%. The present study also atlemple to elucidate anatomy and microsugery correlated with superior gluteal vessels. In addition, recommendation are mad... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文报道我科年采用带臀上血管深上支髂骨瓣移植术,治疗小儿股骨头缺血性坏死的一种新技术,通过临床治疗30例术后随访3~24个月,疗效满意,优级23例,良级5例,无效2例,总优良率达93.24%。同时阐述了该血管的有关解剖、显微解剖学资料、手术方法,和作者的体会。&&&&&&&& From August 1985 to August 1986, a group of 28 cases of advanced breast cancer were put on trial treatment with Aminoglutethimide made in the Institute of Tianjin Medical Pharmarcology Industry. Aminoglutethimide was given in dosage of 250 mg in combination with prednisone 5 mg 3 times a day. During the follow-up observation 3 patients showed complete remission (10.7%), 9 partial remission (32.2%), 12 stable (42.8%), and 4 progressive (14.3%). Overall objective response rate was 42.9%. Mai... &&&&&&&&&&&&1985年8月至1986年8月,我们用天津医药工业研究所研制的氨苯哌酮试行治疗28例晚期乳腺癌。方法是口服氨苯哌酮每次250mg,每日3次,同时口服强的松,每次5mg,每日3次。经随访观察,肿瘤完全消失3例(10,7%),肿瘤大部消失9例(32,2%),症状缓解12例(42,8%),无效4例(14,3%)。客观有效率42,9%。主要副作用是头昏7例(25%),乏力5例(14,2%),皮肤搔痒3例(10,7%),口干2例(7,1%),食欲减退2例(7,1%),阴道痒感1例(3,6%)。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社


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